We do NOT have an energy problem: we have a Biden/socialist moochers problem
Posted by Storo 3 years ago to Government
This report tells us what we need to know. If Biden and his gang of moochers were “green”, and concerned about climate change, he wouldn’t be flying all over the world begging foreign dictators to increase their oil production. Yet that’s what he does, and shuts down our ability to produce our own oil, that we have in abundance, according to the USGS.
Now is the time to be vocally heard, in line at the cashier , or at a cafeteria or Pub. Even the doctors office. You will find the uncomfortable snide looks or scoffs will be nothing relative to your inability to acquire life supplies. Call the Coup de tate for what it is an election stolen from the people, just like our livelihood and Freedom has been slowly ripped away.. If any argue with you , start speaking in their language...baa bah baa baa
We don’t have an energy problem we have an enemy problem.
With all the hoopla, you'd think it was like toilet paper at the beginning of covid!
Current pump prices are based on two main things: Inflation and supply. Inflation is up from the Fed creating money faster than water can flow over Niagara Falls and right now there is a supply of gasoline still around from the C-19 years of people not moving around so much (meaning in spite of the higher price we still have supply). When that burns out I expect gas lines again. Keep in mind oil prices quoted in the news is based on "futures". Looking at current prices I would say the future holds shortages.
In 2021 the US consumed approximately 20,000,000 per day. Oil imports were approximately 5,000,000.
And yes 650,000 barrels is about 3.25% of our total usage.
Drilling on federal land in New Mexico Permian basin under Biden takes over 1 year to get a permit. US also is the most environmentally favorable drilling process in the world. Venezuela, and other countries destroy their environment to get the black gold.
Those Including Piglosy and An Occasional Cortex
Shifty Schmitt , Eric Swallowswell, funny three come from the land of fruits and nuts and the odd ball from the city of RATS.
Joe Biden addressed the National League of Cities on Monday morning 3/14/22. During his mumbling rant Biden told the crowd that 17 Nobel Price Winners in economics wrote to him saying his multi-trillion dollar Build Back Better redistribution plan will ease inflation. Sure and 17 fireman recommended putting gasoline , bombs and explosives to protect property from destructive fires. Or like Fauci did to my daughter 30 years ago by telling Baxter to use Hepatitis C blood donors for “Gamma Guard” . He told me when I asked him what in the world was he thinking. His response was , “It was the best science at the time. We thought those infected donors would give the recipients anti-bodies” FuQing murderer.
Commie economist Paul Krugman is one of the fools who are the other 16. I’m sure the circleback whore will have no answer.
Now I am on my second journey through "The Virtues of Selfishness".and have read "Capitalism-The Unknow Idea" twice along with a few other Rand novels.
That being said for support of my comment:
Zig Ziglar was quoted as saying, " You can have anything you want as long as you provide others what they want". This was not in relation to altruism but in a business where a thinking man proceeds forward, step by logical step, building a life for himself, free from obstruction (altruism and regulatory shackles) to provide what other men consider the value to themselves.
We have an energy problem, a production problem, a creativity problem only because men don't think FOR themselves. They live for others because they are told (and they accept) that it is noble to serve others,(usually only others).
A moocher only puts his "needy" hand out to men that he feels are gullible to place value in it. Marxists (socialists, Leninists, Maoists) all feel it is in their rights that value is a community commodity. We know this (yawn!)
This is a feel-good concept only that the producer of this value doesn't feel so good when HIS efforts are taken at (gov) gunpoint. Biden as the enemy? He is a manifestation of the enemy. The enemy, in my view, is any pressure that is placed on a man's personality, character, self that he accepts which keeps him from moving forward FOR himself.
A society that is built, brick by brick, individual by individual, by an unalienable allowance to serve themselves (individually) will completely solve any void of need.
What we all must do, individually, is look deeply into the proverbial mirror and declare who do we really serve, what must I provide in exchange for my reasonable dream, and what baggage must I jettison. Calling Biden, Obama, Bush, etc the enemy is not getting to the root of our problems. The burden and expectation of living for others IS the enemy IF we accept it as a noble "cross to bear".
First (and I’m sure you are familiar with it) Rand’s book “We The Living” is her earliest attempt at a novel, but is one of my favorite pieces of her work. It captures the change from Tsarist Russia to communist Russia fantastically.
Second, you identify our enemy as the burden of being forced to live for others. Unfortunately you can’t shoot such a burden. The others you mention………
The article claims 4.3 billion barrels plus 845 million barrels of gas equivalents, for a total of 5.145 billion barrels.
That much oil (and equivalents) equates to about 270 days of US usage (unless my calculations are incorrect.)
It sounds like a lot of oil, but the US uses a lot of oil.
Government stats on oil (and other petroleum) use:
Gas equivalent calculation site:
I agree that Buy-dem and the left are looting traitors.
However, there will be a shortage of energy from petroleum some day, and it could happen sooner than we wish.
We should be investing in nuclear energy instead of solar and wind.
Nuclear is the only presently known technology that can produce enough energy economically.
A last minute stroke of luck?