And this is a heartbeat away….
Posted by Storo 3 years ago to Government
I saw this yesterday. It says everything you need to know about how ill-prepared, ignorant, and just plain stupid this woman is. Joe Biden could have a major stroke, or heart attack at any moment, and it’s clear that she isn’t even being prepared to take the reins in such an eventuality. Her stupid marijuana party-girl smile at the mention of electric school busses says it all.
elect a GOP Speaker
impeach both biden and harris
then we work to fix or replace the GOP as it clearly is on the same war train ad biden
Yes, there are other complications, but it's an interesting scenario to contemplate.
agreed 100%
and i am not sure there will be an election in Nov
If a Republican is elected president in 2024 - and that could be Trump, or DeSantis, or almost any except Mitt Romney - the first thing they should do is declare a National Emergency requiring them to discharge about half of all government workers, and then clean house and get the communists out of the government and off the payroll.
Personally, I think it is Harris' sheer idiocy that is the only reason Biden hasn't been ousted using the 25th Amendment. I think they're trying to figure out a way to get rid of Harris through some unfortunate accident so they can get someone better in there before they pull the rug out from under Old Joe. They'll wait to do it until after the elections so they can try to blame it on "partisan Republicans."
Joe may die of a stroke yet. When Kamala strokes him off and he dies. I'm surprised he didn't die when she sucked him off in order to buy her current job. Maybe she just teased him.
It's ready for a National Launch...
Sounds like a Democrat Plan.
Big on Promises...
Bigger on Failures...
Even Bigger on Cost!
I'd have to have an IQ reduction of 90% to buy into this... Yet I can't talk to neighbors about it! LOL
Soon we will not hold our tongue.
"You know we have 45 years of science that proves wearing masks to protect yourself from an Airborne Virus is not effective, and has more dangerous side-effects!" (Only after a BOGUS paper was pushed did this become the norm)
Just in case you THINK you are following science... You are listening to Dogma!
But you do you!
I think it's starting to work. I think, like any advertisement. It takes about 9-11 exposures to make a dent!
We are all sheep, you know. And we know that sheep can’t use their own brains and apply their own common sense to a problem, let alone make their own minds up about masks and so forth.
Good for you talking to others about it. I do the same thing, but my wife continues to wear a mask even though she has acknowledged that it probably isn’t necessary. What irks me is that if you go to any government office you are required to mask up. They’re following the Fauci-science. And they’re ignoring the science which tells is that cases are down, new infections are down, hospitalizations are down, and the new strains of COVID19 are little more than a mild flu, especially if you are vaccinated.
It should be challenged on the 1st Amendment.
Turn over the box of ACCEPTABLES Masks, and the bottom says "Does not prevent the transmission or reception of SARS-Covid or airborne viruses" ROTFLMAO!
Making it forced SPEECH. Nothing more.
And that is NOT ALLOWED!
I am thinking to get a mask that says "F*** You and the MASK you make me wear!"
"Lets Go Brandon!"
If the mask works. it's one thing to REQUEST it to be worn.
But 45 YEARS of published SCIENCE shows they are ineffective at blocking the spread of airborne viruses.
Furthermore, the only paper published was another Lancet Special, statistically insufferable review of reviews with CHERRY picking to say it MAY have some impact.
So, I ask the court.. At which point. Given that the UK internal documents PROVE they choose masking because it IDENTIFIES COMPLIANT PEOPLE and SPREADS THE FEAR MESSAGE...
At which point. Presented with that kind of evidence...
Can the judge actually JUDGE that the mask, was NOT about HEALTH, but COMPLIANCE.
It was the Modern Day YELLOW Ribbon, and failure to wear it blocked access to necessary items.
Furthermore, they stunt children (who are basically immune to the disease) growth, including reduction in IQ.
So, it is NOT risk free. At which point, can I require people to wear an SS Armband...
But over their face...
To access my bank?
Or if they don't, while working for me, I can fire them...
When, exactly, does it become "speech"...
Here’s a link about the WEF, but you must dive deeper and research what they are about. Start with “The Great Reset”.