Virus Of Individualism
Posted by j_IR1776wg 3 years, 2 months ago to Philosophy
When Ayn Rand was writing her books and newsletters, she kept a Horror File" of anti-Objectivist articles. This article would have warranted a high place in her files. It refers to a pronouncement by the current Pope of the Roman Catholic Church.
In reality, his 'contribution' is corruption, enslavement, mass murder, and perversion of the future of everyone naive enough to believe his lies.
Individualism is a newcomer having been practiced by Americans for around 230 years. I would like to offer a simple solution. I don’t have one. The ideas of John Locke, Americas’ founding fathers, and Ayn Rand in favor of Individualism seem so obviously true that I cannot understand why they have not been embraced worldwide.
I know many mainstream Catholics who are good and decent people. It is unfortunate that their leadership is so hopelessly corrupt.