Ukraine in a nut shell.

Posted by Dobrien 3 years ago to Entertainment
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It astounds me that the same people who have lied and lied and lied. The same enemy who has stated that American Patriots are fascists are misogynistic are racists are Xenophobic and worse yet Domestic Terrorists. The same Con- gress that steals your money and freedom and voice and most important your VOTE. NeoNazi’s and their supporters are alive and well in this chorus of anti Putin crowd. BTW canceling Russian vodka and Russian symphony conductors and Russia Hockey players to name a few examples actually is the definition of xenophobia. Classic Narcissist behavior.
The same cockwabbles that force transgenderism on our Children, the same people who have dropped over 330,000 bombs in the last 2 decades want to Blame Putin for cleaning out US bioweapon labs that lined his border. Seriously the Deep State Kerry, Hussein, Nuland , Biden Clinton Schwab Soros and don’t forget the genius Bill Gates (who went from being an expert at stealing intellectual property to being our health savior). Those Cuckolds used the Ukrainian people as human shields.
If you still want to say Putin is the problem you have a whole in your fuQing head and your reality is distorted, twisted and perverted!

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  • Posted by Exitstageright 2 years, 12 months ago
    "Just imagine for one millisecond if the media gave the same quantity and tone of breathless coverage to 'our' border invasion as they're giving to Ukraine.
    Picture it - the blood and carnage in Mexico, relentlessly documented, detailed profiles on the worst of the cartel figures and human traffickers, up close,
    showing the sheer volume of people crossing the border each day, people scaling the walls, human interest stories given to the victims, their full names,
    ongoing reports of immigrant violence and crime inside the country, following these people detailing their every crime, showing housing in America overflowing with
    10 immigrant families living in a building nonstop for weeks and months on end. Imagine the coverage.
    The average American would be panicking and demanding an immediate end to it, they would call for boots on the ground, armored vehicles, immediate action,
    polls would shift as violently as they have for Russia's invasion, in lockstep, across the aisle, if the media just bothered to report it.

    But they don't even know. "
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    • Posted by 2 years, 12 months ago
      Consider 1960 Americans are dying week in and week out from Fentynal to the tune of 100,000 per year. That’s way more than young American men lost in Vietnam. This tragedy is because of our porous border down south. Of course Canadian Railworkers are going to strike because they have to get the Jab the enter the US. This comes at a crucial time for fertilizer to be shipped from Canada. We only have 50 % of our spring planting fertilizer on hand.
      FuQ the people’s need to eat, we have to protect them from a 99.98% cure rate Covid scam by forcing a dangerous shot on people legally entering our country who have no intention of staying and gaming the system.
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  • Posted by 3 years ago
    'The WEF/UN/EU has taken control of the Ukraine only citizens that are vaccinated and get Digital ID will be eligible for monetary aid. Can you say Technocracy? Or maybe I’m mistaken , did we elect the Billionaires club at the World Economic Forum to determine our fate. This is the Great Reset. Just another Conspiracy Fact that I have ranted about.
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  • Posted by term2 2 years, 12 months ago
    You are a bit paranoid, and I would discount a lot of what you are saying. A is A and the facts "may" come out in the end. For now, Russia shouldnt attack Ukraine, as Ukraine wasnt a threat to Russia militarily.
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    • Posted by 2 years, 12 months ago
      Please tell me what you discount specifically.
      So, you think small pox, anthrax and other dangerous pathogens that have been outlawed in international agreements is not a threat. This is very similar to whatBush and Powell sold us on going to war in IRAQ. The main difference is Ukraine has weapons of mass destruction. Iraq didn’t.
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      • Posted by term2 2 years, 12 months ago
        What I see is that Putin invaded Ukraine. Ukraine didnt invade Russia. This is just wrong. I am not justifying the sanctions we placed on russia, seeing as though it seems like something between Ukraine and Russia, and not between USA and Russia.
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        • Posted by 2 years, 12 months ago
          US invades Granada 1983
          US invades. Panama 1988
          US invades. Iraq. 1990
          US invades Somalia. 1992
          US Bosnia/Croatia. 1993
          Us invades Haiti. 1994
          US invades Kosovo. 1998
          US invades Afghanistan 2001
          US invades Iraq. 2002
          US invades Yemen 2004
          US invades Somalia 2008
          US invade Libya. 2012
          US invades Syria. 2014.
          US invades Libya. 2016

          Sometimes countries do things to protect and defend their interests.
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          • Posted by janblacha 2 years, 12 months ago
            This was great. Thank you. WE forget that: if the USA/West invades it is to bring Democracy. If anyone else invades it is to bring brutal war. Just to get my facts straight.
            P.S. We forgot Viet Nam/ But maybe you only began at 1983. Quite an interesting array of just wars.
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          • Posted by term2 2 years, 12 months ago
            so its ok to invade other countries to "protect and defend its interests" ? So if I had an army and I wanted the riches of ukraine, I should be able to just invade it and take over?
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