[Ask the Gulch] The CDC claims more than 40% of adults are obese and that that causes more deaths from covid-19, while reporting only 30% of the deaths from covid-19 are from those who are obese. Is this reporting only of the latter just a case of fat shaming?
Posted by lrshultis 3 years, 5 months ago to Ask the Gulch
In one country (Philippines ?) they thought there was not enough obesity, so the BMI level for obesity was reduced.
Government and NGOs miss represent rates of diseases for various reasons. E.g., the death rate due to tobacco raised from about 100,000 per year to over 400,000 per year by counting many other diseases associated with those ill tobacco users as also cause by tobacco.
Same for causes of cov-19 deaths. The CDC, though, does place that deaths as about half the publicly reported number.
We're often told our health care is a failure because of our infant death rate being worse than so many other countries, but look at the way those numbers are counted: the US counts the deaths of prematurely born infants, so long as they draw breath, as an infant death; France, on the other hand, recognizing that the first year is a struggle for many infants, doesn't count the death of any child below the age of one year; England and the Scandinavian countries don't count the deaths of any infant not carried to full term in their numbers. That's just one example that most people aren't aware of.
Our government inundates us with a barrage of lies about everything, shamelessly. They believe that lying is a justifiable practice, if it promotes their objectives. What's sad is that so many believe those lies.
Excellence must be earned. Sometimes it is good let a lesser advanced person learn. That is why teachers show the way to the greater understand that they have and don't condemn their students having to learn from each other.
The nurse takes my weight and I tell her to remove about 4 pounds due to my 2.5 pounds work boots, heavy jeans,and rest of stuff on and in my body. She never does that. Just results in higher BMI.
If government gives a number, say 100, then everyone, even those for whom 50 would be adequate, will go for 100.
Result, a good many people will overdose seeing only the government target not their own tastes and needs.
'Reverse rationing'- much the same effect as the rationing of scarce goods.
Possible conclusion obesity protects one from COVID! {ducking, chuckling, and running for cover}
Even with several billion increase in population, there are no longer the constant famines that read about while in high school in the 1950s.
As diets, living conditions, and medicine improve, birth rates move toward the replacement rates following an s-curve with adjustments due to government, religion, and changes in prevailing degree of rational thought of populations.
For an account of what some who got out by choice or purge had to say, see "The Ayn Rand Cult" by Jeff Walker. He gives a list of the nine criteria thought to be necessary for a cult at that time. The Collective met eight of them. Most of those who got out still found Objectivism to be a good philosophy to hold.
Actually, the original link came from someone on this site, but then quickly was moved to another site, which they listed. I found it late one night, bookmarked it, but it was protected by then. There were quotas for 80 countries but when I tried to get it to print copies out you could not access it. .If anyone has been able to find it again, I would like to copy that list.
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Insulin is the deadly culprit. Some fluffy fat people do NOT overproduce insulin. They are really really really good at making more fat cells to store fat.
AND they do not store it as VISCERAL FAT (Fat behind the stomach muscles, surrounding and killing the liver and smashing the organs).
There is GOOD fat and VISCERAL FAT.
Too much of all fat is a problem. But the DAMAGE to your health and longevity is form the Visceral fat, and the NAFLD that results...
Creating the Obese T2D... Which is where all the damage comes from. Decades of HIGH insulin to control their glucose.
Why, if 40% of adults are obese, should there be such a large difference in the percentage of deaths by obese people from covid-19, 10 percentage points less? Seems like obesity resulted in 25% lower death rate than did the other considered more healthy weight classes had for their illnesses? Do you believe that obese people have a life style that keeps some of them from having the same rate of infection as do people of lesser weight?
I am called obese, but my fasting blood glucose is 87?
How do you know that T2D is not a problem with homeostasis with glucagon production being off thus causing increased insulin production? Glucagon is the regulator.
Please do a KRAFT Glucose/Insulin Challenge and get back to me. If you are obese, I will suggest that your INSULIN is too high, keeping your glucose normal. And, again, it's the untested, un-looked for, high insulin that leads to the problems. Now, if your insulin is not. You would be in the Healthy, but Obese sub-population... And they clearly exist. But there IS a test to tell you. See Kraft. (Both insulin and Glucose tested after getting a fasted baseline, and then given a glucose challenge). BOTH are required to understand.
Diabetes is detected a decade earlier if you use this test...
I hope this helps someone.
Good on you for asking...
I have my own acronym going. MTSCD. I can picture an ad on TV saying you may be at risk for MTSCD........Moderate To Severe Cognitive Dissonance. If you take TV seriously. Symptoms can be brain fog, staring with mouth open, confusing Black Lives Matter (BLM) with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)......
But to "clarify".......for us in rural Nevada, the Bureau BLM are the real terrorists!
Fructose and Alcohol bot are hard on the liver. They are both treated as TOXINS to the blood.
And the liver is trying to save your life by storing them as fat inside the liver.
There is ZERO requirement for humans to consume Glucose/Fructose/Alcohol. And most modern diseases are a reflection of their EXCESS in our diets.
My recommendation to most people is to eat ONE ingredient foods. That's it. If they have to add stuff, or do a lot of processing... you don't want it. And it will tend to make you less healthy!
Years ago she suddenly stopped writing articles without giving a reason.