Whats behind the vaccine?
Posted by N316Jobs 3 years, 5 months ago to Government
My goal is to shed light and give you something to think about on a very nasty subject. I would like to present what i think is happening in the world today. To begin with you are subject to daily, even hourly, ads telling you that no matter what you have they now have a pill for it. However in the same breath they warn you of side effects that when you think about it can be worse than what you already have like don't take if you are pregnant/nursing or can or will be pregnant (this covers pretty much all women) so if your a woman, sorry your out of luck. Other side effects up to and including Stroke or DEATH! Then to make things worse they tell you to tell your doctor you want this for what ails you. So at this point I have to ask why do we even need doctors anymore? Just go to your Big Pharma.
I think our history is showing us a very clear path that we have unwittingly traveled. Looking back to our Founding Fathers who knew how to make their own meds from plants found in nature or that they farmed. To today where we are being funneled by Companies to buy buy buy your health in a bottle (including vitamin supplements). So why have we slipped from being the fittest nation in the world to the sickest most obese people? It's a two fold attack by a small number of "Elites" who want to control the world. Our food system has gone from nutritious to poisonous. From having all the vitamins and minerals in them pure organic's to chemicals and pesticides and addictive additives. From small farms across every county in America to a handful of Mega Mega farms backed by the likes of monsanto the king of poison. Monsanto created Agent orange during Vietnam to defoliate the forests with a very nasty effect on humans, Cancer! Of late we hear about GMO's and Roundup the weed killer a known cancer causing product used on our food crops. Now monsanto is behind every food production company in America. Well that is until they saw that people were finding ways to bring them to court. So they, like the cowards they are, sold themself to Bayer of Germany. Sound familiar? Bayer yes thats right, the same century old company who was in bed with the nazis and horrors of the concentration camps. THAT Bayer. Our health has been replaced by sickness through a controlled methodical over decades movement to fulfill the desire to reduce world population by 80%. As told to us by the Georgia Guide Stone. One example is sun screen. We are told to wear sunscreen to prevent skin cancer. BUT the chemicals used to make sun screen CAUSE cancer. Who supports Cancer research? Companies who make sun screen. It's a vicious cycle.
Now what does all this have to do with vaccines? Plenty, They have been around for decades. One very big and alarming change that i see is that before they were made available to you and then YOU decided if you wanted it or not. Now you are being forced to take it. THAT is a VERY scary change. Your God given right to freedom of choice is being taken away. You are being forced to take something (that in my opinion is made more to disable or even kill a person) without having proof positive it helps you, otherwise why would you need a second and third vaccine? Now with the "Delta" will they require you to get a vaccine for that also? I also believe vaccines are not always in the form of a vaccine. How about prescription drugs? Have you heard the term "Designer Drugs"? Big Pharma doesn't make any money if you make your medicine from plants you grow. So they make poison to kill plants so you have to buy medicine that can or will harm people. This way they can continue to keep you somewhere between life and death to continue to have deep bank accounts. The vaccine is just one bullet of many they have to keep you dependent on them. I have also heard but can not prove this is happening yet. If Not soon, the vaccine can change or alter your RNA not the DNA but RNA. To confuse the issue the vaccine people are saying that We are saying the vaccine can change or alter DNA. We, never said DNA, it changes or alters your RNA. But people mostly do not understand what RNA and DNA are so they follow the vaccine people and believe they are safe. How do you discredit the truth, you make fun of it call it crazy and say they are conspiracy quacks. But if you look at the history of those who seek to control you. They have to tell you the truth before they do something. Cartoons, movies, Red Flags, Videos like Event 201. The information is out there. The question you have to ask yourself is who will I believe and why?
i'll close with this thought. In nature, when a plant can make you sick, nature will also provide you with a cure that is usually not too far away form the plant that made you sick. In man made, man makes you sick then keeps you sick with more stuff to keep you sick for the benefit of the few who want to control everything. Soros, Gates, Rockefeller's Hitler, Stalin, Mao Zedong to name a few. This subject is an amazing field of rabbit holes. It's not easy to stay on course and I have tried to do that and stick to the main issue. But do your own research and slip into as many rabbit holes as you care to follow. Be careful of misinformation, it's out there. Pray for guidance and that God will open your eyes to the lies and false prophets. Stay healthy and stay safe.
I think our history is showing us a very clear path that we have unwittingly traveled. Looking back to our Founding Fathers who knew how to make their own meds from plants found in nature or that they farmed. To today where we are being funneled by Companies to buy buy buy your health in a bottle (including vitamin supplements). So why have we slipped from being the fittest nation in the world to the sickest most obese people? It's a two fold attack by a small number of "Elites" who want to control the world. Our food system has gone from nutritious to poisonous. From having all the vitamins and minerals in them pure organic's to chemicals and pesticides and addictive additives. From small farms across every county in America to a handful of Mega Mega farms backed by the likes of monsanto the king of poison. Monsanto created Agent orange during Vietnam to defoliate the forests with a very nasty effect on humans, Cancer! Of late we hear about GMO's and Roundup the weed killer a known cancer causing product used on our food crops. Now monsanto is behind every food production company in America. Well that is until they saw that people were finding ways to bring them to court. So they, like the cowards they are, sold themself to Bayer of Germany. Sound familiar? Bayer yes thats right, the same century old company who was in bed with the nazis and horrors of the concentration camps. THAT Bayer. Our health has been replaced by sickness through a controlled methodical over decades movement to fulfill the desire to reduce world population by 80%. As told to us by the Georgia Guide Stone. One example is sun screen. We are told to wear sunscreen to prevent skin cancer. BUT the chemicals used to make sun screen CAUSE cancer. Who supports Cancer research? Companies who make sun screen. It's a vicious cycle.
Now what does all this have to do with vaccines? Plenty, They have been around for decades. One very big and alarming change that i see is that before they were made available to you and then YOU decided if you wanted it or not. Now you are being forced to take it. THAT is a VERY scary change. Your God given right to freedom of choice is being taken away. You are being forced to take something (that in my opinion is made more to disable or even kill a person) without having proof positive it helps you, otherwise why would you need a second and third vaccine? Now with the "Delta" will they require you to get a vaccine for that also? I also believe vaccines are not always in the form of a vaccine. How about prescription drugs? Have you heard the term "Designer Drugs"? Big Pharma doesn't make any money if you make your medicine from plants you grow. So they make poison to kill plants so you have to buy medicine that can or will harm people. This way they can continue to keep you somewhere between life and death to continue to have deep bank accounts. The vaccine is just one bullet of many they have to keep you dependent on them. I have also heard but can not prove this is happening yet. If Not soon, the vaccine can change or alter your RNA not the DNA but RNA. To confuse the issue the vaccine people are saying that We are saying the vaccine can change or alter DNA. We, never said DNA, it changes or alters your RNA. But people mostly do not understand what RNA and DNA are so they follow the vaccine people and believe they are safe. How do you discredit the truth, you make fun of it call it crazy and say they are conspiracy quacks. But if you look at the history of those who seek to control you. They have to tell you the truth before they do something. Cartoons, movies, Red Flags, Videos like Event 201. The information is out there. The question you have to ask yourself is who will I believe and why?
i'll close with this thought. In nature, when a plant can make you sick, nature will also provide you with a cure that is usually not too far away form the plant that made you sick. In man made, man makes you sick then keeps you sick with more stuff to keep you sick for the benefit of the few who want to control everything. Soros, Gates, Rockefeller's Hitler, Stalin, Mao Zedong to name a few. This subject is an amazing field of rabbit holes. It's not easy to stay on course and I have tried to do that and stick to the main issue. But do your own research and slip into as many rabbit holes as you care to follow. Be careful of misinformation, it's out there. Pray for guidance and that God will open your eyes to the lies and false prophets. Stay healthy and stay safe.
Instead of curing the cause once, you must continue to ameliorate the symptoms forever with drugs that have side effects and may interact with other pharmaceutical products that ameliorate other symptoms.
The goal is to keep you perpetually ill and dependent.
The oath of "Do no harm" is no where to be seen or heard.
Doc Rx'd steroid inhaler, of all things. I'd already been treating it quite well with L-Glutathione, an easily obtained supplement, which does NOT have the side effects of steroids, including LOWERED IMMUNITY as well as higher blood sugars, and who knows what else. If I had not been paying attention, I'd soon be finding myself more likely to fall prey to the wandering Covid spike. I may eventually get it, of course, but it's gonna have a heckuva fight to get settled in.
My husband plays violin professionally and early on in our marriage he noticed his hands were causing him a LOT of pain, enough that he had to take a hiatus from his playing. Coincidentally that was around December 3, 1999, and within 3 days, he noticed his hands didn't hurt any more! That was all it took for him...he has never wavered. I occasionally waver a little, but was happy to see my A1C at 5.1 last week, so I know I'm doing something right.
Here's the first applicable one I came across (I find some more than he wrote I haven't read yet)
and about asthma....
That's just for starters. He has a lot on his site about glutathione....
FenFen was pulled from the market after how many deaths? But not this vaccine, Not Vioxx...
Sunscreen and Sunburn. I TRULY believe we burn in the sun BECAUSE we use BAD OILS (Palm, Seed, etc).
these oils (Fats) are used by our body in the absence of enough saturated fat (and because of the seed oil excess in our diets), to create our skin cells. These oils cannot stand up to the sun when they are part of our skin. We burn, and cannot repair them. I used to burn SO EASILY. Now that I avoid all of those oils. I can get HOURS of sun in FL without burning!
Was this done on purpose? Not really. They did not know the issue when they pushed "Machine Oils" as food.
They just knew that they could make cheaper food. So, the push for cheap, tasty food (think Machine Oil + Sugar), and Voila... You have our current mess in a nutshell.
Now, add BAD SCIENCE (because it is profitable). Harvard Health is behind BOTH the Cigarettes and the Sugar in processed foods, using "Doubt Science" (Create enough FUD around EGGS being bad for you, and you can push people away from ULTRA HEALTHY/NATURAL EGGS for breakfast to the convivence of Corn Flakes and Cereals... You know, the very grains we feed to cows to FATTEN THEM UP?).
From there, we become unhealthy at an alarming rate. Then we need DOCTORS and MEDS. Then we need INSURANCE.
Please stop and think about this. What PERCENTAGE of your INCOME is spent on:
1) FOOD (and yes, junk food, real food, snacks, soft drinks, energy drinks, coffee, etc) ... 25-30%?
2) INSURANCE (do Health, but total ALL of your insurance premiums: Health, Life, Home, Vehicle)
3) Doctors/Rx Drugs, etc.
add those 3 together. Now compare them to your TAXES (include property taxes).
set aside your mortgage payment, and expenses for living...
Make that pie chart. Try not to vomit. I did this a decade ago. And I track it.
INSURANCES (combined) were my number one expense, eating 25% of my annual take home.
The point being. We are LITERALLY buying their cheap food, so we can take their CHEAP drugs (notice how cheap those are). So we can pay a shit-ton on insurance we wouldn't need if we avoided the CHEAP FOOD.
Yes, they had a problem that they were afraid we would not be able to feed everybody.
BOY did they fix THAT PROBLEM. We are now SICK and OBESE on average. So much so, that a healthy/normal weighted individual seems anorexic or TOO SKINNY for 90% of the people. As opposed to realizing we are too fat.
And here is an interesting Psychological TRICK to help you understand it.
Scarcity determines VALUE. Value determines importance.
If you could ONLY EAT ONE MEAL every day (or every other day). Would you eat SHIT FOOD? Would you focus on NUTRIENT DENSITY or just taste? How would you value your meals?
I realized this because I started fating. When I got down to 3 MEALS A WEEK. Something Popped in my brain. I had to eat WHOLESOME/NUTRITIOUS foods. Why would I eat a SINGLE shit meal that tasted good (like fast food)? That's when it hit me...
Teaching kids to have 3-5 snacks a day... Teaches them to DEVALUE nutrition. So what variable do they focus on? Cost! And Quantity... Because you eat 5-7 times a day, the quality of EVERY meal has VERY LITTLE VALUE.
And they can get you to look the other way while you scarf down CALORIES. Not nutrition. But calories!
And the bigger they get, the DEEPER they dig. The more power they get, the more FUD science they produce, the better they get at lying. And then the ONLY Thing they have to do is find a way to have ZERO LIABILITY. (Currently, people are liable for their food choices... And Drug Companies are NOT Liable for Vaccine Safety, or the ACCURACY of the medical JUNK science they pay to produce while HIDING the studies that show the TRUTH).
Last point. And it's MORAL HAZZARD again... Drug companies could run 30 trials. Bury 28, keep 2. Then they use statistics that show you it cannot be by chance... Such statistics ASSUME that the OTHER 28 studies would have been published. When you factor in an UNKNOWN number of studies that FAILED to work, or worse, showed HORRENDOUS results... You can NO LONGER APPLY the same "statistics". Again, Moral Hazzard.
Prove me wrong! :-) [Hat tip to Crowder for that sayings...]
COVID is real. The vaccine itself is not bad. No, it does not change your DNA.
However, the response by overwhelming hordes of pathetic, cowardly people who lack any interest in freedom, and prefer to hide their cowardice behind "Science" which really means "Compliance" is gothic.
It is not subversion seeking to turn us into zombie's with a vaccine. It is subversion seeking to turn us further into lemmings from our own fear.
Planes are scary, but safer than cars by passenger mile.
So, you are telling me, my RNA is changed, and can't change back? Complete nonsense.
A big reason some people should not have the vote.
Such an interpretation and precedent would be a massive increase in privacy all around.
Saying "Got might decide to come fix things for us if he chooses to" is misleading, unhelpful, and indefensible (without the aforementioned, virtually impossible work).
There are several religion-addicts here. They like you are welcome to your opinion. But it is just a bias and opinion, not the basis of any argument or assertion. Ayn and John Galt were atheists, like me.
Please refer to the Galt's Gulch Code of Conduct here: https://www.galtsgulchonline.com/faq#... and please refrain from any further proselytizing.
The 9mm was invented by Germans and used by Nazis. Nazis are bad; however, the 9mm is an excellent round.
You can believe what you want. You should not use a belief as the basis of an argument.
Separately, I used to bench 315, and can do a significant fraction of that now, play soccer twice a week with college kids, practiced judo for 35 years, been in countless fights (younger), do not feel pain during sports, and can put 60 rounds through a 3" hole at 30 yards with a pistol. Some of this is where the nickname work buddies gave me 25 years ago. Not the toughest guy in the world, but statistically speaking, a couple of sigma from the norm.
Completely agree that the vaccine does hurt and kill people. No question. This has been swept under the rug by the mainstream scum. However, it is not a reason to dismiss it. Outcomes for the vaccinated ARE significantly better than the unvaccinated. Vast majority of people have no (real) issue with the vaccine. Me, son, daughter, wife had no issues, not even a headache. I played tennis the same afternoon and again the next day.
If you read old posts you can see, I would be happy to be infected with COVID, pre-vax, if it would eliminate the stupid face-diapers and other crap. I have an immune system that works better than fine, don't even get poison ivy. A cold is not going to kill/injure me, and I'd take a chance anyway, rather than live in fear.
What is also disturbing is that the government will not count recovery from infection as equal to vaccinated. This is simply wrong. Data shows, people who have recovered have better resistance and outcome than uninfected vaccinated.
The fact that the government is trying to force vaccination does NOT mean that the vaccine is bad. People have got to stop trying to convince themselves everything is wrong with it, because of the politics of the ones pushing.
You also might like: The Great Unwashed, Global DELETE or even The Ruleless Class.
No matter how you spell it: they are EVIL and those that they have made useful are either Stupid or Complicit...maybe both.
I have delved into the possibility that these creatures may be hybrid descendants of the Nephilim and the likes. They did mate with humanity...it's all there in the OT and the books of Enoch.
The "We" in "We shall go down and confound their language" [] was not the ultimate creator but our earthly rulers. Even Nimrod confessed to being a Nephilim Hybrid...Highly compartmentalized but dumb as rocks in the unintegrated sense...in short, just a brain in a body, no identity or the I and no connection to a mind nor creation for that matter either.
On the one hand we have Psychopaths with extreme hubris and on the other we have these entities with no possibility of introspection nor redemption; but what really has me baffled is the in-between...how did they get there. Should I take the teachings of the half bicameral/half conscious beings of Julian Jaynes? they would possess the possibility of becoming introspective; or is there another answer; is programming/ or the Stockholm syndrome really that strong with a potentially conscious being?
Until I can address this sector of the population, I can't finish my next book: Conscience, those that have and those that have not.
Many of our close friends are Christians. We have no hostility toward Christians, until the unprovable is used as a basis for logic, argument or our freedom, Then we have the same reaction as toward Muslims, or any others. If you want us to behave a way, show why it matters without hiding behind what can’t be objectively argued. That engenders an appropriately negative response, and why we have the First Amendment. “How does it feel to live in a Christian Nation?” Yep, that will do it,
If the question, How does it feel to live in a Christian Nation, offends you? Then why do you live here? Is there not a better or happier place where you could live? This is what gets me about people who do not know America's history or they refuse to accept it. Yet they continue to live here. I do not know you or anything about you other than what you have written to my post. Yet I suspect that you live in America. You also mention that the unprovable is used as a basic for logic, argument or our freedom. Then consider this. If America did not or never did exist, no one would be free. Had many events never taken place in history prior to the 1700's that made it possible for America to exist, the world would be a very dark if not black place to live. America was made to be the light in the room as I mentioned earlier.
What I don’t like about a Christian nation (not simply accepting your assertion the US is one)? It is in violation of the first amendment. It allows people to make laws for invented interpretations of whichever version of the Bible they prefer, without logical or ethical basis. These are wholly unacceptable, and unfortunately for you NOT in place in the US. The church does NOT offer a basis for law, or limit my freedom. This is what happens in Islamic States with Sharia Law. Christians are fine to have around. Christianity of any flavor is completely unacceptable for government. This misuses and abuses are innumerable. Don’t even think about the “No True Scotsman” nonsense about they aren’t real Christians. The religion was invented and is conducted by flawed humans. It will always be flawed, and when the basic tenets can not be questioned, it is a totalitarian mess equal to communism.
Yes, I agree the ads are there. I don't agree that I am "subject" to them. In fact, I haven't seen them in something like 30 years.... if you CHOOSE, you can do that too. Just imagine the change it would make in your life if you were no longer "subject" to indoctrination.
I can see you do agree with that. Thanks! :-) (Adding: now, I need to get myself away from the Facebook/Instagram/Twitter madness. There are certainly aspects of it which are beneficial, and I suppose that's why it's so addictive...... Nevertheless I need to find a way to spend less time there and more time doing what I should be doing away from those "dens of iniquity!")
been on before, such as a job-hunting one, (or other), there is a long Terms of Service; I don't want to just click and agree to something when I don't know what it is, but they take a long time to read. In the library, one is allowed only a certain number of minutes on the machine per day. So I sometimes have it printed and take it home,
and go to something else instead, and read the Terms of Service later at home. And even that is very irritating, and makes me nervous. I don't want to inadvertently violate contract and then be confronted with it later. So I usually prefer to stay off Facebook, etc. (Even if I have read the Terms of Service, or Privacy Policy, etc., a long time ago, sometimes it is updated, and I just hate to have to read it all over again.)
One or two are good, eg DuckDuckGo, Startpage.
Most of the others are bad, double plus bad.
Are saying that farmers are so stupid that they choose to apply an herbicide to their crops? Also, was not glyphosate, the herbicide in Roundup, only determined to cause cancer in a court by a jury?
So much other BS in that post, that I will leave it that comment.
Bextra was another one. It was one of a class of drugs that are fantastic anti-inflamatories. They worked great for me after a day of skiing or soccer, when I had a hip issue. Absolutely great. Then they found these drugs had issues when prescribed to elderly patients with heart issues, and took them completely off the market. WTF!?! I'm not elderly and don't have heart issues. Just tell drs not to prescribe them, just like you don't prescribe 12 grams of fentanyl to people. The nonsense of government intrusion is amazing.
GMOs are another completely stupid concern. I eat cow, pig, rabbit and even squirrel. I don't turn into any of them as a result. There is no issue with this in GMOs, except the potential results of the modification (like plants producing insecticide that shouldn't be ingested). Ignorance is the basis of such fear, and ignorance is LEGION.
Have to look that stuff up. I have been having a tiny bit of glutamine powder with water when I play soccer or work out hard. It seems to help build muscle, which is its function. I can really stroke the ball hard again, a noticeable pickup. Can put goal kicks way past midfield again. Probably could have gotten there without it, but not comfortably
As a gentleman, I will avoid commenting to to directly, since it seems logical discussion seems to bother you, and it is a waste of time. Someone else? Sorry buddy. We all chat here as we choose. You don’t own you post. It starts a discussion for all.
You DEFiNITELY don’t get to limit my freedom.
Take a look at this video and see what you thinhttps://www.bitchute.com/video/mrVIOlenc04a/k.
The link you give results in error 404.
Escalating Use of Probable Carcinogen
Glyphosate has come under increased scrutiny in the past year. Last year the World Health Organization's cancer group, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, classified it as a probable carcinogen. The state of California has also moved to classify the herbicide as a probable carcinogen. A growing body of research is documenting health concerns of glyphosate as an endocrine disruptor and that it kills beneficial gut bacteria, damages the DNA in human embryonic, placental and umbilical cord cells and is linked to birth defects and reproductive problems in laboratory animals.
Vaccines are really not that much different. The goal of a vaccine is to re-write part of your operating system (comparison to Microsoft Windows "updates" implied).
I recently installed a few Linux distro's to test as workstations. Mint tops my list for ease of use and simplicity to install. Ubantu is next. I loaded another one but it sucked so much I can't recall it's name, even though it came highly recommended.
I just installed Debian (with help) for an internal security monitoring server.
The book "Apocalyptics: Cancer and the Big Lie : How Environmental Politics Controls What We Know About Cancer" by Edith Efron tells how, at that time, politics had its hand in studying drugs through FDA interference and just plain dishonesty. It was bad then and now much worst.
Wheat allergy could be somewhat similar. Back in the 1930s too many children were becoming malnutritioned. A baby food based on wheat was developed called Pablum. So the first food of millions of babies contained wheat. There was no allergy problem until, possibly baby food companies went to a lot of fruit and vegetable and meat without a partial wheat base. Then as wheat allergies became prevalent wheat was kept out of babies food even more , thus increasing allergy to wheat.
My father got MS. There was a theory that kids that do not get a lot of early dirtiness will have a better chance of getting some immunity diseases. My father was brought up by his nurse mother and not allowed to ingest any filthy stuff. He hated the cleanliness life style so me and my 6 siblings lived a more filthy life. Cancer runs in my family, starting with my mother getting breast cancer at 28. my youngest sister got it a 28 and next oldest sister at 40. One brother at 68 and one currently being treated for it. Causes for the sisters were probably inherited. One brother from Berret esophagus which went cancerous. The other brother from HPV.
The most healthy is 80 and just got out of rehab for alcohol and drug addiction which he has suffered from most of his life. Alcohol and most drugs seem to work on natural brain chemical systems.
Unlike biology where I am an amateur, magnetic materials and electromagnetics are areas I am actually expert in. What cloud, National Enquirer, assertions can I shed actual light on?
it's red pill , blue pill time folks. Your choice.