Firearm Safety in Public Schools

Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 4 months ago to Entertainment
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This is wrong for such a long list of reasons. The anti-gun left making violent movies all over. A gun-control actor, who know nothing of firearm safety and kills someone in a firearm accident. A prop manager who clearly has no idea how to manage props. The list goes on and on.

My kids wouldn't even do a thing like this. There is no way my son would point a gun at someone, much less pull the trigger without checking the chamber.

And this is one reason they want gun control, because they believe others are as ignorant as they are... Separate from the totalitarian objective....
SOURCE URL: https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_morningbrief/alec-baldwin-allegedly-ignored-first-rule-of-gun-safety-hollywood-gun-experts_4065558.html?mktids=10916355ef0b82e1dc909cfed775fd5b&est=k%2FKsWi6ksfvQ2NMTAeqDU0kKIjqsrRkSWNaV495yzdPf6x57uDubXMTnoNGeOto%3D

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  • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 4 months ago
    When I was an assistant scout master for a boy scout troop my son joined back in the '80s every summer we went to a camp where one of the activities was gun safety and a gun range with supplied .22 rifles. All gone now.
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 4 months ago
      I did Cub Scouts. We did a shooting club at the local base, and shot 22 target rifles. I was well-educated on firearms by age 10, and got my first pistol (H&R 666 w/22 and 22 magnum cylinders) at age 12, which I kept in my room. Different world now.

      By the time came for boy scouts, I was about ready to shave and lost interest in that level of activity. Played a lot more soccer, school and worked on cars. In addition FL, was not awesome for camping. So hot, so many mosquitoes!

      My kids ( 2000's) had no interest in scouting. It seems to have really lost something. We did everything, hiking, boating, fishing, even tracking animals, but the organized part disinterested them.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 4 months ago
      At the local Scout Camp, their range instructors had over 50 years of NRA certifications (combined into 3 guys). Most were competitive marksmen. The shotgun range instructor (an NRA region winner for like 10 straight years) showed me how to shoot trap and I'd never done it before. Hit the first four out of the gate, then got nervous (it was part of a competition) and missed the other six. ;)

      When I was Scoutmaster, we'd have an annual outing with my neighbor - a retired Marine - who had all kinds of fun toys. He brought a nice .22 and would then demonstrate proper "gun control" by hitting 20 straight clays set up in a receding line out to 100 yards before allowing the boys to plink away (closely supervised) at soda cans and other random targets. And before a young man could touch a rifle, he had to recite the four rules of gun safety AND show how to properly handle and check a firearm. Anyone who didn't follow safety protocols in any way was benched - they had to sit out the rest of the outing in the car.

      My kids when they turn 12 have to go out to the range and learn to handle and fire all of my firearms. There are some they don't like (most prefer the .22), but they have to shoot all of them and then run the boresnake through afterwards. They also have to know the four rules of firearm safety and recite them from memory. No excuses in my house.
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      • Posted by katrinam41 3 years, 3 months ago
        My grandfather taught me about shotgun safety and operation. I shot his single shot 20 ga at age 7. My Dad taught me rifle safety and operation at the same time. All nine of us kids were well-versed in proper use and care before the age of eight, as were my two kids, and my 8 year old grandson who just received his first .22. He shoots every available caliber at the range and understands the true meaning of gun "control". A gun is ALWAYS loaded. Don't ever, ever point it at ANYTHING unless you intend to shoot, then make sure you hit what you're aiming at. He would do a far better job as prop master for any movie set than the slovenly wreck that didn't do her job.
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        • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 3 months ago
          What's not so funny is that Baldwin hired her (the prop director) himself...
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          • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 3 months ago
            He also starred in hunt for Red October.
            Many Q drops related to this movie:
            3 year delta coming up.

            Nov 16, 2019 1:13:56 PM EST
            Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 7356265
            The Harvest [crop] has been prepared and soon will be delivered to the public for consumption.
            A Higher Loyalty [Y].
            HUNTERS become the Hunted.
            How do you remove a liability?
            Six o' clock can be dangerous.
            Family proud?
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            • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 3 months ago
              That was one of the few movies where I thought Alec Baldwin actually did a good job. I'm a huge Tom Clancy fan and have read nearly everything he put out (solo). His death under questionable circumstances still leaves a bad taste in my mouth just like it did when Michael Crichton passed away.

              IMHO, they totally miscast Harrison Ford as Jack Ryan in other movies (Patriot Games, Clear and Present Danger). I could believe Ben Affleck (Sum of All Fears) more even though he didn't quite fit either. But to me, Baldwin actually nailed that role. (Best casting was James Earl Jones as Admiral Greer.)
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              • Posted by $ 3 years, 3 months ago
                Agree. I had a briefing from the director when I was at Electric Boat. They explained all the features they included for realism. They actually did go on the Dallas (now decommissioned). Lots of cool info. For example, they made the Russian subs black/dark inside (they are not) so the audience could follow quick switching from one scene to another. Same kind of thinks with toilet paper and grease pens in the sonar room.
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                • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 3 months ago
                  That would have been AWESOME! I'm jealous! ;)
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                  • Posted by $ 3 years, 3 months ago
                    Forgetting about dumb-ass Baldwin and gun control Connery (otherwise cool), that was a great movie! One of my favorites. Having worked on submarine propulsion all my career, it was awesome. I can quote most of it by now...which drives my wife crazy. Scottish accent as a Russian? Priceless! "Shom things in here don't reshpond well to bulletsh".

                    However, MHD propulsion does not work for high speed (>5 knots). It works for low speed only in water and very inefficient. Works damn good for liquid metals though!
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                    • Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 3 months ago
                      I love that movie, too, thor and blarman,
                      I'll watch it again in spite of the ignorant savage that plays Ryan. Knowing the actor's damned fool political views makes it impossible to take his portrayal seriously. The other main actors are excellent in their roles (regardless of the accent.) Just a fantastic cast.
                      I loved Harrison Ford in the role of Ryan in the later movies, too. (I didn't read the books and had no particular expectations for the character of Ryan.)
                      Since there is nothing coming from Hollywood that is worth the viewing, I'll probably watch Red October again soon.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 4 months ago
    Me dino thinks firearm safety should be taught in schools early on the same I taught my kids before the first grade.
    See a gun? Don't touch it. Don't let your friends touch it. Show me or your mother where it is. Or else an adult you know. Or else call 911.
    Now ask your kid what his home address is.
    Also explain that when people get shot and die they are gone forever.
    My kids, of course supervised, knew firearm safety and could hit a target when half-grown.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 4 months ago
    People fear what they don't understand, e.g., guns, viruses.
    Fear can be a powerful weapon to control the weak minded, including Alec Baldwin et al.
    The corrupting influence that controls the fedgov (and other governments and all the 'public servants') use fear as their psyop weapon of mind control.

    If one of us had done what Alec Baldwin did, we would be guaranteed a jail term for manslaughter at best.
    At worst Baldwin will do a few hours of 'public service', probably preaching about the irrational danger of guns.
    Given that no corrupt judge will punish Baldwin, one would hope that the jury in a civil lawsuit will award all Baldwin's wealth, and any future earnings to the individuals he harmed.
    It would be poetic justice for the film making unions to black ball Baldwin from any future projects to protect their members.
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 4 months ago
      Well said!

      My dogs are afraid of things they don't understand too.

      Firearms deaths are in a couple of categories: Suicides, Accidents, Crime. Firearm safety used to be taught in public schools. This would address the first two. AND it would significantly reduce the ignorance and fear. That is why it can not be allowed to succeed.
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      • Posted by katrinam41 3 years, 4 months ago
        The NRA used to teach firearm safety in schools, one reason they will be destroyed asap. It has always been the parents who taught firearm safety, care and use first, not always successfully, but most kids nowadays know nothing about guns except what they see on the screen and play in the video games. They have no concept of real world dangers and responsibilities where these tools are concerned. Yes, they are tools, designed to accomplish a specific action, i.e. launching a projectile. No parent would turn their child loose with a nail gun or even an electric drill without some kind of training. A firearm should be treated the same way, but the terrified left has convinced the low information crowd that guns kill people with no help from people--except for the police, who... No, I won't bother repeating their vile chants.
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        • Posted by $ 3 years, 3 months ago
          It is ok to teach sex education, gay and transgender behaviors, but not firearm safety. The behavior of the left in this case is precisely the same as the “moral majority” in the 70s and 80s. They fear what they don’t understand, and want to cloak it in ignorance, rather than education.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 4 months ago
    Projection is one of the ways to identify leftists. They can't tolerate dissent nor are they willing to consider an idea which clashes with their worldview. What's also amazing is just how ignorant and out-of-touch they are with reality - you really could hit them up side the head with a 2x4 and they'd wonder how they ended up on the ground.
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