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  • Posted by katrinam41 2 years, 11 months ago
    Who are you? If you were here and left, why did you come back under cover?Just what do you expect this group to do, start a shooting war? If you have ideas of how to go about saving this country and its one-of-a-kind philosophy, why not share a hint or two instead of making comments designed to raise hackles?
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    • Posted by $ 2 years, 11 months ago
      I told you, I was asked by a friend. Other people, besides myself, are wondering why Gulchers, who should be in the vanguard of the fight against Leftism/Liberalism, are content to sit back and watch.
      What do you mean by a "shooting war"? Maybe we should get our meanings aligned before making accusations.
      You say, "If you have ideas how to go about saving this country..." Are you admitting the country needs saving?
      Are you familiar with Atlas Shrugged? Ayn Rand often made reference to those who would wait for a savior of some sort, but she didn't say it with compassion.

      Did you read the first paragraph of "For The New Intellectual"? I posted it somewhere. I'll do it again:
      ""When a man, a business corporation or an entire society is approaching bankruptcy, there are two courses that those involved can follow: they can evade the reality of their situation, and act on a frantic, blind, range-of-the-moment expediency---not daring to look ahead, wishing no one would name the truth, yet desparately hoping that something will save them somehow---or they can identify the situation, check their premises, discover their hidden assets, and start rebuilding."
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  • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 11 months ago
    Why do you want to?
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    • Posted by $ 2 years, 11 months ago
      To enlarge on my previous post, it's almost as if the conflict between Galileo and Urban VIII never took place. And the outcome---that an individual is responsible for his own personal determination of truth and reality, and does not depend on some kind of "authority" was never sanctioned by the growth in science and scientific method.

      You do know that it wasn't long after that, about a century, I guess, that the Royal Society took as their motto: "On no one's authority but my own."
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      • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 11 months ago
        You're new here, WhoAmI, and didn't participate in many of the past discussions, many of which addressed some of your points. Hang around a while and I'm sure they will come up again. You also have an opportunity to re-initiate points as you wish. This Gulch was created years ago to discuss and promote the Atlas Shrugged movie trilogy and other Ayn Rand topics and eventually whatever is on the minds of Gulchers. What you see today is mainly current event items and Gulcher's perspective on them. I've also seen the participation rates increase and decrease over time so don't be surprised if you give a shout and don't receive much in return. Other times a great deal of responses may materialize.
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        • Posted by $ 2 years, 11 months ago
          I'm not that new. Thus my username.
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          • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 11 months ago
            Your profile says you landed 2 days ago so it was logical to conclude you are new here. Apparently you've been here with another user name.
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            • Posted by $ 2 years, 11 months ago
              Good, very good.

              You remind me of a Calc professor who liked to get his students involved, so as he went through the derivation of an equation, he would stop part way through waiting for the class to supply the correct words, and once he got to "And two plus two is...?" and the whole class just shouted "Four"! And he goes "Good. Very good, class!"
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        • Posted by $ 2 years, 11 months ago
          It is time for Gulchers to fight, not to shrink. If you think not, then you truly don't understand Ayn Rand or events in America and the world.

          If you are shrinkers only, I won't waste my time with you.

          As for the movie trilogy, I say to you it has proven to be a weak imitation of the spirit of Ayn Rand. The philosophy of Ayn Rand is the rallying point for believers in the rights and responsibilities of the individual. Gulchers should have a prominent role in returning America to its "land of the free, and home of the brave.

          The U.S. Constitution is the finest document of governance in the history of mankind, and even Rand has said so. Yet the Leftist/Liberals---aka Democrats---have attempted to destroy it, along with the memories of Thomas Jefferson and Robert E. Lee, and even Columbus.

          What have you done to protect liberty? Sit around and talk about it? Perhaps that is how we will end up another Fahrenheit 451.
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    • Posted by $ 2 years, 11 months ago
      Good question. I'll think about it.

      It sometimes seems to me that the majority of Gulchers are more interested in intellectualizing the "philosophy of Ayn Rand", debating small points, or even large points, but not truly understanding that we are in a time where it is very important for the human species to make that decision, that choice, to move forward with a philosophy based on individual rights and responsibilities, or to move backwards towards primitivism (such as you see in certain equatorial regions of the world) with an idiotology based on communal-thinking and dependency on community guidance and obedience to authority.

      In other words, the war between the Collective (Marxism and its derivatives) and the Individual has come to a head. It is here, it is now.
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