Just a Quick Question
Posted by Dennis55 2 years, 10 months ago to Ask the Gulch
Hi all— assuming our right to privacy does anyone know how many -reasonably daily readers-there are in our gulch? I was just curious. I’m not as regular as I would like but curious. I don’t tweet, FB, instagram etc etc. The gulch is my social media. I wondered what our “reach” is.
I used to be a GG “producer” and would look in every day. But my shrug job is keeping me very busy for 66. And I’m a little slower……. Thanks.
I used to be a GG “producer” and would look in every day. But my shrug job is keeping me very busy for 66. And I’m a little slower……. Thanks.
I am also a daily reader, rarely post, but enjoy the commentary of the regulars. I tend to keep a low profile. I watch social media but never post; I practice and preach objectivism in my business and employee relations whenever and wherever possible.
I did an analysis then regarding activity based on point totals of members at the time.
(This assumes that there is some correlation between activity and points.)
A snap-shot pie chart of the result is:
It showed that 85.45% of all points were garnered by 60 members with more than 1000 points, etc.
FWIW-when I was engaged in my career and would send or respond to 50-100 emails per day my who is John Galt signature received a lot of varied responses. Only a handful from a base of 1300 accounts, vendors, support, customers, had a clue as to what I meant. From there maybe 2 people were knowledgeable and supportive and the remaining 3 or so read AS in college and never embraced the message.
I never waiver in my objectivist values but have been reenergized in the last few weeks watching the DC circus. These characters exceed AS portrayal of the looter/moocher class.
I suggested to the web masters that a more 'objectivist' points trading arrangement made sense at the time,
instead of the unlimited (essentially "free stuff") up-votes that other social networking sites employ. It would
have complicated the site though, and I think that was the primary reason the existing system was retained.