Progressives pulling Biden's Strings are BOLD

Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 3 months ago to Government
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Amazing endorsement of complete government control, virtually communism, brazenly, right in the open.

Expected Biden had handlers before, but this seems like he is not in control at all... or he really has become unhinged.
SOURCE URL: https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_morningbrief/biden-pick-for-bank-regulator-proposed-fed-take-over-banking-manipulate-stock-prices_4092467.html?mktids=7fd199223fdd40325b2028bdf3c57071&est=0wnkGjGBAn3WAWq3f2HlZrg1nC7OOrgSyI00GtUy%2FrJ6yfvvqLXFynuPnFqfef4%3D

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  • Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 3 months ago
    Isn't this just what the fed already does to benefit the banking cartel and wealthy looters?
    The major difference is that the person doing it is an employee of government.
    Whether I am a slave to the banksters or a slave to the government, I am still a slave.
    Jefferson and Jackson were right. Repeal the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment (plus 99% of the existing federal laws.)

    Omarova is a looting leftist loon.
    The 'solution' is LGBTNDC.
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    • Posted by term2 3 years, 3 months ago
      I have given up as to saving this country. I think its headed for collapse, and in face needs to collapse (hopefully not to a complete zero) before a majority of the citizens see that statism isnt practical
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      • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 3 months ago
        "...before a majority of the citizens see that statism isnt practical" You may be right, term2, but I suspect commie propaganda and brain washing has become so pervasive people may never really understand who/what the boogeyman was/is even after a complete collapse. The people have witnessed what happened to the various socialist/communist states in the past 100 years and still don't get it to the point of wanting it here.
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      • Posted by Storo 3 years, 3 months ago
        I am at odds as to how to reply to this post. Everything I can think of is unthinkable. What we see going on in the government today is aimed at causing a collapse of the US economy, and thus the world economy. And it’s working.
        It isn’t a question of seeing that statism isn’t practical. We already know that. The vast majority of Americans know that. The powers at work in our halls of government don’t care that it’s not practical. They want the dictatorial powers that come with a one party government.
        Our only hope is to vote these people out in 2022. We MUST do that. If we don’t, and we get 2 more years of Biden and the communists with the power to legislate, I fear that a collapse of our country is inevitable.
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        • Posted by term2 3 years, 3 months ago
          i have several explanations for the actions of the left currently. 1) They are trying to take down the USA faster, and know what the results of their programs will do. 2) They really think the current USA is bad and their leftist programs will make a country better for everyone in the , even though there might be some pain in the short term, or 3) Ideology is king, and the actual results of the programs are unimportant and not to be even considered.

          I tend to lean to the first explanation, but I would put the third explanation in the running.
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          • Posted by Storo 3 years, 3 months ago
            I think all 3 are spot on.
            They load us up with debt; over $6Trillion in Biden’s first year alone.
            They open our borders and millions more are allowed in, and Biden flies them at night to all parts of the country. This is aimed at overwhelming our “social safety net” since they mandate illegals to get all government benefits.
            They are trying to destroy our society; transgender agenda, defund police, riots in the streets led by Marxist BLM and instigated by Antifa, everything’s racist, and concerned parents are terrorists, using pornography in our schools and teaching white kids they are evil oppressors while teaching black kids they are victims of their fellow students’ whiteness.
            I could go on. Suffice it to say that ideology is driving their attempts to destroy the US, they kno what they are doing because the US is inherently racist, homophobic, sexist, misogynistic, evil, and was built on the backs of POC.
            I don’t drink that Kool-Aid and will do whatever I can to stop them.
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            • Posted by $ 3 years, 3 months ago
              Separate from how much I hate it, I can't wait to see the faces of the upper middle class, self-righteous pukes when their bubble comes down. Guess who is next door? Guess how your retirement will be? Guess what your kids will have to deal with? Oh, and phuck you for endorsing this to happen.
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              • Posted by Storo 3 years, 3 months ago
                Does it sound like I’m endorsing all this crap? If so, you should get the wax out of your ears.
                You want to see the faces of the middle class when everything collapses? Just what are you working for?
                I want to see the faces of the leftist/communist rabble when their new statist government takes over and they find themselves with nothing, depending on govt handouts, and standing in food lines.
                Most ppl want the best for their kids, their neighbors, their community, their country. You sure you want to tear everything apart?
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                • Posted by $ 3 years, 3 months ago
                  Sorry, I missed this. Mccannon is right. Body language and inflection don't come across in the written comment. Sorry to have set you off..

                  I was paraphrasing a curse for the self-righteous schmucks that voted all this crap in. They want to feel superior, altruistic, educated and "scientific", when they are nothing of the source. They have no idea where the end is, and when it comes, they'll have someone else they seek to blame.
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                • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 3 months ago
                  Storo, Thor's post isn't aimed at you. It's aimed at the "upper middle class, self righteous puke" liberal elites that pooh-pooh the rest of us. I would add the Hollywood, Madison Avenue, and MSMM lefty rich pukes as well.

                  My curse to them, similar to your thinking is: "When your socialist/communist dream comes true, may all your wealth be confiscated and spread about for the 'greater good' and may the keys to your fancy cars and mansions be handed over to share with anyone who needs transportation or a place to stay." When the useful idiots discover they've been betrayed, there will be a special place for them in the Gulag.

                  As for the tech giant and corporate wealthy that think they are buying a pass from the socialist leadership like socialist/fascist Hitler style, will find out they are getting socialist/communist Stalin style and will find themselves in a special Gulag as well.
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  • Posted by term2 3 years, 3 months ago
    biden hardly knows where he is or who he is talking to. He couldnt possibly be behind all these bills he is proposing. The deal was that he gets to be president so long as he does what they want, and is willing to say what they want and NO MORE. What it does mean for the country is an admission that we are not a great country any more
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  • Posted by Storo 3 years, 3 months ago
    Biden is an empty suit. The light is on, but nobody’s home. He is a puppet being managed by the Deep State somewhere between the White House and the World Economic Forum. They use corrupt politicians to carry out what they want. These politicians can be blackmailed into compliance because of their corruption, sexual escapades, bribes accepted and more. The actions of Biden are dictated to him. When one looks at the big picture, and all the things the Leftists are trying to do, it’s clear that they want to collapse the US, and open the door to One Fascist World Government. Or in the words of Klaus Schwab:
    “(In the new World Government) ….you will own nothing, and you will be happy. My friends and I will own everything, and be very, very happy.”
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