New Domestc Terrorists--Parents?
Posted by katrinam41 3 years, 4 months ago to Education
Joe Bydamn has declared war on the nation's parents. He has instructed Attorney General Garland to set up communications between school boards and law enforcement to arrest and prosecute parents who object to leftist curriculums, especially Critical Race Theory.
Another corrupt crime family in DC the dark center of the universe.
The more attention it gets the better. ;^)
For what they are ......putrid unscrupulous satanic Globalists. Soon they won’t be able to walk the streets.
Constitution: [AGREE] [DISAGREE] Select AGREE to continue on to office, DISAGREE to find a job somewhere else.
A result of 99% agrees.
Yes, I know a Democrat will never be impeached for anything~~not even for stranding hundreds of Americans in Afghanistan~~but I like checking off on such things.