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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years, 5 months ago
    The body mass index (BMI) is a diet industry piece of propaganda, as it doesn't take into account body fat percentage, and is arbitrarily changed to support extreme dieting. I've always tried to stay in shape, and have had a low fat percentage since I was in high school, but in order not to be considered overweight by the BMI scale, I'd have to be 30 lbs lower weight than I am now, and at 77 years old I'm already on the lean side, with definite abs, flat stomach and defined muscle structure. If I dropped 30 lbs, I'd look like a famine survivor.
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    • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
      It was a government thing for a way to help in distribution of resources. Like blood glucose levels, the obesity and glucose levels for T2D are changed for political purposes. I recall that one day I woke up where the T2D had doubled by the new resting blood glucose level having been decreased to less than 100.
      In one country (Philippines ?) they thought there was not enough obesity, so the BMI level for obesity was reduced.
      Government and NGOs miss represent rates of diseases for various reasons. E.g., the death rate due to tobacco raised from about 100,000 per year to over 400,000 per year by counting many other diseases associated with those ill tobacco users as also cause by tobacco.
      Same for causes of cov-19 deaths. The CDC, though, does place that deaths as about half the publicly reported number.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years, 5 months ago
        I'm reminded of Gladstone's observation that there are lies, damned lies, and then there are statistics. I've always felt that high school students should be taught statistics, with an emphasis on how numbers can be used to deceive, to help protect them from being brainwashed into believing phony statistics.

        We're often told our health care is a failure because of our infant death rate being worse than so many other countries, but look at the way those numbers are counted: the US counts the deaths of prematurely born infants, so long as they draw breath, as an infant death; France, on the other hand, recognizing that the first year is a struggle for many infants, doesn't count the death of any child below the age of one year; England and the Scandinavian countries don't count the deaths of any infant not carried to full term in their numbers. That's just one example that most people aren't aware of.

        Our government inundates us with a barrage of lies about everything, shamelessly. They believe that lying is a justifiable practice, if it promotes their objectives. What's sad is that so many believe those lies.
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        • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
          I guess that golf is the only activity in which honesty by an actor at all times can be found. Everywhere else individuals allow themselves various degrees dishonesty.
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          • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years, 5 months ago
            I've always had a problem with the concept of a golf handicap. My attitude is that if you're a lousy golfer, either get training to do better, or live with it. Good golfers shouldn't have to pander to the less talented.
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            • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
              You want a lesser talented person to get better by training (playing) with those of his own ability. He can work to decrease his handicap and learn from a better player. A handicap does nothing for the better player and everything to make the lesser player know that some work is necessary to remove the handicap. In the board game of GO, handicapping is built into the game for the very purpose of playing and learning from a better player, but that's oriental and not to be considered.
              Excellence must be earned. Sometimes it is good let a lesser advanced person learn. That is why teachers show the way to the greater understand that they have and don't condemn their students having to learn from each other.
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    • Posted by Flootus5 3 years, 5 months ago
      Absolutely, and at the least the BMI acronym and its attempted meaning (Body Mass Index) is just another one size fits all piece of manipulation. At the height of youth, I was running 24 miles a day on weekdays, on a job at 21 years old was hiking around 9 miles a day in the White Mts of New Hampshire.......and my waist size was a lean 35. Now 45 years later not so anymore. Too many spinal injuries that the vaunted AMA health specialists couldn't figure out and haven't been able to run since I was 27. The solution could not involve drugs or surgery. I have nothing but disdain for the healthcare system that has been AMA/pharmaceutical controlled for decades. Again all credibility is shot when science is politicized.
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  • Posted by rbunce 3 years, 5 months ago
    I know a VA doc (Pulmonology, Emergency Care) who says nearly all of their Covid hospitalizations are obese... number one condition, according to her other than infection, and she thinks there is some PC government action involved in not mentioning it.
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  • Posted by diessos 3 years, 5 months ago
    The November Biden screwup will be him mandating how many calories we can eat per day.
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    • Posted by Lucky 3 years, 5 months ago
      If government gives a number, say 100, then everyone, even those for whom 50 would be adequate, will go for 100.
      Result, a good many people will overdose seeing only the government target not their own tastes and needs.

      'Reverse rationing'- much the same effect as the rationing of scarce goods.
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  • Posted by CTYankee44 3 years, 5 months ago
    I don't think so. If only 30% of the fatalities are obese that means 70% are not obese.

    Possible conclusion obesity protects one from COVID! {ducking, chuckling, and running for cover}
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    • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
      Not quite. Had nothing to do with those not obese. 40% are obese and 30% of deaths are from covid-19. Either obesity helps protect from death due to better ability to leave hospital alive if obese or obese people for some reason do not become as severely or as often infected due to their immune response or distancing from the infected others nand do not go into a cytokine storm situation.
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  • Posted by AmericanWoman 3 years, 5 months ago
    Lets see many just hunkered down inside their homes had food and needs delivered continued to sit and watch what was not worth watching on TV, look at Net Flicks not dare to walk outside for little 19's are falling from the clouds..IF there is a reason for adult and children even obesity these facts along are a large part of the reason!
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  • Posted by Stormi 3 years, 5 months ago
    Where is the truth. If they thought they could save people by reducing obesity, they would alos tell people to take zinc, get shun, etc. They do not want people to stop dying, they want more! Yes, obesity is a factor, but along with that trait are included other habit not promoting good health. They have misrepresented deaths, first by including falls from chairs, etc. as covid, and now understated the deaths by vaccine, which likely is half million. Remember, no one has even seen covid19, not the test makers, not the vaccine makers, not the docors. It may be the 2 viruses engineered in Canada and sent to the lab. Everything medical rads SARS-Covid2! Just part of the scare tactic to send people begging for the death jab.
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    • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 3 years, 5 months ago
      I think it’s a little more complicated than that. It’s not so much that they WANT people to die. It’s that they don’t want people to reproduce. At least not the “right” people. It doesn’t matter if a fat person dies if they already produced 2 more fat people. The depopulation crowd, who just happen to be closet eugenics enthusiasts, want less people born. They’re smart enough to know to attack the problem at it’s root cause.
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      • Posted by Stormi 3 years, 5 months ago
        Yes, they do want people dead, not just birth control. The one worlders had a list of 80 or more countries posted on the Internet, with the number to be "depopulated" for each.When people discovered the site, they moved the information to a "members only" site. US was to get population down to a little over 100 million, from about 326 million. That is why the Brit government predicted 2.6 billion globally would die in the coming months from the vaccine. Depopulation is is now, birth control is going forward with the remaining. It has been stated as necessary in UN Agenda 21 for two decades. The Brits understand this subject, as Prince Phillip was right in there with Gates, they know they mean it. Our people are horribly naive.
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        • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
          I don't see why anyone would want more deaths at over 9000 per day in USA and about 27000 per day in China. I don't understand why a good part of modern activities are run by the mentally challenged.
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        • Posted by N316Jobs 3 years, 5 months ago
          Did you by chance copy or download this information before it was hidden? I wonder if there is another site where it can be viewed? I would really like to see this. As of right now I can only site the Georgia Guide Stone as my belief we are being targeted for termination.
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          • Posted by Stormi 3 years, 5 months ago
            I was just reading an article on Canada Free Press by Ray DiLorenzo "Billionaires Try to Sink World Population" today which descibes a planning session for depopulation or combo of birth control and depopulation. Meeting included Gates, Buffet, and all the usual ulta righ, who thn anlyonk only thieir lives matter. I shows this whole think was in planning stages a few years ago, and that only the Wall Street Journal and one British newspaper even covered it.
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            • Posted by N316Jobs 3 years, 5 months ago
              Scary isn't it?
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              • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
                I have been watching this, on and off, since "The Population Bomb" (1969) closely followed by The Club of Rome's "The Limits of Growth" (1972) which advocated slowing to stopping population growth. The fear has grown, multiplying its nonsense into today's Gates and other soothsayers.
                Even with several billion increase in population, there are no longer the constant famines that read about while in high school in the 1950s.
                As diets, living conditions, and medicine improve, birth rates move toward the replacement rates following an s-curve with adjustments due to government, religion, and changes in prevailing degree of rational thought of populations.
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                • Posted by N316Jobs 3 years, 5 months ago
                  If I may , with your permission, change only one thing in your comment. Please change the word "Religion" with the word Cult. As far as I see it The Religion is not the problem. It is the Cult who calls itself a religion they are the cause of so many troubles and problems for people and the world. I hope this makes sense to you.
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                  • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
                    So the religions which determine how and whether contraception is to be used do not have cultist like actions? When one gives up one's critical reason to follow requirements of one's group with fear of political feedback from the group, one is in a cult. There are few religions which do not, at least, partially act as cults.
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                    • Posted by N316Jobs 3 years, 5 months ago
                      If you stray from THE RELIGION yes you are part of a cult. and telling people to wear a condom is part of a cult. Remember God said Go forth and multiply. Doesn't sound like wearing a condom was in God's plan Sometimes it is a fine line while other times it's very obvious what is a cult doctrine. Drinking poison, killing yourself, Sex (outside of Marriage) so many signs what is real and not real. Just a thought, and no this is not proselytizing just stating facts.
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                      • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
                        For a cult one needs be a member. If there is no way to force the member out or force one to behave correctly, then not a cult. Some of those connected with the Collective considered it a cult. I was introduced to 'Atlas Shrugged' by a guy who had just had his 'The Objectivist' subscription canceled because he asked a question wrong. That was the last I met with him. He was being drafted out of University of Wisconsin for Vietnam war.
                        For an account of what some who got out by choice or purge had to say, see "The Ayn Rand Cult" by Jeff Walker. He gives a list of the nine criteria thought to be necessary for a cult at that time. The Collective met eight of them. Most of those who got out still found Objectivism to be a good philosophy to hold.
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                        • Posted by N316Jobs 3 years, 5 months ago
                          All one needs to form a cult is to find one follower who will listen, obey and promote the words spoken with a few words of truth mixed in to sound legitimate. When America was promised there would be fundamentally changed to it's core. We all thought it would happen for good only to wake up and realize instead it happened for the worse. Those who perpetrated that change are also a cult known as the deep state. A cult can be as small or large as the Evil behind it needs for it to be.
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          • Posted by Stormi 3 years, 5 months ago
            Posted by $ Stormi 1 minute ago
            Actually, the original link came from someone on this site, but then quickly was moved to another site, which they listed. I found it late one night, bookmarked it, but it was protected by then. There were quotas for 80 countries but when I tried to get it to print copies out you could not access it. .If anyone has been able to find it again, I would like to copy that list.
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  • Posted by Stormi 3 years, 5 months ago
    Fauci suggested the pLandemic a year before it was reality, he had alrady been working with experiments he was told would kill people via RNA vaccines. When two viruses were sent from a lab in Canada to China, immediately Fauci and his alphabet sgencies showed up to work on gain of function. Remember, Covid19 has yet to be seen by anyone, so it is some other soup he cooked up. The wo Canadian viruses were found in autopsies of Chinese said to have died of Covid 19! I have seen the CDC grant for working on virus in China, so why would you trust them?I do not think it is fat shaming, it is excuse to not blame the vaccine itself. Overweight people often have other health problems, which they ignore. But, the deaths were caused by a virus soup thand vaccine makers never saw a Covid19 virus. Then anyone with haeth issues is at risk when that vaccine is injected. European scientist say it is well designed "to kill people slowly." Of course, gov. does not want you to know that. One world UN has called for depopulation back to UN Agenda 21/2030. The rich elite are meant to survive, have nice clean open areas where homeless now clutter the landscape. They feel entitled to survive and get rid of all those who take up space and eat, their own words. Biden said the migranst spreading the variants, often deadly to the vaxed, will not be staying. So, what exactly he means by that, I have not yet uncovered.
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    • Posted by N316Jobs 3 years, 5 months ago
      Fauci isn't even the head of what is going on, I suspect someone more like Soros is behind this mess. But i agree with your comment that this is a Plandemic and has been in the planning stages for some time before being released in late 2019 and early 2020.
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      • Posted by Stormi 3 years, 5 months ago
        It is the goal of the billionaires club, the one worlers, like Gates, Buffet, Rockefeller, the usual Europeans. Not sure Soros is good enough, just rich. Fauci is more than happy to provide what they want to happen. He started with the RNA vaccine long ago in Texas, and was told to stop or he would kill people. Well obviously he just went on doing virus gain of function and working with Gates to get the right vaccine to do the job for the rich. meanwhile, he gets to be Saint Fauci and get endless media attention for his bad deads, moeny and fame. Check out the article by DiLorenzo today in Canada Free Press, it tells how the rich folks met and concocted this pla, "Billionaires....."..
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        • Posted by N316Jobs 3 years, 5 months ago
          Oh no, you really need to research Soros. His history is from when he was a boy to what he has done to small countries and even larger countries will just flat out amaze you. I have suspected Soros would come gunning for America someday. I think we are seeing his anger against America now. It will just make you go OH My this man is sick!
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          • Posted by Stormi 3 years, 5 months ago
            Not sick, just pure evil. He enjoyed working with the Nazis, said so on US TV! He said turning in and stealing from the Jews was like a board game, and he would do it again. He feels absolutely no remorse, and has said he wants to destroy the US. But, he was not the big part of the meeting of billionaires doing the planning a couple years ago, I think they see themselves as too high and him as a mongral dog. They will take his money, but not ever accept him, even though they have the same goals.
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  • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
    See the obesity paradox series at
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 3 years, 5 months ago
      Interesting. But bear in mind that Obesity can be in the presence or absence of hyperinsulinemia.

      Insulin is the deadly culprit. Some fluffy fat people do NOT overproduce insulin. They are really really really good at making more fat cells to store fat.

      AND they do not store it as VISCERAL FAT (Fat behind the stomach muscles, surrounding and killing the liver and smashing the organs).

      There is GOOD fat and VISCERAL FAT.
      Too much of all fat is a problem. But the DAMAGE to your health and longevity is form the Visceral fat, and the NAFLD that results...
      Creating the Obese T2D... Which is where all the damage comes from. Decades of HIGH insulin to control their glucose.
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      • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
        You missed the point of my post.
        Why, if 40% of adults are obese, should there be such a large difference in the percentage of deaths by obese people from covid-19, 10 percentage points less? Seems like obesity resulted in 25% lower death rate than did the other considered more healthy weight classes had for their illnesses? Do you believe that obese people have a life style that keeps some of them from having the same rate of infection as do people of lesser weight?
        I am called obese, but my fasting blood glucose is 87?
        How do you know that T2D is not a problem with homeostasis with glucagon production being off thus causing increased insulin production? Glucagon is the regulator.
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        • Posted by CaptainKirk 3 years, 5 months ago
          I was replying about the article in the above post, not the overall page. Obese covers many things, including those who have an unknown 20lb tumor, like a friend of mine had...

          Please do a KRAFT Glucose/Insulin Challenge and get back to me. If you are obese, I will suggest that your INSULIN is too high, keeping your glucose normal. And, again, it's the untested, un-looked for, high insulin that leads to the problems. Now, if your insulin is not. You would be in the Healthy, but Obese sub-population... And they clearly exist. But there IS a test to tell you. See Kraft. (Both insulin and Glucose tested after getting a fasted baseline, and then given a glucose challenge). BOTH are required to understand.

          Diabetes is detected a decade earlier if you use this test...
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      • Posted by Flootus5 3 years, 5 months ago
        Don't mind me, but I do not speak fluent acronomese. What is NAFLD and T2D?
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        • Posted by CaptainKirk 3 years, 5 months ago
          Sorry, Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, and Type 2 Diabetes. (No longer called Adult Onset Diabetes, because we have severely obese 9yr olds who are becoming T2D)...

          Good on you for asking...
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          • Posted by Flootus5 3 years, 5 months ago
            Thanks! Is there an Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease?

            I have my own acronym going. MTSCD. I can picture an ad on TV saying you may be at risk for MTSCD........Moderate To Severe Cognitive Dissonance. If you take TV seriously. Symptoms can be brain fog, staring with mouth open, confusing Black Lives Matter (BLM) with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)......
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            • Posted by N316Jobs 3 years, 5 months ago
              No no you have it wrong, BLM stands for Black Labradors Matter! they are great dogs.

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              • Posted by Flootus5 3 years, 5 months ago
                !!!! We are Border Collie people, but Labs are great as are many others.

                But to "clarify".......for us in rural Nevada, the Bureau BLM are the real terrorists!
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                • Posted by N316Jobs 3 years, 5 months ago
                  I agree or should i say I AGREE! BLM is part of a government that has gone rabid or someone has removed all the safeties from and it is now out of control. It can no longer control its spending habits and will (if not stopped) drive the US into economic collapse. In other words the train is going down grade and the passengers have discovered the train has no brakes.
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            • Posted by CaptainKirk 3 years, 5 months ago
              Prior to the Low-Fat Diet Push, almost ALL of the Fatty Liver was Alcoholic Fatty Liver.

              Fructose and Alcohol bot are hard on the liver. They are both treated as TOXINS to the blood.
              And the liver is trying to save your life by storing them as fat inside the liver.

              There is ZERO requirement for humans to consume Glucose/Fructose/Alcohol. And most modern diseases are a reflection of their EXCESS in our diets.

              My recommendation to most people is to eat ONE ingredient foods. That's it. If they have to add stuff, or do a lot of processing... you don't want it. And it will tend to make you less healthy!
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              • Posted by Flootus5 3 years, 5 months ago
                I remember when the federal food pyramid made its destructive debut and how obesity numbers have ballooned ever since. Meat protein and eggs vilified and empty carbs pushed. Of course Nintendos, game boys, joysticks, computers and cell phones have had their destructive contributions as well. They go hand from hand into the noggin.......twinkies, french fries, gigantic fructose drinks and nintendo keep the youth fat and stupid.
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