Eric Hoffer
Posted by lrshultis 2 years, 10 months ago to Philosophy
For those to young to remember the philosopher/longshoreman Eric Hoffer, I saw one of my favorite quotes that fits most contemporary movements as well as in the past: “Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.”
The URL has over 300 Eric Hoffer quotes.
The URL has over 300 Eric Hoffer quotes.
I was hoping for much of my life that humanity would grow bright and objectively rational but have watched it descend more and more into supernaturalism and authoritarianism, especially here in the USA. It started a quick downward spiral with the acceptance of the idea of the US as a "homeland" resulting in homeland security and now the "disinformation board" will end in government censoring even of thought.
Here in the Gulch I expected to be among those who are fully rational but find some advocating pseudoscience, non-evidentiary medicine, and a few for faith over reason.