There's No Such Thing as "Green" Energy.
Posted by deleted 2 years, 12 months ago to Science
It's pretty obvious. We are a material species, living in a material world. It's oil, or lithium, or uranium. Pick your poison, do a cost-benefit analysis...of course nuclear wins but I wouldn't consider it Green, I just see it as the best solution. All other solutions are about the electrons. Nuclear energy goes to the nucleus, where the real energy gains are to be had. If you're sitting in a gigantic apple orchard, why eat a bundle of grapes from your pocket?
OK, man figured out things like it's idiotic and dangerous to dump dioxins in the Niagara River and stopped doing it, but this constant harping that man is responsible for everything that happens on the planet we don't like is man's fault is also idiotic.
green is about controlling people, not about a better way to provide energy