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    Posted by $ AJAshinoff 3 years, 1 month ago
    Because you can only shout into the wind for so long before you run out of breath. I tried, very consistently, very actively, and very vocally for more than half my life but the opposition drowned me out from every angle even with my own family.
    If value is the proper exchange rate ive wasted my coin. It time to burn the fields and let them learn for themselves without my input, without the end product of my efforts. I dedicated decades and thousands of hours to educate, to inform and to teach. I'm finished trying.
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
      If you are saying it is time for war, I could not agree more strongly with you.

      When education, information and teaching no longer work, then it is time for a "just war".

      It is time to drop civility, in other words.
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    • Posted by RonC 3 years, 1 month ago
      I too have written, at length, about the values of self interest and dangers of too much government making too many decisions. I too have been reminded, just this weekend, that we aren't speaking of political things. So, I've made my fortune against all of the social norms. For me the FJB or "Let's go Brandon" have a broader meaning. It applies to all that believe from the productivity of the energetic to the benefit of the non-producer. FJB
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
      It can only be war, because the Left, and the Liberals now, do not have morals. And they care nothing for your individual and personal freedoms. In their minds, if it is good for their cultures of dependency, it is good for you too. In fact, in their minds, it is the only good, if it is good for them. So if taking your hard earned money to raise their children is good for them, then you must understand it is good for you, too, to give up your money.

      But they don't realize it is not good for them to become dependent on others. That is when others can control you.

      Thought I would clarify that.
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      • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 3 years, 1 month ago
        I'm on the downside of the slope. The firm successes of the nation, the structures of what been gleefully torn down through willful ignorance and stupidity cannot be sustained by the shit-composite foundation being built by present generations. As I said, I'm on the downside, approaching the sunset of my life, and those cheering against capitalism, cheering against the Constitution, cheering for the degradation of family in exchange for diversity, cheering for variable morality and are dead-set not to offend are the same lemmings who will have to live with it.

        I no longer care. It's why I stopped writing books, protesting, debating, etc. I read the days happenings, I buy more ammo and prepare for the eventuality that I will have to defend myself. Sadly, I wouldn't be surprised if my offspring turned me in. Such is the america we live in.

        My short story Manufacturing Change is too close to home.
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        • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
          Great story, AJ. You have caught the very "un-spirit" of Leftist/Liberalism, something I have only recently realized could exist, since never would I have believed it might happen in America. Sure, it happened to Kira Arguonova in Russia, but it could never happen here, in America.
          Let me help out on one thing: the reference to Bill Ayers at the end. I knew Obamma personally at the beginning of his reign (I caught that "Yes we can" in your story, too) for a couple of years. He had more of a relationship with Bill Ayers than people have been led to believe. In fact, it was his relationship with Ayers that he wanted to keep from me. I think it was Ayers that was the ghost writer for his "memoirs", among other things. Ayers wasn't just "another guy in the neighborhood", as Obamma said.
          You do know that Bill Ayers, former domestic terrorist, went to college---in Chicago, got a PhD in Elementary Education, and has been very influential in setting course standards and teaching methods in K-12? I think it is Ayers who is behind the move to assign the label "domestic terrorist" to parents who debate the school boards at meetings. It would fit.
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        • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
          And of all the horrendous, cruel, despicable things Leftism/Liberalism does to humanity, eliminating risk and challenges is one of the worst, if not THE worst. Your "Department of Economic Security" is the culprit in negating all possible yearnings of the human spirit. And that, along with the other regressive measures Leftism takes, is what will send humanity back to the primitive backwardness of the socio-politico-economic societies of regions like Sub-Saharan Africa. Societies that have been stagnant all through history, barely able to sustain themselves with subsistence methods of living, much less engage in comparative advantage economics. Look at Haiti, where the people completely deforested their half of the island, and remain economically dependent on other countries. And Cuba, where strange primitive "traditions" are making a come-back: Santeria, the use of spirit possession to control personal environments.
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        • Posted by jimslag 3 years, 1 month ago
          Wow, powerful story and I am afraid of that becoming reality with the way things are going. I am a veteran of 21 years in the military and don't believe that the country I represented all over the world could sink to that level. I also hate to see that everything I valued as an American has been or is being torn down by people who take an oath of office to uphold and defend the US Constitution. They say it but don't live it like most veterans do. I really don't know if most of us who have served can continue on this path without someone taking action, the main problem is, is anybody going to follow that person who steps up? Are we a nation of cowards now? Will the government go against those that stand against it? I see it in this administration and the AG going against parents speaking out against school boards, also on what they are not doing on the border and on allowing criminals out of jail because states are doing $0 bail, so they can continue to commit crimes. The insanity needs to stop but who will stand up and stop it?
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    • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 1 month ago
      Can't argue with you here, AJA. I feel I've gone down the same road. I enjoy conversing here in the Gulch, but outside (with a few rare exceptions) it's become a waste of effort. In the winter of my lifespan I can no longer put out the fire that will burn the Republic down or burn itself out sometime before that. I'm becoming less participant and more observer.
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      • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
        What do we do about the loss of election integrity in November 2020? Can it, or will it, happen again?
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        • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 1 month ago
          It depends on who the "we" are. Peons, like myself and presumably you, can complain and offer our opinions against rigged elections and go vote with the notion an overwhelming turnout for our candidate would make it harder for the opposition to cheat, which I believe is what happened in 2016 and what caused the statistical "anomalies" we saw in 2020 as the Neo Communists turned up the cheat heat. Those in charge of protecting election integrity (DOJ, FBI, etc.) are now compromised, IMHO, and have become corrupt tools of the cheaters - and it looks like there is nothing "we little people" can do about it.
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          • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
            Sometimes I feel the same as you: there's nothing I can really do. Parents fed up with what schools are teaching their children are labelled "domestic terrorists" and investigated by the U.S. Attorney General, and other outlandish things. What can we do?

            The Democrats---Leftist/Liberals---cheated in 2012 (Eric Holder and the Black Panthers, and ACORN, and every other radical organization in America) and they tried to cheat in 2016 (Romney had done some of his own investigating after his "defeat" in 2012, so we were able to prevent it from happening again). In 2020 the overwhelming majority of Americans voted for Trump, and the trap was set. We knew Trump was the choice of Americans, so we knew they cheated.
            Now, as Lenin said, what to do?
            We might understand first of all that it is okay to be angry.
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
      And the schools were taken over. That is why, I suspect, you were not able to get through, especially to these last three generations. But I guess you know that.
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  • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
    I would argue that what Rand never realized, or perhaps could not foresee, is that instead of striking, the producers have allied with the proponents of the collective.
    The once wealthiest capitalist in the world, George Soros, would have the rest of us living our lives under Socialism.
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    • Posted by Bopalla 3 years, 1 month ago
      Soros isn't a producer.
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      • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
        Well, could be. But he is a capitalist, and made his money with financial investments. Something one can do only in a capitalist environment. He is a "fat cat", wealthy capitalists with a socialist ideology.
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        • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 1 month ago
          He is not a fat cat but a horrendous leech. He is a tool of the banking Cabal. His first fund was money from Rothschilds. He is no capitalist he is a fascist. His financial/social justice ngo’s are funded by USAID. He is the slimy little worm who has used Ukraine to pay off his puppets ,including Biden , Pelosi , Schifface , Rotteney , and others.
          He didn’t make his money he used his cronies to manipulate currencies. A looter of the first degree.
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          • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
            I don't know about that. Sounds like more of one of those unprovable conspiracy theories. I don't think he is bad, so much as misplaced. In reality.

            He made much moola, which he could only have done in a capitalist environment. He broke the Bank of England, and justified it by his belief the Bank had a chokehold on interest rates.

            He is a fat cat by the very definition of fat cat. But that isn't what is important. What IS important is that he thinks those of us who presumabley are not as intelligent as himself (or others of his ilk) need to be dependent on---taken care of by---the "movers and shakers" of the world. And Bill Gates is of the same mind. And there are others, of course. The "vile entanglement of Leftists and Global Deep State" interests these people for more than one reason.
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            • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 1 month ago
              Yes a conspiracy theory! Unprovable , hardly.
              Do some homework. What a crock of shit that answer is. In His youth he turned in Jewish people to the NAZIS. He manipulated the British pound in a similar fashion th what The Red Shiekd banking family did to England after the Battle of Waterloo.
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              • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                I can give you this: Soros and I have a "truce" that takes this form:

                "Hit me with your best shot, why don't you hit me with your best shot: you're a real tough cookie with a long history, of breaking little hearts like the one in me, before I put another notch in my lipstick case, you better be sure you put me in my place."


                I told you I talked to him one morning, seven or eight years ago. The topic was a town in Colorado, called Fairplay.

                Don't believe everything you see and hear. Sometimes the best "play" or ploy, is the one that is kept hidden.
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              • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                Dobrien, I was willing to give you a break, but you sound like someone I know from One Political Plaza.
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                • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 1 month ago
                  Aw no thanks I don’t need a break from you.
                  Just went to One Political Plaza , never heard of it before your mention.
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                  • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                    Someone needs to give you a break. Any suggestions?

                    So what do you think of OPP?
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                    • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 1 month ago
                      I briefly viewed it. It looks similar to other boards I have read. Reminds me of 8kun.
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                      • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                        I got kicked off about three years ago. Got kicked off youtube also, but that was more recent. And then a couple of months ago youtube sent me an email and said they had reviewed my "case" (sounds like a social worker) and as it turns out I didn't didn't make objectionable comments after all. Something like that. So of course I said up yours, youtube, and didn't apply for an account. They set me up with an account anyway, and when I deleted my account, my google account, including my gmail and google docs "went away". So I found a new email provider---ProtonMail, a Swiss company that uses encryption, for about four to five Euros a month, and downloaded my docs to my computer. Later I'll purchase Microsoft Office. Who needs Google? I post on RT and Rumble and I'm fine with that. If you're interested, I'm Carol Binkley on RT/Disqus, and CarolABinkley on Rumble.
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                        • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 1 month ago
                          Holy Cow......R/T Disqus is one I don’t know and a rumble comes up empty and has no videos for your name.
                          Please provide a link.
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                          • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                            I have a lot of friends on RT, Dobrien, and when we engage in conversations it's as if we're sitting right across the table from each other. And then there are the others....but you can always block them or report them. It CAN get pretty mean and raunchy, but after all, it is a war. A war of thoughts. And our side needs more guns.
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                          • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                            I did post on articles on The Hill for a few months, but there were too many "dead-beat" insensitive characters that posted. People who I felt were unable to fully engage their brains. Or maybe they lacked certain competencies in that region of their bodies.
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                          • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                            Well, I don't post videos on Rumble for crying out loud. I just post comments where they're needed.

                            I'm signed up with Disqus, which means I can post where ever a platform or news organ uses Disqus. But mostly I post on RT---Russia Today. You get the most interesting posters from all over the world, some good, some bad, but you definitely cannot have a sensitive ego. And the articles are a thousand times more interesting, objective, and better written, and involve the whole world.

                            In fact, Dobrien, if you want to enter the fray, that might be a good place to start.
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                            • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 1 month ago
                              I entered the fray in 1983 when given a book describing who and how the Fed Reserve destroyed sound banking. .
                              That is after , following the “magic bullet” in Dallas.
                              Much of what I had learned or deducted was confirmed by Norman Dodd in his interview with G Edward Griffith. If you have not listened I will provide a link.
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                              • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                                I don't agree with you about central banks. I am more in agreement with Herr Arthur von Gwinner. I found this in an article from the New York Times, I think it was 1912:
                                "When, Herr von Gwinner said, the United States possessed a central bank, the phenomenon of Clearing House certificates with which America was accustomed periodically to edify the world would vanish. America would require in establishing a central bank so to shape its Constitution that its policy could never be controlled or manipulated for political interest or for the interest of a special financial group. If the bank became the plaything of special interests it would prove more fatal than the disease which it was created to destroy."

                                Now I'm not using this as an "appeal to authority"; as I have said elsewhere, I was a graduate student in global macroeconomics in the summer of 2008, "when my government found me", except for yourself, to whom it could prove a starting point for questioning certain conspiracy theories.
                                I am a more-or-less free market capitalist, and a moderate Monetarist. The economy needs monitoring by something.

                                Here is a link to the von Gwinner article:
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                              • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                                I'll look at it. But the best explanation of the public execution of JFK I found in a fictionalized account, a book written by Robert K. Tanenbaum, who was Deputy Chief Counsel for the House Select Committee on Assassinations to investigate the JFK and MLK assassinations. The book was a fictionalized account, in order that it would be published. He titled it "Corruption of Blood".
                                I may start a thread called: "The Public Execution of John F. Kennedy".
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                      • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                        Never heard of 8kun. But OPP has become only a platform for black liberal posters to show how much knowledge they don't have.

                        If it weren't for nwtk and most of the other conservative posters, I wouldn't be reading it at all. In fact, I may not expose myself to the liberal hatred on that site again.
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                        • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 1 month ago
                          Like most opinion boards you need sort the wheat from the chaff.
                          I love hate speech. It reveals a persons character.
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                          • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                            I already know their character. I don't need to feel their hatred as well.

                            Maybe it's me. I mean, they are what they are, I guess. But it's myself, my own character, or personality, that is responsible for my perturbation, shall we say.
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                            • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 1 month ago
                              The challenge is to not let them manipulate you.
                              Like Howard Roark said to Ellsworth Toohey When Toohey asks what Howard thinks of him after slamming him in the news paper. Howard replies I don’t think about you at all.
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                              • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                                Yes, that is one of my favorite quotes from Rand. I think she credited her husband Frank O'Connor for the line.
                                Another is from the 1940's version of "The Fountainhead": (I don't remember who said it, one of the bad guys---maybe I'll watch the movie again today), but it goes something like this: "I deal in the human spirit. And I sell short." The Liberal mind-set.

                                The thing is, I CAN say that to the bas*; but it doesn't keep me from feeling their hatred, and recognizing their stupidity.
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          • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
            Do you know anything about Soros other than what you think you know?

            He has a degree in Philosophy and is a proponent of Karl Popper, who as I assume you know, developed the "falsification method" of scientific hypotheses, and the Open Society.

            I actually talked to Soros one morning about seven or eight years ago, at the request of a friend of mine. And this in regard to a town in Colorado---probably close to the fictional Galt's Gulch---called Playfair. There are things I am not at liberty to reveal.
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            • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 1 month ago
              I believe I know more about him than you do. Yes a great idea to discuss Your secrets with a fuQing pig like Soros.
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              • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                I don't believe you do. Unless you, that's impossible.

                Looks like I won. Or we. Gotta bunch of notches in my lipstick cases.

                Some people don't even know themselves as well as I know them. And Playfair, Colorado was a big turning point.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 1 month ago
      Not all producers, such as Mike Tindall of My Pillow, care for socialism.
      On the other hand, me dino quit drinking my favorite soft drink, Coke Zero, when Coca Cola gave a large donation to BLM that's run by admitted Marxists responsible for the looting and burning of black-owned businesses.
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      • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
        I'm saying for those producers who I suspect are "lurking" within the ranks of the Left, socialism isn't for them: socialism is for the rest of us poor slobs. And/or communism, depending on what the definition de jour is.
        You know, the wealthiest capitalist in the world (formerly) George Soros, wants the rest of us to live under his imposed Socialism.
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        • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 1 month ago
          Only Animal Farm's ruling class pigs do not live under the yoke of socialism.
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          • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
            Interesting, isn't it, how the Left turned that into "greedy capitalist pigs"?

            George Orwell "self-identified" as a Socialist. He was not. He may have been a fighter for social justice, but he was not a Socialist. He called himself that, not understanding the consequences of Socialism were exactly what he was writing about in 1984.
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            • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 1 month ago
              What those "pigs' lust for is the absolute power of a one-party governemt obtained by fixing elections, stacking the Supreme Court, creating a "cancel culture" and racial unrest and condoning a flood of illegal immigrants for future voters, etc.~~or to put it more simply, they are Marxists who want to shred our Constitution.
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              • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                And they seem to be doing a pretty good job of it. And then telling the good among us that we are the ones shredding the Constitution. And they expect everyone to believe it.

                Like I said, this is war.
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                • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 1 month ago
                  And as they shove CRT down the throats of our kids, who they wish to divide by skin color and not by content of character, those completely corrupt enemies of the republic
                  also dare to call us racist domestic terrorists.
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                  • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                    CRT, no matter how they try to conceal it, teaches that American history is solely a history of genocide and slavery. This satisfies the "power lust" of black Americans who will always feel oppressed by the "white European devils". Black Americans, in their gullibility and naivete, have been used by the Leftists to gain power for their Marxist-derived ideologies.
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  • Posted by bsudell 3 years, 1 month ago
    It is much larger and deeper than the collective vs. the individual; it is the governments vs. the people. The government has used the weapon of fear to control the people with Covid 19, and it has worked beautifully. We must tell the people that the only thing government is truthful about is that we are all going to die. Don't fear death, it is inevitable. Stand up and fight for your survival to leave freely until you die. They have created this fear world-wide. That is our battle -- to tell them they need to live freely until they die.
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
      You have identified something concrete, rather than an abstract concept such as "the Individual vs the Collective; something we can see and fight. Good.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 3 years, 1 month ago
    Like many in the Gulch, I strove for years to discuss this worsening situation with family and friends. The discussions were fruitless. No matter how many facts and figures I could muster, nothing made a dent in their protective armor, no discussions could be had, they were right and I was wrong. I am now Gulching in place, as little media presence as possible, with a very few friends and most of my immediate family doing the same. We watch, we study, we talk with and listen to other Gulchers (or as I recently noted, Ayn's Army). They have twisted three generations at least, catching them earlier each time and our best hope is to catch the youngsters even earlier, get them out of public schools. Most people under 50 have no clue at all of what this country was.
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
      Three generations. I agree. These are not real Americans, men that would match the mountains, women that matched the men.

      Leftists knew real Americans would not tolerate forms of Socialism and Communism, and yet their tendency to abide by the law is strong. So they had to "soften" the populace, to weaken their resolve. To "use their morals against them". (Saul Alinsky). To guilt them into voting for a black man, a Marxist, who was told he could always incite riots to prove any opposition to his (their) policies was racially motivated.

      The Leftist/Liberals made being called "racist" the worst thing in the world. And yet have no real, nor actual definition of the word. Political correctness.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 1 month ago
        Yes the left totally ignores the civil rights movement in the 60’s which the term used was prejudice. Remember MLK said to judge people by the content of their character. The diversity and all inclusive equality garbage does not allow for judgement of the freaks and fairies!
        The left uses a type of sorcery...they change definitions ,they mask the true identity and objectives. They pretend to be righteous, the champion of the disenfranchised and abused. Time and time again it is proven that they are the abusers.
        You never here that word “prejudice” today. The reason, they could not call groups of Trump supporters racists. Without being Prejudicial. In fact all the left does is label their opponents. Pre-judging is one of the left’s strongest traits.
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        • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
          And that's just the tip of the iceberg!

          I told Obamma it was his character I didn't like. But he couldn't get that down his throat. I was "racist" and that was that.

          And the meaning and significance of words and phrases? Changes daily, if not hourly. I refer to them as "definitions du jour" or maybe "definitions du heure".
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  • Posted by term2 3 years, 1 month ago
    I think that this struggle has been going on for a long time, and is nothing new. In prior struggles, the tools available to the powerful against the powerless have been less effective. Now, electronics has given tremendous powers to any group that can get together and exert it- currently it is the socialist contingent that is reigning supreme.
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
      Socialism is now seemingly reigning supreme because it is amenable to demagoguery: "We're doing it for you"" (Hitler), or Obamma: "I just want to help people." Or Hillary: "It takes a village to raise a child". To which I retort: "Maybe in Kenya it takes a village to raise a child, but over here in America it takes a mother AND a father.
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      • Posted by term2 3 years, 1 month ago
        socialism has a basic attraction over many years. Maybe its a yearning to go back to the socialism of childhood where parents take care of you, who knows? It just doesnt go away, no matter how BAD it is in terms of results.
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        • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
          It is attractive to women and those descendents of black Sub-Saharan Africans, but I believe for different reasons.

          In fact, I think that, because women became more politcally active in the 19th century, the ideas of Marx, and Hegel, and even certain concepts derived from the French Revolution became more influential. Look at the European Socialist Revolutions of 1848. Or Engel's introductions---eight of them, count them---to Marx's "Communist Manisfesto". I think it was in the last one, the eighth, that he says since the industrial revolution has raised the living standards of the workers, they will need to be "agitated" in order to get the Revolution going.

          But the people of Sub-Saharan Africa have an inherent communal-mindedness. You will find it in their language even. For instance, in the Bantu languages of the Yoruba people of Nigeria (from whence most of the slaves in America have come) their epistemology extends only to this: One knows a thing is true by first hand experience, called "mo"; but if that is not available, then the test of truth lies in "gbagbo" agreement with the community.

          I have hypothesized that these people have not evolved to the point where they are as fully separated from the mother---community---other individuals as certain other races are. They thus have more of a dependent nature, and that is becoming very obvious in the black communities of America.
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          • Posted by term2 3 years, 1 month ago
            kind of terrifying actually. makes one NOT want to live in areas populated by people who think like this. AR was right to propose an economic crash to get people to respect reality.
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            • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
              I believe that before LBJ and MLK formed that unholy alliance, black Americans and the black communities were becoming more and more self-sufficient.

              The Great Society killed any striving for independence on their part.
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              • Posted by term2 3 years, 1 month ago
                You may be right about that. I noticed that blacks changed during the Obama regime. He made them feel entitled. The left grabbed on to that and now if you walk on the wrong side of the street, you are labeled racist. My personal reaction to this is that I want NO intereaction with black people at all. I stay away from them, dont talk to them, and would rather not deal with their entitlement. I am disgusted by all the pandering to is going on in advertising. Ads now favor black people, government positions are given to black people regardless of qualifications. This entitlement issue has brought blacks back to the stone age in my opinion. I dont even want to deal with entitled black customer service people
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years, 1 month ago
    Every Utopian scheme, from Plato's "Republic" on, has been based on the flawed notion that all people can be seduced or forced into a collectivist mold. Most well meaning socialists begin with the belief that promising lots of free stuff and lifting of personal responsibility can seduce many into accepting being part of a coddled collective. When reality eventually lifts its ugly head, making a lie of many of the socialist promises, the socialist elite are driven to realize that people must be forced to become part of the collective, subduing their own personal interests.

    Humans are naturally empathetic and cooperative, but our natural social structures are based on self interest, not the interests of a collective mass. The genius of the founders of the American republic was to recognize that a much more effective and efficient form of governance was to accept the fact of human individuality, supporting individual freedom to act as a person chooses, with oversight by a government of limited powers. Such a government acts slowly and deliberately, seeking agreement on its actions, but not blind acceptance.

    We seem to go through cycles, where an affluent society becomes complacent in protecting its freedoms, with the result that those freedoms are eroded, requiring extreme action to restore them. We've become used to a world of immediate gratification, impatient with the slow moving gears of the government designed by the founders, seduced by the idea of a more powerful government that can act quickly and decisively. We've been duped into increasing authoritarian governance by an elite eager to grab power by any means possible.

    What's unnerving is how open the arrogant elite have become, taking illegal and immoral actions unashamedly, indifferent to the protests of citizens concerned with the loss of individual freedom. It almost seems like a dare, challenging people to try to gain back those freedoms, facing the threat to their lives and livelihood, as well as those of their descendants.

    We are dangerously close to the point of open violent conflict, but I don't think we're there yet. Enough states have taken action to prevent voter fraud in 2022, and all of the polling, even by entities that are not conservative, is showing a significant majority is not happy with the collectivist slant of the current administration. If, as I hope will happen, the GOP wrests control of the House and Senate from the Democrats, the tide will have begun to turn back to a more healthy American society.

    What could happen, and I'm uncomfortably aware of this possibility, is that the power brokers who manipulate the tool in the White House could decide they can't afford to let things run their course and lose control. It's entirely possible we will see some new crisis or emergency that creates the opportunity for the administration to declare the next elections must be "postponed" due to concerns about the safety of poll workers due to disease or "domestic terrorism." If that happens, I see no alternative to a violent conflict. Optimistically I think that if that happens, the outcome will be a very effective insurrection, removing those responsible for trying to stop the elections, with little real violence. There may be some noisy protests, but the left, even with support from groups like BLM and Antifa, is not the Bolshevik insurgency of the Tsarist revolution.
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    • Posted by term2 3 years, 1 month ago
      elections wont be postponed, they will be just rendered useless as they were in 2020. The next push will be for all persons, whether legal or illegal, can vote to get the promised goodies from the socialists.
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
      Dr Zarkov, answer me this: how does the push for a one-world-government, a New World Order, fit into your assessment of the situation?

      How does the control of worldwide resources, control of global trade and commerce, and control of international financial capital flows, by a few, fit into your view of events in America? Do you see a connection?
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years, 1 month ago
        A globalist view of control is a primary driver. Authoritarian control depends on society being reduced to two classes: the elite, and the less affluent masses. The existence of a middle class, which retains a distressing degree of independence and modest wealth, is a serious speed bump on the way to absolute power, and the US, more than any other big economic actor, feeds global creation of a middle class. It must be taken down in order to enable control globally.
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        • Posted by bsudell 3 years, 1 month ago
          Your response about two classes, i.e. no middle class, completely explains "white" hatred and injecting college students with the "jab." They are sterilizing and eliminating the well educated, which will help destroy the middle class. Of course, Covid 19 lockdowns has destroyed the middle class. How does a government destroy Hollywood, sports, movies, bars, music, and most small businesses? By fear.
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          • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
            Hollywood, with its influx of Leftist/Liberals, destroyed itself.

            Do you honestly think the middle class is deteriorating, and that that is the reason?
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            • Posted by bsudell 3 years, 1 month ago
              Yes. Hollywood played the government's game, and helped to destroy itself, but that was not their intention. Covid 19 put the final nails in its coffin.
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              • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                I don't know about covid's influence in Hollywood; I've been situated in my great little apartment for slightly over a year now, and never go out, except to the mailboxes. It is not because I think I will catch covid if I do---this so-called pandemic is a hoax---but because when I do go out, shopping, whatever, I am stalked by "certain people". People that think I am giving something to others that I am not giving to them. What rot.
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                • Posted by bsudell 3 years, 1 month ago
                  The movies theaters were closed, weren't they? Didn't that affect movie sales? Yes, it did. The lockdowns destroyed our country -- the world. It's all based on fear of Covid. Remember the emergency use acts to close everything down. That is what I'm talking about. That is government using Covid 19.
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                  • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                    Well, as far as I'm concerned the fewer people who see movies in theatres, the better.

                    Let them go home and watch a good OLD movie, on TV. The original "Born Yesterday" with Judy Holiday, for instance. Or "The Rounders". You know what I mean. "Gone With The Wind" maybe. Or "The Song of the South".

                    You won't see any of those in theatres.
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                    • Posted by bsudell 3 years, 1 month ago
                      It's not "going to the movies;" it the loss of capitalism and the money derived from capitalism. That is what the government is destroying in our country. Then they will bring in Marxism, starvation and death.
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                      • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                        Personally, I believe closing the movie theatres should help capitalism. Getting people off their reliance on "communication" and "connectivity" to others would be a great help in the return of independent thinking and individuality.
                        Their reliance on computers too could be curtailed. When I tutored in a small rural high school in Colorado, I tried to get my students to do their own "thinking/calculation" instead of using the nearest computer program. Assignations with other sheep helps socialism, not capitalism.
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                        • Posted by bsudell 3 years, 1 month ago
                          I don't agree with that. Debate makes one think.
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                          • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                            Most "communication" among the sheep is not debate. And before one can debate he must be able to think, and for three generations our youth have been taught how NOT to think.
                            And, as I understand your argument, "connectivity" or "communication" leads to "debate" leads to thinking, where in God's good name is this idiocy about genders, self-identification, CRT, Project 1619 and so on and so forth, coming from?
                            In the past, communication helped in the creation of new insights; in today's socialist conglomeration communication reinforces sameness of thought.
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                            • Posted by bsudell 3 years, 1 month ago
                              Not everyone has been inflicted with the "no thought" agenda. You are correct that the "believers" will never listen. But a lot of others will appreciate you talking the time to explain what is in your thinking.
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                              • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                                Perhaps that is true. I know Ben Shapiro has been getting through to college students, with his "Young America's Foundation".

                                However, there are people who genetically seem predisposed to rigidity and inflexibility in their thinking, as well as in other areas of their lives. We find this in the peoples that have evolved in the various equatorial regions of the earth. It may be that, because of the prevalence of virulent and active diseases, the mutation that would have given rise to a more extended sense of foresight, and thus of abstract and/or more profound thinking ability, gave way before the more rapid immune response that would keep a population from succumbing to disease. Both genetic structures---the rapid immune response, and the more abstract thinking ability---can't seem to exist simultaneously in the same idividual.
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                                • Posted by bsudell 3 years, 1 month ago
                                  True. The percentages never favor the maverick. They are rare, but they seem to have the most influence. In liberty, the minority usually win in the end.
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                                  • WhoAmI replied 3 years, 1 month ago
                • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                  And the laundry room. I walk to the laundry room every once in a while, when it is needed.

                  Instacart is a great way to shop under these conditions. I use Amazon as well.
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        • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
          I'm not sure I understand. "A globalist view of control is a primary driver."

          Primary driver of what?

          Perhaps you are trying to make a complex process, and problem, more simple that it actually is.
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          • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years, 1 month ago
            To understand the vision of a globalist elite determined to exercise world control, you need to think about what the obstacles are to the achievement of that goal. Actions being taken against the United States are intended to have global impact.

            Breaking down the US economy isn't sufficient in itself unless the breakdown has global effect. It's important that alliances are destroyed in the process, so that a global feeling of isolation develops. Witness how the support of the US economically, diplomatically, and militarily strengthens the resolve of smaller countries trying to resist global control. Once those countries lose that confidence in US support, their resolve disappears.

            The disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the abandonment of not just local allies, but our own citizens served the purpose of shaking any feeling of international resolve against authoritarian powers. The US can't be trusted is the message the globalist elites wanted to send. You have no hope against what will happen, because you are alone. Isolated targets become easier to pick off.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 1 month ago
    This problem has been going on since time immemorial and has been falsely described as "individualism vs collectivism" for all that time. The real problem is about classic selfishness - the principle that I can only get ahead at your expense. That's been the classic lie that every tyrant - from small to great - has fallen prey to. The real truth is that the win-win scenario in life should be the goal of everyone.

    The thing I find most disgusting is that the people who derive their riches at first from mutually-beneficial relationships tend to forget about this and it seems to be forgotten exponentially as these individuals pass the point at which their wealth provides for their wants - over and above their needs.
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
      Well, Philosopher blarman, I posit first of all that is not greed that drives the people you are describing; it is power. And power is an addiction, something hard to contain. Chasing that high.

      Money is a power tool, as Ellery Queen said in his great little mystery: "The King is Dead".

      And one other thing. It is envy, avarice, and self-pity---emotions that should be mortal sins, but aren't---that produce the socialist response to success. Thoughts like "I haven't done as well as you because you have oppressed me, kept me down, you have done it at my expense". That's getting pretty old in my book.

      There is no such thing as the "oppressor" and "oppressed" division in the social order. There is finger pointing and blaming others when it has been my responsibility alone for my "oppressed condition".
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      • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 1 month ago
        I didn't use the word greed. I used the word selfishness and I used it intentionally because greed is one facet of selfishness. Lust for power is another aspect of selfishness. I agree that any aspect (lust, greed, sloth, envy, etc.) can be addicting. And I agree that all of them emphasize a sense of victimhood rather than a sense of empowerment. That's why I think it of tremendous benefit to everyone to point out that life can - and should be - a system of win-win scenarios where every day the pie of achievement and success grows to accommodate everyone who participates.
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        • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
          But, blarman, not everything can be a "win-win" situation, regardless of John Nash and his equilibrium, which I think is not correct anyway, although it is used everywhere.
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          • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 1 month ago
            Give me an example of something that can not be a win-win scenario. Is it not the free exchange of goods and services for money the classic example of a win-win?
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            • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
              Potentially, yes. And I'm not necessarily trying to disown the moral justification of trade. After all, pretty early on, maybe as early as 5,000 years ago, trade replaced raiding as a means to accumulate goods and wealth.

              But the Nash Equilibrium is used for more than economics. It is used in biology, and other places. A simple example of what is NOT a win-win situation is of course the evolutionary concept of Natural Selection: "On the Origin of Species". Or, although people do not like to say this: survival of the fittest; the competitive advantage that some mutations have over former genetic structures.
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              • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 1 month ago
                I'm still looking for an actual example to discuss. The example of natural selection is problematic for at least two reasons.
                First, it has yet to be proven: there is no fossil record to indicate it has ever taken place. (Most specifically, we are talking about human beings here with rational capacity - not animals.) Second, a competitive advantage is actually critical to value exchange because it allows people to take advantage of arbitrage opportunities to their own gain. That being said, these advantages do not automatically or necessarily mean that one individual MUST profit at the expense or detriment of another.
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                • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                  I never said that, what you are inferring in your last statement.

                  And I am mainly referencing the holes in the Nash Equilibrium.

                  Are you not an evolutionist?
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                  • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 1 month ago
                    "Are you not an evolutionist?"

                    Given that there is no proof for such a notion, no. That aside, I'd still like to discuss an example of where you see no choice but a win-lose scenario. Or maybe I misunderstood your assertion.
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                    • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                      What do you require as proof?
                      Mendel and the Voyage of the HMS Beagle, along with the biochemistry involved in the formation and reactions of DNA and RNA were proof enough for me.

                      If you cannot see Natural Selection as the necessary instigation of evolution, then we have no common grounds for discourse. Do we.
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                      • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 1 month ago
                        "If you cannot see Natural Selection as the necessary instigation of evolution, then we have no common grounds for discourse. Do we."

                        Up to you. Here's a problem to consider.

                        In order to create a new organism, that new organism must contain at least one new protein. A small protein consists of ~140 base pairs in a precise sequence - not a single base can be substituted or replaced or the resulting molecule when built will not fold/function correctly. With four possible values for each position in the chain, you get a random probability of generating any such protein of 4^140th. That's a number with 82 zeroes behind it. Scientists have estimated that the total number of organisms (including bacteria) to have ever existed on the planet to be ~10^30th power. Assuming one iteration per organism, that means that all of the organisms ever generated on the planet during 4 billion years haven't even scratched the surface of possibilities into even a single new protein - let alone a new organism. Precisely, the probability of generating even a single new protein in all that 4 billion years is ~1 in 10^50th. Estimates of the number of stars places even that number at 10^24th, meaning that even if you extend this same evolutionary chance to every star in the universe you still come up >10^25th short of producing even a single, new protein. Now multiply this times the ~6.5 million species on earth and you begin to see the quandary of such literally astronomical numbers and their probability.

                        This is only the first of such challenges to the theory of evolutionary origin.

                        You're welcome to believe what you want for whatever reasons you choose. You are welcome to be as adversarial or as polite as you choose. As you are new to the Gulch, I'd strongly advise, however, that you give the rest of us our due credit. This is no common Internet chat room. Everyone here is thoughtful and willing to hear you out, but we have no use for arrogance, condescension, or elitism. We welcome good ideas and the vigorous debate of all such. We do not tolerate ad hominem and have no problems pointing out logical fallacies.

                        Above all, remember that Rand herself advocated against coercion - especially of thought. If you wish to convince me to your viewpoint, present your thoughts and allow me to come to my own conclusions.
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                        • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                          Blarman, evolution is a fact. You can say evolution is not proven, but then we have no common ground for discourse. Do you think by that remark I am trying to coerce you into thinking as I think? I don't care if you think God made man in his image, or creationism, you can think what you want. However, I have better things to do with my time than argue evolution.

                          Ad hominem? Now you think I have engaged in ad hominem attacks? Perhaps you are just insecure.

                          Arrogance only attaches when a person has not qualifying attributes to sustain his belief in himself. Perhaps you should read more Rand.

                          I don't know if you've understood that I am not sure I want to even post on Galt's Gulch.

                          Have you read my thread: "How do delete my account", that I have done this for a friend only, and it's use may have already run its course.

                          By the way, I am a God-believer, as well as a scientist.
                          Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
                          • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 1 month ago
                            "You can say evolution is not proven, but then we have no common ground for discourse. ... However, I have better things to do with my time than argue evolution."

                            The topics here in the Gulch range far and wide and you are certainly free to engage where you will.

                            Scientists never rest upon their laurels - however well-grounded we may think we are. The moment we stop challenging and/or re-confirming our premises is when we become more interested in outcomes than in truth. To reference a certain health official, it is when in our egos we start asserting that "we ARE science" or that the "science is settled." We should be very wary of ever falling into such a dangerous trap, for in so doing we are actually asserting our omnitience - a fatal conceit if ever one existed.

                            "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow." - Men in Black

                            "Now you think I have engaged in ad hominem attacks?"

                            I alleged nothing of the sort. As a courtesy, I laid out the conventions by which we here in the Gulch conduct our conversations and recognize value. We've had enough history from some who called themselves members yet seemed to exist only for the confrontation and never for the exploration. They were tiresome bores with little to positively contribute. As you are a recent addition, I thought it an assistance to lay out the ground rules. I made no effort to offend and if I did so even unintentionally I ask your pardon.

                            "I don't know if you've understood that I am not sure I want to even post on Galt's Gulch."

                            From what little I have read, my opinion is that you have much to offer. But you will have to make that decision for yourself.

                            "Arrogance only attaches when a person has not qualifying attributes to sustain his belief in himself. Perhaps you should read more Rand."

                            Methinks you might be confusing arrogance - the belief that one is superior to another as a matter of existence - with self-justification. I do not belittle achievement, but I absolutely do hold that "all men are created equal" and deserve - until they demonstrate otherwise - that they should be treated with a basic modicum of respect. Belittling or condescending behavior assumes (wrongly) an aspect of inequality and is born of an arrogant disposition. I like this advice from Albert Einstein: "Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods."

                            As to my reading proclivities, I'm "booked" for all this year with my Christmas gifts. ;) I especially love hard-core science fiction and epic fantasy but dabble in world history, especially the history of War. One who thinks Rand is the only philosopher worth reading would do well to add in some Tolkien, Vonnegut, Jr., Asimov, Heinlein, Sun Tzu, and many, many more.

                            "By the way, I am a God-believer, as well as a scientist."

                            Outstanding! We take all kinds here (atheists, agnostics, Christians, etc.) but especially true scientists - those willing to contribute to the search for Truth in all its myriad forms and expressions. The board does maintain a strict no-proselyting policy, however.
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        • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
          Except for your concept of "power" I agree with you pretty much. But "power" and the lust for power is different. It is a different motivator, attitude, has different pleasure "receptors", stems from different goals, and is the driving force behind human debilities. Lust for power is not simply another facet of "selfishness" howeve you define that, and I don't actually believe selfishness is addictive.

          There is a need and a use for power. And it is natural and normal that men vie for power. HOW men vie for power, and HOW men use power is the problem that needs solving today. As in all our yesterdays. In his play "Julius Caesar", Shakespeare talked of how the assassination of Caesar would be enacted again and again through the ages. As it has been.
          Power, whatever it is, however it is attained, and however it is used, is different.
          Which reminds me, I still have Nietzsche's Will to Power on my to-do list. But I must remember much of it has been redacted by his sister.
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          • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 1 month ago
            "It is a different motivator, attitude, has different pleasure "receptors", stems from different goals, and is the driving force behind human debilities."

            Let's look at this statement critically. What is power? It is status and ability. It is the possibility for action, but not action in and of itself. Power is not a motivation. Lust is a motivation. (So are greed, sloth, envy, etc.) I caution against making the mistake of conflating power itself with a lust for power. That's like conflating a firearm with desire to kill someone with a firearm.

            "HOW men vie for power, and HOW men use power is the problem that needs solving today."

            I agree. It is not power itself but how it is used which is the moral dilemma. Same thing with money. Money and power are tools - nothing more. It is how they are used and the ends for which they are abused which is the moral issue.
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            • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
              Well, maybe I'm just not sure how you are intending to use the word "lust". Clue me in.

              But power IS different. And maybe what I haven't made clear, is that I'm talking in a biological sense, not simply a philosophical, dried-out, sense. Power is the dominant status of say the alpha male in a wolf pack . And the urge to be powerful determines perhaps who holds that status. Without the "will to power" could an alpha male, the strongest and brightest, succeed to leadership status? And if the strongest and brightest is not successful, if the weaker becomes leader, will not the wolf pack disintegrate and/or devolve?

              Obamma said some years ago, "The future is not only for the strong". To which I replied: If the future is not for the strong, there will be no weak.

              That is just the way it is. And maybe that is why I see power, or the urge for power, as different. Both the object, and the method. I may have led you to believe I was confusing object and method, but believe me I am not. I am, however, looking at it from a biological strategy viewpoint.

              Now, money is a power tool, a means of obtaining the sought after goal; but then so is liberalism. A means to achieve power.
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              • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 1 month ago
                "Well, maybe I'm just not sure how you are intending to use the word "lust". Clue me in."

                We are talking about individuals. Individuals have intrinsic motivations driven by their internal values and morals. Those motivations are demonstrative through action. Action can be magnified through the use of tools and so creating a larger effect, but the tools themselves are not what starts the chain of events rolling. A lever - no matter how long and aptly braced - is not going to move the world without someone to apply the necessary force. Only an individual motivated to do something is going to effect action.

                Take for example Jeffrey Epstein. He was a classic partaker and purveyor of Lust - specifically sexual avarice. His Lust drove him to not only participate in illegal actions and try to hide them, but encourage and enable others to do the same. Did his money and private jet drive him to commit these actions? No. They merely expanded the range of actions he could take.

                "But power IS different."

                No. It really isn't. It's still just a tool.

                "Power is the dominant status of say the alpha male in a wolf pack . And the urge to be powerful determines perhaps who holds that status."

                Aside from the fact that this illustration fails because people have Will and self-determination which animals lack, let's examine the notion of a human "alpha male" for the purposes of discussion. What does that proposed "power" get that individual? Nothing whatsoever in and of itself. The "alpha male" still has to act on a motivation - just like anyone else. All the power does is accentuate the action. Now can a person seek to leverage their power to obtain more power? Certainly. I'm not debating that. But what is the motivation at play? Lust for more power. We have to be very careful in our terminology to differentiate between actors and props, lest we - like Alex Baldwin - accuse the revolver of being responsible for the death of producer rather than the individual who pulled the trigger.
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  • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
    Why is this thread downvoted? If someone doesn't like it, tell me why, please.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 1 month ago
      Welcome to The Gulch. Someone hates it when me dino posts a Babylon Bee while others seem to really like it.
      I'm initially popping you points up and down just to show there's different personalities here.
      Like I said, welcome to The Gulch.
      Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
      • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
        allosaur, no matter how different the personalities on Galt's Gulch Online are, they should ALL be in tune with the Individual over the Collective. Agree?
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      • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
        There is nothing truly random in the universe (we just don't fully understand or are able to denote cause-and-effect, yet), except apparently for your "popping me points up and down".
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        • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 1 month ago
          Sometimes dinos do things on a whim. Or for the hell of it.
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          • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
            And then the asteroid comes popping them on the head!
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            • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 1 month ago
              Allosaurs being smart went extinct during the Jurassic Period, leaving it to all the Cretaceous Period critters to get blown up.
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              • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                Well, me dino, that's a good thing, otherwise I wouldn't now be conversing with you!
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                • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 1 month ago
                  Allosaur is the short version of Allosaurus, Latin for "different lizard." So there ya go,
                  Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
                  • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                    I knew that. I didn't learn everything from "Jurassic Park", you know.
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                    • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 1 month ago
                      When I landed in The Gulch 8 years ago (my personal member board (whatever you call it) says I've been here 7years, 12 months~~LOL!~~
                      I did not mind admitting I'm a Christian. Reactions to that were more harsh then than now and people like me were called mystics. Well, I looked the word up and it said anyone who believed in anything spiritual such as a religion was a mystic. So I became like okay I'm a mystic. So what? Do I have to be exactly like Ayn Rand, who had an exceptional intellect yet was still a fallible human human being since no one is perfect? Anyway, me dino chose allosaur for a moniker for being different.
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                      • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                        Ah, thanks for the information, allosaur. I, too, believe in God. And not just by choice. I am not a Christian in the traditional sense, however.

                        As for Ayn Rand, I think on a very deep level she did believe in God. But look where she grew up: an environment where not just intellectuals became dissatisfied with the belief systems---Russian Orthodox for the most part---but where Bolsheviks were engaged in destroying those beliefs. Apparently it doesn't "fit their value system"!

                        And to be able to compete with the intellectual philosophers of the day, she would need to profess atheism. Actually, I believe that deep down inside, most atheists harbor a belief in the Divine, defined as something more than themselves. Except of course for Thoritsu, who is an atheist for reasons unbeknownst to even himself!!
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  • Posted by $ Commander 3 years, 1 month ago
    I am taking action.
    Involved in Constitutional County activity.
    Involved in clarifying message for school board challengers in this election cycle. Will run for board next cycle.

    Philosophically, Laotzu was the first objectivist in print. Tao te'ching. I use the teachings from long ago, coupled with The Objectivist's Ethics, and most recent, (
    the latter is a four part essay posted Dec 7-12. Homo-Sapiens = Language. Language=Trade=Commerce

    This is what humans are and do. Simple as a screwdriver. None of this was learned in school. Broke down every "box" that tried to keep me.
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
      You're saying language is what determines a species as human? The use of language, you believe, is what separates the human species from the lower animals?

      Well, yes it does, to a certain extent. But that is not the determinant of what is human. It is the gift of foresight, or the evolved sense of the future, the sense of the "about-to-be" that determines our humanity.

      But our sense of knowing that there is going to be a future, a tomorrow, a next week or next year, comes at a high price. We can't with 100% certainty know what is going to happen in that near or far future. (The development of science and logic has taken a great deal of uncertainty from the future, but it has also added uncertainty)

      But that is why the human need to know, as the ancient Greeks, perhaps driven by the trauma of the Trojan War, were so intent on finding out "How will we know", is without doubt the most important problem facing humanity today, since the Leftist/Liberals decided to conceal the truth of reality, and three generations of young people no longer know how to know.

      I haven't stated this very well. Maybe others can enlarge on the topic.
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      • Posted by $ Commander 3 years, 1 month ago
        Without language there is no way to express time-past-future tense.
        Hominids v Homo Sapiens? Is this the chicken/egg paradox?
        Time exists without language. I cannot express time to another without language, even being it is a signing symbolism, gestures. Language is the currency, value exchange.

        Regarding schooling: Entropy. Teachers schooled in schooling, over multiple generations, with no outside commerce, first-hand experience, have fewer ways to express how a percept/concept may be utilized for the schooled, as to their respective "future". I use a model of "Foundational Five". Forage, Fishery, Forestry, Farming, Foundries. I have first hand experience in all five, personal and vocational. It is very easy for me to convey anecdotal exchange as to trade in physical context, as without these commerce ceases.

        Let's try a test in knowledge. In your own words, literally, express time, in a simple construct.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 3 years, 1 month ago
    Because the collective have learned to vote into office those who promise the most largess from the producer tax payers. Tytler's prediction is spot on. All we can do is circle the wagons and prepare for the inevitable economic collapse. Its not if - its when.
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
      It's complex, and the reasons are myriad. It's the solutions that seem to evade us.

      Read the first paragraph of Rand's "For the New Intellectual". I posted somewhere on here.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 3 years, 1 month ago
    We are speaking out, but for some the whole connection has not yet become clear. It is the quest for collectivism with UN as head of gov. Agenda 21 calls for epopulation, 80 countries have a quota. The vaccine is the death route. Once enough are dead, they can push the Gren hoax on the rest who are either dying, in chock, or sheep. One cannot just sit by, which is why I block every day wherever I can. Then I go for cooffee with my like minded friends, share upadates and urge any around us to join in or learn. It is hard to tell someone they are dying as their immune sysem is erased 5% per month, but you owrk around that. Many in the world around us are beginning to wake up to collectivism, even if they do not know it bay name, they know hoe it is affecting their world. Never stop fighting, this is too important. I even take Trump to task for putting the hunter story over the Green scam deal, akal Agenda 21, he is not off the hook. It will be individualism or totalitarian collectivism, there is not a choice we can allow. Every contact you make, has many of their own to spread the word.
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
      Good response. The problem is, sometimes, like thinking, when you talk about something too much, it conceals what the problems are, it will make complications where there are none, but simplify those things that are complex.

      What I mean to say is, paranoia can creep in when facts are not available to make rational thinking possible.
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      • Posted by $ Stormi 3 years, 1 month ago
        Paranoia comes when facts are incomplete, that is why complete study, and providing links and information is what you want to pass on People are woefully ignorant of how tthey are bing played. Yes, I hae studied genda 21 for two decasdes, yes, I had a major in biology. But you have to lead people to the information, so they get the connections, and then decide how to use the information While government calls all research that does not fit the narrative "misinformation", we have to lead them to the information, knowing it has to start with what they can understand then encourage them to seek more.They need to look for red flags when the government threatens them. Previously lies are usually behind it.
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        • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
          Today's Internet links are hardly what I call legitimate sources of knowledge. Not all of them anyway.
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          • Posted by $ Stormi 3 years, 1 month ago
            If you have know personally, the person running the site for decades, you know you can refer someone to the site. If you get off Google and read actual research papers, by researches with the right background, you can refer people. I have seen autopsiy reports, research, that is so in line with my biology background, yet our gov. is giving us crap, with no backing. Then people should see the options for comparison. Research on the Internet is something I have done for years, and usually, Google gets in the way. For inststance, looking for a full history of the Congreassion pedophile operation one time, I found zero on Google. Went to different search engines and found screen shots from old newspapers, when they actually did investibgative reporting. Found info on how it is run. Who in Congress or wold leaders have partaken of the services, complete with photos. Trey Gowdy was trying to shut it down, but not one Congressman would help him. This is the type thing you can find and the backup is there. I had a teachers union head tell me, "Kids don't need to know stuff anymore, just need Internet access." I told her without "stuff" you cannot discern what is true and what is not. I have done reasearch in college, for a newspaper where I was a areporter, for a Congressional office where I worked, you had to get it right, you had to search with stuff of set you on the right path. I once had to get on foreign press to check out a story, pictures of th eevent were on a Saudi news site even.Our press had completely balcked out the event.Yeah, you don't go to Facebook or much on google, but as they say, the truth is out there, and you can confirm by finding other research which corresponds to the one you feel is valid. Google would like you to only rely on their version of what is.
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            • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
              I have gone to college off and on, since I graduated from high school in 1961, from 1961 to 1964. I returned in 1970 to 1974, 1983 to 1990, 2000 to 2003. And each time I returned, I found the courses easier, the problems less complicated and less involved, the tests less intimidating.

              In 2018, when working with some very highly qualified cosmologists and mathematical physicists, I tried to get a copy of my physics text---Halliday and Resnick---from 1984, but had to settle for a more recent edition, probably late '90's. I was dumbstruck! The "problems" were "solved" by following certain "steps"---algorithms, which are used to instruct machines, you know like the "long division algorithm" where all you have to is memorize steps.
              Each section was followed by "key takeaways" in six colors. No thinking was required to pass these courses. When I asked why they dumbed-down the text, dumbed-down the course, and dumbed-down the students, they said the students complained the texts were too difficult. It seems to me that if a student is having difficulty following the text, then he belongs in a different profession!

              But the crowning point was when I found, in the section on Faraday's (my hero) electromagnetic induction of an electric circuit, a picture of Jimi Hendrix, who set his "electric" guitar on fire on stage! Hendrix was a destroyer, Faraday a creator. What kind of foolish intellect would even dare relate the two? I was furious. I checked the book's credits, and sure enough, it was women who were behind the lay-out of that text.
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              • Posted by $ Stormi 3 years, 1 month ago
                at what point did you discover Ayn Rand? It is amazing how much many of us share routes to whre we are. I saw my first UFO when I was 8, heading for Gallup, NM. It follow our car for a while, same speed, triangle, 3 lights, apx. 1955, then soundlessly sped out of sight rapidly.I graduated just after you, my dad said I should to to school for computers, which was new. I went to work at a Univ. for 3 yeas. wanted small town life, so went to work at CPA firm, where I entered another field of study, accounting, compelted that and did that several years. Raised our child, took a vet. asst. course during that time. Decided at 30 to get a degree in English, fell in love with philosophy, had too majore, took science in place of electrives and ended up with ebery biology course at teh college and Earch science as a side. Baiscally, I had three majors, which was tricky with the labs involved in both. Went to work as a reporter for a newspaper, had worked in Congressional office, gratifying as we did a lot of research to help people and I helped do research on bills, but the unreality of it all was not for me. If I wee 35, I would next study architecture, being a huge fame of FLW. I got connected to Tom DeWeese of American Poicy center, and he got me reading UN Agenda 21, studying all the consequences which stripped liberty and changed education for the worse.In essence everything is "unsustainable" but solutions and not explored, it is all one world power.
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            • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
              I did say "TODAY'S Internet links", and yes I was referring to Google searches mainly. But there is also this, and you aren't going to like it. The Liberal/Leftist bent or slant in education (K-degree) or indoctrination of America's youth, has given American science and research a more "primitive" outlook than formerly.
              It hasn't helped education and learning in America that Affirmative Action decides who goes to college, and not qualification. Or that blacks are given preference over whites who have the same, or even greater, abilities. Why do you think there is such a large population of homeless in this country? Do you suppose the Leftist "positioning" of the less capable in not just America's institutions of (once) higher learning as well as in all walks of life, has drained the spirits of white men?

              What did you do with My men, Ladies of the Left?
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              • Posted by $ Stormi 3 years, 1 month ago
                I sat on the Strategic Plan Team for our school system, where the Delphi Technique was drug and and used to try to silence any who wanted academics, instead of indoctrination, luckily we knew the technique and how to function within it.One meeting had a speaker, highly paid, who came in and told the teachers not to blame themselves for the state D rating, as the district had a lot of poor kids, and por kids can't learn. I waited for any teacher to object, none did. So, I told him that was the dumbest thing I ever heard. I was also a volunteer tutor and worked with those kids, thomas Sowell was such a kid, and looke what a brilliant writer, economist he became. Your are right about affirmative action, it is a free pass, and if you are Randian, you know that it is not an earned result. My own brother, had the grades and the IQ, but was dnied entrance to Geo. Wash. Univ. as a person of color with lower credentials got the spot. Science and math are now considered "racist" in public schools. When a mgr. at MdD asked a did at the reister what is 7 plus 5, the 16 year old could not answer. I have seen others who could not count the mone listed on the register as change back to the customer! Britain told Clinton not to implement outcome based it caused a brain drain in Britain. He did so anyway, with Columbine being one of the first fully compliant! First attempts at teh Gov. Shool in Ark. resulted in suicide atemps. As to homeless, drugs, mental illness, unrealistic expectation of life, s, in other words not in line with "Atlas Shrugged.".
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            • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 1 month ago
              Great points Stormi, The truth is out there and the internet will be the Cabals undoing. In fact coming soon is Truth/Social will be the new bull horn as the MSM has lost all credibility.
              People will flood the new social media co that Trump is building.
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  • Posted by chad 3 years, 1 month ago
    Being 'vocal' trying to convince others of the morality and advantage of liberty and being productive is a noble profession. Teaching. However if the student is unwilling to learn and applies irrational techniques in excusing their behavior the effort is a waste of time. I have tried for decades to learn how to get people past their cognitive dissonance and have not found a successful method.
    The majority of the herd prefers to be led and told they are okay even when moving toward destruction. The paradox might be recognized by some but if the majority is accepting their slavery even those who recognize it for what it is will prefer to move with the majority than feel its wrath for being independent.
    Perhaps the best we can accomplish is to search out others of equal morality and work with them, live parallel with the slaves and teach those that will learn.
    Currently the 'system' is in control of so many aspects of the lives of the slaves that any attempt to move them toward liberty will be met with anger and violence. Even those that recognize one aspect where they want to be free accept slavery in every other facet of their lives. Trying to move them all the way to liberty is impossible.
    The analogy I use is; they are deep within a maze that has no outlet and they are moving around thinking that they might be getting out. In reality they are keeping the hive alive without ever getting closer to liberty.
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
      I contend that the present educational system in America, from K through college degree, has been purposely sabotaged to keep students from learning how to think independently. They are taught to accept what teach tells them; and teach tells them government knows best for them. So now what do we do? Parents are labelled "domestic terrorists" when they complain, and the younger generations can only believe what they have been told to believe. Of course there is no reasoning with them.

      I do believe things are changing for the better. Ben Shapiro and the Young America's Foundation has helped a lot on college campuses. For instance ten years ago conservative pundits like Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham weren't allowed to speak on campus, and now I believe that has changed. Youtube is becoming more flexible. (I'll tell you about my experience with youtube and Google later.)
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      • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 1 month ago
        See Norman Dodd interview and also Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt is an American freelance writer and former senior policy advisor to the U.S. Department of Education during President Reagan’s Admin. She wrote the Dumbing down of America.
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  • Posted by janblacha 3 years, 1 month ago
    If you read Atlas Shrugged, I believe that we are trying to pull away from them on our own. There is no taking to them.
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
      I think you mean "talking" to them. Yes, I've found that true. "They" are unable to reason and know nothing about human nature. Marx set it up that way.

      Ayn Rand, in Dagny Taggart, was not afraid to use force when it was needed. Read Atlas Shrugged, Chapter X, "In the name of the best within us":

      "Calmly and impersonally, she who would have hesitated to fire at an animal, pulled the trigger and fired straight at the heart of a man who had wanted to exist without the responsibility of consciousness."

      He failed to choose. On his own.

      I expect the best in people; not the worst.
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      • Posted by janblacha 3 years, 1 month ago
        Yes, well quoted. If given the choice no human would give up there individual freedom. However, Communism/Socialism will trick others into believing that the "common good" over individuality is better.
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        • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
          Exactly! You have hit the nail right on its head, jan!! The slithery, snaky quality of the Leftist/Liberals.

          Marxism and its derivative ideologies (so-called) tell the "simple people" that democracy can only be found in Socialism, were everyone has equal "things": everybody has the same, plumbers or rocket scientists get the same wages, etc. Intelligence, incentive, work ethic, persistence, all those qualities that makes one successful are not needed for one to obtain what another has. Another who actually put in the sweat and the tears and the blood to be successful. YOU don't have to, someone else did it for you. That is the most degrading form of attitude towards other people imaginable. And they like it that way; they think they are independent. And if they are not successful, they will blame the successful.
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  • Posted by ycandrea 3 years, 1 month ago
    It is the same throughout history. People tend to sell the freedom for seemingly safety and laziness. The want someone to take care of them or others. Free societies just seem to devolve into this mess time after time. The only problem now is finding a place to escape to. Imho
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 1 month ago
    This part "why aren't Gulchers taking a more vocal approach to the problem?" is a bit of a show-stopper to me and I'm surprised this thread has taken on the life it has. The comment appears to imply assumptions. Like - this is the only place Gulchers sound off. Or - being loudly vocal is a proven technique for these problems. Eh...anyway. Just one man's opinion.
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
      I say that, mainly because I have found on other platforms, more interest in finding out what people can do to change things, and more anger related to the "authorities" manufacturing the feelings of oppression.

      Being loudly vocal is a start, but only a start.

      And I'm surprised too at the life this thread has taken on, but more than that, I am glad. It is needed. A wake up call maybe, to counter "woke" and CRT, and cancel culture.

      Cancel the very culture that has reduced suffering in so many places? Will you settle for that? Cancel the culture that first and foremost produced electricity, the greatest discovery and use of a discovery since the taming of fire, where ever that took place? Along with so much else, especially where disease is concerned?

      Are you not angry?
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      • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 1 month ago
        Sure...but the theme here is "going Galt". Which is pretty much what I've done. I don't care to be heard. Many Objectivists don't. "Let em burn it down" as my dad used to say. All the best...
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        • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
          I wrote this in another comment: Rand's working title for Atlas Shrugged was "The Strike". Workers strike to get what they want.
          Rand's point is that if those who produce through their own sweat and tears become excoriated and condemned, then these producers should stop producing for the "masses". Prometheus bound, by himself.
          What Rand failed to foresee was that mostly the "producers" allied with the "takers", so if some then went on strike, the masses are still going to get the products of the producers. The strike will serve no purpose whatsoever. Except apparently for what you believe to be your own well being. Sort of like Dr. Falken (Falcon?) in War Games.

          And the other consequence of "Let em burn it down" is that sooner or later they will come for you. Did you never read Rand's semi-autobiographical novel: "We the Living"? It is the very foundation of socialism and other Marxist derived ideologies that ALL must participate in the levelling of the social order.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 1 month ago
    Government largesse and abuse of power is the most significant problem, IMO. Nothing has a death toll anywhere near that, for starters. Not to mention the fact that giving money to the government is, by far, the best investment one can make in terms of return and the resulting control (good or bad) one can acquire that way. Maybe this is what you're getting at(?) But, the government isn't always "the collective".
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
      Yes, it is what I'm getting at. "Government largesse and abuse of power" is a consequence of the victory of the collective. In fact, to take this further, as I have elsewhere, the "military-industrial complex", first spoken of by Keynes, is more likely, and perhaps "only" to occur under strong central governnments, or when power is concentrated, as happens in socialist/Marxist economies.

      Your last sentence: "But the government isn't always "the collective" could be enlarged upon. What do you consider "the government" to be, and do you suppose "the government" is changing and being changed by "the collective"?
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      • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 1 month ago
        The government is civil servants and elected officials.
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        • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
          You say "The government is civil servants and [quasi] "elected" officials", but they are there because they promise they are working for the "good of the people", i.e. the "collective". And the stronger an "electorate" becomes a collective, the more abuse and largess predominate.

          In some circles, it is believed the U.S. Constitution gives power to the people? (I would argue that, but it is an issue for another time).
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
      "...the best investment one can make in terms of return and the resulting control..."

      You're getting very close. "When the holders of property and the holders of knowledge, either scientific or religious, ally with government, then power is concentrated and freedom vanishes". That means that the "countervailing powers" necessary for limits to state power have been eliminated.
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      • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 1 month ago
        We only have limits on state power here anymore because Americans are armed.
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        • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
          Is it possible to get back what the founders intended for America? Without arms? I say not.
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          • Posted by term2 3 years, 1 month ago
            go galt and starve the collectivists. take their money, and their power goes away
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            • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
              The only wealth the collectivists have is from the producers. You should be saying, take our money back.
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              • Posted by term2 3 years, 1 month ago
                They use the collective power to take it from us. We wont get it back as long as they have the power to steal it. BUT, we can try and stop their expropriation by not doing the things that make the money, or at least make it in the ways they can know about...
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                • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                  Or we can attempt to revive the U.S.Constitution, as it is the very document that supposedly protects private property.
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                  • Posted by term2 3 years, 1 month ago
                    I think what prompted the writing of the constitution was the hatred of being an english colony. We dont have that unifying situtation any more. Our constitution is for all practical purposes a dead document for at least half the USA population.
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                    • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                      Well, yes, Jefferson did enumerate all of what he considered the King's malfeasance towards the colonies. Was it 27 of them, in the Declaration of Independence?

                      But were they justifications for what was an urge on the part of the colonists to determine the way forward by themselves? After all, they were already used to governing themselves, voting was the preferred method of "appointing" officials in the various colonies.

                      But the Constitution itself is the miracle. Whatever was its real motivation, it could only have been formulated by educated white EnglishMEN, drawing on not only English history (the Magna Carta was a biggie, as was the "Becket incident", but also ancient history of the Greeks and Romans, history of the Holy Roman Empire and its struggles with the formidable Catholic Church, and other events. Reformation, the Thirty Years War and the Peace of Westphalia, and so on.

                      But Heavens, we have a statue to the two-bit criminal George Floyd, who needs the Constitution?
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                      • Posted by term2 3 years, 1 month ago
                        our constitution had a serious flaw- it didnt specifically guarantee private property. That led to taxation many times worse than the english did to the colonists. sure, we have "representation", but what good does it do if you are in the minority.
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                        • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                          The concept of taxation is behind the very formation of America. The founders never wanted a "capitation tax", they felt taxes on commerce was all the central government should tax, such as export and import, and between state lines.

                          The federal income tax came about through the 16th amendment and became law in 1913.

                          The consequence of this amendment sucked the wealth right out of the states, and into the pockets of the central government, thus making states subservient and dependent on funds from the central government. The federal government now holds the strings. In order to have money to get whatever the states needed to get done, they have to do what the federal government wants.

                          Madison had thought the power of the states would encroach upon the power of the central government; the 16th amendment changed that. Now power is concentrated in the central government, and the states as a countervailing power have lost influence.
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                          • Posted by term2 3 years, 1 month ago
                            Not a very popular view, but I think government should be dependent on the largess of the people, and not be able to print money to circumvent that.
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                        • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                          I believe Madison had quite a bit to say about private property, and he may have felt that since the Constitution guaranteed the rights of individuals, then it respected the right of their property.

                          Madison wrote:

                          "Government is instituted to protect property of every sort; as well that which lies in the various rights of individuals, as that which the term particularly expresses. This being the end of government, that alone is a just government, which impartially secures to every man, whatever is his own."

                          He goes on to explain what an unjust government will do. You need to read it; it shows just how shredded our Constitution has become. Here's the link, to this one, anyway:

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          • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 1 month ago
            Devolution is the plan to take back the country from the criminal Cabal without arms. See Patel Patriots work in unraveling the Devolution plan.
            Please read it before you dismiss it.
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            • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
              I've partly read it. Patel is close.

              I wrote this in a comment on this thread:

              The Democrats---Leftist/Liberals---cheated in 2012 (Eric Holder and the Black Panthers, and ACORN, and every other radical organization in America) and they tried to cheat in 2016 (Romney had done some of his own investigating after his "defeat" in 2012, so we were able to prevent it from happening again). In 2020 the overwhelming majority of Americans voted for Trump, and the trap was set. We knew Trump was the choice of Americans, so we knew they cheated.

              We KNEW, Dobrien.
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            • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
              I will, Dobrien.

              By the way, I suspect you are as angry as I am.
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              • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 1 month ago
                I have been warning people about this Satanic Cabal’s Globalist agenda for most my life. I actually am joyful , for the first time we have the masses fighting back. It’s called the Great Awakening.
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                • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                  I think you're putting me on.
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                  • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 1 month ago
                    I have thousands of comments here. You undoubtedly have been here before. Possibly with a different moniker. You likely know how I think. I am very optimistic that “we the people” finally are fighting back.
                    I believe that Devolution is real and this coming year we will see even more evil from the Scumbags as the economy becomes very strained and then the last straw will break.
                    The people will rise up and defend the constitution of this Qreat Republic!
                    Many arrests and tribunals will be held.
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                    • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                      Yes, I'm sure you have thousands, Dobrien. And as I've always said: Devolution is easier than evolution. But are you only going to be a prophet of future events, and not a creator of them?
                      Now it is time to take it to the enemy, and who better to do that than those who actually understand the necessity for individualism. Independence in thinking as well as in living.

                      You will never convince others if you remain solely in the Gulch.
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                      • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
                        Geez, I'm beginning to sound like Tom Paine or something!!
                        These are the times that try men's souls.

                        Or maybe the Kingston Trio in their song: The MTA!
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 3 years, 1 month ago
    I think one symptom of what is going on, is the increased use of "they" in the singular (supposedly to avoid sexism). Not that it is as important as many of the political issues now around, but it can have a tendency to increase a collectivistic mindset. (see Anthem. ) __-_
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  • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    Should a random mutation result in a greater ability to think abstractly, then this individual will not only have a greater propensity to contract disease and die, but the community itself would banish, exile, or kill and eat him. That explains the stagnation of the cultures in equatorial regions.

    Sadly, we are seeing, especially in Nigeria, a return to the ritual killing and maiming of children for body parts. A Mr. Leo Igwe is trying to combat this crudity, but is being persecuted by both religious and governmental bodies. A perfect example of how the traditional cultures of equatorial regions have remained stagnant and backwards.
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  • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
    FYI, for anyone wondering, I was asked once to start my own blog or whatever, but I believe the best way, for me anyway, to inform the "little guys" of the world, to turn the tide, so to speak, is to spend time on platforms where the "little guys" post comments, too. Where they perceive myself as one of them, and are able to ask questions, if they so desire. Just a hint.
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