Baby formula

Posted by $ kddr22 2 years, 7 months ago to Politics
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Just had a discussion with Abbot rep in my office and was informed that there were no findings of contamination in the factory and this has been known since 4-9-22 and the FDA still has not released them to restart making it...Passing this along as I know it has been a topic

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  • Posted by NealS 2 years, 7 months ago
    Notice still how the media fails to report this little tidbit of fact, that the allegations were false in the first place. Has anyone checked out the stock prices on Abbot or investigated who's bought and sold it? It might be the Pelosi's, they have a real scheme knack for manipulating stocks and profiting from it. Who just said they are gearing jump to try to pick up the slack? Who is ahead of this story, again leading to a profit from stock purchases and sales?
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  • Posted by term2 2 years, 7 months ago
    very interesting. another government f*&^ up. I think the FDA powers should be removed IMMEDIATELY. They can publish data, but no power to remove items or prevent them from being made.
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    • Posted by $ 2 years, 7 months ago
      This delay is on the FDA as they are still delaying Abbott even though nothing was found on the investigation from what I have seen in the reports
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      • Posted by term2 2 years, 7 months ago
        I started and run a company in the early 1970's manufacturing medical devices. We pioneered many unique products in the neonatal care area. Once the FDA took over medical devices in 1976, we were forbidden to manufacture and sell any product UNTIL it was approved by the FDA. The review window was originally 90 days , and slowly it grew to 18 months, and now a company has to go to an outside consulting firm to even submit a request for approval.

        I got out of the medical business in 1984, because it just made no business sense for a small company to have to wait when it was trying to compete with larger companies who had "ways to shortcut the process".

        I am NOT a fan of the FDA. I think it is filled with bureaucratic idiots and it doesnt serve the public at all- just serves itself.

        I dont know how many others like myself who have "gone galt", but this is one of the ways the economy is stalled undet statism
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        • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 7 months ago
          "I am NOT a fan of the FDA. I think it is filled with bureaucratic idiots and it doesnt serve the public at all- just serves itself." And the FDA is not alone in government agencies serving themselves.
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          • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 7 months ago
            FDA and the revolving door to big Pharma and back again is one big circle jerk , hurting our health and stealing our money. Any and I repeat anyone who actually fights for truth and safety is Quickly ousted or worse. Follow the money indeed.
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          • Posted by term2 2 years, 6 months ago
            the main problem was that the government gave the FDA the power to prevent a company from releasing product UNTIL it obtained approval from the FDA. If FDA approval was not required in order to manufacture and sell, it would have turned out a lot different. As it is, FDA bureaucrats are gods who do what they want to protect the FDA from any criticism.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 2 years, 7 months ago
      Now, what is it? With the vaccines the FDA wasn't strict enough by many in the Gulch while with infant formula it is being too strict. Yes, it should be a means for studying safety such as with the GRAS list, but no power to force its opinions on the US economy.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 7 months ago
        Seriously forcing , mandating and using coercion tactics on human beings to take an emergency use experimental MRNA serum that provides zero immunity and you think the FDA’s interests were in people’s health? When the source of contamination was a dangerous lot of tainted distilled water that had been used by some mothers when mixing a top selling baby formula
        Resulted in tragedy. The FDA ignores the fact that the baby formula was safe and the FDA still keeps production shut down. In the mean time Deaths from the MRNA mandated concoction keep climbing. What world are you in TV land?
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        • Posted by lrshultis 2 years, 7 months ago
          I presume that the illnesses were from cronobacter which occurs in a few infants each year.


          I happen to live on the Earth where micro organisms are ubiquitous. Where did you find that a contaminated distilled water was the cause of the illnesses?

          MRNA vaccines produce antibodies for a certain glycoprotein and do produce some memory B cells but SARS CVD2 virus mRNA vaccines don't work as well as other vaccines.
          I have very bad arrhythmia which the vaccines can cause hospitalization or death according to a study where of 34 million subjects about 300,000 were hospitalized or died in 28 days after the injection with the mRNA vaccines. So I chose not to get the vaccine but have had heavy social anxiety my whole life so have no problem being highly isolated from others.
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  • Posted by $ puzzlelady 2 years, 7 months ago
    Sounds like we're being prepped for food shortages across the board but won't be allowed to stock up or "hoard". Now I have to wonder, if this is true, who is engineering all this, and why? Shouldn't we, the people, exercise the same pollution control over officials who have given themselves the power to interrupt the supply and demand relationships of our population?
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  • Posted by lloydwr53 2 years, 7 months ago
    This is very curious I compels me to pose a question, for tens of thousands of years humanity has survived without baby formula from Abbott. How is that possible? How could babies survive without artificially made formula?

    My wife is Chinese and tells me in China they actually use real mother's milk and then switch the baby slowly over to rice porridge. Worked for them for a few thousand years. But now????

    This brings up yet another question along a similar line, how did teenagers survive for thousands of years without cell phones? Just asking.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 2 years, 7 months ago
      It had be noticed in the early 1900's that many babies were what was considered under developing. A product called PABLUM was developed, somewhat like today's formulas, which helped nourish infants. As more knowledge about what a baby needs for development, the latest formulas were developed but the FDA kept its heavy hand on it causing today's shortages.
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      • Posted by lloydwr53 2 years, 7 months ago
        interesting history notes, my point is simply this, nature provides for everything if we know how to use it. Advanced chemistry is not needed except in particular circumstances such as specific illness. Thus the development of pharma.

        The intentional creation of any shortage, baby formula to lumbar, I would consider a criminal act in this case created by a criminal government.
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        • Posted by lrshultis 2 years, 7 months ago
          "The intentional creation of any shortage, baby formula to lumbar [sic], I would consider a criminal act in this case created by a criminal government."

          It is not necessarily intentional or criminal, but due to human stupidity when trying to be altruistic. Great causes apparently beget great stupidity and a high degree of selflessness to overlook even the affect of the ones actions on ones own self. Turning over lives, especially babies, to those with legal use force is insanity.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 7 months ago
        “Early 1900’s many babies considered under developing” hmmm let’s see... if we say some subjective science and we create a problem ....
        or pablum in this case we can profit from the
        Solution. Sounds like the PlanDEMic to me.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 7 months ago
    Well what lab was preparing the formula that is giving newborn preeme's that fatal disease that is being touted on TV ads in a Class Action lawsuit? I hope that's the one that got shut down.
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