Illinois Education Standards Call for 8-Year-Old Children to be Taught about Masturbation and Transgenderism
Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 11 months ago to Entertainment
New education standards in the state of Illinois call for children as young as 8 years of age to be taught how to masturbate and to learn about drugs that can be used to induce their so-called gender transition.
The standards were developed as a result of Senate Bill 818, which was signed into law by Illinois Democrat Gov. JB Pritzker last year. He claimed it was a reform that would modernize the state’s “sex education standards will help keep our children safe and ensure important lessons like consent and internet safety are taught in classrooms.”
The standards were developed as a result of Senate Bill 818, which was signed into law by Illinois Democrat Gov. JB Pritzker last year. He claimed it was a reform that would modernize the state’s “sex education standards will help keep our children safe and ensure important lessons like consent and internet safety are taught in classrooms.”
They Science(TM)-up their opinions with Organic Chemistry words like cis and trans (trans fatty acid, or cis double bond.)
When it gets political, they can piss off. When professors encourage marching, they are guilty of the violence at the march. About 2/3rds of the social "science" professors all deserve hemlock anyway.
To the Alphabet People I say, my pronouns are:
Fuck, and You.
The trans isomer is the one with minimal energy and where you actually have two true opposites.
The cis isomer does not have the same degree of symmetry.
I am a chemical engineer. I should know. I once designed a sensor for separating cis and trans isomers.
And I don't accept the government $. Compare me to Quentin Daniels from Atlas Shrugged. It is a very apt comparison.
learning to operate dangerous equipment so
they can work in a manufacturing plant at 10
years old. I know I want my car assembled by a
10 year old.
“explain that gender aggression and gender identity exist along a spectrum,”
Yes, teachers are now the aggressors.
I don't mind a little bit of sex education, like Normal biology. Buy masturbation instructions? kids will figure this out on their own!
They are trying to turn young girls into sex starved sex slaves. Leave the kids alone!!!
Write your Congress Critter to vote NO on Judge Jackson. Child Sex Slave Enabler.
Thank goodness, her term was short...
You get one shot with your kids. Even that sometimes doesn't work, but you have to try.
Write your Congressman to oppose the SCJ appointment of a child rape enabler Jackson.
If you teach children about sex well before they are sexually mature. They will thinQ sex is just like math or reading , perfectly groomed for the predator.
This desensitizing of children and sex is satanic perversions out in the open.
"Jennifer" Prickster has a new song for the alma mater. To the tune of the Bonedocks (typo-graphic-all error)
She's got a dumb stick
Between her drumsticks
That's the kind of hard-ware my gurl was born with
I love (her)?, she loves me
We don''t care bout society (very evident)
Lord have mercy on a gurl born with a dumb-stick.
Minnesota is so fucked. Well, one of their representatives is Mentally Ill han Ohno mar.
(Satanic luciferian Globalist Pedo file Cabal).