Take the FLU shot or be fired!
Posted by HoustonLadybug 3 years, 3 months ago to Ask the Gulch
I got a Religious Exemption at the Hospital System I work at so I do not have to take the covid-19 so called vaccine. Now, for the first time ever we have to do the same if we do not take the FLU vaccine. I just can't figure out why the Hospital System is going to that extreme about the FLU shots. Why do ya'll think they are doing that about the FLU shots?
Where the Cubans come to live,
and the Old People come to die...
so now i am going Galt at work
i will keep as silent as i can, preparing for the bigger disasters to come
I seriously hope I heard wrong.
New evidence seeps thru the censorship showing things are worse than we thought.
The way my thinking is changing, well, I agree-
I seriously hope I heard wrong.
Like the hitler quote I posted elsewhere. With enough people now jabbed my generation is inconsequential. When we're gone health subscriptions will be the norm as will dictating your life to ensure your health. The real question is whether we'll be able to live out our lives or we'll be starved out or poisoned by the lemmings who took the jab and are shedding spiked proteins.
We are in the can't buy, sell or trade stage of things now. I intend to stock up, stay well armed., and ride out the clock. It not living, but the rest of my days will be mine.
Incidentally, the Bill of Rights doesn't require an exemption. To comply means you relinquished your natural right to self determination to others.
The problem I have with this theory though is....
If I’m a farmer. And I have livestock. Do I want stubborn livestock that are constantly breaking the fences and causing problems? Or do I want compliant livestock that will produce without question and quietly get on the trailer when it’s time to go to the abattoir?
Which of those genetics do I want to encourage?
It doesn’t make any sense to kill off the vaxxed.
If in 3-5 years all the vaxxed are dead, now the UnVaxxed have empirical evidence of foul play on the part of the powers that shouldn’t be. The pitchforks and guillotines come out at that point. That’s terrible planning on the part of the elites. They are smarter than that. Obviously they’ve risen to their current power level because they consistently out think their opponents.
In my opinion, there are easier and sneakier ways to just outright kill people to meet some depopulation goal.
This is a culling, if it is anything.
Now if the ruling class are just a bunch of incompetent fools. All bets are off.
Maybe I give them too much credit. But in my experience stupid people are terrible liars. And these guys are virtuosos of their craft.
Those who resist are becoming fewer quickly with the threat of continued employment or other sanctions brought against them.
Though the resistors are a significant number at this point there are not enough who truly resist by not complying. Those visible resistors (demonstrators) are whining and complaining hoping to be recognized but still await the decision of their masters to allow them to be free.
This attempt would collapse if people simply went to work, ignored those who demand servile behavior. Far too many comply and the corporate and businesses that are creatures of the state fearing retribution demand obedience of the serfs. There are never enough 'police' to enforce the rules, it requires the cooperation of the serfs and that is what they have.
I do not expect this to be suddenly resolved in favor of those who prefer liberty.
Like shuttering your business and wearing masks, YOUR COMPLIANCE has PROLONGED this HOAX.
There have been NO LAWS written, debated and PASSED for them to be able to ENFORCE these new "rules".
they violate
Informed Consent
Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act
Nurnberg Policy against human experimentation
they are practicing extortion, demanding we do something or get fired
my place turn down all requests, religious and medical
there is no logic
it is about power and control
As a professional space cadet I got that ultimatum too: "Submit to getting this unwanted and unneeded medication shot into your body, or kiss your entire career goodbye." Since early retirement is absolutely not an option for me and I love space like I love Paris and Kyoto and half a dozen ex-g/fs, on Thurs I went in and put my neck on their chopping-block. I opted for the J&J variety because it's a single shot only (well until the Mengele-wannabes in D.C. decide that it isn't,) and it's reportedly designed like a conventional vaccine rather than the messing with the RNA that went into the Moderna and Pfizer. I hasten to add that I know zilch about pharmaceuticals and that I realize that this is only a pathetic attempt to make the best of a rotten situation, but that's what I did.
If you don't hear from me in the months to come, assume this poison killed me.
Doctors are speaking out. The health industry has been harming us for profit, but now it is for one wrld government and depopulation.
It would need beliefs that were to be unchallenged and therefore sent down from "god"
Our family had C19 and we got over it. It was rough, but we are fine. My teen son developed Ulcerative Colitis and now has his own health regime, expensive meds, and regular procedures. Of course the two are not related (sure..not). I do not think he will get a medical exemption. The governor just mandated school children be vaccinated. He goes to an online school in ID, so there is that.
Not sure how to fight this. I keep hearing we gotta take a stand. Against who and for who? Over half the country seems to be sheeple. It feels like I am supposed to fight for my country, but my country won't fight for me or anyone else, or our God given freedoms. Any suggestions are welcome. Any words of wisdom for peace of mind and encouragement is welcome.
As you read on understand that although your problem and both challenges I described here are vastly different, what I call the "Root" solution is the same. That is if you choose to accept it, which is entirely up to you. What I am about to describe to you is how four men tackled a problem faced by a friend of theirs.
Four men arrive late, carrying a paralyzed man on his bed. When they realize that they cannot possibly get him through the door, (because of a huge crowd) they carry their helpless paralytic friend upstairs to the roof and lower the bed in front of Jesus as He is speaking. Their determination to place him before Jesus displays their Faith that he would be healed. Instead of being deterred by the problem of the crowds, they see the possibilities for solving it. If they could only involve God, they thought, things would go well. The persevering efforts of the four friends pay off for their paralytic friend as they help make possible his spiritual healing as well as his physical healing. Their actions are an example of the apostle James' statement in James 2:18: "I will show you my faith by my works."
Christ finds faith in the friends, and He honors their faith, rather than any faith the sufferer has. Of course, no one can be saved by another's faith. Yet, another or others can help him along to Christ since only He can deliver him from the bondage of sin. Being pleased with their works, which exhibited their faith, Christ responds to their resourcefulness and perseverance on behalf of their suffering friend. Their faith in Christ, then, is the catalyst in His performing this miracle. Our Savior works where faith is present (Luke 5:20). Obviously, He can perform His work anywhere regardless of human faith, but He often chooses not to act when people lack faith in Him, as happened in Nazareth (Matthew 13:58).
Hope motivates the paralytic's friends to manifest faith. First, their faith is a wise faith in that it brought the paralytic to the only One who could heal. Second, it is a persistent faith because it is undeterred by seemingly overwhelming obstacles. Third, it is a sacrificial faith in that it gives of its time and effort to bring the paralytic before Christ. Fourth, it is an unintimidated faith because it is unashamedly displayed in public. Fifth, it is a humble faith since the friends do not ask Jesus to come to him but take him to Jesus. Sixth, it is a loving faith because the friends willingly expend great effort to get him real help. Finally, it is an active faith in that they take the man to Christ rather than sit around complaining and grumbling about their friend's woeful condition.
(3) Then they came to Him, bringing a paralytic who was carried by four men. (4) And when they could not come near Him because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where He was. So when they had broken through, they let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying. (5) When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, "Son, your sins are forgiven you." Mark 2:3-5
The funny thing about the FLU vaccines... The people that push them are ALSO the least likely to take them... I know many doctors, nurses, and pharmacists who won't take one, and don't feel they need one...