This Is Your Last Chance, by Robert Gore (Straight Line Logic)

Posted by straightlinelogic 3 years ago to Government
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You would think that living off the Industrial Revolution’s productive legacy, with first call on incomes and accumulated wealth, rulers would command more than ample resources to do whatever they desired. Such is not the case. Their schemes and rapacity are unlimited while even in the most productive and wealthy societies, resources are not. Governments and their central banks have created a debt explosion that leaves the world in the deepest financial hole it’s ever been.

The explosion has accelerated the past few years, leaving rulers at the outer limits of what they can expropriate or borrow. Whatever growth in GDPs they now hail, the unmentioned growth in debt is greater—the hole gets deeper. This state of affairs illustrates history’s central truism: governments can’t produce. Their stock in trade, coercion and violence, only destroys. Making producers tax and debt slaves to those who produce nothing destroys both production and integrity.

This is an excerpt, for the complete article please click the above link.
SOURCE URL: https://straightlinelogic.com/2022/01/18/this-is-your-last-chance-part-one-by-robert-gore/

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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 3 years ago
    I hope this link works. Despite the author's opinion of this article's peaceful resolution of the society tearing itself apart, I'm very pessimistic about that. The DC administration including the puppeteers and the swamp that is actually running the government are going to be in for a rude awaking. America that exists now will fracture along right and left political philosophies. Secession has to be the only alternative.
    Excellent essay, Robert.
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  • Posted by coaldigger 3 years ago
    In my opinion, the difference between man and any other animal is not opposing thumbs, it is the ability to chose whether to think or not think. Feelings and emotions as drivers of actions seem so natural and easy but they always lead to dead ends. Thinking is hard, especially since so few are even attempting it and just because you think doesn't guarantee that your outcome will be any better. Ayn Rand was right about needing a philosophy that would provide a basis for morality based on reason but it has proven to be too difficult a concept for a significant number of men to accept at one time to make a difference. This is most likely because each person must come to the same conclusions independently by thinking and reason.
    I don't see how bombs and bullets will ever make an improvement. I think that state run education is the common evil that prevails in almost every country and only places that replace that system with complete educational freedom will thrive. Teach kids to think, not how or what and let that go long enough and we will reset to what we are driven by nature to be.
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