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    Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 4 months ago
    The chief 'domestic terrorists' are in DC.
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    • Posted by 3 years, 4 months ago
      That is unarguable. Unfortunately, they are currently in charge, with the backing of the media, leaving more than half of this country in danger of being labeled "domestic terrorists" because we dare to exercise our Constitutional rights.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 4 months ago
        Even the hero Gen. Flynn does nothing but talk.
        This is a much bigger threat to American life than the Viet Nam police action was.
        Our generation protested against that unnecessary war. Now, crickets.
        100 million of us should be in the streets showing our resistance to this tyranny.
        The current US government is a dictatorship. Our only option is to resist in every way possible.
        If not, this country will be the second coming of Nazi Germany.
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        • Posted by 3 years, 4 months ago
          I wonder how many have protested, only to have coverage of their event stifled. Yes, we are living under a dictatorship. Just for daring to state my opinion, this 72 year old grandmother is now officially on a government watch list. Protesting is a sweet piece of wishful thinking so far. I begin to wonder if anything can move this country to act.
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          • Posted by $ jdg 3 years, 4 months ago
            The bad guys seem to have abandoned that tactic during the Obama administration. Beginning with Charleston, they infiltrate right-wing events with racist poseurs and/or terrorists, who then commit false-flag attacks so that everyone on the right gets a false reputation as racists and terrorists. Conversely they silence reports of their own scandals such as Hunter's laptops.

            These actions break the marketplace of ideas so that we may have no hope except to use force ourselves.
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            • Posted by Lucky 3 years, 4 months ago
              Organizers of rallies must allocate people for discipline.
              I do not mean whips or guns - assume the rally is well covered by the press, especially if rallyists are at fault, and there will be a big police presence.

              I mean watching unknown participants, calling them out for bad behavior, rules for what to do when individuals provoke or do damage- cameras, withdrawal and pointing. It has been done successfully, what is needed is to promote the idea of just how bad and unethical the opposition can be.
              It was done on Jan 6 by those attending, but not consciously so inadequate.

              This is not anything new, agents provocateur have operated for a long time.
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        • Posted by Bopalla 3 years, 4 months ago
          Some showed their resistance in DC January 6, how did that go?
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          • Posted by $ gharkness 3 years, 4 months ago
            I honestly believe that this resistance was known in advance, anticipated by the Dems, and the response was orchestrated very carefully to make it "look" as bad as possible. They were waiting on us. That's why they continue to call it an "insurrection" instead of a protest, and I honestly believe a huge number of them were plants. Editing to add: When I say "waiting on us," I don't mean I was there except in spirit....I'm sure most of you already know that.
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          • Posted by $ jdg 3 years, 4 months ago
            The only people who were even armed Jan. 6 were the FBI and Antifa provocateurs, who planned their false-flag to distract the public and media from doing something about their own ongoing campaign of raping, looting, pillaging, and burning our country. The bulletin is part of ongoing propaganda to hide those facts.

            As for the origins of Covid-19, China developed and weaponized the virus using our funds under Dr Fauci's direction. But the release was accidental; they weren't finished "improving" it yet, thank goodness.
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          • Posted by 3 years, 4 months ago
            It apparently wasn't enough to cause the outrage and anger it should have, especially since so many are still incarcerated without any rights of any kind. That alone should have blown up. But, sadly, no.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years, 4 months ago
    The Founders of our American republic never descended into inflammatory rhetoric until the revolution was inevitable (Henry's "give me liberty, or give me death!"). What is needed now is sane public discussion, with methodically spelled out rational argument about what the government is doing wrong.

    As with all bullies, this administration are cowards. They look for exaggerated, emotional outbursts to justify claims of terrorism. They do not yet feel they have absolute power, but if we don't act to curtail that reach for totalitarian control, then even the most innocent statements will become grounds for incarceration.

    Being a veteran, I think of this serious political conflict in military terms. The left has swept to a surprising condition of information superiority, meaning they can usually win an emotional argument. They have not yet reached a condition of information supremacy, meaning they can make any statement they please, and be guaranteed no opposing voices. We need to insure they don't achieve supremacy.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 4 months ago
      Sanity is antithetical to leftists because it requires actual thought. Leftists act on feeling. That's also why it's pointless to try to debate with leftists. You can't debate feelings any more than lunacy.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 4 months ago
    ThanQ Katrinam41,
    I'll tell you, you're not looking at typical Democrat ineptness. EVERYTHING that has been happening for the last 8 months has been done to intentionally HARM the USA....our....OUR nation.
    The "plannedemic"... the election... our border... the debt... the can't-find-workers economy... shut down the pipeline...
    And this insulting gem has one main goal: to shut down ALL election audits. (looks just like Stalin's Russia... doesn't it?)

    States: be prepared. The Leftists will use troops. Leaders will be jailed. Governors will be jailed. (the wrong ones) "Guilty" or not, Trump will be jailed. If they can get away with it .All for FOR SPEAKING THE TRUTH!
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    • Posted by 3 years, 4 months ago
      You are so right, Dobrien. I've been fighting them ever since the school tried to put my son on Ritalin in 5th grade. He's 49 now; a Navy vet who's expensive training was tossed aside 2 years into his second tour because of the Clinton cutbacks.
      This has been going on for a very long time, and I'm thinking that people have gone numb and overwhelmed by the constant barrage of, yes, I'll say it, Soviet style propaganda. It's become a tsunami over these past eight months, and Dr. Statler will fan the lock down flames. I believe the purge will start with the pandemic, isolating all unvaccinated. If that goes well, the vocal opposition will be next, effectively removing most of us who would fight. If we go quietly, that's all she wrote. I will not go quietly.
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  • Posted by 3 years, 4 months ago
    I will keep posting, keep talking, keep hoping as long as possible. Maybe there's a gulch in TX waiting. No way to be secret these days, except in thoughts, at least for now. Maybe it's time to find that place.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 4 months ago
    Yeah, this is very serious business now...

    ...And it warns against “conspiracy theories concerning the origins of COVID-19 and effectiveness of vaccines.”

    I know I've harped on it here, but I think I should be clear. I have been watching the nation's vaccine program VERY, VERY closely since it rocked my family (and has cost me about $1M in damages) starting about 15 years ago. THIS IS WHAT PUSHED ME INTO BEING AN OBJECTIVIST. The contradictions I saw as a result of the damages made me question everything. It opened my eyes and lifted the veil of confusion that clearly effects many of my fellow Americans now. It's been a crazy ride and I'm sure many of you can relate as you look out over the landscape now. I read stuff like this, think back on the past several years and must ask myself, "Is it happening now?" Sure looks like it to me. Too bad. I really couldn't care less if it weren't for our children. Those who would (will) destruct all my previous generations worked so hard for have used that term "for the children" in their campaign to do what we're seeing now. How ironic...The children have been the canaries in this coal mine and nobody saw them laying on the bottom of the cage except their matter how much we tried to point it out. Too late now, it seems.
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  • Posted by Joseph23006 3 years, 4 months ago
    The DHS is acting more like Joe McCarthy every day, he was finding communists under evry bed, in every government agency, in the military and the country heaved a sigh of relief when he was finally challenged and lost credibility. Now we have government agency dominated by Democrats devoting itself to a political witch hunt for domestic terrorists who are not defined by causing riots and destruction in many cities of the country but for being Republicans, conservatives, and Christians. The blacklists of the 50s are tiny compared to the new definition of terrorism, meanwhile BLM, Antifa, and soon Islamic terrorists roam the streets free to do what they will without fear of reprisals. DHS is practicing their own form of terrorism on the people.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 3 years, 4 months ago
    What worries me is the defund police movement. The underlying plan is to advance a "national police force" directed by Congress aka Democrats when local law and order collapses. This would provide absolute control of the nation. Can you say Nazi Germany?
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  • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 4 months ago
    I skimmed through the "threat bulletin" and it looked like a CNN or MSNBC broadcast heavy in emotional innuendo and finger pointing into the ether (leaving the listener/reader to assume who the culprits are), but short on actual facts or naming of names (the author didn't bother sourcing anything). For example, the paragraph spinning the fear porn of terrorist school disruptions actually admits in the end there is no credible evidence such will take place - so why include the fear?

    Documents like this may not be the law of the land, but will set the tone for executing law enforcement and creation of new law. This is Stalin's play book coming to America.

    My thanks to General Flynn for standing up to it and my thanks to katrinam41 for posting it in the Gulch.
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