Drop Forged . . .
Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 11 months ago to Philosophy
"We were sold a bill of goods by politicians such as Bill Clinton, George Bush and Bob Dooooooole, who helped secure and assure Most Favored Nation (MFN) trading status for the Chinese regime back in the ’90s. Actually, for the American corporations that owned politicians like Clinton, Bush and Dooooooooole. Who were employed to enable the offshoring of the manufacturing of tools – and eventually, everything else – to China, where everything is drop-forged.
Perot tried to warn Americans about the bag full of cats (in lieu of rabbits) being sold to them on the notion that this would result in cheaper products. Which it did. Literally. We paid less – and got it. Even name-brand American tools that used to be lifetime tools became drop-forged tools, now being mostly made in . . . China."
"We were sold a bill of goods by politicians such as Bill Clinton, George Bush and Bob Dooooooole, who helped secure and assure Most Favored Nation (MFN) trading status for the Chinese regime back in the ’90s. Actually, for the American corporations that owned politicians like Clinton, Bush and Dooooooooole. Who were employed to enable the offshoring of the manufacturing of tools – and eventually, everything else – to China, where everything is drop-forged.
Perot tried to warn Americans about the bag full of cats (in lieu of rabbits) being sold to them on the notion that this would result in cheaper products. Which it did. Literally. We paid less – and got it. Even name-brand American tools that used to be lifetime tools became drop-forged tools, now being mostly made in . . . China."