The false flag is America's

Posted by Casebier 3 years ago to Politics
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I suspect the Biden Administration keeps saying a Russian invasion is imminent, that Russia is preparing a false flag operation, and that a Russia attack will only take hours to overtake Kiev, etc., etc., is they know it’s not going to happen. A fix is already in and ready to spring.

That wilily ex-KGB Putin is setting this whole thing up so Biden can say something like, “In order to avoid massive loss of Ukraine and Russia lives in a senseless war, we’ve reached an agreement with Russia to prevent the imminent Russian invasion. In return for Putin’s agreement to not invade and to return all Russian forces to their prior posts, I have promised him that the United States will block any movement to expand NATO to include Ukraine as a member.”

The result:
1.) Biden is hailed as a hero who has prevented a war.
2.) By making Biden look the hero peacemaker, Putin assures that Biden, the weakest President in modern US history, stays in office.
3.) China is also happy that Biden is made the peacemaker because it takes the steam out of US hawks’ efforts to advance US weaponry.
4.) Putin assures the Nord Stream pipeline goes forward thus adding to Europe’s growing dependence on Russian gas.
5.) In a second undisclosed agreement, like the one Obama gave to Iran, Biden will also commit the US to not move any troops or arms to Poland or to any other state bordering Russia, or to any state that borders any other state that borders Russia. And finally, the US will formally recognize Crimea as belonging to Russia.
6.) Russia agrees to significantly expand its petroleum exports to the US to help reduce US gas prices, again to make Biden look good.
7.) Putin and Biden are jointly nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Does this sound too crazy to be true?

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years ago
    I've been thinking this whole time that Putin's palm will be greased by the American taxpayers once this is settled. Maybe I'm nuts on that...
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  • Posted by mccannon01 3 years ago
    Wow, we think alike on all this. However, I didn't see #7 coming. Very possible and made me smile.

    IMHO, the last statement of #5 is very important for an additional reason: Stalin threw the Muslims out of the Crimea back in the '20s and '30s and the new government of Ukraine started a program to let them back in because Muslims had a lot to do with overthrowing the previous Russia friendly Ukraine government. Putin and the Russians say, "Nyet", hence taking Crimea. They're never going to give it back.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 3 years ago
    I'm going to throw a little something different in here, primarily because of the reporters back-and-forth with the Secretary of State spokesman when they were demanding real proof of the Russians doing.

    Russia invaded Georgia during Obama's terms in office. Obama let him do it. Turn around a few years later and Putin invaded the Crimean Peninsula. Again - Obama let him get away with it. Let's also note that Obama had the opportunity to support a popular rebellion in none other than Iran during the so-called Arab Spring. He did nothing and the movement was squashed. Iran is now the #1 State sponsor of terrorism and threatens even other Arab nations in the Middle East - to say nothing about their never-ending threats against Israel and the United States.

    Also, Biden already ordered several thousand troops to Ukraine despite the public's resistance. I think he's secretly hoping for some "accident" that kills some American soldiers which can be used to gin up support for a more general war. Remember, with COVID's control freaks looking worse and worse every day, the Biden administration - just like every other Democratic President in modern history - has fomented a war to distract from their policy disasters. And Biden certainly has those aplenty!

    And let's go over just what Russia gets from taking over Ukraine.
    1) Almost complete control of the Black Sea. The Crimean peninsula controls the north half. They want the whole thing because of all the shipping - including the pipelines.
    2) A largely loyal population base. Nearly 50% of Ukrainians support closer ties with Russia.
    3) A huge trove of underworld contacts and international espionage information. Until very recently, Ukraine was rated the most corrupt nation in the world. And let's not forget that Biden, himself, has been outed as having unsavory dealings in that nation (among others). Putin developed his power-base starting with the KGB and maintains it by those means. Intelligence is key to his continued reign and there would be no better information than leverage on the sitting President of the United States.

    So while your scenario is interesting, I don't think Biden's staff has the creativity for such a plan, nor are they respected enough in the international political world to have people do anything other than laugh outright at the notion of a Nobel Prize for the Hair-sniffer in Chief.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years ago
    You're not crazy. Considering the people involved, including the Deep State presidential puppeteers always hiding behind the curtain, such Schiff could happen.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 3 years ago
    We (I mean the US) should simply tell Russia and Putin "If Ukraine wants to join NATO, we're going to let them in, whether you like it or not." We need not declare war. I doubt that Russia would dare simply invade the USA as a result.
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  • Posted by ddobbins 3 years ago
    Win - win - win - win - win. Only fool is America as Biden does Putin's will. American Sheeple too fixated on the mask cult and Kim Karadashian to care.
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