Biden's Handlers Wants The IRS To Monitor Every American's Bank Account
Is this a first step toward "spreading the wealth around," as Candidate Obama slipped up telling Joe The Plumber only to have his socialist ambitions spun to go poof into fairy dust by a protective lefty "mainstream media" Trump would later call Fake News?
Part of the nutcase $3.5 trillion spending plan the Puppet-In-Chief's puppeteers and the Demomarxist Party are out to bless us with would allow the IRS to monitor our bank transactions.
"The IRS is first and foremost," the linked article states, "a law enforcement agency, and the Fourth Amendment protects against unreasonable searches and seizures in pursuit of looking for wrongdoing and criminal actions."
"So," Taxpayer Protective Alliance Vice President Patrick Hedger concludes, "I think this is going to run into sever Fourth Amendment headwinds."
Just yesterday me dino read somewhere I can't recall that Biden (that meaning his Marxist handlers) said he will soon pack the Supreme Court with four appointees of his (handlers) choosing.
I'm certain these appointed wannabe Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse shall view The Constitution and its amendments as a living breathing document subject not only to alteration yet also obliteration as we again watch judges become lawmakers.
Me dino also recalls Obama at one point somewhere stating that he seeks "the redistribution of wealth." That and his saying that he also seeks "fundamental change" made my blood run cold so, so many moons ago.
A communist government owns everything. Unless you are one of the "more than equal" elite pigs running the Animal Farm, that will include your bank account.
A communist leadership will tell you not to worry, though. You're being taken care of. Oh, yes, you are, you sweet little property of the state, you.
As Karl Marx wrote about the redistribution of wealth, you'll get your share by what Big Brother shall determine to be "according to your needs."
Better be on his good side.
Yeah, you better be, little peon.
Part of the nutcase $3.5 trillion spending plan the Puppet-In-Chief's puppeteers and the Demomarxist Party are out to bless us with would allow the IRS to monitor our bank transactions.
"The IRS is first and foremost," the linked article states, "a law enforcement agency, and the Fourth Amendment protects against unreasonable searches and seizures in pursuit of looking for wrongdoing and criminal actions."
"So," Taxpayer Protective Alliance Vice President Patrick Hedger concludes, "I think this is going to run into sever Fourth Amendment headwinds."
Just yesterday me dino read somewhere I can't recall that Biden (that meaning his Marxist handlers) said he will soon pack the Supreme Court with four appointees of his (handlers) choosing.
I'm certain these appointed wannabe Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse shall view The Constitution and its amendments as a living breathing document subject not only to alteration yet also obliteration as we again watch judges become lawmakers.
Me dino also recalls Obama at one point somewhere stating that he seeks "the redistribution of wealth." That and his saying that he also seeks "fundamental change" made my blood run cold so, so many moons ago.
A communist government owns everything. Unless you are one of the "more than equal" elite pigs running the Animal Farm, that will include your bank account.
A communist leadership will tell you not to worry, though. You're being taken care of. Oh, yes, you are, you sweet little property of the state, you.
As Karl Marx wrote about the redistribution of wealth, you'll get your share by what Big Brother shall determine to be "according to your needs."
Better be on his good side.
Yeah, you better be, little peon.
Expect to be subject to accusations of tax evasion and worse, based on their incompetence. This is headed to a SCOTUS case, for sure, but the rest of us will suffer the consequences until this idiot administration is run out of town.
Yes, I had the exact same reaction. 4th Amendment time!
This equates that working 2,078 hours a year and each employee having to handle 2,810 tax payers that would mean spending 1 hour and 35 minutes a year on each taxpayer while working a 40 hour week at the IRS. Do they work 40 hours a week?
This "thing" is a behemoth that needs to be put to rest. About 15 or so years ago I read an article that stated about $800 BILLION is coughed up by the people/businesses just to COMPLY with all the rules and regs. I'm sure it's up to a cool TRILLION by now and NOTHING is produced to show for it.
Credit cards can go to hell and so can regular banks, Switched to a credit union during the late Eighties to escape a bank that charged a fee for everything but a fee for a fee.
Use America's First Federal Credit Union which due to its name I at first thought was nationwide until I tried to make a deposit in Tuscaloosa an hour's drive from where I live now just over a decade ago.
Learned that particular "America's First" organization is only located in Birmingham and it's immediate surrounding "satellite cities." Still is!
Having actually been born during 1947, most years for me have begun with 19XX and my brain be getting old.
Who is Henry Bowman?
IOW, instead of that thing David Kelley once criticized (correctly) as limiting the sum total of one's actions to "Contemplating the awfulness of the enemy," we should take every one of these new collectivist outrages and turn it, instantly, into proposals for obliterating the problem at hand, right at its root. Put differently: WE HIT BACK. HARD. To the case-in-point:
For many years, including four in which I sent more than a few such requests - ignored - to Trump's White House Comment page, I've advocated for a sweeping but simple way to abolish and dismantle the IRS once and for all. It goes like this:
Taking the 16th Amendment as a given - for the moment - the only proper, ethical role that the IRS ought to have, is as a simple accounting agency. It tallies the tax receipts by the Federal government, it bills people who have fallen short on their imposed tax bills, it refunds to people who have had too much withheld. And that's it.
Which any large accounting firm could handle. And should.
So the thing Republican leadership - wherever such may be found - should be demanding and fighting for, to full implementation, is the abolition of the IRS as an agency in favor of a farmed-out accounting contract to a private accounting firm. Which contract to be awarded to the winner of an open bidding competition, and given for a predetermined period, maybe three years, before the contract is automatically placed open once again, for bids on the next three-year period.
Anyone persistently refusing to pay "owed" taxes - again, the propriety of taxation and of tax rates themselves comprising an entirely separate issue - could be referred to similarly-private collection agencies, just as anyone who defaults on any other bill.
This would not only eliminate the IRS as an agency, it would in one Gordian-Knot-slice eliminate all existing "enforcement" powers associated with that noxious entity, and all associated abuses such as ideologically-motivated weaponization.
A secondary, comparatively-minor but nonetheless powerful activist proposal: How difficult would it be for Republican leadership - wherever such may be found - to author, aggressively, as many bills, riders and appendages as is necessary, to move Tax Deadline Day from April 15 to October 15? Granted, we have arguably already lost the right to vote in free and fair elections - also due to Republican/Trumpian ineptitude and default - so the whole thing may be moot in any case. But to get the idea out there.
That is all. 8^]