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It's like Hollywood is laughing at us. Or prepping us.
Never been a big fan of movies or drama.
I just don’t like to be emotionally manipulated.
I've seen first hand HUGE protests, with the Tea Party. The MSM effectively made them into a terrorist group. Too hot to touch.
Never covered the rallies. There were tax day rallies, not even a mention in the newspaper the day after.
BLM figured it out. you got to go hard. Break things.
Like Jan 6th...
Oh, but methinks the two groups were treated WILDLY differently.
Unfortunately, the Courts, and our Elected Officials are giving us NO OTHER OPTION.
I know quite a few people who will retire this year, after this push.
So, YES, BLM was successful in scaring people, and showing the UNEVEN Justice (InJustice) system we have. Where "Protests Don't have to be Peaceful", and burning and looting = "Mostly Peaceful"...
And ONE incident, with CLEAR Agent Provocateurs on the other side is an INSURRECTION...
George Orwell is spinning in his grave screaming "It wasn't a HANDBOOK!"
> Trump is suing Hillary and most of her campaign committee (i.e. Podesta Bros.) , FBI hacks Colmes, Strzok, et. el. British Intelligent hack Steele and numerous third party dirtbags (GPS Fusion, Perkins Cove...)
Discovery is going to be Epic!
The Home Depot privilege paper is BS and creepy. I figure if anyone protested, they'd get fired. I'll be shopping a lot less at HD.
The UN list is a good formula for returning to pure tribalism where people with short life spans starve and nothing works.
Castrudeau, Dan Crenshaw The fuQing RINO , Tulsi Gabbard , Boreasshole Johnson , the NZealand tyrant and the Aussie as well.
The NWO a conspiracy theory that’s now a conspiracy fact. You did read about a fair bit of it from Carlos Viganno’s letter to US. I think.
Anyhoo, dis here Thesaurus me say a he is a he and a she is a she cuz a is a n' b is b and me ain't no Woke sad joke in a yoke conformin' ter call people whut they ain't.
Furthermore, thet thar 2030 New World Order Agenda kin go ta hell n' take all wannabe commies wid it.
I want that privilege paper!
I don't get a few of these. Who is the bearded guy re Stalin, and what the hell is he trying to say?
No Autism in babies in 1,700! At least the curve is flattening out...
Completely agree, we ignore the advice of these people, who lived through totalitarianism, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pol, Putin... and the new hopefuls: Gates, Pelosi, Schumer, Obama, et al.
Another notable North Korean escapee is Yeonmi Park, whose "In Order To Live" is in the Kindle queue but which I haven't yet read.
Park considers Kim Jong-un to be a cruel leader for continuing the abuse of his people. She has said that "He is a criminal. He is killing people there. After he got the power, he killed 80 people in one day for watching a movie or reading the Bible. This young man is so cruel. He ordered that people who attempt escape should be shot [sic]."[38]
Political views
Park described her education at Columbia University as "brainwashing", citing examples such as lessons regarding gender-neutral pronouns.[39][40] She then said on Fox Business that "our education system is brainwashing our children to make them think that this country is racist and make them believe that they are victims. It’s time for us to fight back. Otherwise, it might be too late for us to bring the glory of this country back."
Park has criticized political correctness in the United States, saying, "They are forcing you [Americans] to think the way they want you to think. I realized, wow, this is insane. I thought America was different but I saw so many similarities to what I saw in North Korea that I started worrying," and adding that "America is not free".
That having been said, yeah, Solzhenitsyn's words are always gold. And no, we haven't gotten to the point where we have to do armed resistance and hopefully never will. But his advice is no less valuable if we step back from the concrete of literal armed resistance and apply that admonition to resistance in general.
The Wuhan debacle and the Fed/State/Local governments' Bill-of-Rights-shred and power-grabs which arose in its wake are a perfect example. Though we had a Republican President who not only did not lift a finger to prevent that power-grab but actually aided and abetted it; and though millions in American society were - and remain - docile, sheeplike True Believers in the "pandemic that didn't pan" (see the film "Planet Lockdown" if you haven't already,) we can take a valuable lesson in noting the way our constant opposition to these exaggerations, lies and gunpoint impositions worked to overturn most of them. Yes, it was far too little and took far too long, and yes there is a massive amount of work remaining in eradicating every last vestige of ClowPiv-mania from government and society alike, but we have indeed made progress through our opposition.
On the "brainstorming" thing: I've suggested - and will continue to float the idea - that Congressional Republicans (and our next Republican President,) author a new Constitutional Amendment which bars unequivocally any violation of any part of the Constitution for reasons of "national health emergency" or "national environmental emergency" or "national emergency" of any kind. No, it may never get off the ground and may not pass legal muster as I've presented it (I'm not a Constitutional expert,) but politics is a pendulum-swing or tug-of-war: You may not achieve your goal even in part, but in putting it on the table you will have pulled the whole context of debate in your direction. And there is value in that. A tangent, but an instructive one. Remember that our collectivist opposition are hatching, on virtually a daily basis, scores of aggressive lunacies (see that sheet ^ from Home Depot for some prime examples.) We should be doing the same aggressive brainstorming in favor of reason, individualism, self-sovereignty and self-determination, capitalism, liberty, peace through strength, on a constant basis, with the goal of getting such measures passed, and more after that, and more after that. Our governments - at all levels - have become vast, bloated, slobbering, freedom-crushing pigs and our job is to both put them on The Mother Of All Crash Diets and to lock them in an industrial-strength cage. And we have reality, logic, morality, practicality and history on our side. They do not.
Another point that's perhaps nit-picky but no less important to strategy is that the people who create these memes should take a breather once they think they've finished, and do some basic proofreading. Nothing turns what's supposed to be a hard-hitting, persuasive meme into a self-refuting embarrassment faster than bonehead-stupid misspellings, grammar gaffes and amateurish design. I'm spotting three in the Agenda 21 panel alone. Folks, run these through a spell-checker before you post them. And after you've done the spell-check, do a proofread - or three. Because a spell-checker, though it will tell you that "vaccine" has a final "e" and that "immigration" has a double "m" and only one "n," will not correct misplaced homonyms, like if you typed "hole" when you meant "whole," etc. (And "5G" is a time-specific thing that's already on the verge of obsolescence via 6G - 'should be altered to a non-specific formulation.) But bottom line: if you're trying to make a persuasive, intelligent political meme that's riddled with idiotic spelling and grammatical mistakes, you have shot yourself in the foot with an elephant gun and actually done a disservice to the cause.
See them at other areas of the web and if they strike me as interesting or point out in a quick message a truth I might save the image and post them for the Gulchers to see.
If you knew me you would know I am an uneducated student of life. Most of what I know,
has been self learned. I do research as a tool for survival both in my professional and personal life.
I have admitted to be a very poor student of the discipline in school called English. Amongst other values that I receive from participating in the Gulch , is that I am forced to try to communicate in written word. A form of discourse that I wanted to improve at. Quite frankly the last paragraph of your excellent message is exactly why I sucked in
School. I really could not give a FuQ if spelling errors or proof reading or idiotic grammatical
Mistakes are here or there. That’s certainly good advice and something I would be more careful about if I was coming up with these memes myself.
I do however agree that an increase in memes promoting reason, logic and rationality that contrast the nihilistic lefts insanity is absolutely needed. That could be a wonderful post to have all you wonderful objectivists minds , think about a message or objectivist truth that could be conveyed.
The Brainstorming paragraph was filled with great ideas. We have to fight back against the SLGPC If we are going to live in a true Constitutional Republic.
Thanks, Drive Train.
My comments on this - an old,old peeve of mine - are always meant as a general shout-out to, yes, anyone who might be creating memes, not to those posting them. To have failed to point that out clearly right off the bat was my fault entirely. It's only when they're posted at places (like Faceplant) where they'll be seen by people of all ideological stripes that errors become a significant downside anyway. They are always a good thing, warts or no, when they're on a forum of like-minded people like the Gulch. I, like probably everybody here, am glad to see them regardless. Again, my apologies. Sometimes a post reads entirely different than it's intended while writing it. I hereby owe you beer.
Bush-the-Stupid (BtS) was a hack/sock-puppet pResident. Chaney ran that regime for Bush 41 (read: CIA).
9/11 was an OP to make CoG emergency powers permanent.
The (Un)Patriot Act, Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?
Read Judy Wood's Where Did The Towers Go?
You think your mad now? Wait till you read this 500 page scientific examination of the evidence.
She states unequivocally: she offers no opinion or conclusions. Just the facts. These facts will scare you right down to the marrow of your soul.