Regarding the American Thinker article.
Posted by Dobrien 3 years ago to Entertainment
The article is about neoNazi’s in Ukraine. Specifically refuting The Azov battalion formed by Igor Kolomoisky and the US installed Petro Poreshenko are “NeoNazi’s”. First of all these are humans collaborating together that do bad shit. The labeling comes from the controllers . Here we could describe them as Anti-fa and BLM. I didn’t label them but the are a coordinated gang.
Coincidentally they all are directly connected to our favorite Clinton Soros Obama Cabal.
From the article referenced...
“A lot of the anti-Ukrainian propaganda points have been growing from a widely planted story claiming that their Azov battalion is a Nazi organization. Debunking that libel today is especially difficult because the Russian influence operators have already distributed the myth around the world, all the way to the U.S. Congress. It would take an entire think-tank to shovel through that pile of "evidence."
Why have the Russian propagandists chosen that particular group? Azov is extremely effective against the Kremlin-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine. The fact is, Russian aggression was the only reason Azov was formed in the first place, so the Kremlin has only itself to blame for it.
The Azov battalion was organized in 2014 when the poorly armed and unprepared Ukrainian army was forced to fight an unexpected war against Kremlin-orchestrated "separatism" in eastern Ukraine. Seeing how the military was failing, one of the richest Ukrainian industrialists and the governor of the Dnipro Oblast, Igor Kolomoisky, spent a hefty chunk of his own money to recruit and arm a volunteer battalion to defend Ukraine. The unit was named Azov after the small Azov Sea in southern Ukraine. This was quickly followed by a series of Ukrainian victories, in which Azov played a part.
Its initial sponsor, Kolomoisky, is Jewish and has since become an Israeli citizen, living in Israel. Not exactly neo-Nazi material, but the media influencers conveniently omit that fact. The smear is as absurd as if Hitler were to spread rumors about General Patton being a Nazi so as to hinder the American war effort.” Short clip.
So I have dropped screen shots below that describe the man whom the writer says it is absurd to connect Kolomoisky to bad acting NeoNaziAnti-fa/BLM types. You be the Judge.
If any Q’s I might be able to fill in some blanks.
I might add at this point Ukraine is the largest donor to the Clinton Foundation.👀
Coincidentally they all are directly connected to our favorite Clinton Soros Obama Cabal.
From the article referenced...
“A lot of the anti-Ukrainian propaganda points have been growing from a widely planted story claiming that their Azov battalion is a Nazi organization. Debunking that libel today is especially difficult because the Russian influence operators have already distributed the myth around the world, all the way to the U.S. Congress. It would take an entire think-tank to shovel through that pile of "evidence."
Why have the Russian propagandists chosen that particular group? Azov is extremely effective against the Kremlin-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine. The fact is, Russian aggression was the only reason Azov was formed in the first place, so the Kremlin has only itself to blame for it.
The Azov battalion was organized in 2014 when the poorly armed and unprepared Ukrainian army was forced to fight an unexpected war against Kremlin-orchestrated "separatism" in eastern Ukraine. Seeing how the military was failing, one of the richest Ukrainian industrialists and the governor of the Dnipro Oblast, Igor Kolomoisky, spent a hefty chunk of his own money to recruit and arm a volunteer battalion to defend Ukraine. The unit was named Azov after the small Azov Sea in southern Ukraine. This was quickly followed by a series of Ukrainian victories, in which Azov played a part.
Its initial sponsor, Kolomoisky, is Jewish and has since become an Israeli citizen, living in Israel. Not exactly neo-Nazi material, but the media influencers conveniently omit that fact. The smear is as absurd as if Hitler were to spread rumors about General Patton being a Nazi so as to hinder the American war effort.” Short clip.
So I have dropped screen shots below that describe the man whom the writer says it is absurd to connect Kolomoisky to bad acting NeoNaziAnti-fa/BLM types. You be the Judge.
If any Q’s I might be able to fill in some blanks.
I might add at this point Ukraine is the largest donor to the Clinton Foundation.👀
Evidence is surfacing of not only this kind of corruption but the bio lab scenario is really scary. Do we need a new Ukraine virus worse than the China virus?
I'm sure the shredding and burning of all corruption evidence pointing at actors in our own government is taking place at warp speed to make it disappear before the Russians get there.
Putin is a thug, too. But he's not a DS thug. We're seeing a war of thug vs thug and the innocent are bleeding.
It has happened to me talking about Soros to a long time high school friend. He dismissed all the
Actions Sorass has initiated and funded and called me an anti-sematic. I asked him . If I was why do I have a friendship with him for fifty years.
Re the nazi connection- from sources and links mainly on this site and joannenova com au, I came across photos of odd groups of semi-military in Ukraine wearing swastikas. I had the impression they were low rent drug dealer types playing- uniforms but not quite matching, beards and tattoos prominent, many misc firearms, and such like.
With a little thought, and if there is only a little thought, it would be easy for some Ukrainians to sympathize with that extreme. Stalin committed a major horror by causing mass starvation. When Hitler's troops arrived, some, greeted them as liberators. This turned out to be not a good move even for the most enthusiastic. After the war, when the eastern part of the country, more Russian, wanted to reduce ties, or separate, the strict views of the above-mentioned were quick to suppress with violence. This has not stopped.
So yes there is a sort of nazi movement but it is not the cause but an old reaction and symptom of regional discord, and worse, deliberately incited by the Soviets, US, NATO, and EU. Putin's role was to look on in disgust, now, he may even be doing something right.
democrats in the US are liars and traitors, proven so by their words and actions
Ukraine was/is not likely a threat to Russia
so why this invasion?
why now?
why not when Trump was in office?
lots of questions
few answers
Of course it is propaganda, too, but perhaps using his words and his actions we can better analyze Putin instead of just believing the propaganda the US spouts.
(i know you know that)
on Tucker Carlson last night, he had a video of Kamala saying she would welcome Ukraine into NATO
that was a shot fired at Putin
Followed by a horse type of laugh.
(that few have any interest in the other side of this)