Truths and memes

Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 7 months ago to Education
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Minimum wage meme should give you an idea how to protect your wealth . Start stacking the supply is running out.

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  • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 7 months ago
    Great collection of memes pointing out many facts. I especially liked the comparisons of the two week siege of the Wisconsin capitol being brushed off by Neo Communists (Democrats) as what democracy looks like and the relatively minuscule protest riot on Jan 6 in DC as an insurrection. Going along with that, the comparison headlines of publications saying the large BLM/ANTIFA riots as having no effect on spreading C-19, but the same publications declaring the tiny Jan 6 riot as a super spreader event. Those memes lead right to "Do you want to know what's systemic in America?..."! Can't say it any better.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years, 7 months ago
    I didn't like the picture of the skinny US cow being milked by Israel, as it's too much like the antisemitic crap that gives me a strong desire to choke the living shit out of the promoter. Blunt enough?
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    • Posted by 3 years, 7 months ago
      Come on and give it a try.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years, 7 months ago
        My point is that I don't understand why you undermine your position by including something like that, because my reaction is definitely negative, and I have always enjoyed your posts.
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        • Posted by 3 years, 7 months ago
          First of all if you want to threaten physical violence on me you will pay a price. Secondly many deep state pigs (Rothschild, Soros and others) take any criticism of their actions and deflect the accusations by claiming antisemitism. What a crook of shit. Any prejudice against individuals because of religion or race or nationality is repugnant and ignorant or based on experience. Satanist are pieces of excrement ,that is their religion. By your standards any criticism of Israel is off limits. That is a very leftist tactic. MOSAD is no friend of US . Evidence that Maxwell and Epstein were agents is compelling. Pegasus spying recently revealed and of course covered up by the MSM. Countries are not the people in it. I judge people on the content of their character. The banking elite can kiss my ass. They are the worst type of characters on the planet, pushing endless wars and division resulting in millions of deaths. “undermining my position? We are in a war against these puppet masters . I will challenge and fight them to the end. I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees. BTW if you find one or two out of thirty memes don’t ring true to you and undermines my message , so be it.
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          • Posted by Lucky 3 years, 7 months ago
            Dobrien says-
            if you find one or two out of thirty memes don’t ring true to you and undermines my message, so be it
            Yes, actually one out of 30.
            That one is quite ignorant, it ignores the big money given by the US to Arab/ Muslim/ actual terrorist regimes (the stimulus bill - how much to Pakistan for some quack project?) and the testing that Israel does for US on weapons. Another thing it ignores is the now revealed massive overcharging of Israel by Pfizer for the vaccines.
            Slightly off topic, I once had a high regard for Netanyahu, but then his ban on HCQ after good results! then the vax worship, means- good that he has gone.
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          • Posted by csandiford 3 years, 7 months ago
            Talib and Omar hide behind the same excuse...
            ...they are criticizing the gov not the religion/people. But I am a member of a synagogue in Omar's district and she came in to it 3 days before her first election and looked all of us Jews in the eyes in our place of worship and told us she would NOT support BDS. 1 day after she is elected she says she fully supports it.
            It's just a total lie to hide behind the whole "against the government" or country crap. Just a lie to hide your antisemitism from others and maybe even yourself.
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            • Posted by 3 years, 7 months ago
              If you want to judge me as some type of person that gives a rip about who and what you identify as , go to it. And Congratulations It’s seems to be the model of CRT. If you needed to hear Ilhan I Marriedmybromar lie to you to know what she is all about good grief do some homework. I hate the govt$ (represented by a flag) from Canada (Trudeau)to Cuba(Castro) from England(Johnson) to France(Macron) , Germany (Merkel)to China (Xi) and Israeli intelligence has been evil imo. That you want to make it about you, is narcissistic.
              My Ancestors were slaves and were starved in a genocide just like most groups in the past. What are you gonna do about it.I suspect nothing and I expect nothing. It had nothing to do with me and I don’t cry about systemic discrimination because of it.
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              • Posted by csandiford 3 years, 7 months ago
                It just seems as though you are getting caught up in conspiracy theories and mostly direct it towards Jews. You try and justify it by saying you hate this "evil" country and have no ill will towards the people or religion but you and I both know that's just a cover for your true hatred for the people as well.

                You can hate political organizations and think they are evil. I would say most here think that of the Democrats. The issue here is that you single out an entire race when you do it. That's not ok.
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          • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years, 7 months ago
            I was being honest about my emotional; reaction, not threatening you. When you get wound up and melodramatic you play into the hands of the puppet masters you despise, appearing as "extremist." Any action that becomes necessary against totalitarian players has to be sober and cold blooded.

            Truman was one of the first national leaders to recognize the right of a Jewish state to exist, but then we did nothing to aid them when they came under attack by all the Arab states around them. In fact, the only US President to actually provide aid when it was most needed was Nixon, in 1973 when the state of Israel was in an existential battle.

            The aid we give Israel has a catch to it, which is that the money has to be spent on US companies, mostly military. I've been involved with intelligence agencies for nearly all my professional career, and found Israel more trustworthy than many of our other allies. MOSSAD has been doing what's necessary for survival, and we haven't been the friend of Israel we pretend to be.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 7 months ago
    It amazes me how many people willingly accept the vax that hasn't even been patented because it doesn't reach the definition of a vaccine! Why would they allow themselves to be injected with an unknown quantity? Stupidity? That's too easy. It has to be something else.
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    • Posted by $ pixelate 3 years, 7 months ago
      Accepting the Vax ... I was Uninvited from a climbing party in the North Cascades, only four hours after having been invited ... members of the party, all of them scientists, engineers and MDs, all of whom had been Vaxxed, learned that I was Not vaxxed. I asked the person who had initially invited me "I do not understand. You are all vaxxed. You are safe. What is the point of the vax then?" She replied, "Well, nothing is 100% ... and ... some of the people were upset that you just don't care." So there it is folks... just one of the larger reasons that even apparently smart people get the vax. Another biggie -- showing that you are Compliant with The Science [TM].
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    • Posted by 3 years, 7 months ago
      Nothing attracts a crowd like a crowd. Coupled with a MSM push and censuring the risks, fear is then used to get people to beg for protection.
      Henry Kissmyassinger has talked about this tactic for decades.
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      • Posted by 3 years, 7 months ago
        “Once we get the herd to accept mandatory vaccines , it’s game over. Forced blood or organ donation - for the greater good. We can genetically modify the children and sterilize them- for the “greater good”.Control sheep’s minds and you controll the herd. Vaccine makers stand to
        make billions and many in this room are investors.It’s a big win-win. We thin out the herd and they pay us for the extermination services.
        Now what’s for lunch?” Kissmyassinger
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