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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years ago
    I think Fauci is a false prophet! And you know what is going to happen to them, doncha? I looked up Hodkinson and methinks everyone protests too much. I worry about what is going to happen when the other shoe finally drops. N
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 3 years ago
    As for Fauci being slaughtered in the street ... I would prefer that he be found naked hanging from a rope just outside a large governmental building ... no note, no manifesto. Just the simplicity of a naked body hanging from a rope.
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  • Posted by starguy 3 years ago
    Fauci will end up being dragged through the streets, and getting the Mussolini treatment.
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  • Posted by TheOldMan 3 years ago
    In the maxwell airplane photo, who is the fellow in the yellow shirt? I think the other one is Epstein.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years ago
      Yeah, me dino also wondered who would wear a yellow for a cowardly child molester's shirt and a pair of faggy on a guy lady's looking pants.
      Me hunter's dino vision can attest that's the late for Arkancided Epstein joined by his evil fresh meat procurer.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 3 years ago
    Frosty and the schit ones cracked me up!
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years ago
      Schiffhead with his weird eyes makes me think of a mad scientist in a bad comic horror movie parody.
      In one scene his character would use a phone and his mellow voice to persuade colleague scientists to come see his "secret creation."
      After the scientists arrive they are put off by the appearance of Schiffhead's eyes.
      Nevertheless, they take their seats in rows before a podium where Schiffhead takes his place and says, "I shall now prove how I know Trump colluded with Russia. Please, observe."
      Schffhead's eyes pop out of their sockets and writhe about on their stems while Schiffhead repeatedly screams, "The eyes have it! The eyes have it! The eyes see all!"
      Then the eyes begin to grow and grow.
      Now the audience of scientists scream as they flee in terror.
      Some are trampled in their panic to race to their cars. Those who fall are gruesomely melted by ocular acid tears
      Fender benders abound as Schiffhead's huge eyes squeeze out the front door to give chase to the crash-banging flight of assorted motorized vehicles.
      Schiffhead's eyes detach trailing stems as they grow absolutely gigantic The eye monsters chase cars off into the night. Flashes made by exploding cars can be seen way off in the distance.
      A new pair of weird eyes grow in Schiffhead's face as he makes a conference call to Chucky Schumer, Nanny Pelosi and The Squad. This time they can all see each other.
      Dialogue reveals Schiffhead has eliminated all scientists deplorably known as doubting climate change claims.
      Schumer now entertains the happy group with one of his icky victory dances.
      Movie critics vote that dance scene to be the most horrific scene in all of horror movie history.
      Me dino could link you up with one of those putrid performances but I do not wish to ruin your day.
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      • Posted by 3 years ago
        Lmao. That is some funny schiff.
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        • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years ago
          That's a whatever pops into me dino head story telling style that started when I was the oldest kid telling weird tales to my little brothers during road trips especially at night.
          Ah! Two places you know! Mostly traveling from Compass Lake, FL, to Dothan, AL, during the late Fifites/very early Sisties.
          There's a name for that free-flowing stule I heard in a Troy State University creative writing class but me ancient dino mind can't recall it or find it on my PC.
          It ain't "shooting the Schiff" but I guess you could call it that.
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        • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years ago
          It finally came to me. It's called "stream of consciousness writing." Let's say a shrink tells a patient to sit down and, without erasing anything or pondering what to write next, you keep writing the first thing that pops into your head.
          Well, while writing about the monstrous eyes of Schiff, me dino had a clear Schiffhead for an objective in mind. So what I created above is a work of "semi-stream of consciousness writing."
          Think of a semi-abstract work of art. Somewhere in all the painted weirdness, you can still see what the hell the painting is all about.
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  • Posted by Rex_Little 3 years ago
    ALL vaccinated men are sterile? Considering how long the vaccines have been out, and that over half the population is vaccinated, the birth rate should have plummeted if this is true. Has it?
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