The Most Astonishing Thing about the Pandemic

Posted by Vinay 2 years, 11 months ago to Science
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It is startling that the raging battle over vaccine safety may be drilled down to the State’s criminal negligence, not an inherent defect in the new style of vaccines. Unless you are ideologically anti-vax rather than empirically cautious with mRNA.
SOURCE URL: https://www.thesavvystreet.com/could-this-be-the-most-startling-news-of-the-pandemic-yet/

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  • 11
    Posted by $ Abaco 2 years, 11 months ago
    The reason why this article can be written is because western society has abandoned science. I had to study this virus and knew it fairly well before it got here - in terms of how it spread, the type of virus it was and how successful our established science would be at creating a timely, effective vaccine for it. None of this pandemic surprised me. I just planned my activities, sat my family down and briefed them, and then watched children be traumatized by the government, friends traumatized by CNN, and the power-hunger movers in the government have a feast. Meanwhile, this family of four never got a sniffle. Nothing. I think we're the only family I know who can say that - and we have two kids in school. I didn't go public with what I had learned, but I did advise officials in my previous home state. Their reaction was one of the final straws for me. Now, I live in the high desert - my own Gulch... Meanwhile, there's a law about to be signed by Newsome that if a medical professional says something that doesn't fit the desired narrative they will lose their license. This is the beginning of the end, of course.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 11 months ago
      The Church has declared the universe revolves around the earth. Any dissent will not be well received.
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      • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 11 months ago
        Exactly! All hail the new Clergy Class! Pope Fauci the 1st be blessed!
        I am not Anti-Vax. I will confess to being so-called “vaxxed”. By choice. And fully willing to accept the consequences. I’m done having kids. I encouraged my children to NOT get vaxxed. Some still did. I have not disowned them but the consequences are their own. I cannot say that I feel I have suffered ill effects. But there’s a lot of anecdotal data in extended family with clots and strokes that makes a person go, Hmmmmmm. I will not be getting boosted. Because the empirical evidence suggests that the vax does not work as advertised. Rather than a concerted effort to “Kill Us All”, I still believe there are sneakier ways to do that when we aren’t paying attention, I believe this was a money and research data grab. Coupled with setting up the infrastructure for a new Bio-Security State. None of the mitigation efforts were about COViD. At least on a National Level. All about CONTROL.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 11 months ago
          Much wisdom in your post. I'm not convinced the jab is a concerted effort to kill us all, either, but there are nuts on the planet that think man is some kind of disease that must be greatly reduced or eliminated in order to "save the planet" in some way. If they gain control over something lethal anything can happen.

          I am not anti-vax, but at the same time I am not "jabbed" because it isn't a vaccine. Then the thing got coupled up with authoritarian politics and old fashioned greed on a scale I've never seen before in America. Now evidence that it isn't so great is seeping out all over the place making me glad I didn't participate. Too much covering up going on. Too much unreliable data being spewed about. I'll wait.
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  • 10
    Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 11 months ago
    I hate the term, Anti-Vaxx because I am NOT against Vaccines, I am against the piss-poor science explaining reality.
    Our daughter was injured by her 1yr vaccines, and we spent 10 years getting MOST of her health back!

    I am vax-hesitant. I am MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT-hesitant. I am Risk-Averse, by nature.

    Simple Math: risk of covid-19 caused problems are relative to the odds I get Covid. Risk of Vaccine Damage is relative to taking the shot (100% if I take it), then risks by vial, doses, lack of aspiration (human error), stainless steel particles in the vaccine, unknown contaminants. If those are 1 in a million risks. I have to add them up. Sorry, I will pass. I did pass...

    My health is my responsibility. my doctor is an ADVISOR on this. I choose. I educate myself.
    Furthermore, all the prior corona virus vaccines had MAJOR issues, and NEVER got passed killing the animals they were tested on. If these were such great things, I would have assumed we would see the PERFECT ANIMAL STUDIES years ago, when they DEVELOPED this stuff.

    Finally, after knowing the various pieces of this virus were previously patented, and basically printed on a 3D virus printer... You realize that this is MAN playing GOD. And when MAN fails to acknowledge their past mistakes (saturated FATS are bad, but margarine is good, etc. etc. etc.) for many decades... You must consider that they are simply STUPID/ARROGANT... And calculate your own risks...

    Oh, and when you hear that ILLEGAL ALIENS are NOT being forced to vaccinate because they RETAIN their rights to sue the drug companies, then you have to wonder. WOULD ANY of this happen if it weren't for their lack of liability??? (And I think NOT)!
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    • Posted by TheRealBill 2 years, 11 months ago
      I'm not even "vax-hesitant". Let them come up with an actual vaccine and we can have a discussion about it. But something that is literally not designed to precent infection at the entry points doesn't count.
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    • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
      So "illegal aliens" are out of the mandate? Amazing.

      The risk of damage is made worse by the State. Aspiration before vaccination may result in no damage. That's the only way to take it.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 2 years, 11 months ago
    Tucker made a good point last night. Gun manufacturers ARE subject to liability lawsuits and Covid vaccine manufactures are NOT subject to liability lawsuits. Buydem lied in his SOTU drivel about gun manufactures liability .
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  • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 11 months ago
    Sorry it’s not a vax. The shot is meant to generically modify humans. I have more to say but I am late for my POLIO BOOSTER. be back soon.
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  • Posted by kcrdesign 2 years, 11 months ago
    I’m so glad you brought this topic. For 2 years, since the beginning, I thought we are in a very scary time. I saw people numb in masks walking around like zombies with no problem. They were doing as they were told with no study on masking to prevent virus spread. But that didn't matter - they were so noble signaling their virtue everywhere. Yes, I went along in the start of it as we all just didn't know about this novel virus. Then it impacted every part of our lives. Then this new “vaccine” (really a world experiment) is here and the campaign is pushed on the news and even on Spotify that “you will kill your grandmother” if you don't vaccinate. Then we cannot ask questions about a new experimental drug without being fact-checked with their “disinformation campaign” from big tech and government in bed with big pharma. Then we are divided up in the “vaccinated” or “unvaccinated” camps as Australia showed us literally! Mandating a vaccine or give up your livelihood is a choice by force. That is not freedom but evil.

    And how immediate they used Covid to take away our civil rights is shocking. People who I thought know liberty prevails just gave in to fear and propaganda machine of Faucism with no question. Where was the demand for other doctor points of view, maybe a panel of doctors, for a rigorous scientific debate of facts and evidence so we could do our own risk assessment? Why just power to one bureaucrat who claims “he is science”?
    The ever-changing “science” machine of the CDC was always only political science. At the cost though of real science and data, we needed to hear! Any other point of view from legitimate knowledgeable doctors and scientists was put aside as anti-science. Shocking this actually played out with the silencing of scientific debate even as the vaccines waned in efficacy and they had to even keep boosting because it worked so great! But don’t worry or question this new mRNA gene therapy. Just get the jab. Personally, I am not against all vaccines which have helped the world. I've had the normal vaccines. My mother is older and got all doses and boosted. That was her own risk assessment and she made the right decision for her. I am glad I stuck with my decision, and also for my now 16 year old son to not be vaccinated. I still stand by that decision for us.

    Now they have stopped pushing vaccines with the Court ending that for businesses (hopefully it will end for medical people) as we now are seeing the reality of their lockdown/mandate policies have a negative impact on society. Never did they remind the public to continue your other healthcare issues like heart or cancer preventative measures. There is a study done from the Pioneer Institute, Public Policy Research (heard on a podcast recently and editorial in Wall Street Journal) on the “An ‘Impending Tsunami’ in Mortality from Traditional Disease?” conveys the emergence of the other cost to lockdowns because cancer or heart issues were not diagnosed in time. This is the next looming health crisis because of this pandemic. So focusing on fear and force to get vaccines will not save us in the end! Their public health policies are negligent!
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    • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 11 months ago
      The impending tsunami of deaths is likely a result
      Of a dangerous serum being unethically promoted and pushed on millions of souls. In fact several life insurance cos have seen a spike in claims (not Covid) since the con cocktion recieved an illegal emergency use auto EUA. My sister died very painfully in August 2021 10 days after her 3rd inoculation .
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      • Posted by kcrdesign 2 years, 11 months ago
        I am sorry to read about your sister. My heart goes out to you. She matters and they have committed crimes here!
        Yes. This study refers to life insurance analysis.
        My friend’s twin sister died last year but not of Covid but after losing her job, then her health insurance, she became isolated (a once happy social person suffering the mental toll of the fear pushed), she did not get help for a stomach issue that could have been resolved if she got the care she needed. She was 59. So another loss in the crimes!
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        • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 11 months ago
          ThanQ so much. And sympathies for your loss as well. The secondary toll from what these deletes have done to humanity will never be fully tallied.
          Nuerenberg 2.0
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 11 months ago
        So Very Sorry to hear this.
        And I hear some kids, in response to friend being hospitalized after a reaction, say "But they got over it"... I want to scream "you CANNOT know that... They could have life long issues that only start showing..."

        Again, so sorry...
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      • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
        So sorry, Dobrien, to hear of her death. That's shocking. Did she get aspiration before the vaccination, especially the third (refer attached article)?
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        • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 11 months ago
          ThanQ , I did read the article and I understand that aspiration is a safer method to receive the righteous poison. The thing is the risk of the China Flu with a 99.98% survival rate if you get it is not enough . Period. To warrant @ny life altering beh@viour. The EUA was actually illegal because there were and are safe effective treatments. No safe effective treatments is a requirement. So, Quite frankly my sister was fearful and brainwashed. Her husband censored me very early on with the pl@nd3mic. I tried to tell him and her of my experience with Fauci . How the China Flu is not that much different than the typical flu.
          He actually hung up on me. My historical record on this board would show that I absolutely knew this whole COVID19 was an attack on everyone @nd that we were being played just like Kissmyassinger stated in 1990’s.
          “ If you tell the people that there is a big enough threat, they will gladly give up their freedom”.
          There are conseQuences for not adhering to our constitutional rights ev3n on a personal level.
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          • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
            Omicron does not warrant the vaccine. Alpha and Delta did for the over 80s (15% death rate) and otherwise over 50 and serious comorbidities. For anyone else, there was no need for the vaccine. Giving it to children is just criminal. Death rate below age 20 was zero.
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            • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 11 months ago
              What is the death rate over 80 years old for the flu?
              I suspect even those folks were then subjected to remdisivir a drug that has shown to cause organ failure. That and dexamethasone which inhibits breathing. Next on the ventilator and then $43,000
              To the hospital for the death. I wonder how those folks would have faired with Ivermectin or HCQ/ zinc/ zpac?
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              • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 11 months ago
                This whole inoculation business stinks to high heaven , with all the lies and disasterous protocols.
                This PlanDEMic is simply a massive crime against humanity.
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              • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
                Over-80s death rate: In the U.S., no one knows because many died with COVID, which they got in hospital, rather than from it.
                Also, Omicron death rates will be far below Alpha and Delta.
                I am guessing below 5% without Ivermectin etc.
                With treatments? Perhaps below 2%?
                Treatments are being suppressed, so we will never know.
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                • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 11 months ago
                  The Elephant in the room is and always has been is the tests , the PCR test’s are wildly inaccurate. One of the creators of the PCR test said it should never have been used for this. Have you heard of 40 cycles? You run it up to that number and you can almost build a dna sequence of an Allosaur.
                  They never isolated the Covid19 and the DNA sequence for it was not identified by the “test”
                  Same thing for the “Delta”. Not one request for a sample of the isolated Covid19 virus to the CDC from major universities was met.
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    • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
      Thank you. You have listed the issues well. Omicron, the new mild version, infects triple vaccinated people as well. And Omicron is not deadly unless you are over 80.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 2 years, 11 months ago
    The whole pLandemic was based in treason, as parties involved were fulfilling the one worlders 80 country depopulation quotas, with US being set at 75%. Trump missed it. Un Agenda 21/2030. Then came themRNA vax, which did not work as past, based on the virus to be fought. Frist they had to create a coctail, and the scare people into taking the vax or die. From there, they lied to AVRS about most everything, and went on revaxing, and erasing the immune system, which they failed to share. They even tried to push more vaxes by calling Omnicrom a covid19 variant, when it was actaully an antidote to the Fauci cocktails. Somewhere, Canada let Chinese bioengineer in Winipeg, and two hennipah and one ebal srain were sent to virology lab in China where CDC, NIH and Fauci made what was meant to finish us all off, noor most of us. I have takens regular vaccines, som okay, some nearly lethal to me. I took the 2nd pneumonia vax. But, this was different, it had an agenda, and some of us actually did global research, while others became sheep.
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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 2 years, 11 months ago
    I, too, am not an anti-vaxxer. But I am very much anti-coercion when it comes to injecting myself with what is still an experimental drug, especially when the entity doing the coercion has given the makers of said experimental drug blanket immunity from lawsuits. I saw this morning that about 215M people are fully vaccinated in this country. In mid-November, according to the VAERS database, there had been 850K adverse reactions to the vaccines serious enough to seek medical attention. I got to believe that number is now closer to 900K. So when I do the math, for every 239 people who have received the vaccinations, 1 of them has sought medical help for a bad reaction. Don't know about anyone else, but since I have anaphylactic reactions to several foods, 1 chance out of 239 seems like an extremely high number. for me to risk my life.

    Oh yeah...almost forgot...Let's Go Brandon!
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    • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 11 months ago
      99.98% survival rate with the China Flu. Probably much higher if you stayed out of the hospitals and remdisivir then ventilator to finish off the victim.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 11 months ago
    I thought the most astonishing thing was the damage that has been done to the health of this Nation!
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 11 months ago
      We can blame the Food Pyramid, the Tobacco Companies (Who bought the Junk Food Companies, and converted them to Addiction Foods), and the Corrupted Harvard (and other) schools of Medicine, and Corrupted Journals...

      The IGNORANT Doctors do NOT EVEN KNOW they are being lied to, and used as Pawns.

      That's the sad part.

      This was softening us.

      80+% of Americans are ADDICTS: Cigarettes, Vaping, Alcohol, Caffeine, or Junk Food.

      Notice these things were all available... But Gyms got closed. Oh, and how many vitamins were no longer available? (NAC removed from Amazon)...

      When you realize T2D is the #1 driver of Medical Expenses (pre-covid), and it is 100% DIET DRIVEN... Your eyes should open.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 2 years, 11 months ago
    After the deliberate suppression of the dangers of mRNA vaccines (now coming out in Pfizer's document dump), I don't plan to accept any injection again, not because of some generalized fear of all vaccines but because the people who want to force the shots on everybody may very well try again through hiding the stuff in other products. Indeed, if The Great Reset happens then even food may get spiked.
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  • Posted by Lucky 2 years, 11 months ago
    Yes to every point.

    As another not-anti-vaxxer I still have not succumbed to this one.

    I've had a score or more over the years and thinking about it, the jab goes in about the same place in the arm for all, supposedly blood free. After, nurse puts a little piece of sticky pad over the jab site. Why? Perhaps to keep infection out of the bloodstream? Is there any blood on that pad when it comes off? In my experience, hardly ever, but yes in one or two rare instances.
    To me, that is enough to insist on aspiration.

    I would require this precaution even with the non mRNA vaxxes.
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