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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 3 years, 4 months ago
    []"services like carbon sequestration"...HA!...they don't care about life...without carbon, they'll be no life...just a bunch of dead brush.

    Me thinks they do a poor job of hiding the fact that they want to shove what's left of us, ( after we die of the vaccine), into city states with walls to keep us in.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 4 months ago
    The creation and launch of NACs has been two years in the making and saw the NYSE team up with the Intrinsic Exchange Group (IEG), in which the NYSE itself holds a minority stake. IEG’s three investors are the Inter-American Development Bank, the Latin America-focused branch of the multilateral development banking system that imposes neoliberal and neo-colonalist agendas through debt entrapment; the Rockefeller Foundation, the foundation of the American oligarch dynasty whose activities have long been tightly enmeshed with Wall Street; and Aberdare Ventures, a venture capital firm chiefly focused on the digital healthcare space. Notably, the IADB and the Rockefeller Foundation are closely tied to the related pushes for Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and biometric Digital IDs.
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  • Posted by mhubb 3 years, 4 months ago
    at some point
    he cannot hire enough people to guard his "land"
    Romans learned this
    Louis the XVI learned this
    King George II learned this

    and now these tyrants will have to learn it
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    • Posted by 3 years, 4 months ago
      Yes, but it may not matter as much who actually squats on the land, if it is that much more sinister than I first imagined.

      From the article, "...Thus, NACs open up a new feeding ground for predatory Wall Street banks and financial institutions that will allow them to not just dominate the human economy, but the entire natural world. In the world currently being constructed by these and related entities, where even freedom is being re-framed not as a right but “a service,” the natural processes on which life depends are similarly being re-framed as assets, which will have owners. Those “owners” will ultimately have the right, in this system, to dictate who gets access to clean water, to clean air, to nature itself and at what cost. ..."
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  • Posted by 3 years, 4 months ago
    "... Both the NYSE and IEG have marketed this new investment vehicle as being aimed at generating funds that will go back to conservation or sustainability efforts. However, on the IEG’s website, it notes that the goal is really endless profit from natural processes and ecosystems that were previously deemed to be part of “the commons”, i.e. the cultural and natural resources accessible to all members of a society, including natural materials such as air, water, and a habitable earth. Per the IEG, “as the natural asset prospers, providing a steady or increasing flow of ecosystem services, the company’s equity should appreciate accordingly providing investment returns. Shareholders and investors in the company through secondary offers, can take profit by selling shares. These sales can be gauged to reflect the increase in capital value of the stock, roughly in-line with its profitability, creating cashflow based on the health of the company and its assets.”
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