A couple of Math Questions from a Missouri public school district.
Y = X +2
3X+6Y = 12
Angelou was sexually abused by her mothers _ at age 8 , which shaped her career choices and motivation for writing.
A. (0,2). Boyfriend
B. (4,6) Brother
C. (3,4). Father
5. X = Y-1
Y = -4x
Trying to support her son as a single mother, she worked as a pimp , prostitute and a _.
A. (-3 , -2). Bookie
B. ( 9,10). Drug dealer
C. (4 , 5). Exotic Dancer
The more you know.
3X+6Y = 12
Angelou was sexually abused by her mothers _ at age 8 , which shaped her career choices and motivation for writing.
A. (0,2). Boyfriend
B. (4,6) Brother
C. (3,4). Father
5. X = Y-1
Y = -4x
Trying to support her son as a single mother, she worked as a pimp , prostitute and a _.
A. (-3 , -2). Bookie
B. ( 9,10). Drug dealer
C. (4 , 5). Exotic Dancer
The more you know.
Answer -1/5 and 4/5, public-school teacher
In senior calculus our teacher messed up a problem and about 10% of the class of 30 spent half the testing period discussing the issue with the teacher.
The problem had an obvious (but wrong) whole number answer, while the correct answer was less obvious.
Ultimately the teacher admitted his error and ... drum roll ... gave everyone credit for a correct answer.
(Trophies For Everyone!!!!)
Yes, the 3 who actually were correct received personal satisfaction and no credit for actually understanding the problem, but why reward merit, that's racist.
In real life, aren't all answers obvious whole numbers?
It takes a village to screw up a child.
Oct 21, 2020 2:41:31 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a95dd3 No. 11192505
Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.
Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]?
Difficult truths.
I hear and I forget.
I see and I remember.
I do and I understand.
What went wrong?
Was in a ninth grade algebra book as an example.
Sorry it’s note a joke. I am thankful that this is being exposed. It shows the degree of EVIL we are fighting.
Feel free to verify.