“ICUs are filled with the unvaccinated” Is Just More Mainstream Media Lying FakeNews and Completely False

Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 3 months ago to Politics
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"ICUs are not “full” of unvaccinated covid patients, they’re not even full of covid cases. In fact, they’re not even full at all.

As of last week, NHS England’s own bed statistics reported that England has 4330 available critical care beds, of which 894 (21%) are being used by Covid patients, 2608 (60%) non-Covid patients and 828 (19%) were empty.

So, England’s critical care beds are not even 90% full, let alone 90% full of unvaccinated covid patients.

But let’s be charitable and assume these people misspoke or communicated their point badly. Let’s assume they meant 90% of covid hospitalisations are unvaccinated.

That, at least, is true right? Wrong.

The actual number is 35.4%
(So about 65% of hospitalized ICU patients are vaccinated!)

According to the UK’s Health Security Agency data (page 31 of this document) 6639 patients were admitted to hospital “with Covid” in the weeks 44-47 of this year. Of those 6639, only 2355 were unvaccinated.

So unvaccinated people do not even make up the majority of Covid cases, let alone the majority of ICU admissions in general.

So, even going by the official statistics – which we’ve previously shown are routinely inflated to make the “pandemic” appear frightening – the claim is incorrect."
SOURCE URL: https://off-guardian.org/2021/12/06/coronavirus-fact-check-13-icus-are-filled-with-the-unvaccinated/

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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years, 3 months ago
    Things have really gotten out of hand. Biden is teasing with the idea of pushing a requirement to have the booster shot to be "fully vaccinated." When asked about better protection against the Omicron variant, which has milder symptoms than the common cold, the Pfizer CEO said it might require another booster tailored to the variant, or maybe as many as three more shots.

    Direct reports from a number of people I've spoken to is that the booster has made them ill, and that applies to people who had no bad effects from the original shots. The reactions can be pulmonary, with shortness of breath the most common, while some have had fevers and painful skin inflammations. I wonder how many of the vaccinated who've been hospitalized for COVID are actually suffering a reaction to the shots?

    My wife is a cardiology nurse who has decided that if she's told she has to get the booster, she'll retire early. We both have sympathy for the younger hospital workers who don't have that choice.
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 3 months ago
      There's no doubt they are going to try to make this the new, regular vaccine everybody will have to get. This will be an mRNA, mandatory quarterly - if they get their way. With the lack of long-term effects data...this could turn into a devastating program.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 3 months ago
      The younger workers do have a choice it’s called do not comply. Compliance is required for tyranny to occur. The people have to unite and we have the power to say “Let’s go Brandon”
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 3 months ago
    For my work I have to stay on top of ICU capacity and use. Recently I reviewed regional vaccination rates and compared them to impact to the local ICU occupancy rates, etc. I found zero correlation. I don't think the vaccines work based on this and other information.

    ...Don't forget to get your boosters, everybody! haha...
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    • Posted by Lucky 3 years, 3 months ago
      From an admittedly casual reading of available data, my opinion is the same.

      There is a fair amount of data available from UK and Israel on this.
      I am assuming this data is unbiased - except for the general misleading definition of vaxed (see Dobrien's comment). Seems that the proportion of vaxed in serious condition with Wuhu is about the same as the national/regional proportion of vaxed. Perhaps a slight benefit to being vaxed tho' this is declining as later numbers are coming in.

      Conclusion- no evidence that vaxing keeps people out of ICU - as Abaco says from his proper review - zero correlation.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 3 months ago
    I went in the hospital in May with chest pain listed my Cardiologist and I was tested for Covid but no one even asked if I was vaxed or wanted to be vaxed. Didn't happen. Stayed three days. Had heart cath for 80% blockage. Stent inserted.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 3 months ago
      What? A sane hospital? Wow and good for you!

      I'm in a solidly Red state but the hospital admins here are total leftists. You can't even get in to see relatives if you aren't vaccinated AND wearing a mask and even then its only one at a time. And no religious accommodations for pastors, etc. either. No last rites or blessings in patient rooms at all. Just tyrannical.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 3 months ago
    What many don't understand is that hospitals routinely operate their facilities at 80-90% occupancy all the time. They are businesses first and foremost (which many forget) and health advocates maybe fourth or fifth.

    Add to that the fact that many cities have outgrown their hospitals (like in my area) and so were pushing 90%+ all the time just because of growth demographics - nothing to do with COVID.

    These are generally scare stories originating from hospital administrators (who are almost all leftists) trying to get more money from government and from government itself trying to push the vaccines.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 3 months ago
    I wonder if US ICU stats are similar. The problem is there are so many lies (paid for) and slippery standards, it's hard to determine what is really going on. At this point, IMHO, the data is so corrupted we may never know what's going on.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 3 months ago
      “It’s hard to determine what’s really goin on” I respect you very much sir. Yes yes yes about the lies. With what’s going on this I disagree.
      I ask myself how long do I believe a source when that source has lied multiple times. Well I don’t value that source , period. When the CDC doesn’t Count a person as vaccinated until 2 weeks after the shot. Are you kidding me. Anybody having a reaction to the shot who is hospitalized is considered unVaxed if within 2 weeks .When that same source planned for a similar type of attack with forums of Govt Ag3ncies , News media ,WHO, Gates Foundation and health officials. They talked about how they would even lie use false data and manipulate the narrative to convince or coerce the public into taking the vaccinations. Hiding data from the public , why? Because this is war and we are their enemy. Safe vaccines? Well only after we change the definition of a vaccine and we hide the harmful results. Over 1,000,000 VAERS injuries or deaths reported in the US. Those reports are drastically under reported. From Pfizer docs 1 in 37 deaths . These released docs 500 pages of over 350,000 + that the FDA and Pfizer wanted sealed till 2075 and now 2090 .This is population control and this is about control....... it is about bringing US to a Great Reset as Klaus Schwabe with his multi billion dollar families. The rest is just fear porn and noise.
      Did they create and spread a deadly virus? yes.
      Was it as deadly as they claimed ? Hell no.
      Should you be proactive in fighting sickness , building immune system ,practice good hygiene habits.Yes .Have a plan to fight the virus if you get it. Ivermectin/ HCQ/zinc/Zpac or similar early treatments .Stay out of the hospital.
      The Protocols in the hospitals have included
      remdesivir was approved or authorized for emergency use to treat COVID‑19 in around 50 countries.Updated guidelines from the World Health Organization in November 2020 include a conditional recommendation against the use of remdesivir for the treatment of COVID-19.
      Remdesivir was originally developed to treat hepatitis C, and was subsequently investigated for Ebola virus disease and Marburg virus infections before being studied as a post-infection treatment for COVID-

      Weird this description of Remdesivir does not say that it’s use was halted in the previous trials due to over 1/3 of the recipients suffering kidney failure.

      These satanic people are acting like a cornered wild cat , how they gonna kill us ? Anyway they can.
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      • Posted by Ben_C 3 years, 3 months ago
        For me the defining moment was when the FDA (could have been the NIH) stated that documented complications etc from the "vaccine" would not be released for 55 years. Obviously most of us will be dead thus no lawsuits. As I recall Rand Paul or Ted Cruz said "no way Jose." Clearly "the government" is aware of the adverse reactions and want to dodge their liability for lying to the public.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 3 months ago
        Thanks, Dobrien. Remdesivir - I was just wondering the other day what the name of the stuff I should NOT let them give me if I land in the hospital. There was a big protest recently up the road from where I live demanding supply of Ivermectin, which I have none of, but would like some on hand for me and my wife should either of us get C-19.
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        • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 3 months ago
          Yes Remdesivir but they also have given patients a type of sedative that inhibits breathing . Can’t remember the name but I think it starts with D.
          There are natural isophores (sp) available that can be homemade like HCQ, pine needle tea, quercetin which is also found in elderberry’s.
          Peace and health:)
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          • Posted by NealS 3 years, 3 months ago
            Now I can speak second hand. Wife, 71, had no vaccines, got ill, took, prescribed HCQ and ??? per Dr Zelenko method. Week later got nasal swab, tested negative. Since Covid symptoms were there they gave her a quick blood test. Blood test revealed she had Covid but it was on the downside, not contagious anymore. Getting better day by day, but nauseous feeling still comes and goes at end of week two.

            I, being 79, with severe COPD, sinus issues, Agent Orange related heart disease, got a head cold for 3 or 4 days while she was sick. No Covid symptoms other than my normal chronic issues. Special needs (Agent Orange) daughter, age 38, lives with us, no issues. I think this whole thing was some kind of farce (except for the Fauci/Gates depopulation efforts) based on a flu type virus, perhaps even colluding with the Chinese and others to enhance the story and reaction to it. Most of it was predicated on the theme of "Hate Trump", they are still scarred to death of him. I'm astounded how so much of everything ties together, there are some really bad people (by the standards I was taught) in this world.
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            • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 3 months ago
              "...they are still scarred to death of him. I'm astounded how so much of everything ties together..." They really do hate and fear Trump! Even now the Main Stream Marxist Media is working hard to destroy him. Here in NY commie politicians and lawyers are falling all over themselves going through every business record or scrap of paper even remotely connected to him in hopes of finding ANYTHING that can be used as a magic bullet to bring him down. I can't imagine the millions of taxpayer dollars burned on that endeavor.

              Yes, the evil things tie together like a poisonous spider web.
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            • Posted by NealS 3 years, 3 months ago
              Actually, his (Trump's) plan is just starting to come together. "They" will be digging deeper and deeper and burying themselves, like Jussie, like Como(s), like Biden(s), Clinton's, Fauci, Hollywood, etc. The object was to see the light, and we are getting there.
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      • Posted by JohnWesley 3 years, 3 months ago
        Yours is the best response I have read. I wish I could have worded my comment as well. Many of the bad effects of the vacs happen within the first two weeks after the shot so are counted as un-vaccinated events. Looks like they intend to keep adding "boosters" until everyone is dead.
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  • Posted by shaifferg 3 years, 3 months ago
    I am reading American History in Black and White; subtitle Setting the Record Straight by
    David Barton, founder of WallBuilders. Documented that the Democrats have been stuffing ballot boxes and committing other types of voter fraud and suppression since 1876! Why would we think they would behave differently in 2020? Visit Wallbuilders.com for a glimpse at our true American history, with original documents or certified copies of the originals.
    Much you may not agree with given the Biblical evidence of the founding fathers beliefs but morality has to come from somewhere.
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  • Posted by Stormi 3 years, 3 months ago
    According to the release by the Univ. of Mich. most of the hospitalized are vaccinated, and have lost so much of their immune system by now, they cannot fight off the most minor illnesses! They also reiterated findings that the vax erases the immune system. Than a group of cardiologist reported that the incident of cardo damage has risen 250% since the vaccine. The unvaxed know what to use, what vit. to take, and how sitting in a mask in your house is not one of them!
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  • Posted by NealS 3 years, 3 months ago
    I hope I live long enough to see the movie. It should be a block buster bigger than anything ever produced before. Maybe the government will even provide it for free. I feel like we're living it right now.
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  • Posted by chicagodon 3 years, 3 months ago
    Let's face facts, there is absolutely no evidence that this vax in anyway protects people, because even after getting a vax you can still get covid. This is all to get people used to mandates and infiltrating your body with whatever they chose to kill you with. I'll remain a pureblood and stay unvaxxed because I was never afraid of a flu virus before and chose to not be afraid of one ever!
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 3 months ago
    If you know how mRNA vaccines have worked in past trials it should not be a surprise that this is happening. A long-term effect of mRNA vaccines is a weakening of the immune system, to the point of severe reactions when the virus is reintroduced. This is why I think it may be time to invest in cancer infusion technology. I think infusion facilities are where the crowding will really take place in the next couple years.
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