When are Businesses Going to Ban Mask Wearers?

Posted by deleted 2 years, 11 months ago to Humor
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I want mask wearing people to stay out of my sight. Stay home. Shop at night. Hold their breaths in public.

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    Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 11 months ago
    My sister who totally drank the KoolAid, and then snorted a few more packets just to be sure, is a masker. She ruminated in a group text with my brother recently if she “should wear her N95 out in public or her KN95?” I gave up on her shortly into 2020. I use her as my control group to gauge what clueless normies think. She’s an aging WASPy helicopter parent, soccer mom to two WOKE daughters. The biggest decision she’s ever had to make on her own is wether or not to marry my brother in-law. The perfect CNN viewer. CNN could air a piece that said “Trump’s son Baron had a laptop with Child Porn on it that the President used his power to surpress.” And she’d completely believe it. Even if they printed a correction in 24hours that it was actually Biden and Hunter. The first headline would stick.
    My nieces both think they’re way more intelligent than they actually are. Mostly because they paid people $300 per credit hour to tell them so for 4 years. But as millennials still need mommy to stay with them when they get their wisdom teeth pulled at 26. The only reason that my “uneducated” ass is doing so well (I’m in skilled trades) is because “Patriarchy and White Privilege”. The decade I spent dragging my nuts through literal dirt to learn my trade and the constant improvement in skill sets since then, coupled with not pissing money away on Avocado Toast and trips to Europe, were obviously not a factor.
    We won’t be “getting together” anytime soon.
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    • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
      Despite their idiocy, don't give up on family. I know you won't be sitting over the Thanksgiving table together, but never give up. Enjoy the white privilege, love the patriarchy. It's awesome.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 11 months ago
    Now don't mess with some peoples' fashion statements. And, a new industry has sprung up offering masks (designer masks even) for sale. This is Capitalism working! Personally I put one on yesterday to visit my doctor and the first thing he said before even greeting me was 'Take that mask off'. Mine was a Lone Star State mask! I even have one that says 'God Bless Texas' (I get a lot of salutes for that one.)
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    • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 11 months ago
      I never complied. I beat people over the head with Statutes.
      US 21 (Informed Consent), Americans With Disabilities Act, Civil Rights Act, US 18 (Deprivation and/or Conspiracy to Deprivation of Rights. And then the stack of State Statutes. And then all the peer reviewed studies on filtration and the mask manufacturers disclaimers.

      In Wis. the commission of a crime while concealing identity carries extra penalties. So, everyone I encountered was masked. Just too funny.

      Through this whole exercise I learned the only lawful action was for an individual to withdraw from Public Entity or Public Accommodation. or close the doors to everyone.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 11 months ago
        That concealed identity law will be like a kick in the gonads to the scum. Lmao
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        • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 11 months ago
          2021 Minnesota Statutes
          Recent History
          1995 609.735 Amended 1995 c 30 s 1
          609.735 CONCEALING IDENTITY.
          A person whose identity is concealed by the person in a public place by means of a robe, mask, or other disguise, unless based on religious beliefs, or incidental to amusement, entertainment, protection from weather, or medical treatment, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

          Medical "treatment" is understood as being under a physicians care/recommendation/order.

          Go get em! Call the Sheriff, not local police.
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          • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
            In my state Letitia James helped to ban the penalty for concealing identity in public. She who kicked out Cuomo and instead of taking his job decided to continue her quest to bog down Trump. I bet it puts her more in the spotlight, and gives her more power, than just stepping off the gravy train to be NYS Governor.
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    • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
      Yeah a lot of people did make a little money making masks from home and selling online. I remember trying to get into it, I ordered elastic bands from Amazon, backordered 3 months, then cancelled.
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  • Posted by MikePusatera 2 years, 11 months ago
    I am also so tired of the mask nonsense. How it got so out of control and the lack of logic is mind boggling. It is so easy to make fun of people who think this way. But let's keep in mind anyone who wants to control who/where or why someone' choice with masks is NOT an Objectivist. Using public policy to force mask wearing or non-mask wearing is the same thing. And it is the opposite of how an Objectivist thinks. If Ayn Rand was alive today I think she would think the worst current politician out there is Gov. DeSantis. She always hated conservatives who like to pander to Objectivists more than liberals.
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    • Posted by Tavolino 2 years, 11 months ago
      As an Objectivist, one must attempt to identify reality correctly. It appears that you are implying that Gov. DeSantis is using "public policy" to force people not to wear masks. That is false and misleading, and if that's your conclusion, I would advise you to "check your premise." One of Rand's significant contributions was that her philosophy was not "ivory tower" but a system utilized in the real world.

      Unfortunately, today's political system has become a binary choice of pro or anti-American with every policy and candidate. So your statement that Rand would think DeSantis is "the worst current politician out there" is not only baseless but divisive. Instead, I would refer you to her letter dated 8/28/72 (Vol. 1, No. 24) re the Nixon/McGovern election where she stated, "This is no longer an issue of choosing the lesser of two commensurate evils. The choice is between a flawed candidate representing Western civilization – and the perfect candidate of its primordial enemies."

      I have lived in Florida for over 40 years, have sat at intimate roundtable discussions with the Governor, and have family deeply rooted in the State's political environment. Your portrayal and assumptions do not help move our country away from the imminent abyss we face. It is the philosophy of Objectivism that is so needed today. Still, proper hierarchical identification and analysis are critical to applying the principles to realign our country away from its collectivist depravity.
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      • -1
        Posted by MikePusatera 2 years, 11 months ago
        Divisive?? Really. I suppose your idea of divisive is someone who disagrees with you? There was noting aggressive about my post. It is true that I do not live in Florida and have not broken bread with the Gov. But this is what I find on the internet in about 5 minutes.

        A visibly annoyed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis admonished a group of students for wearing face masks at an indoor news conference Wednesday, saying it was time to stop what he called “this COVID theater."
        Ashley Hanna didn’t intend to defy Gov. Ron DeSantis when she offered vaccine-only classes at her yoga studio. That decision put Hanna on a list of more than 100 businesses and local governments reported to the state as violating a Florida law championed by DeSantis against vaccine requirements.

        This is the work of a true conservative. I will never believe an Objectivist would agree with these actions. I also refuse to be enslaved on the Republican plantation. The tea party tried to make changes to the party and has burned out. Maybe the 30% of elected republicans should join and legitimize the Libertarian party. I do not know the answer. But I do know the republican party has no more respect for my liberty than the Democratic party. Even if I do agree with most the conservatives policies.
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        • Posted by Tavolino 2 years, 11 months ago
          My post was not personal, nor do I think you were aggressive. I applaud that you follow Objectivism, and as such, we all need to keep proper hierarchy, context, and perspective. As Objectivists, we know we have the best-looking car in the showroom with the most refined performance engine, but winning the race requires a driver who can continually adapt, not compromise, to the course's ever-changing conditions and other drivers. The divisive comment was meant not to split "our team" as we navigate the crashes, dirty drivers, mistakes, unintended mishaps, and other unknowns. It's a problem I've continually seen in my nearly 60 years of involvement. Just look at the schisms in the formal movement, or even this site while Trump was President.

          We are fighting for the soul of our country and many fundamental freedoms as we battle the authoritarian bureaucratic state that continually erodes our rights. There is no John
          Galt, and at this time, anyone who champions freedom and the individual should be supported. If we are in the game, at least we can attempt to present a rational voice, but we must first accept the metaphysically given and play the cards we're dealt.

          I agree with almost the entirety of your last paragraph, but I do not want to use this platform to discuss any personal disagreements you may have. You may private message me if you wish to continue to chat.
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          • Posted by MikePusatera 2 years, 11 months ago
            We are all good. I figured from the beginning that we agreed on most accounts. These arguments always reminds me of how my favorite thinker (A. Rand) hated my favorite President (Reagan). I think closest thing we have to a John Galt is Rand Paul but he just cannot generate the support. I still wonder if we should start over and build a party from scratch and start at the state level. We could support the Republican party at the national level. Like I said before I do not know the correct path.
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    • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 11 months ago
      Interesting viewpoint....
      My “liberal” sister is more likely to shame you for not wearing a mask than I am if you do wear a mask.
      Let’s not forget which side comes closer to Liberty and which is closer to Subjugation.
      The right leaning may make “mean tweets” about something they may not like. They may even poke fun and call names. But, they’re very unlikely to call the police (coercion through threat of violence) because you’re playing with your kid in a public park while not wearing mask.
      It seems crystal clear to me.
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      • -1
        Posted by MikePusatera 2 years, 11 months ago
        I have to respectfully disagree. If you think you have the right to forcibly impact my mask wearing decision one way or another, then you are not an Objectivist and you do not respect my liberty. Both sides are equally the enemy of an Objectivist.
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        • Posted by bobbitchen34 2 years, 11 months ago
          Don’t think poking fun or a mean tweet is forcibly impacting anyone’s mask wearing decision.
          If so, get a grip. Big difference from being arrested and being chided for wearing one.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 2 years, 11 months ago
    The problems with the mask and vaccine enforcement are many, but chief among them is that the politicians never passed a waiver absolving businesses of responsibility for someone getting COVID at their place of business.

    Can we really fault businesses for trying to limit their liability?
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    • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 11 months ago
      I fault businesses for just following orders of the State Science Institute, instead of thinking rationally
      and using real scientific method to set business policy. (Ditto for woke ignoramuses.)
      "The Information is out there. All you have to do is let it in." - Luther 'Suitcase' Simpson

      We have been obeying bad (unjust, irrational, biased) laws for far too long.
      As a result the Deep State believes they can do what ever they want to us.
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      • Posted by $ jbrenner 2 years, 11 months ago
        I understand your viewpoint, but there is very little that a business can do in these situations. We saw how Danagger Coal, Taggart Transcontinental, and Rearden Steel struggled in such a ridiculous business climate.

        Just yesterday, a local TV person approached my university's marketing director regarding a new development in hydrogen energy. Here is my reply.

        I used to work in the hydrogen field more than a decade ago, but not so much on fuel cells. In the year before I came here, I was part of a team at Westinghouse Savannah River Company (now run by Department of Energy as the Savannah River Site). Back then, half of our group ran a fleet of hydrogen-powered vehicles as cheaply as off of diesel. The other half of our group was in charge of storing a nuclear isotope of hydrogen called tritium for nuclear bombs. When they gave me a Vice President's Award for my work, I told them that everyone else had at least six more years of experience, but in spite of that, I asked what my chances of promotion were. When they told me that was why they gave me the award, I came to our university.

        I worked in hydrogen storage, purification, and sensing for a decade. I then helped start Florida Syngas, a biomass waste-to-chemicals company using some of my hydrogen technology background. Two and a half years later when then presidential candidate Barack Obama promised financial incentives to subsidize the solar power industry (You may remember Solyndra.), my customers who had been happy to exchange their value (money) for my value (a profitable venture not funded by government) to assuage their environmental guilt, my partners and I sold our company.

        I switched from being in the energy business toward tissue engineering test beds for driving down the cost of organ manufacturing at that time and ever since.

        From Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged:

        "You expect industrial giants—who plan in terms of decades, invest in terms of generations and undertake ninety-nine-year contracts—to continue to function and produce, not knowing what random caprice in the skull of what random official will descend upon them at what moment to demolish the whole of their effort. Drifters and physical laborers live and plan by the range of a day. The better the mind, the longer the range. A man whose vision extends to a shanty, might continue to build on your quicksands, to grab a fast profit and run. A man who envisions skyscrapers, will not. Nor will he give ten years of unswerving devotion to the task of inventing a new product, when he knows the gangs of entrenched mediocrity are juggling the laws against him, to tie him, restrict him and force him to fail, but should he fight them and struggle and succeed, they will seize his rewards and his invention." This paragraph summarizes what happened back then in 2008-2009 and is happening again today in the energy business."

        I know this sounds bitter, and I am not as bitter as this sounds, but it summarizes the hydrogen business. Now that fossil fuels are extremely expensive, alternate energy projects look more promising than before. Instead, solar and wind energy and battery technology are being promoted, often with hydrogen as a carrier. Solar and wind are not nearly as environmentally friendly as advertised and arguably not as friendly as fossil fuel energy when one considers the mining-related environmental impact of solar energy and batteries. I have been in every energy technology area there is except wind and batteries. The politicians seem dead set on choosing their winners and losers.

        I advise that I and our university politely decline this interview request,
        Jim Brenner
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 11 months ago
    "This is no longer an issue of choosing the lesser of two commensurate evils. The choice is between a flawed candidate representing Western civilization – and the perfect candidate of its primordial enemies." -Ayn Rand

    Gotta love Ayn!
    She didn’t f*ck around and called it like it was.
    Being a survivor of Stalin brought that intolerance to BullShit out in her.

    Rand Paul’s biggest downfall is he masquerades as a Republican. I know he does this so he has some influence. But, as long as he conceals his libertarian roots the party will never be thought of as anything beyond “Republicans that want to smoke pot.” By the normies.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 11 months ago
      Sheep think they might be libertarians until they learn that libertarians don't support government handouts stolen from producers.
      Then they go back to the corrupt politicians who provide 'free stuff', aka bribes and payoffs (stolen from producers) for voting for looters.
      The sheep have no principles and never will. None of them should be allowed to vote to enrich themselves at the expense of producers.
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    • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
      I've always liked Rand Paul, but it's true he's riding the Republican elephant to stay in office. The few times he says what he really thinks he is ignored by most everyone.
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  • Posted by Jstork 2 years, 11 months ago
    In accordance witht he philosophy of objective rationalism, there is no reason to ban mask wearers.
    I would ask:
    - Do they have the right to wear a mask?
    - Are they harming anyone or posing a risk to others in any way?
    - Are they coercing others to wear a mask?

    Unless they are doing something adverse to affect the lives of others in a negative way: I would let them wear a mask (especially if they are paying customers). I would rather see them wear a mask and bring me money rather than ban them and not get their business.
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    • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 11 months ago
      Under color of law, and objective rationalism, what you have expressed, is correct.
      By 21 US 360bbb (I found the "Informed Consent" language that supports choice over mandate.)

      (e) Conditions of authorization
      (1) Unapproved product
      (A) Required conditions With respect to the emergency use of an unapproved product, the Secretary, to the extent practicable given the applicable circumstances described in subsection (b)(1), shall, for a person who carries out any activity for which the authorization is issued, establish such conditions on an authorization under this section as the Secretary finds necessary or appropriate to protect the public health, including the following:

      (ii) Appropriate conditions designed to ensure that individuals to whom the product is administered are informed—

      (II) of the significant known and potential benefits and risks of such use, and of the extent to which such benefits and risks are unknown; and
      (III) of the option to accept or refuse administration of the product, of the consequences, if any, of refusing administration of the product, and of the alternatives to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks.

      To force compliance not only violates this statute, it violates Civil Rights Act, Americans With Disabilities Act, 18 US sec 241 and 242 (deprivation and conspiracy to deprive Rights under color of law) and then we go State-side I found, arguably, 12 WI statutes up to class H felony.

      This is "Constitutional Carry". Keep it in your vest at all times!
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 years, 11 months ago
    Re-breathing your CO2 and bacteria can have deadly consequences. A friend of my wife had her 38-year-old husband contract a bacterial lung infection and die. His employer made them wear their face diapers every day, for eight hours. He leaves behind three children and a widow.
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  • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
    Customer came into my store today, nice lady. I noticed that she would double masked. That's like super Woke. I am not just a Democrat. I am Super Democrat. Double mask.
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 2 years, 11 months ago
    No offense, but this sounds just like the diatribe we hear from pro-maskers...I assume that since it's posted in "Humor" that the comments were made tongue-in-cheek.

    Personally, I prefer a person wear a mask if they're sick (not necessarily Covid). Especially their little rug rats who have absolutely no comprehension of "cover your cough".
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