Who is running this "operation" to destroy America?

Posted by txjoe 3 years, 4 months ago to Ask the Gulch
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After talking to several people, I have heard many theories as to who is running this operation to destroy America. Joe Biden does not have the mental capacity or ability to put two words together in a sentence much less do the things that have been happening to our country. It is my belief, along with many others, that Obama is the orchestrator of this disaster and, in fact, this is his third term in office for him to continue his agenda that he started while he was in office. We are having the systematic and deliberately planned operation to shut down the engine that runs America, the greatest power on earth, to further the Islamic jihad agenda to destroy America. What better way is there than to halt the pumping of crude oil and the collection of natural gas, further destroying the economy by giving out "free" money and promoting people NOT to go to work to cause the lack of food and materials for materials we are long used to living with and continuing with the shortages that are being caused by the democratic agenda to keep ALL supply ships and tankers offshore so that they can not come in and bring the materials that we need so that things can return to normal. Obama and the democrats are, further, going after the rich who are the business owners and thinkers that have kept America ahead and productive for the entire life of the United States. You want to know who is destroying America? It is simple..it is Obama. Everything else in the media is nothing but a distraction to keep the American people's mind distraction and diverted from the true culprit. The media is a democratic ally and tool to separate the American people and subvert American thinking to keep us divided using the virus, mask and shot mandates, labor shortage, disappearing supplies in the grocery stores to the hardware store to the auto stores all the way to what business need to keep operating. Unless something is done and this is changed, America will not survive this planned attack for another 3 years.

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    Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 4 months ago
    I recall a scene in the movie "Gladiator" where emperor Marcus Aurelius spoke of returning Rome to the republic it once was. He related it was founded on a whisper of an idea that was lost and needed to be rediscovered to save Rome itself.

    The United States was founded in the late 18th century on an idea or group of ideas that, in time, grew into the lead nation of the greatest civilization ever experienced in man's history. To destroy America (and all Western Civilization with it) the underlying idea must be destroyed. To destroy an idea, IMHO, it must be supplanted by another idea and that is precisely what we are experiencing. The idea that works is being supplanted by an idea that doesn't.

    Well, here I am rambling again. The whisper of an idea is getting blown away.
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    • Posted by bubah1mau 3 years, 4 months ago
      "The whisper of an idea" you refer to McC is the ethic of selfishness, reflected in a political system that ensures laissez-faire capitalism, a set of ideas (or philosophy) that Ayn Rand presented in her works.

      The "operation to destroy America" (to destroy capitalism) is conducted by everyone who explicitly or implicitly bases their actions on an ethic of altruism--the cursed but time-honored idea that it's "good" to give up things you love for things you don't love.
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    Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 4 months ago
    You have it right. He was a community organizer and they are following his playbook. And ole' Sorass is right there with his pocketbook open...he hates America. Don't bet on American not surviving this.
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  • Posted by starguy 3 years, 4 months ago
    Interesting idea, but you have the wrong target.
    Barry Hussein is no more the ringleader of it than Potato Joe would be.
    The REAL leader is always someone behind the scene, the "man behind the curtain". Obozo, Plugs, and Soros are too well-known; they aren't the ones calling the shots. They are merely stooges, doing someone else's bidding. Conspiracies thrive in the dark; the true leader of this coup d'etat, is somebody that most people have never heard of.
    But the elites know who it is: count on that.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 4 months ago
    True evil always uses pawns and hides in the shadows. It also has to be someone with a lot of money - not some two-bit ringleader like Obama or a corrupt Biden. Follow the money and see who benefits from what the politicians do, such as the pharmaceuticals industry who are making billions right now from taxpayers for getting a "vaccine" that does nothing positive.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 4 months ago
    Doubt the orchestrator is someone in the public eye. More likely someone like Soros, and a band of wealthy people with the resources to ride through anything. Obama is just an instrument.
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    • Posted by katrinam41 3 years, 4 months ago
      Agreed, Thoritsu. Being seen would be tantamount to being caught. These worms hiding in the muck have been building their hidden structures for a very long time, longer than we've been alive, and the powers behind the world-wide coup are just the latest in a line of scum. The difference is that now they feel the need to increase their pace, possibly because they can see victory ahead, or possibly because they made one move too many and exposed themselves too soon.
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      • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 4 months ago
        I think they increased their pace because they see an opportunity for more power. Now that the US is turning to totalitarian socialism and Orwell, who can stop them in the world. Not only that, but the economic power is swinging to China. I wouldn't be surprised if the Chinese party was party to the plan.

        Obama is at best a knight or bishop, perhaps a just a pawn. He has no real power, no real authority, and modest influence even in the DNC.

        Money and guns are real power. Totalitarian governments have both, and can exercise the latter "legally". Some people/companies have money, and have to exercise the latter subtly.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 3 years, 4 months ago
    Stop. Think CHINA.

    They have an ALTERIOR approach to warfare against us, and are using it well.

    They fund Obama, and are working with the Deep State. Hence they decided to NOT prosecute these crooked professors helping China Steal our intellectual property.

    Obama was a pawn, as most presidents are.
    The real power, and real decisions were hijacked a long time ago.

    The instant we allowed for "Operations" to be so secret, that even Presidents were NOT ALLOWED to know about them, we had to understand that our Presidents are "Captured". There are other people controlling things.

    And they need America shut down and crippled.

    After decades of abuse. Programming our children for self-destruction and anti-family... They have brought us to this point.

    Now, our forefathers KNEW this day would come. And they wonder if our offspring (their offspring) would stand and fight, or cower in the shadows.
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  • Posted by term2 3 years, 4 months ago
    Maybe its nobody really, but just the intellectual rot that has infected the whole society. Add to that the majority of people who do not think but just emote, and you have the country as it is today
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  • Posted by ycandrea 3 years, 4 months ago
    I would say the usual culprits: Soros and Gates
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    • Posted by Temlakos 3 years, 4 months ago
      I agree, about Soros. I suspect Gates of having a darker motive involving biological warfare, in collaboration with Dr. Fauci. But the political operative I suspect in addition to Soros in this context is William Ayres.

      I actually met William Ayres, at Montclair State University in Montclair, N.J., on 24 March 2011. I recorded his address to students there. And I heard him say, "I wrote Dreams from My Father, and I'll thank you to remind Barack Obama to give me credit for it!"
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  • Posted by term2 3 years, 4 months ago
    I agree that its a planned attack on the USA that we know. Its changed a LOT in the last 9 months, and is headed in a very bad direction.

    As to who is behind it, I really dont know.. I could believe its the result of many years of statist thinking just coming to a head now. Someone is writing up all the directives, though. I agree that Biden can just about sign his name to what they present to him, and thats all.

    The government is now our enemy for sure, and we should treat it as our enemy.
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  • Posted by $ TomB666 3 years, 4 months ago
    Somebody is pulling Obama's strings - he isn't that smart either. When he first started running for President someone posted one of his writings from when he was Editor of the Harvard Law Review. It would have gotten no more than a D+ or C- where I went to high school (in the 1950's.) That was taken down before I thought to save it so I can't share it with you now.

    He has been managed pretty much his whole adult life. I don't believe he is smart enough to do to us what is happening now. He was a lot better then Joe at reading speeches and looking Presidential, I'll give him that.

    I'll bet that nothing noticeable will change when Kamala takes over :-( We don't really know who the 'deep state' is and Trump did not get rid of it - it trashed him. All we can do is hope for the best and plan for the worst.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 3 years, 4 months ago
    You are giving Obama way too much credit. Off the teleprompter, the guy was a tongue-tied twit and a half. He was always just an inarticulate front man, nothing more.

    Those who control the levers of the international banking cartels are orchestrating all of the pain, compliance and the forced disaster. Cryptocurrencies and the Covid UBI checks are there to get the population prepared for FedCoin, MMT financial controls, negative interest rates and the elimination of money / paper currency. Money is Freedom. Control of the Money (currency) in all of its aspects: quantity, velocity, interest rates, is the means to control the population. Most people will quietly go along with it -- what is the alternative?

    As for me, I am doing what I can to isolate my property / wealth from the digital system. The next 10 years are going to be both interesting and terrifying.
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    • Posted by Storo 3 years, 3 months ago
      Keep in mind….ALL currencies are “fiat currencies”, meaning that there is nothing backing them, and they have no intrinsic value. The only thing making them valuable is that people think it’s worth something.
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  • Posted by Temlakos 3 years, 4 months ago
    Obama strikes me as too plain lazy to be running an operation like this. But I suspect George Soros, or William Ayers. So does a contributor of mine, who wrote an essay on this very subject.

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    • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 4 months ago
      Think about it. Why does Obama have a HQ so near the White House?
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      • Posted by Temlakos 3 years, 4 months ago
        Well, to make some kind of trouble for someone, that much is certain. But consider: over the weekend, he came across the Potomac into Virginia to try to campaign for former Governor and Friend of the Clintons, Terence McAuliffe. And he said something about not having time to get into "phony scandals and fake outrage" over a case involving an alleged transsexual who is also alleged to have committed forcible rape against a female fellow student in the women's restroom at the school they both attended. This has created a scandal in Loudoun County Public Schools, to the point at which one member of the Board of Education has already resigned and the rest are facing recall in the upcoming election. (School elections by now have moved to General Election Day in Virginia, by reason of the abysmal turnout they were getting on their earlier springtime Election Days.) Well, what Obama didn't know--and his staff ought to have predicted this--is that the alleged rape offender would appear in Juvenile Court. Where the judge has found sufficient evidence that this student did commit forcible rape.

        Barack Obama could not have done worse to hurt Terence McAuliffe's campaign even if he tried. Which leads me to believe that he is trying, out of a puerile desire for revenge against a Democratic Party establishment that, he feels, has passed him by.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 4 months ago
    Me dino's conspiracy theory involves the CCP, billionaires in The Swamp and American Marxists, the latter group better organized than anyone imagines.
    Let's see, Fauci (also in on the treason) uses our money to fund Wuhan labs. That helps the pandemic to arrive on time to provide Faucet-recommended conditions to with election rigging get rid of Orange Man Bad, who had messed up what Candidate Cackles was supposed to spearhead. I recall her saying, "My dream is open borders," for one Cloward and Piven collapse the economy kinda thing.
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  • Posted by GaryL 3 years, 4 months ago
    I would say it is Obama, Susan Rice and Valerie Jarrett
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    • Posted by NealS 3 years, 4 months ago
      What none of them understand is, once the Chinese take over they will simply be annihilated, vanished, disappeared, perhaps even suicided, maybe by each other, but definitely gone.
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    • Posted by bobsprinkle 3 years, 4 months ago
      EXACTLY!!!! Nobama informs Rice & Jarrett what the plan is and those two tell Joey-boy what to do. Also there is Joes chief of staff. I cannot remember his name. He doesn't go to the press very much. Only when he needs to make a point that Joe just cannot do.....which is often.
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  • Posted by Storo 3 years, 3 months ago
    The attempt to ruin America is bigger than any one person. This treason is being orchestrated by what I call The Cabal. It is made up of so-called progressives and liberals throughout the world, but in my view, it is centered on international socialism and The Communist International. Yes, Obama has his seat at the table, as does George Soros and the Clintons, Bernie Sanders, AOC, and many others. When you look at the wide range of activities this Cabal is involved in, it becomes obvious that our country, state, local and federal government, and even the military have been infiltrated by communists and socialists who are uninterested in their oath to “..protect and defend the Constitution..”. Their job is to defy the law, turn society upside down, create as much chaos as possible, overrun our police, our social services, wreck our financial stability and economy, and bring about the collapse of America across the board. The border, trillions in spending, defund police, eliminating bail, Afghanistan, demonizing white people, free passes to BLM and Antifa, tearing down statues of great Americans, claiming everything is racist, disparaging religion, free money, guaranteed income, massive election fraud, let’s not forget COVID19. All this and more require a conspiracy of conspiracies, and on a global lever.
    If you want names, they are hard to come by. The conspiracy is aimed at bringing about one world government. So look at people like Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum. He’s already said that the masses will be happy with what they are given, and with them in charge. Look at Bill Gates, a member of the WEF.
    Everything is being run from the outside, and making it look like our own Dumocrap politicians are doing it at the behest of “The People”. And they are being successful because we are afraid to stand up to them with STRONG, DIRECT ACTION!!
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