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Another odd thing was that if you ever did a border crossing, the Canadian officers were WAY nicer than the American ones. It took only a few minutes for the Canadians to look over our stuff and wave us through. The American side could take 45 minutes if you got an agent who wanted his power trip...
These folks are UNSTOPPABLE! Love it!!
Both Xiden and Castrotudeua are fraudsters and pedos .The Qreat Awakening is now “The Storm”.
Go back to October,2017 . After dining with many military leaders and their wives , during a photo shoot afterward at the Whitehouse, President Trump told the press. “ You know what this is? This is the calm before the Storm. “ What Storm
Mr. President the press asked. President Trump responded “ you will find out”.
Oh, the po' widdle boy! Come to think of it, starguy's "Let's Go Justin!" DOES look like a widdle boy. Do they have an at least be age 35 requirement to be a president in Canada like they do in the USA?
Me dino knows we need a~~Yer too damn old, ya stupid senile old coot!~~age requirement here.
One jab -- It won't be safe, but it will be effective.
A good Canadian friend of mine was on hand for many of the peaceful trucker protests and sent me photos and video links.
Is Fauci really going to ride off into the sunset with a high-six-figure pension?
That sure is one damn fine looking rope right there.
Gates -- a different matter ...
I think that he was corrupted in the 1990's ... the whole bit with embedding the browser in the OS and the war with Netscape, et. al. The courtroom drama, testimony, "look and feel" -- all of that crap. I observed the Henry Rearden of Software being victimized by the envy-intoxicated drunks.
I had a vision of Gates being taken to a room -- and told that if he did not comply, his company would be broken into pieces (anti-monopoly rubbish). He was instructed that there would be an agenda, he would follow it, or else.
I believe that when any industrialist or media personality or ... pert-near anyone -- gets "too high, too successful and has too great a following" -- that individual is the target for either elimination or corruption.
Bill Gates used to be a visionary, a builder, a creator.
Art imitates life? Or the other way around?
Gates was corrupted much like Anakin Skywalker.
There are powerful forces at work in this world -- they are not reptile-people or Pleadians or any other such rubbish -- they are living breathing human beings that belong to families that have controlled the levers of human destiny for ages. I do not recall the origin or exact date (1920s I think) -- but a US Senator once said something to the effect "There are great men who control the levers of finance in this country. So vast and so complete is their power, so ever-present is the cultivation of fear, their names are not spoken in these halls."
Of course your rubbish about reptilians and Pleadians is offensive to me and all the research I do. Good day!