An interesting dissection of the Evergreen College Implosion

Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 3 years ago to Education
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I simply stumbled across this while spelunking Internet rabbit holes. I found it an interesting catalogue of how the extreme WOKEISM of the so-called “Tolerant” left can devolve into anarchy so easily. Actually I’m not going to call it anarchy. That would imply individuals acting solely in their own best interests. This was a loosely organized herd of.....proto-fascists? That it comes from an independent contributor to the HuffPost also gives us a window into how the Left views itself.
SOURCE URL: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-evergreen-state-college-implosion-are-there-lessons_b_5959507ee4b0f078efd98b0e

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  • Posted by mccannon01 3 years ago
    I notice the author neglects to name some of the culprits, but uses "faculty member" or "students", etc, but isn't shy to name others. Hard to believe any educating actually takes place in such an environment. Total waste of tuition money. I wouldn't hire anyone from that place.
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    • Posted by $ 3 years ago
      If there isn’t already an undergraduate degree in “Woke” studies I’m sure it’s coming. I’m just at a loss for words at how much wasted money and time there is. But that’s what happens when government takes an active role in any market I guess.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 3 years ago
        Woke studies degree programs are already underway, IMO. They're just not called "Woke", but in many cases end in "Studies" or "Theory". In any case, heavy doses of Marxism served in a cognitive dissonance wrapper is the course curriculum and may become a degree requirement to make sure every student's mind is poisoned with equity.

        This is the inculcation of the New Jim Crow in the nations youth. Same as the old Jim Crow, but the racial pecking order is changed. Still segregation. Still a favored race. Still no tolerance for the disfavored races. Still pitting Americans against each other. Still championed by the Democrat Party (now become Neo Communist Party). It will all come crashing down when a white "Rosa Parks" refuses to go along and stands up for real civil rights - again. We're seeing proof this lesson wasn't really learned the first time. The next round will likely be more nasty than the first.
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  • Posted by starguy 3 years ago
    A degree in Woke Studies, from Evergreen State, with a sizeable student loan debt, just so you can get a job asking: "Do you want fries with that?"
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    • Posted by mccannon01 3 years ago
      Had to +1 that! Maybe this is why the left wants companies like McDs to pay such a high minimum wage. That way all those functionally useless college graduates can feel warm and fuzzy about the participation trophy they received - and get the taxpayers to pick up the tab for the trophy.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 3 years ago
    Like when I had to dissect a frog in fifth grade science class, the dissection of the Evergreen College fracas is actually quite easy - if one stays to the facts. The problem is that once you take a scalpel to that thin skin, the stink comes to the surface exposing all the gory details and innards. And the gory details of Evergreen College include the inherently intolerant atmosphere which extends throughout the administration and faculty of the school itself. When you add that organ to the other organ which attracts a student population largely composed of self-important leftist snowflakes, you have a festering, decomposing corpus where it is only a matter of time before the inevitable explosive outgassing and the resulting splatter of fecal material. It was as predictable as it was disgusting.
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