And now, the REST of the Story.
Posted by katrinam41 3 years, 4 months ago to Education
A case of a father objecting to bathroom sharing in Loudoun County, VA is the entire basis for the amazingly fast response to the NSBA demand for the Feds to get involved in parental "domestic terrorism." He got into a shouting match with another parent at a school board meeting and was arrested.
The rest of the story? His daughter was violently raped in the girls' restroom by a skirt-wearing boy, who then went on to rape another girl in the restroom a few weeks later. The prosecutor is a rabid liberal whose campaign was paid for by [gasp) George Soros. The article goes into good detail about the most sickening, disgusting side of a progressive liberal, what they're willing to do to anyone who stands in their way. They give no quarter, have no scruples, care for nothing and no one except the plan. Unfortunately, the plan is going into overdrive as progressive plots are revealed like an avalanche each day. Like an avalanche, the sheer volume threatens to overwhelm our country with tragic consequences like Mr. Smith and his daughter have suffered. The local, state and national elections should be flooded by normal, intelligent citizens willing to take these slime down, now!
The rest of the story? His daughter was violently raped in the girls' restroom by a skirt-wearing boy, who then went on to rape another girl in the restroom a few weeks later. The prosecutor is a rabid liberal whose campaign was paid for by [gasp) George Soros. The article goes into good detail about the most sickening, disgusting side of a progressive liberal, what they're willing to do to anyone who stands in their way. They give no quarter, have no scruples, care for nothing and no one except the plan. Unfortunately, the plan is going into overdrive as progressive plots are revealed like an avalanche each day. Like an avalanche, the sheer volume threatens to overwhelm our country with tragic consequences like Mr. Smith and his daughter have suffered. The local, state and national elections should be flooded by normal, intelligent citizens willing to take these slime down, now!
Eek! I just committed two counts of using Woke Joke forbidden pronouns! No, make that four!