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Shee-it, y'all! It's gonna be babies cryin' wah-wah-wah everywhere ya wanna go!
We gonna have a population explosion! Baby Boomers like me dino gonna look like nuttin! Where we gonna put all the babies?
Added to that, think about all them thar pregnant guys and gals illegally crossin' the border! And they already be a-gettin' all the baby formula.
I mean.... he probably has a bad case of Pre menstrual syndrome or womenapause and is without tampons due to the Covid supply chain issues.
It always reminds me I lack boobs to nurse a baby should I ever have one.
That vacuous look on the "After University" shot pretty much nails it.
Sitting in the classroom, thinking it's a drag.
Listening to the teacher rap, just ain't my bag.
The noon bell rings, you know that's my cue
I'm gonna meet the boys up on floor number two.
Smokin' in the boys' room
Smokin' in the boys' room
Now, teacher, don't you fill me up with your rules
But everybody knows that smokin' ain't allowed in school.
-- Brownsville Station
This is screaming to be parodied.
P.S. I was so disappointed with the video for missing this obvious opportunity. I think I'm going to work on it.