Beware, there's a cannibal coming tonight. (Yes, this is a click-bait title.;^)
Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 8 months ago to Science
"When one CME slams into Earth's magnetic field and another one follows, that's known as a "cannibal CME" and can result in "tangled magnetic fields and compressed plasmas that can spark strong geomagnetic storms" according to SpaceWeather, meaning that the dazzling northern lights will be seen closer to the equator than usual.
"Because these two have merged together or are merging together, that's often an indication that the CME will be a bit stronger. It's more stuff coming.
"Also, it means that there's a better chance that the magnetic field will disturb the Earth's magnetic field," said Alex Young, a solar astrophysicist at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center."
"When one CME slams into Earth's magnetic field and another one follows, that's known as a "cannibal CME" and can result in "tangled magnetic fields and compressed plasmas that can spark strong geomagnetic storms" according to SpaceWeather, meaning that the dazzling northern lights will be seen closer to the equator than usual.
"Because these two have merged together or are merging together, that's often an indication that the CME will be a bit stronger. It's more stuff coming.
"Also, it means that there's a better chance that the magnetic field will disturb the Earth's magnetic field," said Alex Young, a solar astrophysicist at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center."
I'm ready.
Slice, salt, dehydrate...jerky.
Cook pork and get 5 gallon crocks. Cover with lard. I have to check if this is possible with beef and poultry. Might have some sort of enzyme issue regarding decomposition.
I'm in similar position. Not enough jars to cover freezer spoilage potential....but mom and I are going shopping today. We'll be converting a lot of "creditor" paper to assets.
"A sound man is good at salvage,
At seeing that nothing is lost.
Having what is called insight."
And good experience from "chasing parked cars". This is why my forehead slopes.
Boy Scout? Woodsman and Seaman. I'm the surf and turf of humanity. Faced my death more times than can count and not really scared of anything except what humans are capable of in a state of depravity. Mindless virus creatures we've become en masse, devouring resources, polluting with abandon. I'm ready for the extinction event to ramp up. Those who are willing to work in the arena of first-hand mortal dependency are welcome. My early years were magical in living on the lean side of prosperity, foraging, farming, fishing and forestry. Vocation brought me to foundry, metals. The foundational five are lost on most today.
From Peter Mayer song:
The things I need come from these shelves
They all just seem to make themselves
I plant no seed and I tend no vine
and I have no feast at harvest time.
Cut no wood
Bake no bread
Spin no wool to warm my head
Put no paint on the canvas white
To take a picture takes less of my time.
So fast.....
Where are we going so fast?
"Yes I am a pirate, born two hundred years too late."
It's a sad, pity me kind of song, but I understand why he wrote it. I too wish that comet from hell would hit. Our species needs a heavy duty wake up call before it brings itself to extinction without any outside help. I've had enough close calls that death isn't something I fear, but you are right about fearing my fellow humans, because they will lose their humanity in a crisis.
Excerpt from chapter 4, The Human Paradigm; What is the human mind... (Quora; Meta-Mind) By Dan Appleton.
"What is really happening? "Evil-ness is happening." Evil-ness is displacing civility on the Information Highway. It is purposefully resetting the rules of right and wrong, overriding social norms, and dividing us into easier to control cults. What do cults do? They go to war with each other. In the Noise Age, they go to cyberwar.
"Evil" means deliberately violating accepted principles of right and wrong. For our species, there are three basic lists of right and wrong: the Personal List, the Social List, and Nature's List. Your Personal List is probably more detailed than Social Lists like the Bill of Rights, the Ten Commandments, or the Communist Manifesto, but your Personal List is largely a reflection of some Social List.
Social Lists are under attack in the Noise Age. Evil emerges as the destruction of Social Lists renders Personal Lists victims of uncertainty.
How does uncertainty enter your mind? Simple. Your mind is a fabric of thoughts woven from language. Language is words and meanings composing your thoughts. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch told us, "... words are how the law constrains power." He is really saying the truth: You do not control the words and meanings of your thoughts; they control you.
I like my simpler lifestyle of present. Pruned fruit trees today. No politics at all. No stupid narrative. Enjoying the 40's and sunshine. Homemade cream of asparagus soup to finish with fresh bread and rolls. Now where was that coronal mass ejection? I just forgot in the pleasure of the day.
My absolute favorite is IRL
In Real Life.
They actually have a code for meeting up in person. Once, meeting up in person used to be the norm.
got lots of backup stuff in EMP protection
Nothing a little tinfoil "hat" and copper garland can't handle.