Are You a John Galt or Ragnar Danneskjold?

Posted by net5000 11 years, 7 months ago to Philosophy
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So which is it, are you a John Galt, Ragnar Danneskjold, Dagny Taggart, Francisco d'anconia, or Hank Rearden?

ADMIN EDIT: Changed "Gault" to "Galt"

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  • Posted by mvir9 11 years, 7 months ago
    The better question is who would I like to have a romantic liaison with? Francisco--hands down. :-) But to answer the original question: when considering the characters as archetypes, I see some of myself in each and some of myself in none.
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  • Posted by brian 11 years, 7 months ago
    That's actually a great question. On first pass I wanted to say, "Hank Rearden" but then I thought, "I work for someone, not really a Rearden type." Rearden to me epitomizes the emphasis on standing on your on, on a doer. Rearden wants to say, "I'm not nor will I ever be your puppet, no matter how much you twist the knife."

    Galt just kind of said, "You guys are illegitimate" and went off to do his own thing, his way. Both are similar because they are doers, creators. But they definitely had different ways of handling it.

    Ragnar really wanted to just visibly pose a problem to the takers: "You can't have it that easily."

    Dagny was more of a, "... from my cold dead fingers" kind of a girl. She knew it was wrong, and she didn't want to let go what she had taken so much pride in building.

    D' Anconia, there's a strange bird. He threw it all away, almost as for revenge, but for revenge for the ideas of collectivism more than anything else. A real show of how crony capitalism doesn't work, or at least can be exposed. But his was at a great cost to his personal wealth and family name. His may have been the biggest sacrifice in the name of ideals.

    Probably Galt. Galt didn't mind working with someone as long as the ideals were pure and honest. Once they went off the rails, so to speak, he knew there was a better way and left it all to pursue it.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 11 years ago
    As both a chemical engineer and a materials scientist with emphasis in nanotech and energy, I am part Francisco, part Rearden, part Galt, and completely Quentin Daniels, Galt's assistant from Utah Instittute of Technology.
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  • Posted by Cibby4Ever 11 years, 7 months ago
    I identify with Hank Rearden, being an engineer and not of a PC ilk. If it is the best on the globe, use it until somebody beats it. Simple concept.

    I can shrug off the Nay-Sayers, as they speak from weakness while watching their fannies.

    We built that!
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    • Posted by UncommonSense 11 years ago
      I couldn't agree more. I'm a Systems Engineer (IT-Centric) and know that emotional-based engineering doesn't work. =) Fact-based is the only way to go, not just in Engineering but in general Life as well.
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    • Posted by khalling 11 years, 7 months ago
      by best on the globe, to what are you referring? economic freedom? we are 19th in the world.
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      • Posted by Cibby4Ever 11 years ago
        I was more along the 'build a better mousetrap' line of thought.

        I've been a longtime user/critic of Microsoft, eg, but it's only in recent years that I could afford to transition to Apple. Employers also required PC-compatible's because of tools that had been built.

        The makers must stay on top of their field, or they become vulnerable to being drug down by the takers.
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  • Posted by hotwired 11 years, 7 months ago
    It's difficult because I fell in love with the Characters and they are all so much larger than life that my humilty gives me a hard time comparing myself to any of them, but I'll have to say I "approach" Ragnar.
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  • Posted by khalling 11 years, 7 months ago
    I like this post, net
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    • Posted by 11 years, 7 months ago
      Thanks, I just kept comparing myself to Hank in almost every way but I have evolved my strategy and re-framed my reaction somewhere between Galt and Ragnar. I have the heart to be a Ragnar but I am an empire builder. Something has to be done. I like both paths.
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      • Posted by khalling 11 years, 7 months ago
        they had to give it up in the end, net
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        • Posted by 11 years, 7 months ago
          Oh I know. I am looking at it from already being in the Gulch. It's a familiar new world here when you can visit. I am sure the old world will collapse without producers between Moochers and Looters. But do you try to recover the stolen resources or do you take a simple job in the old world until you can build the Gulch full time? It's a matter of stages and changing orientation.
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  • Posted by richrobinson 11 years ago
    I would say I am Ragner Danneskjold. He was very important to the cause but stayed more in the background. I tend to do that. Hope they can work his character into ASIII. He did not get much attention in the first two movies.
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