Reckoning With Insanity, Part Two, by Robert Gore (Straight Line Logic)

Posted by straightlinelogic 2 years, 7 months ago to Government
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What you see is the only explanation that fits. They are trying to kill themselves and everyone else: suicidal genocide. Don’t choke on this last red pill, although it’s the hardest to swallow. It leaves you standing at the edge of an abyss, a soulless void, but it has the virtue of explanation. And it leaves you with certainty: you must protect yourself and those you love—you’re stronger than you think, and fight them with everything you have—they’re weaker than you, or they, think.

There is no way to prepare for nuclear holocaust and you might not want to be one of the survivors. If humanity stops short of that final destination we must do everything we can to fight our suicidal murderers. Murderous hatred builds nothing, it only destroys. Tax theft, regulatory extortion, and mountains of debt that will never be repaid mark their inability to produce. They need us for that. It’s the linchpin of their schemes for subjugation and our point of attack.

This is an excerpt. For the complete article, please click the above link.

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  • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 7 months ago
    The nuclear war scenario seems to be raising its ugly head more and more. Scary there are some that think they can do it and get away with it.

    Excellent writing, SLL, thanks.

    "I and other bloggers are sometimes criticized as keyboard warriors who only highlight problems without proposing solutions. Okay, here’s a strategy at least, although it’s not a complete solution: attack the Ruling Caste and their governments at their weakest point—indebtedness and inability to produce." I can still recall Hillary Clinton saying 401ks and IRAs should be taxed, presumably as they accumulate capital gains. As government goes broke it will happen.
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