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$20 comparison nails it!
How are you feeling Sir? We all wish you a speedy recovery!
Now take another gander at the $20 bill in the second-to-last mime. Methinks the most important thing I learned from watching that show is that Jackson ABSOLUTELY HATED paper money.
Me dino thinks it likely that any people in the know were laughing at Jackson when they put his face on that piece of paper.
When that tiny spot on my palm reappears itching to spread a rash all over my left hand, a little dab puts it back to sleep each and every time.
I looked at those grounds on the Internet , the place looked spectacular.
Niece Amy (the oldest) and her husband are now raising two little of my grand nieces in Tallahassee, Florida.
👍 DOB. ;^)
Let’s go Calvin Klein.
Damn I wish I could unsee that.
Janitor: I wish this applied to everyone.
Evil calling out other evil = jealousy. I say we call for a cage match.
Be Kind: Amen, brother.