Whats behind the vaccine?

Posted by N316Jobs 3 years, 5 months ago to Government
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My goal is to shed light and give you something to think about on a very nasty subject. I would like to present what i think is happening in the world today. To begin with you are subject to daily, even hourly, ads telling you that no matter what you have they now have a pill for it. However in the same breath they warn you of side effects that when you think about it can be worse than what you already have like don't take if you are pregnant/nursing or can or will be pregnant (this covers pretty much all women) so if your a woman, sorry your out of luck. Other side effects up to and including Stroke or DEATH! Then to make things worse they tell you to tell your doctor you want this for what ails you. So at this point I have to ask why do we even need doctors anymore? Just go to your Big Pharma.
I think our history is showing us a very clear path that we have unwittingly traveled. Looking back to our Founding Fathers who knew how to make their own meds from plants found in nature or that they farmed. To today where we are being funneled by Companies to buy buy buy your health in a bottle (including vitamin supplements). So why have we slipped from being the fittest nation in the world to the sickest most obese people? It's a two fold attack by a small number of "Elites" who want to control the world. Our food system has gone from nutritious to poisonous. From having all the vitamins and minerals in them pure organic's to chemicals and pesticides and addictive additives. From small farms across every county in America to a handful of Mega Mega farms backed by the likes of monsanto the king of poison. Monsanto created Agent orange during Vietnam to defoliate the forests with a very nasty effect on humans, Cancer! Of late we hear about GMO's and Roundup the weed killer a known cancer causing product used on our food crops. Now monsanto is behind every food production company in America. Well that is until they saw that people were finding ways to bring them to court. So they, like the cowards they are, sold themself to Bayer of Germany. Sound familiar? Bayer yes thats right, the same century old company who was in bed with the nazis and horrors of the concentration camps. THAT Bayer. Our health has been replaced by sickness through a controlled methodical over decades movement to fulfill the desire to reduce world population by 80%. As told to us by the Georgia Guide Stone. One example is sun screen. We are told to wear sunscreen to prevent skin cancer. BUT the chemicals used to make sun screen CAUSE cancer. Who supports Cancer research? Companies who make sun screen. It's a vicious cycle.
Now what does all this have to do with vaccines? Plenty, They have been around for decades. One very big and alarming change that i see is that before they were made available to you and then YOU decided if you wanted it or not. Now you are being forced to take it. THAT is a VERY scary change. Your God given right to freedom of choice is being taken away. You are being forced to take something (that in my opinion is made more to disable or even kill a person) without having proof positive it helps you, otherwise why would you need a second and third vaccine? Now with the "Delta" will they require you to get a vaccine for that also? I also believe vaccines are not always in the form of a vaccine. How about prescription drugs? Have you heard the term "Designer Drugs"? Big Pharma doesn't make any money if you make your medicine from plants you grow. So they make poison to kill plants so you have to buy medicine that can or will harm people. This way they can continue to keep you somewhere between life and death to continue to have deep bank accounts. The vaccine is just one bullet of many they have to keep you dependent on them. I have also heard but can not prove this is happening yet. If Not soon, the vaccine can change or alter your RNA not the DNA but RNA. To confuse the issue the vaccine people are saying that We are saying the vaccine can change or alter DNA. We, never said DNA, it changes or alters your RNA. But people mostly do not understand what RNA and DNA are so they follow the vaccine people and believe they are safe. How do you discredit the truth, you make fun of it call it crazy and say they are conspiracy quacks. But if you look at the history of those who seek to control you. They have to tell you the truth before they do something. Cartoons, movies, Red Flags, Videos like Event 201. The information is out there. The question you have to ask yourself is who will I believe and why?
i'll close with this thought. In nature, when a plant can make you sick, nature will also provide you with a cure that is usually not too far away form the plant that made you sick. In man made, man makes you sick then keeps you sick with more stuff to keep you sick for the benefit of the few who want to control everything. Soros, Gates, Rockefeller's Hitler, Stalin, Mao Zedong to name a few. This subject is an amazing field of rabbit holes. It's not easy to stay on course and I have tried to do that and stick to the main issue. But do your own research and slip into as many rabbit holes as you care to follow. Be careful of misinformation, it's out there. Pray for guidance and that God will open your eyes to the lies and false prophets. Stay healthy and stay safe.

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  • Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 5 months ago
    I think also that most of Big Pharma's products are designed to treat the effect, the symptoms, of your 'illness' not the cause of the 'illness.'
    Instead of curing the cause once, you must continue to ameliorate the symptoms forever with drugs that have side effects and may interact with other pharmaceutical products that ameliorate other symptoms.
    The goal is to keep you perpetually ill and dependent.
    The oath of "Do no harm" is no where to be seen or heard.
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    • Posted by $ gharkness 3 years, 5 months ago
      Can't disagree with that. I was recently tested as positive for asthma. OH, so THAT's what the breathing pain (while exercising) was coming from....!! Didn't know it had a name, but I've had it for years. Thought I was just being lazy.

      Doc Rx'd steroid inhaler, of all things. I'd already been treating it quite well with L-Glutathione, an easily obtained supplement, which does NOT have the side effects of steroids, including LOWERED IMMUNITY as well as higher blood sugars, and who knows what else. If I had not been paying attention, I'd soon be finding myself more likely to fall prey to the wandering Covid spike. I may eventually get it, of course, but it's gonna have a heckuva fight to get settled in.
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      • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
        Keep up the "Good Fight" G, Look into eating a Keto meal plan as normal and don't think of it as a diet. I have a friend that has RA and with the Keto and a few other changes has been able to reduce their dependence on meds. They still need them BUT not as much. Good luck. Stay strong and be of good cheer.
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        • Posted by $ gharkness 3 years, 5 months ago
          I've been low carb since December 3, 1999. I was actually PRESENT at the time when the "let's call it Keto" movement started (though I didn't join in - I like "Low Carb" just fine, and "keto" is simply the first two weeks of Dr. Atkins' plan, continued indefinitely). That was on a Low Carb cruise, early 2000s. I am actually IRL friends with many of the big-name LC/Keto "leaders," including Eric Westman, Jimmy Moore, Dana Carpender, and my very favorite, Jackie Eberstein, Dr. Atkin's number one office nurse and all around awesome person!

          My husband plays violin professionally and early on in our marriage he noticed his hands were causing him a LOT of pain, enough that he had to take a hiatus from his playing. Coincidentally that was around December 3, 1999, and within 3 days, he noticed his hands didn't hurt any more! That was all it took for him...he has never wavered. I occasionally waver a little, but was happy to see my A1C at 5.1 last week, so I know I'm doing something right.
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      • Posted by Stormi 3 years, 5 months ago
        I can relate to the asthma thing.Cottenwood will send me fleeing for the A/C/ zMy retina doc said no asrpin or steroids! So, when I got an asthma attack after being masked for grocery trip, I found I can short circuit it with caffeine (coffee or coke), eucalypuis cough drops, and controlled breathing. Scarey, but works. The thought of the death shot scares me silly, I would likely lie the first hour with all my allerieis. It is so evil and full of garbage.
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 5 months ago
      Per CDC data...The industry expects to kill 108,000 people in America each year just through known/expected prescription drug interactions. They actuary it into the phama industry. Also...For products labeled as vaccines there is zero liability. How convenient. (disclaimer: that figure is from several years ago but is surely worse now...)
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      • Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 5 months ago
        That's why they want everyone jabbed. They get away with no liability even if they were involved in creating the virus (because if they are exposed they can blame all the deaths on the vax.)
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      • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
        If you can believe it, read the Georgia Guide Stone. It clearly says one of their goals is to reduce the world population by 80%. Thats a lot of killing and murdering. More than any battle or war could accomplish. So it must be through another method. Vaccines come to mind.
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    • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
      EXACTLY! Big Pharma has swallowed up the Medical practice and also made way for other drugs to catch those they missed with mind drugs. Like Zoloft and others are not good for you. In short, If it's chemical its bad if it's natural and comes from nature its good. Trouble is it is taking a long time for people to relearn what our grand parents knew without thinking. We may never restore what we knew. If we have people who are willing to roll up their sleeves and actually do the work of relearning and teaching. Time will tell.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 3 years, 5 months ago
    The base problem is Moral Hazzard. That funny video points this out.
    FenFen was pulled from the market after how many deaths? But not this vaccine, Not Vioxx...

    Sunscreen and Sunburn. I TRULY believe we burn in the sun BECAUSE we use BAD OILS (Palm, Seed, etc).
    these oils (Fats) are used by our body in the absence of enough saturated fat (and because of the seed oil excess in our diets), to create our skin cells. These oils cannot stand up to the sun when they are part of our skin. We burn, and cannot repair them. I used to burn SO EASILY. Now that I avoid all of those oils. I can get HOURS of sun in FL without burning!

    Was this done on purpose? Not really. They did not know the issue when they pushed "Machine Oils" as food.
    They just knew that they could make cheaper food. So, the push for cheap, tasty food (think Machine Oil + Sugar), and Voila... You have our current mess in a nutshell.

    Now, add BAD SCIENCE (because it is profitable). Harvard Health is behind BOTH the Cigarettes and the Sugar in processed foods, using "Doubt Science" (Create enough FUD around EGGS being bad for you, and you can push people away from ULTRA HEALTHY/NATURAL EGGS for breakfast to the convivence of Corn Flakes and Cereals... You know, the very grains we feed to cows to FATTEN THEM UP?).

    From there, we become unhealthy at an alarming rate. Then we need DOCTORS and MEDS. Then we need INSURANCE.

    Please stop and think about this. What PERCENTAGE of your INCOME is spent on:
    1) FOOD (and yes, junk food, real food, snacks, soft drinks, energy drinks, coffee, etc) ... 25-30%?
    2) INSURANCE (do Health, but total ALL of your insurance premiums: Health, Life, Home, Vehicle)
    3) Doctors/Rx Drugs, etc.

    add those 3 together. Now compare them to your TAXES (include property taxes).

    set aside your mortgage payment, and expenses for living...

    Make that pie chart. Try not to vomit. I did this a decade ago. And I track it.
    INSURANCES (combined) were my number one expense, eating 25% of my annual take home.

    The point being. We are LITERALLY buying their cheap food, so we can take their CHEAP drugs (notice how cheap those are). So we can pay a shit-ton on insurance we wouldn't need if we avoided the CHEAP FOOD.

    Yes, they had a problem that they were afraid we would not be able to feed everybody.
    BOY did they fix THAT PROBLEM. We are now SICK and OBESE on average. So much so, that a healthy/normal weighted individual seems anorexic or TOO SKINNY for 90% of the people. As opposed to realizing we are too fat.

    And here is an interesting Psychological TRICK to help you understand it.
    Scarcity determines VALUE. Value determines importance.

    If you could ONLY EAT ONE MEAL every day (or every other day). Would you eat SHIT FOOD? Would you focus on NUTRIENT DENSITY or just taste? How would you value your meals?

    I realized this because I started fating. When I got down to 3 MEALS A WEEK. Something Popped in my brain. I had to eat WHOLESOME/NUTRITIOUS foods. Why would I eat a SINGLE shit meal that tasted good (like fast food)? That's when it hit me...

    Teaching kids to have 3-5 snacks a day... Teaches them to DEVALUE nutrition. So what variable do they focus on? Cost! And Quantity... Because you eat 5-7 times a day, the quality of EVERY meal has VERY LITTLE VALUE.

    And they can get you to look the other way while you scarf down CALORIES. Not nutrition. But calories!

    And the bigger they get, the DEEPER they dig. The more power they get, the more FUD science they produce, the better they get at lying. And then the ONLY Thing they have to do is find a way to have ZERO LIABILITY. (Currently, people are liable for their food choices... And Drug Companies are NOT Liable for Vaccine Safety, or the ACCURACY of the medical JUNK science they pay to produce while HIDING the studies that show the TRUTH).

    Last point. And it's MORAL HAZZARD again... Drug companies could run 30 trials. Bury 28, keep 2. Then they use statistics that show you it cannot be by chance... Such statistics ASSUME that the OTHER 28 studies would have been published. When you factor in an UNKNOWN number of studies that FAILED to work, or worse, showed HORRENDOUS results... You can NO LONGER APPLY the same "statistics". Again, Moral Hazzard.

    Prove me wrong! :-) [Hat tip to Crowder for that sayings...]
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 5 months ago
    What is behind the vaccine is using fear to cause people to willingly give massive power to the government.

    COVID is real. The vaccine itself is not bad. No, it does not change your DNA.

    However, the response by overwhelming hordes of pathetic, cowardly people who lack any interest in freedom, and prefer to hide their cowardice behind "Science" which really means "Compliance" is gothic.

    It is not subversion seeking to turn us into zombie's with a vaccine. It is subversion seeking to turn us further into lemmings from our own fear.
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    • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
      I don't know if I would say people lack interest in freedom, I think it's more that people have become complacent and lazy and slothful in life. As for the vaccine, DARN STRAIGHT ITS DEADLY!!! If it wasn't then why should we be opposed to taking it. It doesn't change DNA BUT and this is very important to understand ..... IT DOES change or alter your RNA. The danger in this is that once altered it can not be restored to its original formate.
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      • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 5 months ago
        Most people put safety far ahead of freedom. Freedom will disappear as a consequence, and once gone, it will take a revolution to restore. If Biden's forced vaccine EO isn't reversed, there is virtually no limit to government power. Virtually infinite fiscal authority from an EO, taking away almost any person's livelihood.

        So, you are telling me, my RNA is changed, and can't change back? Complete nonsense.
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        • Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 5 months ago
          Safety vs liberty
          A big reason some people should not have the vote.
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          • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
            I believe we are ALL created equally. I may not agree with you but I agree you should vote your conscious. It is a right afforded to ALL humans. Now if you allow another human to take that right away then so be it. But that human who did that to you has a lot to answer for on that final day. Just as we all have the right to bear arms and no one has the right to take your arms from you. It's a right. See where i am going with this?
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        • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
          Oh, as far as our freedom goes. Once the 1st Amendment is gone, It can not be restored. The same goes for all of our Rights and Responsibilities. Well ok God can restore them if He chooses to but can we do it ourselves? I firmly believe the answer is NO! I could be wrong but do you really want to test out my theory? My thought is DON'T loose it in the first place.
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          • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 5 months ago
            Not sure which amendment ought to protect against forced vaccination, but one sure should. Your invisible friend is not likely to do anything to restore our rights turned over to visible, tangible totalitarians.
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            • -1
              Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
              Invisible friend??? Oh wait, you mean God? Oh I can tell you 100% God is NOT invisible. But you do have to open your eyes. If you don't open your eyes, He is out of sight, not invisible. But it is YOUR choice to open your eyes or keep the shut.
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              • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 5 months ago
                I joined this site to avoid religious dogma while supporting fiscal (and other) freedoms. I'll just stick to that which is consistent, verifiable, and sensible. You do what you like, but don't attempt to waste my time with scriptures rewritten throughout history or a schizophrenic invisible friend changing from "kill every man, woman, child, infant, animal..." to "turn the other cheek" in a few hundred pages.
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                • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
                  ?????? you replied to my comment. I I was only giving you my answer to your comment. Are you saying I can not respond to your comments unless they conform to your ideas? then DON'T comment here, you will get the only answers I can give or explanations I can give. You made the comment about my invisible friend. you opened the door and invited me in. So I came in. Now you are offended? REALLY???
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                  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 5 months ago
                    I just pointed out that "God" is not a reason or implement for anything. If you want to develop a logical argument defending its existence or value, go ahead You work is all ahead of you.

                    Saying "Got might decide to come fix things for us if he chooses to" is misleading, unhelpful, and indefensible (without the aforementioned, virtually impossible work).

                    There are several religion-addicts here. They like you are welcome to your opinion. But it is just a bias and opinion, not the basis of any argument or assertion. Ayn and John Galt were atheists, like me.
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                    • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
                      Religion-addicts?? HAHAAHAHAHA oh you are so funny. Please My side is hurting already. OK, Remember you are on MY post my comments are made in the spirit of conversing with others. If you are not into the subject matter. Then by all means just pass it by. But as I said you made the opening remark that invited my comment. What DID you mean when you said invisible friend. Please enlighten me. I will say in advance if you want an answer be prepared to get an answer you may not like. If I say that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. It means we are part of each other and can not be separated. If you ask me then you are inviting an answer that comes from the both of us. This I will not back down from. So I have to ask. knowing you do not believe. How does it feel living in a Christian founded/born Nation?
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              • Posted by GaltsGulch 3 years, 5 months ago
                From the Galt's Gulch Code of Conduct: "[Please DO NOT] Proselytize your religion or advocate faith. Inquiry, yes. Advocate, no.*

                Please refer to the Galt's Gulch Code of Conduct here: https://www.galtsgulchonline.com/faq#... and please refrain from any further proselytizing.
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                • -1
                  Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
                  I am not proselytizing, I am speaking my mind and commenting based on what I know. This is called freedom of speech. If you do have a site code of conduct then wouldn't it be a persons right if they felt it necessary to ask someone not to comment on their post that the person should comply? That is the real question.
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        • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
          Ok change it back. 2 questions for you, 1) How do you know what to change it back to. 2) who are you going to get to change it back for you? Sorry to burst your bubble like that. The best you can hope for at this point is to refuse any further vaccines. What has been done to you so far may be enough but not enough that you are compromised.
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          • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 5 months ago
            Statements like this are hardly likely to burst anything of me. The mRNA vaccine does not change all RNA. It interacts with RNA to create an protein which then precipitates an immune system response. The vaccine is flushed and the mRNA is destroyed. RNA is produced from DNA which was never modified in this process. Sorry to have to explain what really happens, but since you are propbably burried in cognitive dissonance, the message probably had little change of objective review anyway.

            The 9mm was invented by Germans and used by Nazis. Nazis are bad; however, the 9mm is an excellent round.
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            • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
              The first airplane was little more than a kite but they have made fighters and bombers out of that kite. Are planes bad? we can go round and round (pardon the pun) with all kinds of examples like the 9mm and the airplane. The root of this conversation may be in saying what man develops can be made for good or for bad. Depending on who is making and creating.?????
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            • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
              hummmm?? You're that tough?
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              • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 5 months ago
                What tough?
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                • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
                  you commented quote "Statements like this are hardly likely to burst anything of me." the rest of your answer is proof that what is happening with your RNA is a modification or alteration to your RNA. I am not a scientist so I can not speak like a scientist. Sorry If I do not say things exactly right. But i am in the camp that believes the vaccine DOES change our RNA.
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                  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 5 months ago
                    I am an engineer, not a scientist, but I learned a long time ago, if you are intelligent and someone can't explain it to you, such that you understand it, it is because they don't understand what they are talking about. This has never been wrong.

                    You can believe what you want. You should not use a belief as the basis of an argument.

                    Separately, I used to bench 315, and can do a significant fraction of that now, play soccer twice a week with college kids, practiced judo for 35 years, been in countless fights (younger), do not feel pain during sports, and can put 60 rounds through a 3" hole at 30 yards with a pistol. Some of this is where the nickname work buddies gave me 25 years ago. Not the toughest guy in the world, but statistically speaking, a couple of sigma from the norm.
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                    • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
                      You dont have to be a scientist to understand what is being said. I know what I am talking about I am just not a scientist but i can refer you to the information on the internet that proves what I am saying. Only trouble I see is with your attitude would you even bother to read or watch what I have to understand what is happening? I think not so I wish you the best of luck especially if you have gotten your jabs and plan on having more. You can certainly have mine since I will not be using mine.
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                      • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 5 months ago
                        I have read reams and reams. My brother, chief mechanical engineer at NASA, has studied even closer and made statistical analyses. Happy to look at more actual data/analyses. The Israel data is queered, and conclusion false. Metal sticking to arms at the vax site is utter nonsense (EM is an area I am a world-class expert at).

                        Completely agree that the vaccine does hurt and kill people. No question. This has been swept under the rug by the mainstream scum. However, it is not a reason to dismiss it. Outcomes for the vaccinated ARE significantly better than the unvaccinated. Vast majority of people have no (real) issue with the vaccine. Me, son, daughter, wife had no issues, not even a headache. I played tennis the same afternoon and again the next day.

                        If you read old posts you can see, I would be happy to be infected with COVID, pre-vax, if it would eliminate the stupid face-diapers and other crap. I have an immune system that works better than fine, don't even get poison ivy. A cold is not going to kill/injure me, and I'd take a chance anyway, rather than live in fear.

                        What is also disturbing is that the government will not count recovery from infection as equal to vaccinated. This is simply wrong. Data shows, people who have recovered have better resistance and outcome than uninfected vaccinated.


                        The fact that the government is trying to force vaccination does NOT mean that the vaccine is bad. People have got to stop trying to convince themselves everything is wrong with it, because of the politics of the ones pushing.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 3 years, 5 months ago
    Wrote much of this in my first book back in 2012 but I was NOT the first by a long shot. My work involves why these creatures purposely do these things...the short answer: They are not human in the same respects as We the Majority. They are not conscious beings, they have NO conscience therefore, bicameral humanoids managed by only a corrupt brain...I call them: Parasitical Humanoids.
    You also might like: The Great Unwashed, Global DELETE or even The Ruleless Class.

    No matter how you spell it: they are EVIL and those that they have made useful are either Stupid or Complicit...maybe both.
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    • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
      Interesting, I have begun to feel that there are what appear to be fellow humans who are humans but instead of being created by God are in fact Attempts by Lucifer to make humans who serve only him. Never meant to be saved or even enter into heaven. It's a really sad thought. They're sole purpose is to do as Lucifer bids and to derail Christians from entering into heaven. I am not sure why I have come around to this way of thinking. It's only in the last 5 years maybe?
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 3 years, 5 months ago
        Observation, my friend...you have just been paying attention...and that's a good thing.

        I have delved into the possibility that these creatures may be hybrid descendants of the Nephilim and the likes. They did mate with humanity...it's all there in the OT and the books of Enoch.
        The "We" in "We shall go down and confound their language" [] was not the ultimate creator but our earthly rulers. Even Nimrod confessed to being a Nephilim Hybrid...Highly compartmentalized but dumb as rocks in the unintegrated sense...in short, just a brain in a body, no identity or the I and no connection to a mind nor creation for that matter either.

        On the one hand we have Psychopaths with extreme hubris and on the other we have these entities with no possibility of introspection nor redemption; but what really has me baffled is the in-between...how did they get there. Should I take the teachings of the half bicameral/half conscious beings of Julian Jaynes? they would possess the possibility of becoming introspective; or is there another answer; is programming/ or the Stockholm syndrome really that strong with a potentially conscious being?

        Until I can address this sector of the population, I can't finish my next book: Conscience, those that have and those that have not.
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        • Posted by $ puzzlelady 3 years, 5 months ago
          Being "conscious" and having a "conscience" are just a few steps apart, progressing from simple animal awareness to the conceptual human stage of forming value systems--recognizing the difference between good and bad. It's the function of discerning their difference that sets a diagnostic tool in place that we name conscience. Unfortunately, the evolving and growing ability to define values is vulnerable to distortion, twisted justification, and clever subterfuge to achieve evil as well as good. From human sacrifices to death sentences for minor departures from tribal rules, to full-scale wars and genocide, all are seen as "good" by their practitioners, and their consciences are gratified by the most heinous practices--heinous by others' standards. Why are human brains so malleable, so subject to insertion of destructive notions? Destructive by objective criteria—and how to define “objective”? If “life” is the ultimate value, how does the mind justify destroying others’ lives as a benefit to one’s own life?
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          • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
            You have brought up many points, all deserving an answer. to be able to answer them individually would take a lot of time and research for me to give you the best honest answers. For now I hope you can accept a single broad stroke answer. What God has brought together let no man take apart. I know this is part of a wedding ceremony, however since God has created everything above, on and below earth. We can understand how people should get along with each other. God's laws are simple and straight forward. Even though we have trouble living up to them. We have trouble because in God's creation Lucifer has entered to twist and pervert His Law's. This is where Evil has entered and is gaining the upper hand. Lucifer scares you with smoke and mirrors because he twists the truth and perverts it. As a result we look down and close our eyes so we can't see the monsters. When we do this we are no longer able to Look up and keep our eyes open on God. By allowing Lucifer to scare you he is able to pick apart your defenses. Once he knows where you are weak he can then attack you at any time. And he does attack you. The comments you made show me how Lucifer puts us all under attack. Through doubt and shorting our Faith. These events we are seeing unfold are merely the stepping stones of events before God's return. He tells us what will happen in those days in Matthew 24. God warns of false prophets and natural as well as man made events. He tells us not to let these things derail our walk with him. To stay strong and in His word. Please read his Book, His words. I can assure you He will provide you the answers to the question you have and you will be stronger for it. Reading His word can be likened to putting a puzzle together without a guide. It's when you begin to understand God's word and meanings that your life ceases to be a puzzle and forms a beautiful picture.
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            • Posted by $ puzzlelady 3 years, 5 months ago
              N316Jobs, what are you doing in Galt's Gulch, which is an atheist stronghold dedicated to the philosophy of Ayn Rand, the world's most famous atheist next to Richard Dawkins? Are you a missionary looking for converts? Fascinating.
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              • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 5 months ago
                "...an atheist stronghold dedicated to the philosophy of Ayn Rand." The way I see it this Gulch was created to promote and discuss the Atlas Shrugged movie trilogy as well as the philosophy of Ayn Rand behind it. One doesn't have to be an atheist to be here and many of us are not. The Gulch topics have become far more diverse than about the movie as shown by the "Ask The Gulch" invitation. As long as it is kept civil I say anything goes.
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                • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
                  I would agree with this comment based on the name and the reason it was put together. This is a site for Everything Atlas. However in my defense, I penned this statement because it was in response to what someone else wrote. When I read it I felt certain things needed to be said about what the other person said. Until it was brought to my attention, I had no idea it was so anti God. So I have decided not to respond to any more posts. I have enjoyed the communications with all of you. Thank you for an interesting few days. Be well all of you if you believe or not if you get the vaccine or not. After all its your mind and body and its your choice.
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                  • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 5 months ago
                    "...I had no idea it was so anti God." I don't see the site as being "anti God", but the people here are a mix on the subject. Leaving the site, of course, is your choice. I consider myself a Christian and I'm staying right here. I've come to respect everyone here whether or not they believe the same as me in all the possible subjects that have popped up. It's a good site to learn a lot and share ideas in a civil manner - well, most stay civil almost all the time.
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                    • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
                      Howdy Mac, Oh don't get me wrong I have not left the site. I am just backing away from things so I can figure out what I can use this site for. I am still here. I would not leave because I am a Christian in a hostile environment, That would be ignoring a bunch of reasons I am a Christian. I have been away from here for over a year and this is my first comment. I am looking for something in specific though. So I am thinking about how I can find it. Thanks for the post. I am still here. :-)
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                      • Comment hidden by post owner or admin, or due to low comment or member score. View Comment
                      • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 5 months ago
                        No one here cares if you are a Christian. However religion is a basis for no argument or assertion. If that shows up, many will be right here waiting for the logical basis.

                        Many of our close friends are Christians. We have no hostility toward Christians, until the unprovable is used as a basis for logic, argument or our freedom, Then we have the same reaction as toward Muslims, or any others. If you want us to behave a way, show why it matters without hiding behind what can’t be objectively argued. That engenders an appropriately negative response, and why we have the First Amendment. “How does it feel to live in a Christian Nation?” Yep, that will do it,
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                        • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
                          You make the comment that "Many of our close friends are Christians" I can tell you that many call themselves Christian but few understand the responsibility and commitment to being a Christian. I admit it is not an easy calling. So I ask you, can a room be home to both light and dark? It can not, a room can be light or it can be dark but both can not occupy the room together.
                          If the question, How does it feel to live in a Christian Nation, offends you? Then why do you live here? Is there not a better or happier place where you could live? This is what gets me about people who do not know America's history or they refuse to accept it. Yet they continue to live here. I do not know you or anything about you other than what you have written to my post. Yet I suspect that you live in America. You also mention that the unprovable is used as a basic for logic, argument or our freedom. Then consider this. If America did not or never did exist, no one would be free. Had many events never taken place in history prior to the 1700's that made it possible for America to exist, the world would be a very dark if not black place to live. America was made to be the light in the room as I mentioned earlier.
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                          • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 5 months ago
                            One of my friends founded the first Armenian Orthodox Church in the US. Another is the pastor for his church. I think they are committed enough.

                            What I don’t like about a Christian nation (not simply accepting your assertion the US is one)? It is in violation of the first amendment. It allows people to make laws for invented interpretations of whichever version of the Bible they prefer, without logical or ethical basis. These are wholly unacceptable, and unfortunately for you NOT in place in the US. The church does NOT offer a basis for law, or limit my freedom. This is what happens in Islamic States with Sharia Law. Christians are fine to have around. Christianity of any flavor is completely unacceptable for government. This misuses and abuses are innumerable. Don’t even think about the “No True Scotsman” nonsense about they aren’t real Christians. The religion was invented and is conducted by flawed humans. It will always be flawed, and when the basic tenets can not be questioned, it is a totalitarian mess equal to communism.
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              • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
                No I am not a missionary or even a pastor. I did not know this about Galts Gulch. That would explain a few things thought LOL. I am just looking for conversation and a way to figure out what is going on in the world that maybe we can find solutions to. From what i have read a lot of you are concerned about the vaccine which is a product of some really bad people who don't know God at all. Thanks for the heads up.
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                • Posted by VetteGuy 3 years, 5 months ago
                  Have you read "Atlas Shrugged"? if not, I would encourage you to do so, paying special attention to Galt's radio address in part 3. Most people here are in agreement with at least most of that speech. Understanding that will help you understand where people are 'coming from' and the purpose of our little virtual gulch.
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        • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
          THAT... is a mouthful. It seems everyday I find something that overwhelms me as to just how far behind we are in defending ourselves from the evil run amuck around us. One thing that comes to mind as i have read your comments. There is no way that we can "WAKE" all the people up. If these people can not be saved then all efforts to "Wake everyone up" is futile. But on the flip side God's own word is that He will not return until All the world has heard His word. Again does this mean EVERYONE or just Those who do have the potential to be saved? How do you know which is which?
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  • Posted by $ gharkness 3 years, 5 months ago
    While I don't have issue with 90% of what you said, I take huge issue with this statement (but I am seeking to dissent politely): "To begin with you are subject to daily, even hourly, ads. "

    Yes, I agree the ads are there. I don't agree that I am "subject" to them. In fact, I haven't seen them in something like 30 years.... if you CHOOSE, you can do that too. Just imagine the change it would make in your life if you were no longer "subject" to indoctrination.
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    • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
      Yes I agree totally and no I do not take offense to your comment. I have drastically reduced my TV time to near zero (0). However I think the majority of people have not changed or reduced their TV time. It's to those people I would address a comment such as I made. Those of us who have opened our eyes to what is going on around us. We all have selective hearing. Having your eyes opened will also have an effect on what we choose to hear. Hows that? Better? :-D
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      • Posted by $ gharkness 3 years, 5 months ago
        Well, I never sought to have you change your words :-) But I do appreciate greatly your willingness to accept my comments in exactly the spirit intended. Not to hurt or bash or be angry, but to hope that someone will read this and realize that the indoctrination is NOT inevitable. And although it's not easy to get away from, it is possible.

        I can see you do agree with that. Thanks! :-) (Adding: now, I need to get myself away from the Facebook/Instagram/Twitter madness. There are certainly aspects of it which are beneficial, and I suppose that's why it's so addictive...... Nevertheless I need to find a way to spend less time there and more time doing what I should be doing away from those "dens of iniquity!")
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        • Posted by LibertyBelle 3 years, 5 months ago
          It seems that every time I get on a website I haven't
          been on before, such as a job-hunting one, (or other), there is a long Terms of Service; I don't want to just click and agree to something when I don't know what it is, but they take a long time to read. In the library, one is allowed only a certain number of minutes on the machine per day. So I sometimes have it printed and take it home,
          and go to something else instead, and read the Terms of Service later at home. And even that is very irritating, and makes me nervous. I don't want to inadvertently violate contract and then be confronted with it later. So I usually prefer to stay off Facebook, etc. (Even if I have read the Terms of Service, or Privacy Policy, etc., a long time ago, sometimes it is updated, and I just hate to have to read it all over again.)
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          • Posted by $ gharkness 3 years, 5 months ago
            Hey, LibertyBelle, (and anyone else who is tired of just agreeing to the TOS) I just found this site today (if it doesn't come right up, give it a little time and try again). It summarizes the TOS for you for many, many sites, and has a search field to help you find sites that you are looking to understand the TOS for.

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        • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
          Everything in moderation and everything has its time and season. I got rid of ALL my accounts like Face book around 2015. I haven't looked back since. It wasn't easy at first but you can do it. Carry on Ma'am! :-D
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  • Posted by lrshultis 3 years, 5 months ago
    "Of late we hear about GMO's and Roundup the weed killer a known cancer causing product used on our food crops."

    Are saying that farmers are so stupid that they choose to apply an herbicide to their crops? Also, was not glyphosate, the herbicide in Roundup, only determined to cause cancer in a court by a jury?
    So much other BS in that post, that I will leave it that comment.
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    • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 5 months ago
      I love glyphosate! It works wonderfully! I kill whole bittersweet infestations by cutting the stalks and applying concentrate to the cut ends. It is absorbed and kills the whole damn thing. maybe, maybe, maybe it is a carcinogen, if sprayed and breathed regularly. I don't spray, so I don't care at all! Don't take it off the market to protect me from myself!

      Bextra was another one. It was one of a class of drugs that are fantastic anti-inflamatories. They worked great for me after a day of skiing or soccer, when I had a hip issue. Absolutely great. Then they found these drugs had issues when prescribed to elderly patients with heart issues, and took them completely off the market. WTF!?! I'm not elderly and don't have heart issues. Just tell drs not to prescribe them, just like you don't prescribe 12 grams of fentanyl to people. The nonsense of government intrusion is amazing.

      GMOs are another completely stupid concern. I eat cow, pig, rabbit and even squirrel. I don't turn into any of them as a result. There is no issue with this in GMOs, except the potential results of the modification (like plants producing insecticide that shouldn't be ingested). Ignorance is the basis of such fear, and ignorance is LEGION.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 5 months ago
        When I was working out and losing extra weight I would take a small dose of herbal ephedra (I avoided the man made ephedrine because it's not the same thing) to boost my metabolism. It worked great! Then some dumb asses on a high school wrestling team thought consuming handfuls of pills at a time to "make weight" was a good idea. Well, a heart attack or two later the FDA totally banned the sale of the supplement. Sad and too bad.
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        • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 5 months ago
          Same unnecessary response, taking away freedom for pretend safety.

          Have to look that stuff up. I have been having a tiny bit of glutamine powder with water when I play soccer or work out hard. It seems to help build muscle, which is its function. I can really stroke the ball hard again, a noticeable pickup. Can put goal kicks way past midfield again. Probably could have gotten there without it, but not comfortably
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          • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 5 months ago
            Wow, Thor, somebody bumped you down for this. Unbelievable. I bumped you back up.
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            • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 5 months ago
              Thanks. There is a troll lurking. I suspect it was downvoted without reading, or by someone that only values the freedoms they chose.
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              • -1
                Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
                Apparently you are not an honorable person. I guess being an Atheist puts you above such thing? I asked you nicely over 7 hours ago to please stop commenting on my post. In the conversation I have had with you I have determined you are not someone I wish to converse with. Now as far as the downgrade, that was me. I had hoped you would have gotten the message but apparently you have not. I don't plan on making a debate over this request. STOP NOW please. Perhaps I should start sharing the Gospel with you on all your posts? But I am not that kind of person, I respect the wishes of others and if asked not to do something I accommodate them.
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                • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 5 months ago
                  That is not how it works. You don’t get to limit discussion because you wanna.

                  As a gentleman, I will avoid commenting to to directly, since it seems logical discussion seems to bother you, and it is a waste of time. Someone else? Sorry buddy. We all chat here as we choose. You don’t own you post. It starts a discussion for all.

                  You DEFiNITELY don’t get to limit my freedom.
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                  • -1
                    Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
                    Thank you for showing me who you really are. I have flagged you and will see what the admin folks have to say. You could have been a good person. I am now quite sure you are not.
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        • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
          What was the source for the herbal ephedra? If that plant is still grown then it can still be made? But it's the likes of greedy men in government and corporations that make life for the rest of us more difficult.
          Take a look at this video and see what you thinhttps://www.bitchute.com/video/mrVIOlenc04a/k.
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          • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 5 months ago
            The ephedra plant is native to Asia, mainly India and China. Supplements are banned in the US, but a quick look on the Internet looks like you might be able to buy some supplements that claim to contain it. Has the ban been lifted? Don't know. If you do decide on trying it, if you can get it, do some research to make sure you use it safely. When I used it back in the '90s I never exceeded the label (actually I used less) and had great results. Back then, you could get it over the counter at various outlets in the sports supplement sections.

            The link you give results in error 404.
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            • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
              I asked about if you could still buy the source for ephedra because it seems when the government learns the people have found a cure or solution for something. they (government) will make it illegal to continue to buy what ever it is. Forcing people to only have or buy what they (government) want you to have/buy.
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      • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
        This is taken from a site provided by another commenter on this post. Since you use this stuff I thought you might like to hear what others are saying about glyphosate and roundup.

        Escalating Use of Probable Carcinogen

        Glyphosate has come under increased scrutiny in the past year. Last year the World Health Organization's cancer group, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, classified it as a probable carcinogen. The state of California has also moved to classify the herbicide as a probable carcinogen. A growing body of research is documenting health concerns of glyphosate as an endocrine disruptor and that it kills beneficial gut bacteria, damages the DNA in human embryonic, placental and umbilical cord cells and is linked to birth defects and reproductive problems in laboratory animals.
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        • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 5 months ago
          Yes, maybe Glyposate is a carcinogen. Red meat is also classified as a carcinogen. What do we do about them?

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          • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
            I can not open your eyes for you. You must go down a lot of "Rabbit Holes" to finally see what is happening. That is something you have to want to do, you can not be forced to do it. With a free and open mind you can then make up your own mind. Based on our conversations you may think you have already done this. That is also up to you to decide. As for the red meat, sure it can be if you get it from a factory and not a farm that does not use chemicals to grow plant a=or animals for food. You may want to ask why some of the largest chicken processing companies send their live chickens to china in return we get processed chickens. Considering they use to do all of the processing right here in America? Doesn't that sound stupid or as if something is up?
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            • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 5 months ago
              Yes, I have already done this. No tin foil hats please, and don't try to convince me of something without objective, logical evidence, that can be clearly conveyed. . If I need to watch a video to learn it, you don't understand it, and more than likely, it is BS.
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              • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
                It is obvious that you have not done this. Since this is my post I would ask you now to not respond anymore. you are not adding value to this post. I will not argue the point. Thank you.
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    • Posted by $ jbrenner 3 years, 5 months ago
      Like almost everything, there is a range of concentrations for glyphosate (RoundUp) that is healthy, and a range that is unhealthy. Genetic modification, by definition, means modifying DNA by penetrating the nucleus, so obviously there could be mutagenic or teratogenic side effects.

      Vaccines are really not that much different. The goal of a vaccine is to re-write part of your operating system (comparison to Microsoft Windows "updates" implied).
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      • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 5 months ago
        They should have rewritten Windows with Unix decades ago!
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        • Posted by lrshultis 3 years, 5 months ago
          I have windows 10 and find it useless compared with windows 7. So I finally went to Ubuntu linux which I find to be the most easy to install. 18.04 works fine but my computer with 21.04 stinks, so just dedicate it to 'Folding At Home' which studies how proteins can miss-fold as in prions which may be involved in a number of diseases.
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          • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 3 years, 5 months ago
            Ubantu is pretty good. Be forewarned that MS has ubantu support built in for its virtual machines. It could be the writing on the wall.

            I recently installed a few Linux distro's to test as workstations. Mint tops my list for ease of use and simplicity to install. Ubantu is next. I loaded another one but it sucked so much I can't recall it's name, even though it came highly recommended.

            I just installed Debian (with help) for an internal security monitoring server.
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          • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
            Get a Mac :-) LOL I can't stand PC's LOL.
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            • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 3 years, 5 months ago
              Laughable suggestion. Go Linux (mint perhaps, its a pretty solid workstation) before you go mac. Today, PC's rival mac when it comes to graphics and audio and are less expensive (even with today's obnoxious prices). Only issue I have with linux is that some of my applications require .net and its a pain in the ass to get working.
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              • Posted by lrshultis 3 years, 5 months ago
                I, in my old age, have gone to money saving refurbished DEL and HP desktops. The latest is HP with 16 GB of RAM, a 500 GB SSD, Windows 10 pro, and a core i7 processor for $300. Works fine except having to go to linux to keep from going nuts.
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    • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
      Not stupid, they were bullied and in some cases farmers refusing to use Monsanto products were taken to court and came close or actually lost everything they owned. Maybe this is why a lot of European countries have banned Roundup and will not allow any to be used. in 2005 farmers use roundup to keep their wheat from getting moldy before its sold. Just so happens 2005 is the same year Glutin allergies appear. Since then the two have been linked. Monsanto makers of Roundup also made Agent Orange and look at all the service men and women who are cancer ridden because of exposure to it. So many places I could show you but you will not believe me due to a closed mind. So either continue to be ignorant or do your own research. Good luck.
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      • Posted by lrshultis 3 years, 5 months ago
        You are correct about glyphosate being used on crops more in Canada than in USA due to climate differences requiring the killing of the plant to allow the grain to loose enough water content before harvesting. I was completely ignorant of that usage and only researched about the toxicity the chemical because I was using it. For the USA residue under 20 parts per million. Per million what? It is diluted 1 to 41. How safe dosage was determined with rats or mice would be iffy.
        The book "Apocalyptics: Cancer and the Big Lie : How Environmental Politics Controls What We Know About Cancer" by Edith Efron tells how, at that time, politics had its hand in studying drugs through FDA interference and just plain dishonesty. It was bad then and now much worst.
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        • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
          Thank you for your post, I am glad someone is willing to do some research to prove not for others but for themself first what really is happening. The scary part is we have become allergic to wheat and people just accept this. When in fact Round up was first used in 2005 on wheat and 2005 is when we became allergic to wheat. Can it really be that hard for people to connect the dots?
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          • Posted by lrshultis 3 years, 5 months ago
            The immune system needs early in life to be trained on what is not foreign to the body. Peanut allergy is one case in point. When I was born in 1940, there was no fear of feeding peanut butter or other food containing peanut residue to small children. Peanut allergies began when some mothers began to fear allergies and held off feeding their young children anything with peanut in it. Some children's immune systems would find something that registers as foreign and produce some antibodies to it and as the idea of peanuts being bad for small children, Mothers held off introducing peanuts resulting in the allergy rate continued to increase. Finally, now mothers are told to introduce peanut stuff to their small children earlier in life.
            Wheat allergy could be somewhat similar. Back in the 1930s too many children were becoming malnutritioned. A baby food based on wheat was developed called Pablum. So the first food of millions of babies contained wheat. There was no allergy problem until, possibly baby food companies went to a lot of fruit and vegetable and meat without a partial wheat base. Then as wheat allergies became prevalent wheat was kept out of babies food even more , thus increasing allergy to wheat.
            My father got MS. There was a theory that kids that do not get a lot of early dirtiness will have a better chance of getting some immunity diseases. My father was brought up by his nurse mother and not allowed to ingest any filthy stuff. He hated the cleanliness life style so me and my 6 siblings lived a more filthy life. Cancer runs in my family, starting with my mother getting breast cancer at 28. my youngest sister got it a 28 and next oldest sister at 40. One brother at 68 and one currently being treated for it. Causes for the sisters were probably inherited. One brother from Berret esophagus which went cancerous. The other brother from HPV.
            The most healthy is 80 and just got out of rehab for alcohol and drug addiction which he has suffered from most of his life. Alcohol and most drugs seem to work on natural brain chemical systems.
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            • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
              There is a lot in your comment, I am not sure where to start. It also covers a wide range of causes and cures. But i stand by my comment (Elsewhere) that those who cure cancer are in bed with those who cause cancer. What is the earliest known case of cancer? Does anyone know? I will have to look this up.
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  • Posted by Stormi 3 years, 5 months ago
    I see a lot of truth in this post. Nature is best. Look at all the warnings on most Rx meds! Yet not one on the death shot, tells you a whole lot. When I ask teh pharmacist, who always tells me no to flu shots, allergy, he said he had no info on the vaccine death shot. Teh vaccine website said, "people will die following the vaccine. Expect it. But, don't blame the vaccine." It took me global research to get to the bottom of that, -antibody dependent enhancement! They kill off the immune system, give you shots, then they introduce a new virus, way new, and suddenly the body goes after itself, which would not happen if no vaccine entered the picture. Besides, I do not like graphene oxide injected into my body to tak up space in my brain with magnets! Notice not one have the officials told you to get sun, fresh air, vit C, zinc, and breath properly? Nature is best, stay close to it.
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    • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
      One other thing to consider in this whole mess to kill off the population. The use of G5 cell phone service. If you do the research you can see cases where turning the towers on to test has caused animals and birds to go nuts or even die single or in droves or flocks. I mention G5 because you mentioned Graphene oxide (which also has been discovered on the inside of face masks coming from china) will be magnetized with the cell waves. This is not just a single one way to kill or make sick a population. Its a part of a plan that is wide spread and uses many parts to make a complete package. Like you said, Nature provides us with a cure for nature induced problems. Fortunately Nature is big enough to help[ man with his own greed and evilness.
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      • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 5 months ago
        What are cell waves and graphene oxide? How does a graphene compound become magnetized?

        Unlike biology where I am an amateur, magnetic materials and electromagnetics are areas I am actually expert in. What cloud, National Enquirer, assertions can I shed actual light on?
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 5 months ago
    Several years ago it hit me when I was watching a girl on a video writhing in pain from Rick Perry's mandatory vaccine program in Texas for gardasil. She was unable to function the pain was so bad. That's when it hit me..."They're doing this on purpose." Nobody in their right mind could see half the damage I've seen and decide to continue with this paradigm of "required" vaccines. Nobody... These people would have no trouble offing somebody causing trouble with their little program, IMO...
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    • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
      Gardasil? Isn't that the 2 stage vaccine they give to young girls/women supposedly for reproduction health? If its what I am thinking I have been against this for several years now. The vaccine companies are going after the human race in multi levels. Elderly, infante, adult and young women. If they can't stop women from having children or at least create fertility problems, then they are going after unborn with abortions. The human race has been under attack for decades and we are only beginning to see the light of the evil behind their efforts. Stay strong and keep supporting human life.
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      • Posted by Stormi 3 years, 5 months ago
        This was so obviously devised, as when Fauci in early 2019 suggested such a plandemic. That same year, the CDC grant allowed them to work in China and fund gain of function. The shutdown put children around the world in graphene, and in some place asbestos infused masks! Graphene can cause lung cancer. Brown Univ. did a study, showing kids who word maks in school, lost IQ points they are not expected to regain. Mothers who wore masks while pregnant delivered babies with decreased cognitive function. As if schools did not dumb them down, this did so as well. Then the vaccine caused vaccinated pregnant women to miscarry 4 out of 5 in first three trimesters.All the while Pfizer said vaccine safe for all!
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