VAIDS: Vaccine Acquired Immuno-deficiency Syndrome
It Gets Worse! The Fully Vaccinated Are Developing “Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome” (AIDS) Much Faster!
FIGHT4USA News October 17, 2021
By: Brenda Brown
The last Vaccine Surveillance Report from the UK PHE shared terrible results for the healthy, fully vaccinated population.
The report stated, “Covid -19 cases show that doubly vaccinated 40-79-year-olds have lost 44% of their immune system capability. Their immune systems are deteriorating at around 5% per week (between 3.8% and 9.1%).
If this continues, then 30-59-year-olds will have zero Covid/viral defense (and perhaps a form of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) by Christmas, and all double vaccinated people over 30 will have completely lost the part of their immune system that tackles Covid-19 by January next year.”
The image tells us that 50% of vaccine efficacy means that vaccinated people are 50% more protected than the unvaccinated. The delta case rate in the vaccinated population is half that in the unvaccinated.
Vaccine efficacy of -50% signifies that unvaccinated are more protected than the vaccinated population. So the delta case rate in the vaccinated population is double that in the unvaccinated.
Last but not least, the efficacy of 0% means that the vaccinated population isn’t more protected than the unvaccinated. SO, the delta rate in the vaccinated population is the same as in the unvaccinated.
The conclusion?
We can’t gain natural immunity, and the vaccine efficacy is gone!
Clipped from:
Here's the kicker, Why don't all the vaccinated get sick, there must be something else to consider here...and I'll be damned if I can put my finger on it.
FIGHT4USA News October 17, 2021
By: Brenda Brown
The last Vaccine Surveillance Report from the UK PHE shared terrible results for the healthy, fully vaccinated population.
The report stated, “Covid -19 cases show that doubly vaccinated 40-79-year-olds have lost 44% of their immune system capability. Their immune systems are deteriorating at around 5% per week (between 3.8% and 9.1%).
If this continues, then 30-59-year-olds will have zero Covid/viral defense (and perhaps a form of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) by Christmas, and all double vaccinated people over 30 will have completely lost the part of their immune system that tackles Covid-19 by January next year.”
The image tells us that 50% of vaccine efficacy means that vaccinated people are 50% more protected than the unvaccinated. The delta case rate in the vaccinated population is half that in the unvaccinated.
Vaccine efficacy of -50% signifies that unvaccinated are more protected than the vaccinated population. So the delta case rate in the vaccinated population is double that in the unvaccinated.
Last but not least, the efficacy of 0% means that the vaccinated population isn’t more protected than the unvaccinated. SO, the delta rate in the vaccinated population is the same as in the unvaccinated.
The conclusion?
We can’t gain natural immunity, and the vaccine efficacy is gone!
Clipped from:
Here's the kicker, Why don't all the vaccinated get sick, there must be something else to consider here...and I'll be damned if I can put my finger on it.
It just goes on and on. And yet the only time I got COVID was from a vaxxed person. Go figure.
The Great Reset is on - and its plan is to eliminate 90% of human life on the planet. How better to do it than to disguise the source in an "innocuous" medical treatment given to everyone?
FWIW, there has been indications that these mRNA vaccines also shut down the T-cells. I'm doing research on cancer infusion companies to prep my portfolio. Let's take a peek at cancer rates this summer and see what we see...
But that's what they want. These elitists WANT a global population of no more than 500 million people. That means they have to kill off 90% of the world's population to get there. It's the largest attempted genocide in the history of the world - happening right before our eyes.
The Pfizer reps are now saying they think the Omicron variant will require not just a booster, but another series of AT LEAST three more vaccinations. The government is acting as though this variant, which is no more dangerous than the common cold, and less so than the seasonal flu, as though it was the Black Plague and smallpox rolled into one.
This fall fire them all, re-elect no one.
Taken relitively soon after getting vaxed, you will at least keep the immunity you have left. Continue to take it and stay protected.
It has made an amazing difference in my health. I suspected I had something playing Hide and Seek with my immune system for years and weather that description is correct or not...IT"S GONE! and I even have more sustainable energy now to boot!
I get it from a bloodtype, (, source, it has other good things in and that could be the reasoning also.
We have to "Finger" that one out.
The problem is that I got this image from a video and most of these links are from "Linked in" and I am not a member.
This should do it.
I suspect the batches of vaccines are very different depending upon whom or how many they wish to off!'s not Just the old dying, it's various amounts of all demographic groups.
You read THAT here First...
I'm primed prophylactically on Quercetin, C, B complex, Zinc and homemade ionophores of apple and pear juices from last year's harvest. This virus is different than anything I've encountered in my life. Even though I'm in great physical and, very arguably, mental/emotional health....let the gallery laugh......these symptoms hang on well beyond my "normal" illness timelines. It's as if the replication rate of the virus is greater than previously encountered. I've not moved onto Ivermectin nor vaporized HCL. Trying to keep from extreme unless these symptoms persist for another 3 or 4 days....studying.
If I were minus my regular regimen of healthy food and activity....Thinking this would be a very bad ride.
Anecdotally, I've never used more than 1/8 box of tissues for any previous illness. I'm 7/8 of a box at present.
I've had a long term problem in the mornings, N Acetyl Cysteine improved that condition 50/60% after a week now and will provide protection from any spike proteins I may have acquired from the vaccinated.
This indicates that all jabs are not the same.