Remember Cindy Sheehan?
Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 11 months ago to Entertainment
Cindy Sheehan
Cindy Sheehan is an American anti-war activist whose son, Specialist Casey Sheehan, was killed during his service in the Iraq War by the Mehdi Army on April 4, 2004. She attracted national and international media attention in August 2005 for her extended anti-war protest at a makeshift camp outside President George W. Bush's Texas ranch — a stand which drew both passionate support and angry criticism.
Cindy Sheehan is an American anti-war activist whose son, Specialist Casey Sheehan, was killed during his service in the Iraq War by the Mehdi Army on April 4, 2004. She attracted national and international media attention in August 2005 for her extended anti-war protest at a makeshift camp outside President George W. Bush's Texas ranch — a stand which drew both passionate support and angry criticism.
Yeah right, I doubt this is happening. NEVER trust the propaganda from the national or globalist news outlets.
Really? Again?
That was the neocon fake news about Iraqi troops in Kuwait 32 years ago and it was done by
the Kuwaiti ambassador's daughter, run by the American public relations firm Hill & Knowlton f
or the Kuwaiti government..
"al-Sabah's testimony has come to be regarded as a classic example of modern atrocity propaganda"
I read a comment from someone who said if you believe it is difficult going a week without sex , try going a week without rationality.
Also it would pay the reader to click on the link in the article "Read about the real Zelenskyy here".
Am I a Putin apologist? Hell no! But, by golly, there's a lot more going on here than the "stenographers in the legacy media" will let us know.
This woman has learned that it wasn’t just Bush but the libs too , that gleefully slaughter human beings.
(Prior to that I hadn't enough life experience to make a rational decision - like nearly every American under 35 today.)
None of the military were necessary or advisable. All actions were caused by looting scum in DC, NY, Chicago, LA, Seattle for power and wealth.
For every death and injury of American troops (and innocent civilians), a looter who supported the action should receive an equivalent result: death, injury, and confiscation of assets.
I do not remember Ms. Sheehan.
Oh well. My OFFICIAL response is to shrug and say “Meh...”
I have to say my son died the same month and year as hers did. She happens to be one month younger than I am. Because of my understanding of the loss of a child , I admired her tenacity and determination. I think she may have aligned her self or vise a versa with some libs in the past but she really always stuck to her own mission.
I am so happy that finally the Evil side has massive resistance from the Qreat Awakening. and the good people will prevail. The Storm is a coming.
I did have an occasion to correspond with her now ex-husband back then. It's remarkable what you'd use/trade for fame.
So has your view changed on Hanoi Jane as well? Sean Penn?
From her essay...
Now, over 20 years later, I am not liberal, in fact, they terrify me. Ever ones to jump on the newest cause célèbre, liberals, who I am sure, couldn’t name the president of Ukraine two weeks ago, are pledging devotion and love to the U.S. puppet Zelenskyy (displacing the now mostly forgotten Anthony Fauci) (READ ABOUT THE REAL ZELENSKYY HERE). Liberals are the ones dumping out their Russian vodka (many brands here are NOT made in Russia) and boycotting Russian dressing: A product of Vermont. The weirdest thing to me is that they don’t see how truly preposterous they are being with their double-standards. Most democrat faithful still believe the now discredited lie that Putin stole the election from the horrific Hillary Clinton and that somehow Trump is pulling his strings to this day.
Her son volunteered. He reenlisted. He was killed but not by friendly fire as she contends.
I had a shit ton of notes from that time before I penned anything. I still have a very interesting picture that sums what she-hag was at that time, completely. And, yes I think people can change, but seldom do they, and for the right reasons.
Learn. He was a natural athlete , smart and handsome ( taking after his beautiful momma).
We would say to each other that now he is not confined to his body he can help many more some how. I know that is not rational or logical.
It also does not change the man I am today.
You see we were trying to keep it together for our other 2 kids, anything that helped us to continue parenting and being loving supportive spouses was fair game. After a month or so I got a call at work form her. She said she was in the kitchen at the sink and she felt a warm hand on her forehead, the hand gently pushed her into our family room to the couch. She than said she heard a voice ,that she said was Jesus. Immediately Alex and Jesus appeared in front of her. Alex was crying and told her he was so sorry and that he loved her so much. Jesus said to her he is safe and with me , thank you for loving and caring for him. AJ , that gave my wife so much strength and
Relief , I was very grateful she had that experience. Do I think it happened? that answer my friend, has absolutely no value to me My son made a very bad choice the day he died, he was 18 legally an adult. Clearly his Reckless decision was not adultlike. Studies have show the frontal cortex of the male brain matures in most cases at age 24 or 25. Reckless behavior , risk assessment well as little thought to long term consequences for actions are typical.
Take from my reply about my experience what ever judgement of me that you care to.
I've had a similar experience to your wife, "exactly when I needed it"... It changed me.
I went from a non-believer to someone who finally understood the concept of "faith".
I am not religious, but I am now deeply spiritual.
So sorry for your loss...
So Happy you are here!
Life has a way of shattering perceptions the hard way to teach people about itself and show us most time that we really have no clue. I hope I never have to experience what either of you has.
interest", as i believe Ayn Rand said. But I think we should send weapons to the Ukrainians. (I do not have a working TV at present, and did not see Cindy Sheehan's broadcast; I know next to nothing about her.)
Tap on the source url and it will open tothe essay.
Please explain in detail why we should install a puppet regime in Ukraine and fund Bioweapon labs in Ukraine and then send weapons so the Human shields (Ukrainians) that we used for our $200 million funding of Theatening WMD’s can be killed?
Russia would have crushed Ukraine weeks ago if they did not care about the civilians. The weapons you want to send should be turned on the traitors in this country instead.
There are a dozen posts at least in the last few weeks where you can get up to speed if you wish
Seems you need to learn about the Color Revolution in 2014 in Ukraine and also the Minsk Protocol for starters. Ukraine is so important to the cons in congress that the impeached Trump for asking Zelenskyy to look into corruption as required of the chief executive. all because it is a $ laundering Mecca.
I sympathize with anyone who has lost a loved one, due to war, but I have no such sympathy to those who shame such sacrifices to further a selfish cause.
Semper Fi!
The post was about her comments regarding the Ukraine fiasco or the destruction of the corrupt politicians money laundering machine that Ukraine is.
I appreciate you pointing it out to me.