The Proof is in the Putin

Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 11 months ago to Entertainment
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I have heard The Putin is bad narrative with very little convincing evidence. I have been called a Russian Troll several times on this forum. Feel free to mimic the mocking bird media in the comments below. I will only reply to comments that dispute this fact filled essay based on disagreements that have substance not emotions.
SOURCE URL: https://patelpatriot.substack.com/p/devolution-part-18?s=r

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  • Posted by shaifferg 2 years, 11 months ago
    Re: Imported oil. it is actually dirtier than the oil we cannot pump here. The only benefit of imported oil is the kickback.
    Subject change. I just heard from the founder of the x-prize that he was allowed to place three books on Spaceship One: The Spirit of St Louis, The Man who Sold the Moon by Heinlein, and Atlas Shrugged!
    On still another tone:
    The Fountain Head and Atlas Shrugged can be found in GoodWill stores and other used book stores for around $2.00. I typically wear a "Who is John Galt" ball cap and try to keep a copy of each in my vehicle. Anyone curious enough to ask about the quote typically hears my comment that he is the man who wants to stop the motor of the world. Blank looks. Then I get them a copy of The Fountainhead and of Atlas, with the instruction to read The Fountainhead before reading Atlas. Back to the second comment: When Peter Diamandis (founder of the x-prize) was in his late teens he was given a copy of Atlas Shrugged but told that he needed to read another book first. It was the Fountainhead! I'm not that far off in giving away both. In the unofficial motto of WSRMC1-68, Ft Sill Artillery and Missile School and perhaps other units: No Brag, Just Facts.
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    • Posted by Russpilot 2 years, 11 months ago
      I grew up in Duncan, we could always tell when you guys were firing off the big guns at Ft Sill because the plates in the cabinet would rattle and the wall decorations would move.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 11 months ago
    Don't know about all the "media" admitting Hunter's laptop is real.
    Just yesterday my son-in-law told me The New Times is "being cancelled" for daring to finally--FINALLY!--tell the truth about Hunter.
    At a belated birthday party yesterday, I found out he can cook the best barbecue pork me dino ever tasted.
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    • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
      NYT were ordered to tell the truth. See that is how they try to get ahead of a story that will be breaking against them. This revelation coincided with BuyDem saying we all know someone or somebody who took naked pictures of a friend.....
      We know their playbook. Tom Maxxy has done a complete examination of the laptop. He claims to have found 100,000 archived (hidden) images and another 125.000 emails .He , this week expects to purge any victims info ,so they will not to be abused again and will provide it to law enforcement worldwide and to all journalists. He also is calling out both Tom Cotton and Grassley for sitting on this laptop for over a year, now with the times admission they are calling for an investigation.......Right... the FBLie has had this for years even during the impeachment for Quid pro Quo.
      The Big guy’s day are numbered.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 11 months ago
        Popped you a point for provided information, but the only way me dino can perceive the Big Guy's numbered days last number ever coming up is when the Deep State no longer has any use for their doddering old senile Puppet-In-Chief.
        On the federal level, as my bro' Joe will repeatedly say, "Our justice system is corrupt."
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  • Posted by DrWatson66 2 years, 11 months ago
    Reading the referenced article, I’m reminded of the comment (the author of which escapes memory at the moment) that what we learn from history is that no one learns from history. During the 1930s, in times of stress (depression) people were eager to find a strong leader who could fix things and make the world right. Figures like Mussolini, Stalin, and Hitler all had their share of fervent supporters.

    All of these leaders had come from a tough upbringing, and all were passionate believers in making their country and people as powerful as they could. Putin pretty much fits that mold.

    Two telling facts: Putin was the hand picked choice of a strong KGB chief who briefly led the USSR in its waning days, Yuri Andropov, who felt Putin had the strength and will to save the USSR, or recover Russia’s historic power and reach if the Soviet Union collapsed. The second fact is Putin’s own public statement that the collapse of the USSR was the greatest tragedy in human history. Neither of those facts give me the confidence that this man is some kind of freedom fighter.

    Lots of positive statements about Putin from Donald Trump, but then The Donald also had lots of good things to say about President for Life Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un. The former President is an adept observer of ego driven leaders, and their desire to be admired, and he uses flattery as a negotiating tool. His statements should not be taken as confirmation of any of these heads of state as really good guys.

    Ukraine is a corrupt state. Of course, but then name me a modern nation state that isn’t, especially ours. If that was an excuse to support the Russian invasion, hoping the end result would be better, then maybe we should invite him to cross the Bering Strait and get started.

    The Ukrainians are a bunch of Nazis? They just elected a Jewish president. Using the Azov Brigade (which numbers a whopping 1,500 out of a nation of 40 million) as proof is a stretch. That’s like saying the US is nothing but a bunch of black racists because of BLM.

    The Rothschilds are seeking global control, so what’s new? Otto Von Bismarck named them as obscenely wealthy culprits that were a danger to the German state, and warned that all nations should resist their efforts to suppress people’s independence and pride in their national heritage. I think they’re the model for all of the James Bond stories’ villains. They haven’t succeeded, after a couple of centuries of trying, mainly because humans are difficult to control on a global scale, but we shouldn’t stop resisting.

    I understand what’s behind Putin’s actions, which is his desire to recover Russian strength and dignity, at any cost. A nation with a history of being endlessly swept over by a host of conquerors has a right to be paranoid and ask for breathing space. The West should have supported the desire to be independent of the former Soviet states, but making them NATO allies was a big mistake that only fed Russian paranoia. That’s what we’re witnessing. With a history of conquest, the last thing Russia wants is to be under the control of a global authority, and as Americans we should be sympathetic in finding a solution that is less violent, but our current leadership is definitely incapable of accomplishing that.
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    • Posted by Lucky 2 years, 11 months ago
      DrW. I like your post.

      What Trump and Putin are doing, according to Dob-
      taking down the corrupt Satanic Luciferian Globalist pedohfile
      Seems a worthwhile project to me. It may even be true.

      Azov is just one of several extremist groups in the Ukraine today, they are the most notorious. Look at Dob's pics of Western Media before and after 2022.
      But elected a Jewish president, 2019. There are doubts as to whether election is the right word. That president may have a Jewish mother, no praise or blame for that, but shows no signs of having religion or philosophy or culture of or from anywhere, but only exhibitionism. All that is proven is that Azov and other gangs tolerate him as long as he maintains the money flow to them.

      Dob quotes Putin-
      “Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart,”
      But Putin quickly added, “Whoever wants it back has no brain.”

      Your last comment, a less violent solution- I think not relevant as this mess is (IMO) from a deliberate provocation from the US and Europe to bring Putin down a notch at least. They miscalculated, their own gross economic mismanagement has made them weak, and Russia stronger
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    • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
      You have provided some important info.
      However the # of Azov troops you claim seem to indicate they don’t have the influence that is suggested.
      In 1939 Hitlers SS Gestapo totaled 3000 and many were just named SS as honorary members.
      Regarding the Deep State Banking Cabal
      As having been at it for a long time , this is true and since 1913 in our own country.
      Yes the corrupt politicians in our country Launder money in the Ukraine with the Cabals henchman Soros.
      I don’t recall anyone saying all Ukrainians are Neo Nazi.
      BLM and Anti-fa create serious damage and chaos in our country. No one thinks their numbers are large.
      You ignore the bioweapon labs that pepper the Ukraine and have been located in residential areas in a lot of cases.
      First that was a conspiracy theory until Victoria Nuland stated that fact to con-gress , then it was just labs to study the biology of dangerous pathogens , then we find out that the US Defense Dept spent 200 million on them and many were reconstituted at sites that were started in the Soviet days and still contain anthrax small pox and other seriously dangerous WMD’s.
      You provide some of Putin’s statements to make your case about him . Basically cherry picking to make your case. He also has said toxic liberal ideology is threatening the West. Most here agree . He also said this “Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart,” Putin famously said in 2010. But he quickly added, “Whoever wants it back has no brain.”
      The Cabal wants to usher in a Great Reset, it is stated and documented. That my friend should worry you and everyone else.
      If you think the WEF is planning for strengthening freedom and independence , you need to educate yourself on the topic.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 2 years, 11 months ago
        The problem I have with Putin is that he reminds me of the saying "when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." Russia has been on shaky economic ground for a long time, partly due to pouring money into high cost military development, so the only effective weapon it has is the military, thus the current effort, expensive in both equipment and body count.

        Stiff arming the EU out of fears they would get their hooks into Russia's economy was a result of Putin's own knowledge of how inept Russia's own financial expertise was. However, it was a missed opportunity, as Russia could have kept tight controls on the relationship, building its economic power to match its military strength.

        The US efforts (under Trump, at least) diplomatically could have been a lesson to follow. China provided another example, using its technical skills and willingness to invest to gain influence, but Putin is so enamored of the image of Russia's impressive military history, that neither avenue has been followed.

        Russia's military strength is being consumed by a puppet state, and risks collapse resulting from sanctions. This is not the way to fight the Reset.
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        • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
          Yes you don’t like Putin. Yet you also have denied Neo NAZIS in Ukraine because Zelenskyy and Kolomoiskyy claim they are Jewish. The facts are undeniable that Neo Nazis are part of Ukraine military.
          Ukraine is the money laundering capital of the world with very threatening WMD biolabs funded by the US with connections to Hunter through his Rosemont Seneca partners. We lied about WMDs in Iraq.
          It was good enough though to destroy Iraq . We dropped more bombs the first day in Iraq than Putin has in a month the reason is he is not at war with the Ukrainian people. I think I will just agree to disagree with you.
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          • Posted by DrZarkov99 2 years, 11 months ago
            My critique was more about his approach to taking action, rather than anything about him in particular. He's taking an approach that is very costly for Russia, and it may backfire on him, rather than succeeding in the goals he hopes to accomplish. Note my comment addressed nothing about Ukraine one way or another. I was thinking in terms of what I would have advised Putin in how to reach his goals.

            Trump, in Putin's position, would have taken a carrot/stick approach to Ukraine, offering a good economic deal and defense assurances in exchange for granting the Donbass more autonomy, with the alternative being a cutoff of gas supplies and Black Sea transport. No Russian blood expended.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 11 months ago
    I like your Posts and anyone who calls you names is stupid enough to take the vax! Ignore them. Everyone I know who got vaxxed wishes they hadn't. My BFF girl friend's most recent thing is cancer of the ascending colon (stage 3). N
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    • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 11 months ago
      By the way, my weight loss has stopped and my hair is growing back like always. I haven''t gained any of the 42 pounds back but I think I'll keep them off. I'm having fun wearing a size small! My BMI is 21 and for my height that reads 'normal'. N
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  • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 11 months ago
    +1 all of that. I got about half way through the article and will have to finish it later.

    The Tasmanian fire fighters illustrate a lot. It seems quite a number of things happening in Ukraine as reported today have had exact duplicates taken place previously elsewhere in the world. You'd think enough mayhem would be taking place in a war zone that these things wouldn't be necessary.

    If "THEBIGGUY" license plate meme isn't a Photoshop it doesn't leave much doubt of who the big guy is.
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  • Posted by term2 2 years, 11 months ago
    watch what they do, not what they say. Putin does very nasty things to many people, and now he is invading a country that is NOT his to invade. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, and I think Putin will go on invading until he is stopped by running out of money or opposition military action
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 11 months ago
      Okay, so WHEN will be able to ask you to admit you are wrong?

      You gave yourself an easy out! if he stops, and gets a cease fire, and backs off, you will claim he ran out of resources.

      But, if he is Hitler, like you claim, then he would keep pushing until he loses, and he would not just fight one small war at a time, he would be building a war machine. Enlisting other nations (remember Japan?) to join his side.

      Nice out. So, he's Hitler, but just not committed to it? LOL
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      • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
        He will make claims like I know what Putin is going to do and I know what he says. Yet when I posted to him Putin statements and comments he
        Ignores them.
        Mark Twain said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience".
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      • Posted by term2 2 years, 11 months ago
        I have no problem with the idea of being wrong actually. I have no real way of analyzing Putin's intentions. I can only look at what he does, and to a limited extent what he says.

        Putin is spending a LOT to move all those troops and conduct this war against ukraine. He must have figured it will be worth it somehow. If he stops and backs off, it will be because its not worth it to go past this point- costs were too high, or the benefits were not as high as he had figured.

        As to the comparison with Hitler, they are both following the same playbook in terms of invading one country after another when they thought they could get away with it. I never said they were both similar people really in any other respects. Putin IS building a war machine. Now that he has the supersonic missile system, he will have the potential ability to deliver first strike nuclear war that will deter others from stopping his invasion plans.

        While we worry about CRT , welfare, and racism, Putin is taking full advantage of weakness on our part.
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