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At the end of the movie Spartacus is among his beaten slave army when the triumphant Roman army asks them to hand over their leader.
Kirk Douglas yells, "I am Spatacus" just ot hear one of his warriors yell "I am Spartacus" and then another and another until then entire slave army is yelling, "I am Spartacus."
End result? They all get crucified. Ouch!
Just sayin' maybe calling yourself The Shadow may be a better idea. Or Zorro, champion of all the down-trodden in California of all places.
The linked pdf version has pages of links to supporting data for those with the expertise.
Questions going forward: Why do some become spike protein factories and others not. Why do some have adverse reactions and or die and others seem to be unscathed.
The purpose: To save those from succumbing to a brutal outcome.
Wim Hof, The Ice Man... Mentally activated his immune system, defeating an injected poison, as part of a scientific study.
The EFT (Tapping), was shown, on dark field microscopy to change the energy levels of ones blood towards the healthy side from sick, IN MERE MINUTES.. (As compared to months of meditation, herbs, homeopathic treatments).
And the well-known 1/3rd of all medical responses are simply the placebo effect! (faked stent surgery patients performed on par with actual stent surgery patients).
Being healthy makes you less afraid, and both conjure a healthier environment (internally).
I know my body will heal itself, and I give it some assistance as it requests it (including REST and anti-oxidants). It's pretty amazing.
Then we have Vitamin D status. And WORSE, the FAKE FATS that are making up our CELLULAR Membranes. (See, I ate junk food, and I burned in the sun, in Michigan)... Now I eat saturated fats, and my sun tolerance is AMAZING. 2.5hrs in the FLORIDA sun. I might turn a slight pink, but I wake up the next day tanned.
Tucker Goodrich talks about this for himself, and for a Jewish guy with Porphyria (A disease my mom had, and 5 minutes in the sun would severely burn her skin), who now can walk in the sun after switching to only Natural Animal Fats.
We are simply no longer living with nature, but pitted against it. Find Tucker Goodrich, interviewed by Dr. Paul Saladino. It should blow your mind...
The TERRAIN is why... Our bodies are designed to be healthy, and to throw off MILLIONS of attacks by MILLIONS of viruses. UNTIL we started vaccinating for everything, got overly clean, and stopped eating natural foods. (Think about how many meals a 70 yr old person has eaten, with SHIT oils, and CRAP man-made foods). What's a body to do? Fall apart... And we are watching it...
Now, being an 0 type blood, I LOVE MEAT and natural fats, etc and It' loves me! It's a medicine for me...also, Only washed my hands when they looked dirty.
I grew up playing in a Cat litter box we used to call, a sand box.
After practicing it for a bit... What I learned was probably MORE CRAZY.
You have your MIND (which speaks in words/pictures), and your BODY (which speaks in FEELINGS/EMOTIONS/PAIN).
What EFT appears to do, through the tapping (and the mantras/phrases used) is LINK the mind-body. Letting the body be "heard".
So, imagine your body is incredibly afraid of something... A Visceral Reaction, like severe butterflies, heart palpitations, etc. Once you acknowledge/rectify, they usually stop.
Now, imagine someone suffering from chronic pain. It's just a message from the body that there exists an issue. And the more you ignore it, the more "programmed" it becomes to remind you. But through EFT, you end up acknowledging it. And the stuff that comes out is INSANE.
I helped a lady with SEVERE pain after surgery for which the drugs were not helping. We tapped away (I will usually tap with someone, saying the phrase for them to repeat, because it makes it easy to follow). Anyways, after a couple of rounds, she blurts out "How am I going to tell my mom?", and starts crying...
We talked, and I suggested she do it via the phone, and practice with someone... to make it easy, and that her mom will be relieved that the surgery was a success... [Cancer Surgery, and her mom always knew she would get cancer... Don't get me started about planting such seeds!]
Anyways, I asked her again, on a scale of 1..10 how bad is the pain now. She replied (from an 8-9 before), that she doesn't feel any pain any more...
If you let that sink in, I think it explains how it works... Deep down inside, she was using the pain to hide from the pain of making the call... Once she acknowledged that the call was what was bothering her at a physical level... The other pain had NO REASON to manifest.
This is one of MANY MANY such events. Totally mind blowing, in my opinion... And some how. Very Very Simple.
But I digress, a group of us tested it, one guy chanted for donuts and I for some reason thought up something really strange that would surely fail: to meet a pretty girl with skinny ankles...yea, you read that correctly.
Well...20 mins later or so, a couple came by and offered us what was left of their dozen Dunkin Donuts... We were amazed but seemed probable because there was a Dunkin Donuts near by.
While eating the donuts and making fun of each other, I forgot what I chanted for. about an hour later, a pretty girl came upon out mists and I asked her if she would join me with the rest of us, we were going to a Comedy Club. We had a great time, later that evening I was checkin this girl out and she caught me lookin...she tilted my head up and asked "please don't look at my feet", I ask why, I said she had beautiful legs and feet and she said...she was embarrassed by her skinny ankles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
True story, I lived it.
Yes, we are all connected by "Universal Energy"...
And the universe is mostly a mirror, reflecting that which we already believe/see...
So, you played with intentions... I have quite a few stories about this kind of stuff.
It blows my mind at times, and at other times, it just makes sense...
I hang out with like-minded people who truly believe that we can impact/shape the future by bringing the one we want into focus...
The Sedona Method/Release Technique and other programs all speak to this. Letting go of wanting, and focus on the feeling of already having...
So, the donuts existed in our local physical reality and I wouldn't have met that beautiful girl, embarrassed by her skinny ankles if she didn't exist in My Physical Local Reality. That entanglement was temporary or local in the quantum field...
...might have been interesting if that entanglement had been non local or permanent... we always would be connected with frequent wave transfers...(if you catch my meaning)
katrinam41 for saying what I think and other comments here eg Stormi.
Much of this we may have seen elsewhere, but here it is in one place with good tech backup.
My thoughts. I have read it quickly, have not yet checked the web references given.
The medical descriptions are heavy going.
It is well written, uses strong words, literate and strong in condemnation where deserved.
It covers a range of specialist technical areas.
I ask any readers who have expert knowledge in those areas, is the letter correct, or otherwise, in what it says and claims?
If so, please enlighten the rest of us with details on the points that are not valid.
Or are you saying the evidence will likely be ignored by the MSM because it doesn't support their treasonous narrative?