Folks on shots and mandates.
Our Nickursis posted this comment and It deserves its own post.
“Folks, on shots and mandates. Fact: There is NO FDA approved vaccine in the U.S. The one they "approved" is made in Germany, has not even got its labeling approved and is not available. The Pfizer EUA was extended. Ergo, all three shots are still EUA. That means they need your consent. They cannot mandate, or require a EUA shot. Period. Need to find a good lawyer and strike back. Issue is corrupt Judges, ignoring the obvious, but that can be appealed, and, if worse come to worse, you have to decide, HOWEVER, you will have one hell of a lawsuit for damages. If you gave up and/or forced to "retire" or quit, keep all your records and proof you were forced out, get emails, letters etc, and hang on, as this is far from over. Think about it,: FDA "approves" a nonexistent vaccine, in such a mush mouth way people assume it is the current Pfizer one. Then comes the "mandate" . People assume all is up and up. But read the actual approvals and such and you find out it was all another lie. I am sure some companies never think, or research, just react. There is no official mandate, OSHA never made one, it was just a "white House Press Release". Also, you can demand the list of ingredients, which is not available for any of the three, same for Flu shot. You must be provided that before a shot can be administered, but only if you ask for it. Demand proof of all the above. If your employer says, get shot or quit, then ask employer what approved shots are available, then have that FDA approval letter, and say "This one"? If they say yes, ask to see vial. Make them go do their homework. My employer chose to ignore the whole thing (120K company) and seems to just want to wait it out, as they have some pretty good risk lawyers who probably saw they are screwed either way, but a mandate would subject them to Nuremberg Law violations as well as damages and lawsuits.“
“Folks, on shots and mandates. Fact: There is NO FDA approved vaccine in the U.S. The one they "approved" is made in Germany, has not even got its labeling approved and is not available. The Pfizer EUA was extended. Ergo, all three shots are still EUA. That means they need your consent. They cannot mandate, or require a EUA shot. Period. Need to find a good lawyer and strike back. Issue is corrupt Judges, ignoring the obvious, but that can be appealed, and, if worse come to worse, you have to decide, HOWEVER, you will have one hell of a lawsuit for damages. If you gave up and/or forced to "retire" or quit, keep all your records and proof you were forced out, get emails, letters etc, and hang on, as this is far from over. Think about it,: FDA "approves" a nonexistent vaccine, in such a mush mouth way people assume it is the current Pfizer one. Then comes the "mandate" . People assume all is up and up. But read the actual approvals and such and you find out it was all another lie. I am sure some companies never think, or research, just react. There is no official mandate, OSHA never made one, it was just a "white House Press Release". Also, you can demand the list of ingredients, which is not available for any of the three, same for Flu shot. You must be provided that before a shot can be administered, but only if you ask for it. Demand proof of all the above. If your employer says, get shot or quit, then ask employer what approved shots are available, then have that FDA approval letter, and say "This one"? If they say yes, ask to see vial. Make them go do their homework. My employer chose to ignore the whole thing (120K company) and seems to just want to wait it out, as they have some pretty good risk lawyers who probably saw they are screwed either way, but a mandate would subject them to Nuremberg Law violations as well as damages and lawsuits.“
and the EUA was based on the lie of no effective treatment
the issue however, is how many of us can afford to fight this?
i know i cannot
so i am Going Galt at work
i see nothing
i say mothing
no matter what is broken, it is no longer my responsibility
also the Health Care place i work for told us in am email the shots were safe
when this is proven false, i intend to sue them for malpractice.
they took on the role of my healthcare provider, by demanding that i get this shot
THEY voluntarily took on this role
they violated Informed Consent
they violent Federal Law
they violated the Nurnberg Policy against human experimentation
they MUST reap the whirlwind they so richly deserve
the injection of a serum that is experimental should be well recieved.
But lots of countries are still violating this. The Italians and Australians are now in mob rebellion to stop their lives from being destroyed. We will be soon if the courts don't strike it down.
“The state (and society as a whole) must combat a part of itself that is ‘rising up’ against the status quo, leading to a conflict of interest and a social civil war.” Think back to the summer of 2020 and all the violent protesters. Can you think of any instances of mismanagement by the state in dealing with the protests? How many blue state governors did almost nothing to shut down the protests? Was it done on purpose to follow the Color Revolution playbook?
Now that we have a basic understanding of what a Color Revolution is, we will need to go a bit deeper. Revolver news has put out a series of 3 well-researched articles on the topic. Each one is fascinating and worth the full read, but I will be breaking down the main points below.
EXCLUSIVE - The Curious Case of George Kent: State Department's Belarus "Color Revolution" Expert And "Never Trump" Impeachment Witness - Revolver
Transition Integrity Project: Is this Soros Linked Group Plotting a "Color Revolution" Against President Trump? - Revolver
Meet Norm Eisen: Legal Hatchet Man and Central Operative in the "Color Revolution" Against President Trump - Revolver
These articles help outline how our United States government has been using color revolutions over the years to implement regime changes without having to use an actual military “coup.” Instead, they use street protests, disputed elections and a favorable media.
When you read through these articles, you’ll notice that some familiar names start popping up. The people considered to be “Color Revolution Experts” are the same people that were involved in trying to take down Trump during his 1st impeachment.
The second column is the FDA Authorization status. Note they are all (with one exception) EUA or Pre-EUA. (BLA indicates it has been licensed for use, and when combined with EUA, still means it is NOT approved).
The one exception is Pfizer's COMIRNATY - NOT the current vaccine in use. It only has a BLA.
NOTE there is no CVX code, and in its place is the note below. To summarize the note - COMIRNATY will not be released in the US while there is a Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine with an EUA in use.
COMINARTY products are not orderable at this time. NDCs are listed per FDA Structured Product Label (SPL) document for the BLA licensed product. These codes are not included in CDC Vaccine Code Set files at this time. Pfizer has provided the following statement regarding the COMINARTY branded NDCs and labels:
"Pfizer received FDA BLA license on 8/23/2021 for its COVID-19 vaccine for use in individuals 16 and older (COMIRNATY). At that time, the FDA published a BLA package insert that included the approved new COVID-19 vaccine tradename COMIRNATY and listed 2 new NDCs (0069-1000-03, 0069-1000-02) and images of labels with the new tradename. At present, Pfizer does not plan to produce any product with these new NDCs and labels over the next few months while EUA authorized product is still available and being made available for U.S. distribution. As such, the CDC, AMA, and drug compendia may not publish these new codes until Pfizer has determined when the product will be produced with the BLA labels."
It has recently occurred to me that virtually everyone resisting the vaccine is a Trump supporter. By targeting these people, the totalitarians are crushing the funding against them.
In the same way, the FBI targeting parents and groups against the CRT is a disgusting totalitarian approach. It is absolutely astonishing this is happening in broad daylight.
No one was punished. The FBI was, in fact, rewarded for burning people alive.
Clinton and Reno should have been executed for it.
As you posted the other day. The same type of bullshp is AG Garlands son in law sells the CRT garbage and Garland declares parents complaining about the product as terrorists.
Seems like crony capitalism at its worst.
It is not available anywhere, there is no time stated for availability, any differences between it and the -not-yet-approved- are unclear.
How that one got approval and the identical(?) others have not is not explained.
What gives? Some Obscure legal requirement maybe.
Perhaps it is just a marketing tool to further confuse/fool the populous.
note also this text in it:
"Vaccine means a biological product authorized or licensed by the FDA to prevent or provide protection against COVID–19, whether the substance is administered through a single dose or a series of doses."
I expect it to still be challenged because it purports to apply to places with at least 10 employees and has rather significant cost and intrusiveness aspects.
She did, however, accept people's exemptions but claimed we didn't have anymore work for them.
I copied the two FDA letters, HIGHLIGHTED the important information...Crickets!...I'm outahere as soon as I can.
Is there an alternate authoritative examination of the vaccines that identifies the toxic ingredients including the graphene oxide? I'm considering my next move.
Combine that with the religious exemption and state that the Bible considers the blood holy and you are prohibited from contaminating the blood. Add video links to the many docs who explain how spike proteins clot the blood.
Plan B is;
Use the strategy detailed in this video.