If this is true - and I have no reason to believe it’s not - it’s absolutely astonishing. It proves that this is not “accidental.” NOBODY has an accident like this.
So, the Deep State has the ability to rig a national election, control the major media, create a plandemic, but we are supposed to think they just left the VAERS database untouched to provide evidence to their enemies? I don't think any government (CDC, WHO, FDA, et al) controlled database is a reliable source for data relating to covid. (just my speculation)
I hear ya, but remember that VAERS is populated by people, not by the government. I do know there are some rules for being included, and having never used it I don't really know what they are but this is a "reporting" database for people who have been vax-injured. It would not be to the benefit of CDC et al to get THIS part of it wrong. (Editing to add: especially, to overstate it....)
So they keep 2 sets of data: one for the public, one for 'national security.' (Precedence: UFO reports for example.) Agencies like CDC have their interests, and they do not always coincide with my interests. Lately, it appears that the CDC's interests often contradict their 'public' finctions.
You have a point Freedom... There have been people reporting that they were tracking deaths in VAERS early on, and went back to double check details on some records and FOUND THEM either deleted, or overwritten with someone elses data.
I had not seen this one. I did find the figures Pfizer were lising on VAERS were different from those internal in their website. We also know that they tried to kills off the black race, using an RNA vaccine, but failed to create the vaccine to work. Pfizer early on lied about the number of miscarriages among those vaxed, by qiite a bit. Gates and the libs have long wanted vaccine which would target specific races, they were proud of it. They did send vaccines to Africa, marked not for use in the US or Canada, part of their brith control measure.
If this is true - and I have to admit it isn't out of the range of possibility given the lack of morals of these pharmaceutical companies and their researchers - this is unconcionable and all those involved should be prosecuted for murder.
A "report" in VAERS can be submitted by anyone. Presumably one (or more) person could populate VAERS with reports containing whatever information they wanted. I am not aware of any follow-up or vetting done with the reports in VAERS. But I do think it is possible as I am pretty sure the person entering the report into VAERS can put in their contact info for follow-up. It would be interesting to see if there has been any research or investigation into the quality of VAERS reports.
Yeah, that's pretty much what I meant. one other interesting point is that VAERS reports have been basically standard in quantity for the past, I dunno, 20 years (at least). And then all of a sudden in 2020 and 2021, they have increased MORE than exponentially. I will have to build a chart with the latest info but the past two years are crazy high compared to the same low amount in years previous.
While I believe there is a measure of truth in this report one can always prove a hypothesis with statistics. For me the phrase Brandon stated: "Safe and Effective" is B.S. - pure and simple. This report confirms it.
Why would you be so confident? I don't think it was done on purpose, per se. Maybe a few vials of "extra" stuff, just to track it, or maybe just like the STAINLESS STEEL found in some vials (oopsies, a processing plant error).
What if the "vaccine" deaths from "red" states are more likely to be reported, and those from "blue" states are under-reported/suppressed/attributed to other causes? Maybe the death rates across the board are actually like Kentucky's -- or worse?
I don't think any government (CDC, WHO, FDA, et al) controlled database is a reliable source for data relating to covid. (just my speculation)
Agencies like CDC have their interests, and they do not always coincide with my interests. Lately, it appears that the CDC's interests often contradict their 'public' finctions.
There have been people reporting that they were tracking deaths in VAERS early on, and went back to double check details on some records and FOUND THEM either deleted, or overwritten with someone elses data.
Reported in News Target: https://www.newstarget.com/2021-10-31...
I don't think it was done on purpose, per se.
Maybe a few vials of "extra" stuff, just to track it, or maybe just like the STAINLESS STEEL found in some vials (oopsies, a processing plant error).