Proof Ayn Rand was right on target

Posted by $ nickursis 3 years, 3 months ago to Government
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13 RINO dirtbags just saddled us with another 1.7 trillion in fiat debt, BUT the real crime is the amnesty for 7 million illegals, the 450,000 for each illegal seperated, a 30% tax on naturals (an byden lied again and again, proving again he is a useless senile blob of spit), and then, as if not bad enough, 17 RINO senators voted for it. Grahm and Grassley, two "suposed Patriots" just proved the Patriot movement is just another lie. Me thinks they want revolution....the real kind of revolution. And, we may end up with the Marines and Special Forces with us, as the Marine Commandant is about ready to divorce themselves from the military over the jabberdoo...Time to start cleaning...
SOURCE URL: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/just-congress-passes-bidens-destructive-1-2-trillion-infrastructure-spending-package-help-13-republican-scumbags/

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  • 12
    Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 3 months ago
    I heard a very good quote from Dan Bongino: "It seems there are Republicans who are Democrats, but there are no Democrats who are Republicans." I'd add this became even more true and entrenched as the Democrat party converted to the Neo Communist party over the past 4 or 5 decades.

    Yeah, "The Squad" imbeciles voted against this bill, but not because it was left but because it wasn't left enough and didn't stay combined with the other $2 trillion (or more) to more quickly convert the USA to a socialist/communist state. Idiots!
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    • Posted by $ jdg 3 years, 3 months ago
      He's mostly right. Manchin and Sinema are sort-of Republicans. Or at least they're holding the breach for now. It wouldn't surprise me if both of them continue to move toward sane positions. We may not have heard the last of Tulsi Gabbard either.
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      • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 3 years, 3 months ago
        I don’t trust Tulsi. I like what she’s saying NOW. But where was that Tulsi in 2019? Just another ruling class psyop. Just like good ole’ “Based Tucker”. Nothing more than a safety valve blowing off steam.
        And you are correct that there will be a Hitleresque character coming soon. Biden is literal Hindenburg. (No, not the dirigible. Read a book for God’s sake whomever thought that!)
        THEY are orchestrating a controlled demolition RIGHT NOW. They are goading the extremist elements of the right to attack. It’s plain as day. The goal is justification to get more draconian. It’s gonna happen. Through actual domestic terrorism or false flag. It doesn’t matter which.
        The best way to avoid a “civil” war...don’t be where it is. We need to Gulch up. If only for the purpose of preserving some islands of sanity within a sea of chaos. Look up the American Redoubt. Yes, every box of Reynolds Wrap comes with a free hat. But, after the events of the last 18months can you blame anyone for putting it on? Keep in mind it needs to get way worse before it gets better. This is only a little past apogee right now. There’s still a long way to fall.
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        • Posted by $ jdg 3 years, 3 months ago
          Agree. If you read current events as paralleling the first Civil War -- we're not even done with Bleeding Kansas yet. Any Harper's Ferry, much less Sumter, event is years away.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 3 months ago
          I like your Biden/Hindenburg observation and the fact the Hitleresque character hasn't shown up yet. I'm expecting a Stalinesque waving the hammer and sickle to "save the day" after the controlled demolition is well under way. Right now, IMHO, the Neo Communists (Democrats) do look a lot more fascist than communist, but lets not get fooled here. They are communist. The tech giants remind me of Krupp and other Hitler supporters, but they will eventually be eaten by the crocodile they are feeding - a fascist will own and control them, but a communist will eat them.

          There does seem to be a long way to fall, but there is acceleration involved in falling.
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          • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 3 years, 3 months ago
            32 feet (9.7536 meters if you’re squirrely) per second per second until we reach terminal velocity. Things are definitely accelerating.
            I think, by the end of the decade, things we thought were unthinkable will be afterthoughts.
            We are NOT going to stop this. We are a subset of a subset. We do not have access to the levers that program society 24/7/365. Billions of dollars and man hours spent brainwashing 3 complete generations. Only cold hard reality can bring about a true awakening. And then the fight starts. Our best course of action is to limit our exposure to the insanity.
            I realize this is a defeatist point of view. But, we should consider this, Ayn didn’t stick around the USSR and try to “Red Pill the Normies”. She recognized reality for what it was. Let’s all marinate on that.
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            • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 3 months ago
              "I think, by the end of the decade, things we thought were unthinkable will be afterthoughts." "We are NOT going to stop this." "I realize this is a defeatist point of view." I wrestle with that defeatist point of view often enough. To keep on with the metaphors, parachutes get thrown out along the way to break the fall, but the fall continues. Trump, IMHO, was such a parachute but he got neutralized pretty quick and the recent governor's race in Virginia is a smaller parachute, but it made an impact. Maybe another 'chute can get thrown out in 2022 and even 2024. I'd like to see freedom gain some serious ground along the way, but I'm not holding my breath because even elected Republicans, who are "supposed" to be holding the line against the Neo Communists are caving in on many fronts.
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              • Posted by $ 3 years, 3 months ago
                You made a good point, in that we are under attack on all fronts, using even our own credulity against us. The evil worms have gotten to the point they outright lie and the media then McGurkins it to drivel. Take gas prices: "What are you going to do about oil prices?" they ask, they answer "Well we have several tools in our belt"...uh WTF? Byden destroyed things day 1 with Keystone, and now the canadian pipeline, they took every action they could to restrict energy, and then they drivel about it, fishing for a way to blame Trump. Its so obvious now, you just have to keep track of what has happened to see they are the ultimate satanic liars. Everything about them is destruction and death, thus their shot is verboten. The RINOs are just one more weapon and have been placed their as insurance policy m, or n, or p but they are still doomed to fail. It is not defeatist to NOT play their game, we just have a responsibility to try to get through to the sheeple, who refuse to see.....
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                • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 3 months ago
                  Additional side note on this: Xiden is blocking AMERICAN pipelines and energy production, but simultaneously paved the way for the RUSSIAN pipeline to continue and begged OPEC to increase its production. Energy wise, this serves two Neo Communist goals: 1) cripple the USA productivity in creating domestic wealth, 2) export existing wealth to foreign powers to obtain needed energy.
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  • Posted by term2 3 years, 3 months ago
    The only solution to this statist march seems to be to let the leftists have what they want, and more, and when the country disintegrates, maybe enough people will realize the folly of these statist programs, just as in atlas shrugged. Its already happening this way as we see the disastrous leftist policies being implemented.

    All we can do in 2022 and 2024 is slow the progress to full statism. I do think its got to go all the way before there will be any meaningful return to freedom. too bad.
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    • Posted by Storo 3 years, 3 months ago
      I watched the video at the link below) below on rumble, and it has changed the way I view things like this.
      (There’s also a link to a YouTube video where Klaus Schwab says we will have implants in our brains or under our skin, but I digress.)
      Our Congress is eaten up with those doing what they’re told to do. Make the vote close, but don’t lose. The aim of all this is to crash the US economy, and thus our society. George Soros and Klaus Schwab have said the US is the only thing standing in the way of their one-world government. And they are orchestrating the ruin of the US, the dividing of the country by race, sex, income, politics, and more. They want chaos, and are pushing Congress to do as much damage as they can. While we say the economy is OK, the reality is that it would take only one major international event to tank it. Look what COVID19 did to our economy and the world’s!
      Who votes yea or nay doesn’t matter. Someone will. The damage will be done. And ordinary Americans will pay the price. It will be 1984 on steroids.


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      • Posted by term2 3 years, 3 months ago
        I think you are right. All signs point to this. they have to cencel out the USA in order to steal whatever wealth there is left here and remake it under their control
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    • Posted by LibertyBelle 3 years, 3 months ago
      No, no, we can still fight. (This was a reply to Term2. Why doesn't the computer put my reply right after the comment I am replying to?)
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      • Posted by term2 3 years, 3 months ago
        I am just getting tired of fighting over and over with the left. They just argue and argue and its wastes time. I am thinking that their own policies are their worst enemy and they go much farther than hours of arguments. When gas costs twice as much, it speaks volumes...
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        • Posted by $ 3 years, 3 months ago
          They are programmed sheeple. Data and critical thinking was never in their education, that is the root of the Great Awakening, to try to pound through all the fog and emotional tripe they have been fed, it is not their fault, it is the evil scum who set this all up fault.
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          • Posted by term2 3 years, 3 months ago
            fortunately, the bankruptcy of their ideas when put into practice will doom them without saying anything at all. Too bad we have to live through the cultural destruction though
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    • Posted by $ jdg 3 years, 3 months ago
      I am not willing to give up that easily. But if the lefties insist on a national divorce they can have it.
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      • Posted by term2 3 years, 3 months ago
        i am thinking that the only way to stop this madness is to let the system fail as in AS, and in the meantime hide in plain sight, also as in AS. Rand was very smart.
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      • Posted by term2 3 years, 3 months ago
        I would go for a bloodless civil war divorce in a second. But the left wont ever agree to that, as they want all the wealth of the ones who would leave, as well as the wealth they would create in their new land
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        • Posted by $ jdg 3 years, 3 months ago
          Recent polls have shown a majority of both left and right favoring secession. I expect that Congress would allow it, and if it does there would not be a war.

          The problem with letting the system collapse first as in AS is that in real history, the people have not listened to the likes of John Galt after the collapse. They listened to Hitler.
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          • Posted by term2 3 years, 3 months ago
            Interesting topic actually. Congress I dont think would allow secession. They didnt leading up the civil war in the USA. It turned very violent, very fast. The south wanted out, but the north didnt want to let go of the wealth and the people who would leave. I dont think it had much to do with slavery actually, since the north had slaves too.

            I kind of agree that the attraction of a hitler type would be strong in a collapsed country- someone who promised to make it all better....
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            • Posted by $ jdg 3 years, 3 months ago
              The reason I think they would allow it is that Congress did vote to give up sovereignty over three US territories in the 20th century: Cuba (1936), the Philippines (1950), and the Canal Zone (1999).
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            • Posted by $ 3 years, 3 months ago
              Which is EXACTLY the cabal plan, interrupter by Trump. Obama set the stage, and set up all the screwed crap, then Hillary was the closer for 8 years leading up to total collapse and war. Then they come out with the "we can fix it cabal of elites, with you turning over everything yu have to live where you live in a China type society. They are still trying to make it go...and succeeding in certain places, Everything byden has done has been destructive, the demonrats spend 7 trillion in one year, all designed to still cause the collapse, with the "virus" killing most. Why do you think they pushed the vaccines more than any other "vaccine that doesn't work" in history? Altruism?
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              • Posted by term2 3 years, 3 months ago
                This is scary actually. we ARE being led like sheep to the slaughter, which to a large degree we are powerless to avoid. I didnt like Obama, hated Hillary, and wasnt real pleased with Trump giving in a lot to the left. Now biden and crew need to be just eliminated before they ruin the country totally.
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        • Posted by $ 3 years, 3 months ago
          I don't think they CAN create wealth, without us, and they hate us, but need us, the divorce would destroy them, maybe not a bad idea, or maybe just another 1776....
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          • Posted by term2 3 years, 3 months ago
            as I remember, the withdrawal from the world of the smart hard working people WAS the way to destroy the left as portrayed in AS. I used to make medical disposables, but I sold out and stopped any further work in that field when the FDA took over regulation of medical devices. So in some small way, I went galt and changed my means of support to a much smaller business in a non regulated field. I am about ready to get rid of that one and never work again in the current biden economy. Its very depressing.
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            • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 3 years, 3 months ago
              I’m right there with you. I like my current employer. I’m sorry it has to be this way. But, I’m done letting the lies be promulgated even in some small way by the sweat of my brow.
              As Solzhenitsyn put it, “ Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. ... But not through me. The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie.”
              Going Galt doesn’t even need to be based on a revenge motivation. It’s the simple act of being true to ones own conscious. One’s own perception of reality. Even to reality itself. By simply being REAL you do more damage to the lie than any propaganda you could come up with to “Own the Libs”.
              “Rachel Levine” is a non-mensturating individual. If they cannot agree on that simple truth then there can be no agreement on the more complicated truths. And, there can be no good faith negotiations. I’m done arguing with the left. Let them pull the TV off the wall and onto their collective heads. Let their delusional lies be exposed to those with eyes that see.
              Those of us that accept that A is A will endure whatever hellscape they bring upon us.

              And I would add that it doesn’t have to be the literal 2nd coming of Hitler. Any strongman figure who promises to make the trains run on time and a chicken in every pot. It could even be Trump. (Markus: Ducks from the onslaught of rotten vegetables.) But whoever it turns out to be, we need to recognize them for what they TRULY are.
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              • Posted by term2 3 years, 3 months ago
                wow. that was a great post. in my small off road company we havent worn masks EVER during this so called pandemic. I just refuse to order my 7 employees to wear them when I know they do nothing. I stay away from big crowds, nightclubs, and shows, and pretty much cut back on interactions with visitors to las vegas who probably carry the virus. And I havent gotten covid at all. I go to supermarkets when they arent crowded (like I always did). some common sense, and ignoring fauci seems to work best
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              • Posted by $ 3 years, 3 months ago
                No rotten vegetables for you, my man. Your points are really valid and I echo mccannon01 statement, I support Trump, only because the alternative is proven evil, and that evil made every effort to lie, cheat and steal to get rid of him. That tells me they are afraid of him and his agenda, so the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I have not seen one time he did anything except try to repair the damage done, and allow the deep state RINO plants to out themselves, placing the responsibility on the individual to say "That dude was a traitor". The insane rants about all the "things orange hair man" did have never amounted to anything.
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              • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 3 months ago
                No need to duck in my presence, Markus. Although I am a Trump supporter, I'd never throw a rotten veggie at someone criticizing him because he has screwed a few things up, IMHO. I agree with, term2, good post.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 3 years, 3 months ago
    What these idiots don't understand is that sometimes doing nothing is better than doing something. Benign neglect. We have spent 22 trillion on LBJ's war on poverty. What has that produced? Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Wokeness to name three. And not to mention murder rates in major cities or the homeless encampments. Spending other peoples money seems to make things worse not better. To paraphrase Ben Franklin: to end poverty make it uncomfortable
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  • Posted by Sealofapproval 3 years, 3 months ago
    Grassley is not on the list.

    See the list at the link.
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 3 months ago
      See below. You need to read the article.
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      • Posted by Sealofapproval 3 years, 3 months ago
        I did read it. Here are all 13 quoted from the TGP article:

        "Here is the full list of Republican sellouts, and their office phone numbers, courtesy of Marjorie Taylor Greene – No surprise to see crybaby Adam Kinzinger on the list:

        Rep. John Katko (R-NY 24th congressional district) – 202-225-3701

        Don Bacon (R-NE 2nd congressional district) – 202-225-4155

        Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ 2nd congressional district) – 202-225-6572

        Don Young (R-AK at-large congressional district) – 202-225-5765

        Fred Upton (R-MI 6th congressional district) – 202-225-3761

        Adam Kinzinger (R-IL 16th congressional district) – 202-225-3635

        Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH 16th congressional district) – 202-225-3876

        Tom Reed (R-NY 23rd congressional district) – 202-225-3161

        Chris Smith (R-NJ 4th congressional district) – 202-225-3765

        Andrew Gabarino (R-NY 2nd congressional district) – 202-225-7896

        Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY 11th congressional district) – 202-225-3371

        Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA 1st congressional district) – 202-225-4276

        David McKinley (R-WV 1st congressional district) – 202-225-4172

        Every one of these traitors should start looking for new jobs."
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  • Posted by katrinam41 3 years, 3 months ago
    This whole series of posts is the absolute best discussion in the Gulch this week. I laud you all for common sense, for rationality, for humor, for ethically sound points. I agree we need a Gulch, I know it would be extremely difficult to find a Midas Mulligan style Gulch, but is it possible to buy a small house or piece of land in an area off the main traffic areas, in or around some small community? It would be easier to blend in, infrastructure already in place (and ready to adapt in a worst case scenario), and having Gulchers not too far away is a plus. Also easier to see what's coming at us with 360 degrees worth of eyes.
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 3 months ago
      Would need a group effort, and a lot of people have specific reasons for their locations (my wife will ot move east of the Cascades due to hating snakes and tornadoes). A laudable idea.
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      • Posted by katrinam41 3 years, 3 months ago
        I know what you mean. My own kids have reasons why they prefer to stay put. Of course, one lives in Texas. For myself and hubby, we're ready to head to whatever stateside destination works. If western Washington wasn't such a hotbed of progressive buttheads fueling the Olympia Inslee madness, we'd be on our way back there right now.
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  • Posted by hattrup 3 years, 3 months ago
    With your "Ayn Rand" title, following it with "the real crime is the amnesty for 7 million illegals" does not seem accurate, nor appropriate. Some views of Ayn's on immigration: https://ari.aynrand.org/ayn-rand-on-i...
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 3 months ago
      She never addresses "Illegal Immigration" she is talking "Immigration". While the whole concept of Immigration is problematical (If 200 million people decide that your Gulch is better than theirs, do they have the right to just come move in, then use their numbers to vote things to the same level of crap as theirs? And, also to then expect all the "free stuff" YOU are REQUIRED to provide?) This whole thing is a much bigger problem that just one topic or idea. It involves the whole notion that the government can impose itself on you (through taking all your money and allowing hordes of people in, then rigging the system so, even though not citizens, they get ballots, vote and then install the same crap people they had where they came from). It cannot be a simple discussion of one topic, as they have inserted everything into the mixmaster, and made it a huge overall issue with many facets.Intentionally.
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      • Posted by hattrup 3 years, 3 months ago
        The majority or mob deciding what you have is now theirs has little to do with immigrants/immigration. There is no doubt that our socialistic, income (and soon perhaps wealth) redistribution government thugs make everything dealing with freedom and rights problematical.
        When Ayn responds to the question of immigration, the response seems pretty independent of what happens to be called "legal" or "illegal" immigration. Her discussion of what is right or wrong are typically dependent on morality and not the particular state of a legal system.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 3 months ago
          "The majority or mob deciding what you have is now theirs has little to do with immigrants/immigration." When that mob, through government bullying, has decided your wealth belongs to anyone crossing the border it does. At this point in time you can't separate the welfare state from illegal immigration. Pretending there is no link between the two is denying A = A.
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          • Posted by $ 3 years, 3 months ago
            Hattrup, "Her discussion of what is right or wrong are typically dependent on morality and not the particular state of a legal system." Yes, this is true, and the link is pretty illustrative of it. I don't think she ever saw when one side used illegal immigration as a weapon, and as a way to have a corrupt system (they corrupted) enable them to use them as a means to power. That is the last 20-30 years. So, morality now HAS to take a back seat to reality, and the uncaring evil creatures who are using men, women and children as pawns are the ones guilty. That does not mean we have to just shrug and say "well, it's immoral to object". It is very moral to object to someone bringing in 7million illegals, offering amnesty so they can vote, and want us to pay for it. Dig around, you will find all kinds of crap going on in the last 8 months with money and plane flights to all over the country, paid for by us, and for what reason?
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            • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 3 months ago
              "Dig around, you will find all kinds of crap going on in the last 8 months with money and plane flights to all over the country, paid for by us, and for what reason?" Good points! All the taxpayer dollars just to bring the illegals in and spread them around the country is even before the great welfare state kicks in to make them comfortable. Pure partisan political spending - where's that in the Constitution?
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  • -4
    Posted by CircuitGuy 3 years, 3 months ago
    This reaction was my primary reason for supporting Biden for president in every way I could. I had watched the deficit more than double before the pandemic hit and then keep increasing. I had no illusions about getting back to Obama-era deficits without some mini monetary crisis forcing it, a mini-crisis that BTW I believe is unfortunately inevitable. My desired outcome came true. Biden won. Suddenly in it is in politicians’ interest to undermine the president’s agenda, which means they pretend to care about the deficit and get the rubes fired up.

    I’m very confident the low-lives of the world are not organized enough to start a shooting war. What would be their war objective? To make the people paying the taxes attend events that make them uncomfortable like tractor pulls and then go back to making the technology that powers the global economy? A year ago a bought extra ammo because it was hard to come by, and I was a little nervous that the idiots would do something, not “the real kind of revolution” because I don’t think they have their acts together, but just create trouble. Now I’m using up that ammo before it ages. There’s no real kind of revolution, with people with a brain and organization abilities. There’s just politicians getting idiots fired up to get to the next rung of their political career.
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    • Posted by term2 3 years, 3 months ago
      I am intrigued by your support for biden. I voted for trump as a way to get 4 more years of at least divided government. That didnt happen as the election was ruined by the last minute rule change. Now that I see biden actually enacting a plethora of really statist programs, and seeing them fail miserably, I have changed my views. Biden and the leftists can actually be helping us become free again, as the result of the policies actually take the country down (as we knew they would). Perhaps the scenario in AS will play out and people will see how statism just doesnt work.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 3 years, 3 months ago
        Divided gov't: I think Republicans will win the Senate and maybe house, and we'll have divided government again. All of this is short-term, though, and doesn't have a long-term benefit for liberty.
        Election was ruined: I don't know what this means.
        Biden enacting statist programs: I believe this would unfortunately happen regardless. It's been a constant trend for 100 years.
        Taking the country down might increase freedom: I categorically disagree. It could very easily make things worse. US is a beacon of personal liberty compared to most societies in human history.
        Someone downgrading your posts: It wasn't me. I never do that and wouldn't care about anyone's public approval anyway.
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        • Posted by term2 3 years, 3 months ago
          Divided government is indeed only a way to slow down the current rush to socialism. Eventually, the usa will become socialist, given the state of intellectual thought of the majority of people in the USA. Hopefully, the disastrous results of the socialist policies will slowly take the bloom off the socialist rose.

          I think that the way AR characterized the results of statism in AS- wherein the country collapses and then is reborn- is indeed the way its going to go. We have a country that has descended into mob rule, and the mob wants socialist goodies that the workers pay for.

          All the workers can do really is to withdraw their work, just like in AS.
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 3 years, 3 months ago
            "Eventually, the usa will become socialist, given the state of intellectual thought of the majority of people in the USA. "
            It really looks that way. Things can change fast, though, either for better or worse. I think there's a broad long-term trend toward liberty. Maybe this is an anomalous blip.

            "I think that the way AR characterized the results of statism in AS- wherein the country collapses and then is reborn- is indeed the way its going to go. "
            I agree with everything else in your post above, but I categorically disagree with the idea that things getting bad is actually good because it leads to rebirth. I believe we're adapted to see this narrative, maybe as a way to keep going with things look grim. I think that's why flood-myth stories crop up in societies that didn't have contact with one another. I think it's not true. You could have a socialist collapse followed by a long period of extreme socialism. There's no guarantee that collapse paves the way to a better world.
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            • Posted by term2 3 years, 3 months ago
              Actually I thought that the USA would collapse as in AS, and be reborn- but I didnt say it would be reborn free. Once it collapses, people would have an opportunity to see what had happened and perhaps make the decision not to repeat it again.

              a collapse could result in complete tyranny with a dictator. I would hope that enough people would stand up to that. As to a complete intellectual choice towards freedom and capitalism, I kind of doubt that is going to happen. Most people today are too intellectually conflicted right now to even see even the little good that Trump brought to politics, let alone straight up objectivist thinking.

              The best we can hope for in the short term is to see the house and senate swing republican and give a divided US government for at least the next two years. Maybe divided government for longer than that.
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        • Posted by $ 3 years, 3 months ago
          " I believe this would unfortunately happen regardless. It's been a constant trend for 100 years." Isn't that a problem? And by a creature who stole an election, let alone the whole Ukraine bribe thing?
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 3 months ago
      CG, the fact you supported byden is so illustrative.I would also believe you also believe the whole Russian Collusion thing and supported both impeachments, despite being all based on lies. Do you ever read or listen to any news? Besides mainstream? Durham has finally started indictments and he has already arrested three for the whole Steele dossier being a lie, and the people involved lying to the FBI.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 3 years, 3 months ago
        Did I support Biden for Present?
        Do I believe "the Russian Collusion thing"?
        Partly. I think less democratic governments want to undermine the idea constitutionally-limited liberal democracy. I don't think they made a corrupt deal with Trump in 2016 because I don't think they thought he was likely to win. They were supporting all candidates critical of US institutions. They just lucked out that Trump won by a fluke and then kept undermining institutions and even the election that he won.
        Impeachment #1: I think Trump definitely tried to make a corrupt deal with Ukraine. I don't know if it rises to the level of impechment.
        Impeachment #2: I think he definitely incited a mob, but I don't know if it was part of a larger plan. I think it would be good to know.
        News sources: I don't follow it that closely, and when I do it's mainstream papers of record, nothing with name calling or conspiracy theories.
        Steel dossier being a lie: It containing lies is not a crime, but how it was funded or used may be. I am not up on it.
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        • Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 3 months ago
          "when I do it's mainstream papers of record, nothing with name calling or conspiracy theories"
          This explains your entire view of the world. You don't accept reality because reality disagrees with your brainwashing.
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        • Posted by $ 3 years, 3 months ago
          CG, you are a series of contradictions " I think Trump definitely tried to make a corrupt deal with Ukraine." Based on what? One phone call leaked by a guy later linked as CIA. "Steel dossier being a lie: It containing lies is not a crime, but how it was funded or used may be. I am not up on it. " That is your problem, as you, and about 30-40% of the country, allowed yourselves to be emotionally drive by claims "orange man bad" to the point you do not look at all the data and do the digging needed.
          1.The Ukraine thing was a manipulation of a phone call that was normal for any president. Did you ever seen the video of byden crowing that he blackmailed the resignation of the prosecutor going after Hunter and Burizma for a billion dollars? He was so proud he did it. THAT was a "corrupt deal" and that alone (even without all the China connections and money, and Hunter ties) disqualified him off the bat. The Steel Dossier issue is even more of a problem, since it was "Lets buy a boatload of fantasy, paid for by the other candidate and party, then let the state apparatus use it, even knowing it was false (Sussman indictment) to spy on a opposite party candidate, President elect, and President in office". If you agree with that, you belong in Australia, as you would find their current system to your liking.
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 3 years, 3 months ago
            "Based on what? One phone call leaked by a guy later linked as CIA."
            Yes. I accept the paraphrased transcript as capturing the intent of the call.

            "Allowed yourselves to be emotionally drive by claims "orange man bad" "
            I'm not emotional by nature, but I do think former President Trump was bad for the US and liberty in many ways.

            "The Ukraine thing was a manipulation of a phone call that was normal for any president."
            I want to de-normalize it.

            "let the state apparatus use the Steel Dossier"
            The protection against surveillance is a huge problem. The East German government had half of the DDR spying on the other half, but it was impossible to sort through all the information. Now it is possible. This is a huge problem.

            "If you agree with that, you belong in Australia, as you would find their current system to your liking."
            I think of Australia as like the US: democratic republic, very spread out, isolated by oceans, independent mindset, English speaking but with a distinctive accent.
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