1984 Meets John Galt

Posted by Dennis55 3 years, 4 months ago to Government
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I think most Gulchers can look at 9 months of Joe and literally see AR prophecy coming true. So much of our country LOOKS like what I pictured reading AS. Joe IS Mr. Thompson. When Psaki makes a condescending comment about the “tragedy of the treadmill” I think of every small business sporting goods store that sells treadmills to pay the bills—including an obscene amount of taxes.
They are gaslighting the viewers while we watch and know what we see.
The border is not a crisis.
Inflation is transitory. Historic spending will curb inflation.
Stores running out of basics is a high class problem.
Afghanistan was a heroic success.
No one left behind.
There’s no supply chain crisis. We expect too much.
We know the truth. We know what we see. Then I thought of 1984.
Forgot the characters name but he was beaten senseless over and over until he affirmed….2+2=5.

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 4 months ago
    I've been saying this a lot lately....That things are looking so much like Atlas Shrugged I can't believe it. A few months back I put the decal "Who is John Galt?" on the back window of my pickup. Gotten a few comments about it. My timing was perfect because, at this point, I'm actually starting to use that phrase in my day-to-day conversations. "See all those ships just parked off of Long Beach?!" "Who is John Galt?" It's the first line in Atlas Shrugged and it's just about the best answer to the confusion many are feeling now.

    I think America is in really deep trouble now. This guy in charge is clearly way off kilter...seems like a radical Marxist or something. This is not going to end well, my friends...
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