[Ask the Gulch] What happened to The Citadel? Hello fellow Gulchers. I have not been here in a while. Anyone know what happened to the Citadel? It was a sort of Gulch in Idaho. Does it still exist? Been looking and can find no recent reference to it.
Posted by terrycan 3 years, 4 months ago to Ask the Gulch
Not a very flattering article. Apparently it was an idea that started off slow, then fizzled out altogether.
Political propaganda rubbish site.
A lot of info has been disappearing. Things that I researched over the past 15 years are no longer there. Bauxite water filtration after WW2 is gone. The research I did on MHD Project from 1969....all my pertinent info...gone. Within my present consortium we are filing as much as we can to hard copy so it is not erased from history. If you look for things that have been seriously controversial and find missing info...let us know.
It was dissolved in 2019.