CRT Rope-a-Dope
I know this is a controversial subject, but I gotta get some opinions. I recently got my alma matter's magazine in the mail and there was a big article written by a lecturer there about CRT. The article stated that CRT is just really commentary limited to the state of our legal system in America and how biased it is. That was about it. It also said something like, "you won't hear about it in our schools". As a parent of a kid in high school I could clearly see this as a load of horse hockey. My son's high school seems to specialize in CRT. It's daily subject matter there. So, my question is...why the double-speak on this? People clearly have a right to speak their minds. And, racists come in all shapes, sizes and colors. But...I really struggle with this article. This is due to our own experiences in public schools where racism is taught while they slap the label of CRT on it. I've not been able to let this go...
From the article: "José Navarro teaches ethnic studies at Cal Poly and is an expert on critical race theory, or CRT." My eyes are rolling so much here I can see my brain! IMHO, here we have a fully indoctrinated and fully invested (and likely affirmative action employee) getting paid BIG BUCKS to spew this crap and defend it at all costs to keep those bucks flowing into his college department and personal bank account. He is an arrogant despicable lying LOOTER of the highest order as his parasitic enterprise is dependent on the very people he has to step on to feel exalted and self righteous. He is at the very top of the brain washing machine that originates the crap being foisted on the nations young and innocent. The article is not an argument, it's a deflection away from what CRT really is.
Black and Hispanic parents are rightfully upset to hear that their children are being told they don't have the ability to be successful, so it isn't just white parents who are outraged at this crap. It's obvious from the police state attitude of the school boards pushing this that they know they are attempting brainwashing with CRT, with the intent to keep our society divided.
The statement about Italians and Jews is a magician's trick. Jews lived and voted in the US from the beginning. I am not wasting time researching Italians. Jews came to the US to evade persecution in Europe. This is noise.
U.S. President George Washington remembered the Jewish contribution when he wrote to the Sephardic congregation of Newport, Rhode Island, in a letter dated August 17, 1790:
"May the children of the stock of Abraham who dwell in the land continue to merit and enjoy the goodwill of the other inhabitants. While everyone shall sit safely under his own vine and fig-tree and there shall be none to make him afraid."
Children need to be taught philosophy (preferably OBJECTIVISM) so that they can learn HOW TO THINK before they are taught "what to think".
CRT should remain a college course in Law Studies and nothing more.
Check out the "aspects and assumptions of white culture" from CRT teaching materials here -- .
Except for the focus on the British Empire, the views listed have nothing to do with whiteness. What they are, are great examples of the virtues that once made the US the greatest country on earth, and everyone should seek to have them. To teach otherwise is to deliberately sabotage America's greatness and to try to turn us into a third world country.
So when I liken CRT to the Chinese Cultural Revolution, that is not hyperbole. It is intended to produce the same result.
When I worked in China it seemed the "aspects and assumptions of Chinese culture" were pretty much the same as "aspects and assumptions of white culture" except the origins of the hard work and scientific methods were different from Greco-Roman or Judeo-Christian and the work ethic wasn't from the Protestant religion. The Chinese are shedding collectivism and the results of the Cultural Revolution (good CRT comparison on your part) like a bad dream because they don't work. Currently, they are still stuck with a dictatorship, though.
"CRT should remain a college course in Law Studies and nothing more." CRT shouldn't be taught anywhere because it is a false narrative to inculcate your first statement as a means of control. Understanding racially discriminatory laws as past legal history in a law school environment may be fair game, but CRT is an intellectually dishonest method of approach. It cherry picks some historical facts (this article is an example) that are no longer in effect (some even more than a century), leaves out other historical facts, and presents them in a narrative as though they are current events to elicit guilt upon the innocent and false victimization on others.
Philosophy needs to be taught in secondary school instead of CRT.
I actually remember "whites only" and "blacks only" businesses and restrooms(etc.) when I visited Memphis as a youngster. I thought that it was stupid then. I still do.
I couldn't figure out which color.
Edit add to put this in perspective:
In 1820 there were Americans still alive that could remember being under the edicts of a king, but those days were gone forever.
In 1900 there were Americans still alive that could remember actually being a slave, but those days were gone forever.
In 1960 there were Americans still alive that could remember women not allowed to vote, but those days were gone forever.
In 2021 there are Americans still alive that can remember Jim Crow, but those days are gone forever.
CRT ignores all that.